tmux titles-string not executing shell command - macos

I have the following lines in my ~/.tmux.conf
set-option -g set-titles on
set-option -g set-titles-string "#(whoami)##H: $PWD \"#S\" (#W)#F [#I:#P]"
This has worked in the past but after upgrading to 2.0 shell commands are no longer executed. I now see in my title:
#(whoami)#myhostname.local: /Users/lander []
According to the man page, this should work:
status-left string
Display string (by default the session name) to the left of the status
bar. string will be passed through strftime(3) and formats (see
FORMATS) will be expanded. It may also contain any of the following
special character sequences:
Character pair Replaced with
#(shell-command) First line of the command's output
#[attributes] Colour or attribute change
## A literal `#'

Well done for reading the code, it's simple really: set-titles-string switched to using formats which don't expand #(). Patching this is easy, and no, it's not good enough to reinstate status_print() to tmux.h, instead, job expansion should be a separate function and used from status_replace() and format_expand(). No idea when this will get done.
Thanks for playing.

The code that performed the task your are mentioning is no longer present in version 2.0. That's the short answer to the question above. Either the documentation hasn't been updated to reflect this, or this was done accidentally and is a bug.
What follows is exactly why I think this is the case. I'm at the end of my lunch break, so I can't create a patch for this right now. If no one else gets around to fixing this from here, I will take a stab at it this weekend.
I checkout out the git repository and took a look at code changes from version 1.9a -> 2.0.
The function that actually does this replacement is status_replace() in status.c. This still seems to work, as the command processing works in the status lines, which still call this function.
In version 1.9a, this was also called from server_client_set_title() in server-client.c, around line 770. It looks like this:
server_client_set_title(struct client *c)
struct session *s = c->session;
const char *template;
char *title;
template = options_get_string(&s->options, "set-titles-string");
title = status_replace(c, NULL, NULL, NULL, template, time(NULL), 1);
if (c->title == NULL || strcmp(title, c->title) != 0) {
c->title = xstrdup(title);
tty_set_title(&c->tty, c->title);
In version 2.0, this call has been replaced with (now down around line 947):
server_client_set_title(struct client *c)
struct session *s = c->session;
const char *template;
char *title;
struct format_tree *ft;
template = options_get_string(&s->options, "set-titles-string");
ft = format_create();
format_defaults(ft, c, NULL, NULL, NULL);
title = format_expand_time(ft, template, time(NULL));
if (c->title == NULL || strcmp(title, c->title) != 0) {
c->title = xstrdup(title);
tty_set_title(&c->tty, c->title);
It looks like calls to format_expand_time() and status_replace() might be mutually exclusive. That is the part that might take a bit of effort to fix -- getting the old function call back in there without breaking whatever new functionality they've just added.


MS Bot Framework: Is there a way to cancel a prompt dialog? [duplicate]

The PromptDialog.Choice in the Bot Framework display the choice list which is working well. However, I would like to have an option to cancel/escape/exit the dialog with giving cancel/escape/exit optioin in the list. Is there anything in PromptDialog.Choice which can be overridden since i have not found any cancel option.
here is my code in c#..
context: context,
resume: ChoiceSelectAsync,
options: getSoftwareList(softwareItem),
prompt: "We have the following software items matching " + softwareItem + ". (1), (2), (3). Which one do you want?:",
retry: "I didn't understand. Please try again.",
promptStyle: PromptStyle.PerLine);
Bot: We have the following software items matching Photoshop. (1), (2), (3). Which one do you want
Version 1
Version 2
Version 3
What I want if user enter none of above or a command or number, cancel, exit, that bypasses the options above, without triggering the retry error message.
How do we do that?
There are two ways of achieving this:
Add cancel as an option as suggested. While this would definitely work, long term you will find repeating yourself a lot, plus that you will see the cancel option in the list of choices, what may not be desired.
A better approach would be to extend the current PromptChoice to add your exit/cancelation logic. The good news is that there is something already implemented that you could use as is or as the base to achieve your needs. Take a look to the CancelablePromptChoice included in the BotBuilder-Samples repository. Here is how to use it.
Just add the option "cancel" on the list and use a switch-case on the method that gets the user input, then call your main manu, or whatever you want to do on cancel
Current Prompt Choice does not work in that way to allows user select by number. I have override the ScoreMatch function in CancleablePromptChoice as below
public override Tuple<bool, int> ScoreMatch(T option, string input)
var trimmed = input.Trim();
var text = option.ToString();
// custom logic to allow users to select by number
int isInt;
if(int.TryParse(input,out isInt) && isInt <= promptOptions.Options.Count())
text = promptOptions.Options.ElementAt(isInt - 1).ToString();
trimmed = option.ToString().Equals(text) ? text :trimmed;
bool occurs = text.IndexOf(trimmed, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0;
bool equals = text == trimmed;
return occurs ? Tuple.Create(equals, trimmed.Length) : null;
#Ezequiel Once again thank you!.

Extracting part of a string on jenkins pipeline

I am having some trouble with the syntax in my pipeline script.
I am trying to capture everything after the last forward slash "/" and before the last period "." in this string (access-server-pd)
Here (below) is how I would like to set it up
NAME=${MYVAR%.*} # retain the part before the colon
NAME=${NAME##*/} # retain the part after the last slash
echo $NAME
I have it current set up with triple quotes on the pipeline script:
stage('Git Clone') {
echo "$MYVAR"
echo "$NAME"
But I am receiving an unexpected token on "." error. How might I write this so that I can get this to work?
UPDATE: This command does the trick:
echo "" | sed 's#.*/\([^.]*\).*#\1#'
Now I just need to find the proper syntax to create a variable to store that value.
In this case, it looks like using a few Groovy/Java methods on the String can extract the parts.
final beforeColon = url.substring(0, url.indexOf(':')) //
final afterLastSlash = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, url.length()) // project/access-server-pd.git
This uses a few different methods:
public int String.indexOf(String str, int fromIndex)
public String String.substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex)
public int String.length()
public int String.lastIndexOf(String str)
You do need to be careful about the code you use in your pipeline. If it is sandboxed it will run in a protected domain where every invocation is security checked. For example, the whitelist in the Script Security Plugin whitelists all of the calls used above (for example, method java.lang.String lastIndexOf java.lang.String).
Performing String manipulation in your pipeline code is perfectly reasonable as you might make decisions and change your orchestration based on it.

Are breakpoints not working as they should in DartEditor?

I'm getting some unexpected behaviour in the most recent Dart editor (version 0.4.0_r18915).
I have this minimal command line app that was intended to either take a command line argument or not and print a hello -somenoe- message. The application works just fine. But the debuggins fails to stop at the breakpoints set inside each of the if statement bodies. (I wanted to look at the state of the application weather the options.arguments.isEmpty was true or false)
var person;
var options = new Options();
person = "someone who forgot to pass a command-line argument";
} else {
person = options.arguments[0];
print("Hello, $person!");
Debugger will stop at breakpoints in other lines but not in:
person = "someone who forgot to pass a command-line argument";
or in:
person = options.arguments[0];
Yes, file a bug. My suspicion is that the debugger can only stop at what's called a "safepoint" and that the assignment of a constant to a variable doesn't create one. Adding some line above it, like
should help if that's the case. But I've also seen other problems with breakpoints not firing.

Trying to get environment variables from a Widget widget.system()

I'm attempting to write some Dashcode to but can't seem to get the environment variables when I run the /env command. The environment doesn't appear to be sourced because it always returns "Undefined". Below is my code and I'm open for any suggestions (I need more than just LANG, LANG is just the example).
var textFieldToChange = document.getElementById("LangField");
var newFieldText = widget.system("/usr/bin/env | grep LANG").outputString;
textFieldToChange.value = newFieldText;
Is there an easy way to source my environment and cache it in Dashcode or do I need to attempt to write something that will cache the entire environment somehow?
Thanks for any ideas!
Have you allowed Command Line Access? Go to Widget Attributes (in the left hand menu) , then extensions and check Allow Command Line Access else the widget is prevented from talking to the system. Not sure if this is what is causing the problem though.
I know this thread is quite aged, but anyway, the question is still up to date :-)
Just having started with Dashcode and widgets myself, I did a quick hack on this:
function doGetEnv(event)
if (window.widget)
var out = widget.system("/bin/bash -c set", null).outputString;
document.getElementById("content").innerText = out;
For my experimental widget, I did use a scroll area and a button. The doGetEnv(event) is fired upon onclick, set via inspector. The Id "content" is the standard naming of the content within the scroll area.
The out var containes a string with '\n' charaters, to transform it into an array use split().
function doGetEnv(event)
if (window.widget)
var out = widget.system("/bin/bash -c set", null).outputString;
out = out.split("\n");
document.getElementById("content").innerText = out[0];
The first entry is "BASH..." in my case.
If you search for a particular item, use STRING's match method (see also along with the following pages on regular expressions:
To cache the environment, you can use:
var envCache = "";
function cacheENV()
envCache = widget.system("/bin/bash -c set", null).outputString;
envCache = envCache.split("\n");
This will leave an array in envCache. Alternative:
function cacheENV()
var envCache = widget.system("/bin/bash -c set", null).outputString;
envCache = envCache.split("\n");
return envCache;

Image tag not closing with HTMLAgilityPack

Using the HTMLAgilityPack to write out a new image node, it seems to remove the closing tag of an image, e.g. should be but when you check outer html, has .
string strIMG = "<img src='" + imgPath + "' height='" + pubImg.Height + "px' width='" + pubImg.Width + "px' />";
HtmlNode newNode = HtmlNode.Create(strIMG);
This breaks xhtml.
Telling it to output XML as Micky suggests works, but if you have other reasons not to want XML, try this:
doc.OptionWriteEmptyNodes = true;
Edit 1:Here is how to fix an HTML Agilty Pack document to correctly display image (img) tags:
if (HtmlNode.ElementsFlags.ContainsKey("img"))
{ HtmlNode.ElementsFlags["img"] = HtmlElementFlag.Closed;}
{ HtmlNode.ElementsFlags.Add("img", HtmlElementFlag.Closed);}
replace "img" for any other tag to fix them as well (input, select, and option come up frequently). Repeat as needed. Keep in mind that this will produce rather than , because of the HAP bug preventing the "closed" and "empty" flags from being set simultaneously.
Source: Mike Bridge
Original answer:
Having just labored over solutions to this issue, and not finding any sufficient answers (doctype set properly, using Output as XML, Check Syntax, AutoCloseOnEnd, and Write Empty Node options), I was able to solve this with a dirty hack.
This will certainly not solve the issue outright for everyone, but for anyone returning their generated html/xml as a string (EG via a web service), the simple solution is to use fake tags that the agility pack doesn't know to break.
Once you have finished doing everything you need to do on your document, call the following method once for each tag giving you a headache (notable examples being option, input, and img). Immediately after, render your final string and do a simple replace for each tag prefixed with some string (in this case "Fix_", and return your string.
This is only marginally better in my opinion than the regex solution proposed in another question I cannot locate at the moment (something along the lines of )
private void fixHAPUnclosedTags(ref HtmlDocument doc, string tagName, bool hasInnerText = false)
HtmlNode tagReplacement = null;
foreach(var tag in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//"+tagName))
tagReplacement = HtmlTextNode.CreateNode("<fix_"+tagName+"></fix_"+tagName+">");
foreach(var attr in tag.Attributes)
tagReplacement.SetAttributeValue(attr.Name, attr.Value);
if(hasInnerText)//for option tags and other non-empty nodes, the next (text) node will be its inner HTML
tagReplacement.InnerHtml = tag.InnerHtml + tag.NextSibling.InnerHtml;
tag.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(tagReplacement, tag);
As a note, if I were a betting man I would guess that MikeBridge's answer above inadvertently identifies the source of this bug in the pack - something is causing the closed and empty flags to be mutually exclusive
Additionally, after a bit more digging, I don't appear to be the only one who has taken this approach:
HtmlAgilityPack Drops Option End Tags
Furthermore, in cases where you ONLY need non-empty elements, there is a very simple fix listed in that same question, as well as the HAP codeplex discussion here: This essentially sets the empty flag option listed in Mike Bridge's answer above permanently everywhere.
There is an option to turn on XML output that makes this issue go away.
var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
htmlDoc.OptionOutputAsXml = true;
This seems to be a bug with HtmlAgilityPack. There are many ways to reproduce this, for example:
Debug.WriteLine(HtmlNode.CreateNode("<img id=\"bla\"></img>").OuterHtml);
Outputs malformed HTML. Using the suggested fixes in the other answers does nothing.
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
doc.OptionOutputAsXml = true;
HtmlNode node = doc.CreateElement("x");
node.InnerHtml = "<img id=\"bla\"></img>";
Produces malformed XML / XHTML like <x><img id="bla"></x>
I have created a issue in CodePlex for this.
