I am using this code to connect to server.
'Client-Side Connect Code
sockMain.RemoteHost =
sockMain.RemotePort = 12345
'Server Side code to send message to client
sockMain.SendData txtSend.text
Now, if i write :: a="127" , and send it to client from server, then this message will be displayed in textbox on client side , now how can i use this message , a="127" to store variable value ?
You cannot literally create a new named variable within a compiled VB6 application at runtime in the manner described. You can, however, certainly extract the numeric portion of the value in the textbox and assign that value to a local variable in the application.
If you want to capture the numeric portion of the value in the textbox, and you know the text format will always be of the form "a=somenumber," you can strip off the first two characters to eliminate the "a=" portion, and then use the VB `Val' function on the remaining string to capture the numeric value:
' Generalized example for pulling integer portion from
' a textbox of the form 'a=12345'; amend as appropriate. Untested.
Dim a as integer
Dim receivedData as String
' Assuming txtBox1 as the name of the textbox in the client
receivedData = txtBox1.Text
receievedData = mid$(value,3)
a = Val(receivedData)
I am trying to send the data inserted into a textbox into a notepad document so that the data can be held for future reference, as i am trying to create an assessment date reminder as i am a student.
But whenever i try to send the data with this code by writing data = "txtAssign_Name, txtAssign_Due" when i check the notepad after running the program, all that is in the document is txtAssign_Name, txtAssign_Due.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim Data As String
txtAssign_Name.Text = ""
txtAssign_Due.Text = ""
Data = ""
Open "F:\Personal\date calender test - Copy\test.txt" For Output As #1
Print #1, Data
Close #1
End Sub
Try this:
Data = txtAssign_Name.Text & ", " & txtAssign_Due.Text
(In the lines above, you will want to NOT set those values to "")
Note - using the built in VB6 writing to text files will result in your output being formated in a way so that VB6 can read it back in again. So all strings will have quotes aroud them, other values are displayed in a variety of odd ways, commas seperate all values.
If the output text file is desired to be primarily for human use, then I find using the richtextbox control a better way of creating the file. Add it from Project -> Components -> Controls -> Microsoft Rich Textbox Control 6.0
Add the Rich text box to your form (you can set visible = false if you don't want users to see it). Add your data to it something like this:
RichTextBox1.text = txtAssingn_Name.text & ", " & txt_Assing_Due.text
' If you need to add more things, add them on to the end like this
RichTextBox1.text = richtextbox1.text & vbcrlf & "More text on the next line"
Then, when all the data is added, you just do this
RichTextBox1.SaveFile "C:\Test.txt", rtfText
rtfText is a visual basic constant, that tells the RTB to save as plain text. The alterntaive is rtfRTF. You can learn more about the RTB on MSDN
OK, so a comment above states that you want to be able to read the data back into VB.
The code as it shown in the question will just output a blank text file, as the variable Data is set to "", so that is all that will be output.
What you need is something like this
private Sub SaveData()
dim SaveFile as integer
SaveFile = Freefile ' This gets a file number not currently in use
Open "F:\Personal\date calender test - Copy\test.txt" For Output As #Savefile
write #SaveFile, txtAssign_Name.Text, txtAssign_Due.Text
close #savefile
end sub
And call SaveData in the appropriate place. NOT form load, as the user won't have entered anything at this point. Either after the user has pressed a button, or on Form_Unload if you want it to autosave on form close.
To populate your form again, something like this
private sub LoadData()
dim LoadFile as integer
dim StringData as string
loadfile = freefile
Open "F:\Personal\date calender test - Copy\test.txt" For Input As #loadfile
input #loadfile, StringData
txtAssign_Name.Text = StringData
input #loadfile, StringData
txtAssign_Name.Text = stringdata
close #loadfile
end sub
You should also add error handing whenever working with files. VB6 is quite particular and its very easy to throw an exception when dealing with files.
I'm using ruby and trying to get a value from a string that I received from an URI.PARSE.
Below is what I get back from the URI.PARSE and is in my string. You can see it in the result at the bottom. Q8:0; I only need the Device which in this case is Q8 and the value is 0. The device is always a string but sometimes the value is a string and sometimes a integer. I want to be able to evaluate this result to do events based on the values.
html code>Q8:0;html code
_, device, value, _ = "html code>Q8:0;html code".split(/[>:;]/)
I am trying to check if the 'Listivew.Tag property is nothing'.
I used to do the 'Is Nothing' check universally for all scenarios as first check to avoid errors
Can someone explain how to do it in VB 6?
If Not .lvwLocation.Tag Is Nothing Then
str = str & IIf(Len(.lvwLocation.Tag) > 0, " and u.location_id in " & .lvwLocation.Tag, "")
End If
Gives error 'type-mismatch'
Nothing is a valid value for Object variables, and Is is the way to compare object pointers.
But a VB6 control's Tag property is a String, and VB6's String type is not an Object; it's a primitive type. That means a String variable can't be assigned Nothing -- its emptiest possible value is the empty string. (And an Object variable can't be assigned a String value.) For strings just use the same equality/inequality/comparision operators that you use for other primitive (numeric/boolean/date) types:
If .lvwLocation.Tag <> "" Then ...
In VB6 it appears that using Is Nothing to compare Objects works, Every other data type that I tried did not. In .Net Nothing represents the default value of any data type and will work like you expect.
Dim test as Object
If Not test Is Nothing Then
End If
Since it appears the data type of th Tag property in VB6 is a string. I would use something like:
If .lvwLocation.Tag <> "" Then
End If
I am creating a system where the user enter the time from and time to in a text box inside a repeater, and when I try to assign the textbox value to a local variable it gives me an error
Value of type string cannot be converted in system.timespan
Code is:
m_startTime = CType(Item.FindControl("txttimeFrom"), TextBox).Text
m_endTime = CType(Item.FindControl("txttimeTo"), TextBox).Text
I have to use timespan variable because my database has time(7) datatype column also the stored procedure.
any idea...
I recently inherited an old visual basic 6/ crystal reports project which connects to a sql server database. The error message I get (Error# -2147191803 A String is required here) when I attempt to run the project seems to be narrowed down to the .Printout command in the following code:
'Login to database
Set Tables = Report.Database.Tables
Set Table = Tables.Item(1)
Table.SetLogOnInfo ConnName, DBName, user, pass
DomainName = CStr(selected)
'Set parameter Fields
'Declare parameter holders
Set ParamDefs = Report.ParameterFields
'Store parameter objects
For Each ParamDef In ParamDefs
With ParamDef
MsgBox("DomainName : " + DomainName)
Select Case .ParameterFieldName
Case "Company Name"
.SetCurrentValue DomainName
End Select
Select Case .Name
Case "{?Company Name}"
.SetCurrentValue DomainName
End Select
'Flag to see what is assigned to Current value
MsgBox("paramdef: " + ParamDef.Value)
End With
Report.EnableParameterPrompting = False
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
'CRViewer1.ReportSource = Report
test = 1
test = test + 3
currenttime = Str(Now)
currenttime = Replace(currenttime, "/", "-")
currenttime = Replace(currenttime, ":", "-")
DomainName = Replace(DomainName, ".", "")
startName = mPath + "\crysta~1.pdf"
endName = mPath + "\" + DomainName + "\" + DomainName + " " + currenttime + ".pdf"
rc = MsgBox("Wait for PDF job to finish", vbInformation, "H/W Report")
Name startName As endName
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End If
During the run, the form shows up, the ParamDef variable sets the "company name" and when it gets to the Report.PrintOut line which prompts to print, it throws the error. I'm guessing the crystal report isn't receiving the "Company Name" to properly run the crystal report. Does any one know how to diagnose this...either on the vb6 or crystal reports side to determine what I'm missing here?
inserted CStr(selected) to force DomainName to be a string
inserted msgboxes into the for loop above and below the .setcurrentvalue line
inserted Case "{?Company Name}" statement to see if that helps setting the value
tried .AddCurrentValue and .SetCurrentValue functions as suggested by other forum websites
ruled out that it was my development environement..loaded it on another machine with the exact same vb6 crystal reports 8.5 running on winxp prof sp2 and the same errors come up.
and when I run the MsgBox(ParamDef.Value) and it also turns up blank with the same missing string error. I also can't find any documentation on the craxdrt.ParameterFieldDefinition class to see what other hidden functions are available. When I see the list of methods and property variables, it doesn't list SetCurrentValue as one of the functions.
Any ideas on this?
What is the value of your selected variable?
Table.SetLogOnInfo ConnName, DBName, user, pass
DomainName = selected
'Set parameter Fields
If it is not a string, then that might be the problem. Crystal expects a string variable and when it doesn't receive what it expects, it throws errors.
selected is a string variable input taken from a form with a drop down select box. I previously put a message box there to ensure there the variable is passing through right before the Report.Printout and it does come up. DomainName variable is also declared as a string type.
Here's how I set my parameters in Crystal (that came with .NET -- don't know if it helps you).
Dim dv As New ParameterDiscreteValue
dv.Value = showphone
This can happen in crystal reports 8.5 if you changed the length of a string column you use in your report so that it exceeds 255 bytes. This can also happen if you change the column type from varchar to nvarchar (double byte string!)
The reason for this is that crystal reports 8.5 treats all strings longer than 255 bytes as memo fields.
I would suggest youe upgrade to crystal reports XI - the API has not changed that much.
From my point of view you should get the same error message if you open the report in the Crystal Reports Designer and switch to preview mode. The Designer should also show you a message with the exact location of the problem, e.g. the field which can not be treated as a string.
The problem is not that a field longer than 255 bytes cannot be printed. The problem is that a field longer than 255 bytes cannot be used in a formula, as a sort criteria ...
Here is a live example of setting the parameters that we use:
For Each CRXParamDef In CrystalReport.ParameterFields
Select Case CRXParamDef.ParameterFieldName
Case "#start"
CRXParamDef.AddCurrentValue CDate("1/18/2002 12:00:00AM")
Case "#end"
CRXParamDef.AddCurrentValue Now
End Select
This is actually a sample written in VBScript for printing Crystal 8.5 reports, but the syntax is the same for VB6