I use an bar chart. Count of y-axis is 9. So y-axis values are displaying from 0 to 9. It looks very congested. I need to reduce the values like displayed by multiplied by 2/3.
Here is my Y-axis code:
yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
// .tickValues(function(d,i){return totalEmpArray[i];})
See documentation.
I have a matrix(20x400) and I am plotting it with imagesc in MATLAB where y axis having 20 values and xaxis having 400 values.
However, I would like to know how can I scale this xaxis 400 to intervals like between 0:20 = 1, 20:40 = 2 until 380:400 = 20; and setting x axis of imagesc in 0-20 scale with the values of 0-20.
I hope it is clear what I am intended to do.
I have a simple demo here https://stackblitz.com/edit/d3-workshop-axis-n8kia7
Its just a simple graph showing the axis.
I know I can control the number of axis ticks with ticks(5) but how can I use it in this code
You have to define the ticks when you define the scale.
For example in your code
const x_axis = d3.axisBottom()
you have to add .ticks(5) after .scale(x). Something like this
const x_axis = d3.axisBottom()
and at last '.ticks()' doesn't force the number of ticks, it just gives an approximation for d3. For more control on ticks, you can refer this link
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I have about 10 charts with different number of dates on x axis. From couple of weeks to months.
I want to display only 5 dates on x axis equally all the dates range. How to do this? Here is the code
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
This does not works. It sets about 10 ticks instead of 5.
You could use below across all your charts:
var someConstant = 5;
Right now, I use d3.time.scale to generate xAxis ticks, but what I want is make sure the both ends of axis have labels rather than using the D3 axis auto-generated tick label arrangement. I wonder how to do that?
My code:
var ts = d3.time.scale().domain(d3.extent(data.map(function(d){return d.date;})));
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().orient("bottom");
.classed("xAxis", true)
The problem is the axis generated in this way cannot be controlled to decide where the tick labels are arranged. I want to make sure there are always label on both ends of the axis.
I adapted the code from here: http://square.github.io/crossfilter/ to my own data - how do I show the counts on the left on the y-axis?
The basic idea is this:
// Create y-axis
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
// Add y-axis.
x is your horizontal scale.svg is your visualisation's root SVG element (as a selection).
You might want to consult the docs or this example from Mike.