I am currently creating a client/server application which is trying to keep track of multiple connected users current directories by way of pairing their unique identifier (username), and a new Dir object to an array of hashes like so:
users = []
user = {:user => "userN", :dir => Dir.new(".")}
Although when accessing the dir key within the users hash, I can't seem to use the objects methods properly.
For example:
Returns undefined methodchrdirfor #<Dir:.>
Likewise the method entries which is supposed to accept 1 argument for listing the contents of a directory, only accepts 0 arguments, and when called with 0 arguments it only lists the current directory initialized when Dir was created.
Is there a simple way to keep track of a user's pseudo location within the filesystem?
Edit:: I found the Pathname class and it sort of implements what I need. I am just wondering now if there is a cleaner way to implementing the cd and ls commands when using it.
#Simulate a single users default directory starting point
$dir = Pathname.pwd
#Create a backup of the current directory, change to new directory,
#test to see if the directory exists and if not return to the backup
def cd(dir)
backup = $dir
$dir += dir
$dir = backup if !($dir.directory?)
#Take the array of Pathname objects from entries and convert them
#to their string directory values and return the sorted array
def ls(dir)
$dir.entries.map { |pathobject| pathobject.to_s }.sort
Your problem actually isn't using a hash incorrectly, it's that Dir.chdir is a global method that changes the working directory of the current process. Dir.entries is similar.
If you're trying to keep track of a path on a per user basis, you could store it as a File, which can also be a directory. That is, directories are represented as a File, so even though it's called "file", it can still store a directory path.
The answer to my question as I've found out is to use the Pathname class: Pathname
It allows you to use the += operator to transverse the file system, although you will have to manually implement many checks to make sure where you are going to transverse to actually exists.
When I implemented my ls command I simply mapped the output of Pathname.entries, and sorted the results.
def ls(pathname)
pathname.entries.map { |pathobject| pathobject.to_s }.sort
This gave you an array of sorted strings of all the files in the current directory that Pathname is set to.
For cd you need to make sure the directory exists and if not revert to the previously good directory.
def cd(pathname, directory_to_move_to)
directory_backup = pathname
pathname += directory_to_move_to
pathname = directory_backup if !(pathname.directory?)
Example usage:
my_pathname = Pathname.pwd
cd(my_pathname, "../")
I have a list of filepaths relative to a root directory, and am trying to determine which would be matched by a glob pattern. I'm trying to get the same results that I would get if all the files were on my filesystem and I ran Dir.glob(<my_glob_pattern>) from the root diectory.
If this is the list of filepaths:
and this is the glob pattern:
If the files existed on my filesystem, Dir.glob('foo/bar/*.md') would return only foo/bar/index.md.
The glob docs mention fnmatch, and I tried using it but found that the pattern foo/bar/*.md was matching .md files in any number of nested subdirectories, similar to what Dir.glob('foo/bar/**/*.md') would, not just the direct children of the foo/bar directory:
my_glob = 'foo/bar/*.md'
filepaths = [
# Using the provided filepaths
filepaths_that_match_pattern = filepaths.select{|path| File.fnmatch?(my_glob, path)}.sort
# If the filepaths actually existed on my filesystem
filepaths_found_by_glob = Dir.glob(my_glob).sort
raise Exception.new("They don't match!") unless filepaths_that_match_pattern == filepaths_found_by_glob
I [incorrectly] expected the above code to work, but filepaths_found_by_glob only contains the direct children, while filepaths_that_match_pattern contains all the nested children too.
How can I get the same results as Dir.glob without having the file paths on my filesystem?
You can use the flag File::FNM_PATHNAME while calling File.fnmatch function. So your function call would look like this - File.fnmatch(pattern, path, File::FNM_PATHNAME)
You can see examples related to its usage here: https://apidock.com/ruby/File/fnmatch/class
Don't use File.fnmatch, instead use Pathname.fnmatch:
require 'pathname'
PATTERN = 'foo/bar/*.md'
].each do |p|
puts 'path: %-24s %s' % [
Pathname.new(p).fnmatch(PATTERN) ? 'matches' : 'does not match'
# >> path: foo/index.md does not match
# >> path: foo/bar/index.md matches
# >> path: foo/bar/baz/index.md matches
# >> path: foo/bar/baz/qux/index.md matches
File assumes the existence of files or paths on the drive whereas Pathname:
Pathname represents the name of a file or directory on the filesystem, but not the file itself.
Also, regarding using Dir.glob: Be careful using it. It immediately attempts to find every file or path on the drive that matches and returns the hits. On a big or slow drive, or with a pattern that isn't written well, such as when debugging or testing, your code can be tied up for a long time or make Ruby or the machine Ruby's running on go to a crawl, and it only gets worse if you're checking a shared or remote drive. As an example of what can happen, try the following at your command-line, but be prepared to hit Cntrl+C to regain control:
ls /**/*
Instead, I recommend using the Find class in the Standard Library as it will iterate over the matches. See that documentation for examples.
I have a controller in Rails, with an action that is meant to create a new directory.
This action should create the directory "/public/graph_templates/aaa/test". However, it leaves off the final directory "test". Why is this only creating parent directories?
def create_temporary_template
dir = File.dirname("#{Rails.root}/public/graph_templates/aaa/test")
FileUtils.mkdir_p dir
Docs: http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-1.9.3/libdoc/fileutils/rdoc/FileUtils.html#method-c-mkdir_p
Because you use dir = File.dirname("#{Rails.root}/public/graph_templates/aaa/test"),
then the dir is "#{Rails.root}/public/graph_templates/aaa".
You could just pass the path to FileUtils.mkdir_p.
def create_temporary_template
dir = "#{Rails.root}/public/graph_templates/aaa/test"
FileUtils.mkdir_p dir
The problem is in your use of dirname:
# => "/foo"
dirname removes the last entry from the path. Per the documentation:
Returns all components of the filename given in file_name except the last one.
Usually that's the correct thing if your path contains a directory, or directory hierarchy, with the filename:
# => "/foo/bar"
But, in this case it's chopping off your desired trailing directory.
I'd recommend taking a look at the Pathname class that is included in Ruby's Standard Library. It wraps File, Dir, FileUtils, FileTest, and probably a Swiss-Army knife and kitchen sink into one class, making it very convenient to work on files and directories with one class.
require 'pathname'
dir = Pathname.new("/foo/bar/baz.txt")
# => "/foo/bar"
dir.mkpath # would create the path
I've found Pathname to be very useful, though it's still young.
I have a directory, which contains a series of folders, which are of the pattern YYYY-MM-DD_NUMBER . If I am navigating through one of these folders using Dir, how can I return part of the folder name that contains YYYY-MM-DD ?
For example, 2013-05-23_160332 would be a name of a folder. And it would be apart of a larger directory, called main_dir. I use Dir to get access to some file names and store them into an array, like so:
array = Dir["/main_dir/**/data/*.csv"]
I then iterate through the array and print the files. How can I also return/print the part of the title directory that I am currently accessing with each iteration (again, in the form of YYYY-MM-DD)?
I might do something like this.
re = Regexp.new('\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}')
array.each do |folder|
puts folder[re]
# folder.each or other processing ...
I have tried the following which helped me to see the 1-level down directory path:
irb(main):001:0> Dir.pwd
=> "E:/WIPData/Ruby/Scripts"
irb(main):004:0> Dir.pwd.gsub(/\/Scripts/,'')
=> "E:/WIPData/Ruby"
Is there a way to get the the directory full path 1-level up and 1-level down, from the current directory without changing it?
File structure
Dir-> E:\WIPData\
| | | | |
(xxx) (yyyy) (zzzz) (pppp) (E:\WIPData\Ruby\Scripts) <= It is PWD
you can find first subDirectory in your current directory this way:
Dir.glob('*').find { |fn| File.directory?(fn) }
allthough, it's not uniquely defined, as someone said.
and first parent directory this way:
File.expand_path("..", Dir.pwd)
To get the parent directory from a path, use:
=> "/path/to/a"
There isn't a way to get "the" child directory, unless there is only one, because file systems don't have a concept of a default sub-directory. If there is only one, it's an obvious choice to you, but not to your code. To get a list of the sub-directories only:
Dir.entries('.').select{ |e| File.directory?(e) }
That will return the child directories under '.' (AKA the current directory) as an array, which will be ['.', '..'] at a minimum, meaning the current and parent directories respectively. For instance, in the current directory my pry instance is running in, I get back:
[".", "..", ".svn", "old"]
as the list of available directories. Which is the default? I could do this:
Dir.entries('.').select{ |e| File.directory?(e) && !e[/^\./] }
=> ["old"]
which returns the only "visible" directory, i.e., it isn't a "hidden" directory because it doesn't start with '.'. That isn't the default, because, as I said, the file system has no "default" child directory concept. In another directory I'd probably see many directories returned, so I'd have to specify which to descend into, or use for file access.
Ruby has a nice suite of File and Dir tools, plus the Find class, so read through their documentation to see what you can do.
I'm trying to crawl FTP and pull down all the files recursively.
Up until now I was trying to pull down a directory with
ftp.list.each do |entry|
if entry.split(/\s+/)[0][0, 1] == "d"
out[:dirs] << entry.split.last unless black_dirs.include? entry.split.last
out[:files] << entry.split.last unless black_files.include? entry.split.last
But turns out, if you split the list up until last space, filenames and directories with spaces are fetched wrong.
Need a little help on the logic here.
You can avoid recursion if you list all files at once
files = ftp.nlst('**/*.*')
Directories are not included in the list but the full ftp path is still available in the name.
I'm assuming that each file name contains a dot and directory names don't. Thanks for mentioning #Niklas B.
There are a huge variety of FTP servers around.
We have clients who use some obscure proprietary, Windows-based servers and the file listing returned by them look completely different from Linux versions.
So what I ended up doing is for each file/directory entry I try changing directory into it and if this doesn't work - consider it a file :)
The following method is "bullet proof":
# Checks if the give file_name is actually a file.
def is_ftp_file?(ftp, file_name)
file_names = ftp.nlst.select {|fname| is_ftp_file?(ftp, fname)}
Works like a charm, but please note: if the FTP directory has tons of files in it - this method takes a while to traverse all of them.
You can also use a regular expression. I put one together. Please verify if it works for you as well as I don't know it your dir listing look different. You have to use Ruby 1.9 btw.
reg = /^(?<type>.{1})(?<mode>\S+)\s+(?<number>\d+)\s+(?<owner>\S+)\s+(?<group>\S+)\s+(?<size>\d+)\s+(?<mod_time>.{12})\s+(?<path>.+)$/
match = entry.match(reg)
You are able to access the elements by name then
match[:type] contains a 'd' if it's a directory, a space if it's a file.
All the other elements are there as well. Most importantly match[:path].
Assuming that the FTP server returns Unix-like file listings, the following code works. At least for me.
regex = /^d[r|w|x|-]+\s+[0-9]\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\d+\s+\w+\s+\d+\s+[\d|:]+\s(.+)/
ftp.ls.each do |line|
if dir = line.match(regex)
puts dir[1]
dir[1] contains the name of the directory (given that the inspected line actually represents a directory).
As #Alex pointed out, using patterns in filenames for this is hardly reliable. Directories CAN have dots in their names (.ssh for example), and listings can be very different on different servers.
His method works, but as he himself points out, takes too long.
I prefer using the .size method from Net::FTP.
It returns the size of a file, or throws an error if the file is a directory.
def item_is_file? (item)
ftp = Net::FTP.new(host, username, password)
if ftp.size(item).is_a? Numeric
rescue Net::FTPPermError
return false
I'll add my solution to the mix...
Using ftp.nlst('**/*.*') did not work for me... server doesn't seem to support that ** syntax.
The chdir trick with a rescue seems expensive and hackish.
Assuming that all files have at least one char, a single period, and then an extension, I did a simple recursion.
def list_all_files(ftp, folder)
entries = ftp.nlst(folder)
file_regex = /.+\.{1}.*/
files = entries.select{|e| e.match(file_regex)}
subfolders = entries.reject{|e| e.match(file_regex)}
subfolders.each do |subfolder|
files += list_all_files(ftp, subfolder)
nlst seems to return the full path to whatever it finds non-recursively... so each time you get a listing, separate the files from the folders, and then process any folder you find recrsively. Collect all the file results.
To call, you can pass a starting folder
files = list_all_files(ftp, "my_starting_folder/my_sub_folder")
files = list_all_files(ftp, ".")
files = list_all_files(ftp, "")
files = list_all_files(ftp, nil)