loopback connector for ElasticSearch - elasticsearch

There are at least two different packages available on npm, loopback-connector-elastic-search and loopback-connector-es. I have not been able to connect my very basic Loopback api to my ES instance, and the sparse documentation on these two connectors is not helping.
Any guidance would be really appreciated on how I can create an API for my app using Loopback and ElasticSearch.

Originally loopback-connector-elastic-search was published by drakerian but hasn't been under development since Oct 1st, 2014 if you peek into the commits: https://github.com/drakerian/loopback-connector-elastic-search
loopback-connector-es is a fork from that original effort and is currently under active development so please use that.
And you'll notice that it is hosted on github under strongloop-community which means it has a future even if the current author (me) gets hit by a truck :)
If even after referring to the instructions here: https://github.com/strongloop-community/loopback-connector-elastic-search#loopback-connector-elastic-search ... you have questions then just jump into the chat room to get some answers: https://gitter.im/strongloop-community/loopback-connector-elastic-search

Loopback connector for elasticsearch is being maintained actively by me at https://github.com/strongloop-community/loopback-connector-elastic-search
But the connector package is published in npm under different name 'loopback-connector-esv6'.
Here is the link https://www.npmjs.com/package/loopback-connector-esv6.
This connector supports both ElasticSearch 6.x and 7.x and requires minimum npm version 6.9.0.
This connector for now supports only Loopback 3.x and planning to Loopback 4.x in near future.


PowerApps Common Data Service (CDS) 2.0 connector doesn't work for a Dynamics 365 CE instance

Hopefully, someone can straight up my PowerApps connectors understanding. Apparently, I have 3 connection options.
Common data service - this connection type only allows me to connect to CDS 1.0 databases, but I want to connect to an existing D365 v9 instance.
Common data service (experimental) - this connection type asked me for a D365 v9 instance ID, but everything is grey out after the step, i.e. it didn't show me any entity after connecting successfully.
D365 data source - this one works but I was told MS has stopped working on this connector. Also, I will have to update the connection after deployment to a different environment manually.
What is the best practice if I want to use a CDS connector? Or I will be stuck with the old D365 connector for now?
==11/1/2018 update==
I have a better understanding of my situation now. Every Dynamics 365 CE instance should have a PowerApp environment automatically, but one of my D365CE instances doesn't. I am suspecting it is because the D365CE instance is still version 8.2.
My question above is because I created an empty PowerApp environment and tried to connect it to the D365CE instance (v8.2). I will give you guys another update after I upgrade the instance to v9.
==11/30/2018 update==
Confirmed. By upgrading a D365CE instance from v8.2 to v9.0, the Power Platform generates an environment automatically and linked it to the D365CE/CDS.
Here's a breakdown of the three connectors you're looking at :
Common Data Service - this connector actually supports both versions of CDS, but it will be dependent based on the environment that you're in. So if you're in an environment that has a CDS1.0 database, it will connect by default to that environment. If you have a CDS2.0 database, it will connect by default to that environment.
Experimental Connector - this is similar to the previous connector, but it includes experimental features in development by our team, and isn't recommended for production use. Generally you should only be using this connector if there is a specific feature we announce in the experimental connector you wish you use.
Dynamics 365 Connector - this is similar to the base CDS connector, however it can only connect to CDS2.0 environments. It also has the ability to connect across environments. So you can be in Env1, but connect to a database in Env2. The normal CDS connector will only connect to the database within the environment you are building your app in.
Which one should you use? The Common Data Service connector is going to be your best option, it's where the most improvements are being released at the moment, and is designed to work best with PowerApps and Flow.
To connect to your Dynamics 365 environment, you'll want to make sure you start from web.powerapps.com and select that environment from the drop down in the top right, if you can't find your Dynamics 365 V9 environment - make sure you have system customizer permissions - if you do and you still can't see it, it may be an issue on our end. You can send me a message with your Dynamics org URL and we can check it for you.
Once you can select it from the environment drop down, you can then create a new app and use the Common Data Service connector, and it will connect directly to your Dynamics 365 data.
Hope this helps,
I don't have much experience with CDS 1.0 in the Power Platform. I can share some insights on my experience with Microsoft Flow / Logic Apps, CDS 2.0, and Data Integration. So I hopes this helps add another perspective to this question too.
What is your goal in using Common Data Service? Just to pull Dynamics 365 CE data into it?
This recent Product Team Blog could be useful here if so.
Some initial feedback, if the main goal is to connect to a Dynamics 365 CE instance, consider using the Dynamics 365 Connector through Microsoft Flow. You can create a small Flow at https://flow.microsoft.com/ with a 2 step process like mine below. An event takes place in Dynamics, like creating an account. The event and it's data is captured and in used in a response process, like sending an email alert. In this case the alert is sent to the signed in users email.
From a developer standpoint you can also use the Xrm SDK and Web API to collect data and do some data processing as well in C# or JavaScript respectively too. This is more involved, but provides a greater amount of control around the data you're working with. There's a great intro to
Lastly you can spin up a PowerApp to surface your data as well with some pre build templates https://create.powerapps.com/.
Start with your Data and create a Dynamics 365 app in a phone layout.
Choose your organization and table.
After the app creates, hit play to run it.
Search for an account
It turned out the problem is not with the connectors but with PowerApp environments. By upgrading a D365CE instance from v8.2 to v9.0, the Power Platform generates an environment automatically and linked it to the D365CE/CDS. So, it should just work for all v9+ instances.

Hyperledger composer for enterprise

I saw that Hyperledger composer is really easy to work with, also we can deploy the composer code on hyperledger fabric. But I found that they create only one channel, and we will have the flexibility to talk to the specific peers like what we can do in GoLang\fabric, can we call external web services from composer java script code as we can do in Golang on fabric?
I'm wondering, can we use hyperledger composer for enterprise blockchain applications? or just we use it to create blockchain POCs.
Bassel Kh
Hyperledger Composer is intended to be used for enterprise blockchain applications, although Composer Playground is not intended for Production use.
Composer connects with Fabric using Business Network Cards, and these contain credentials and a Connection Profile. The connection profile contains definitions of the 'services' on the Fabric, and so it is possible to define specific Peers within the card.
Regarding channels - it is again the Connection Profile that determines the Channel used, and at the moment only one channel is supported per Card. Multiple cards can be used but disconnect/switch/re-connect might not be practical or desirable in some cases.
There is a way to connect to a different Business Network on a different Channel covered in this tutorial, but again it might not be suitable for all cases.
There is an outstanding issue on GitHub for using Composer for multi-channel, so you can leave a comment or +1 on it - particularly if you have a good use case for multi-channel.
Many people are thinking of and using channels as a security feature, but Composer ACLs might solve that issue in some cases. Similarly the upcoming sidedb feature in Fabric might offer security instead of separate channels.
yes, you can call external web services and get the results back into your smart contract code or client see -> https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/latest/integrating/call-out
yes Hyperledger Composer is intended for Enterprise blockchain applications. Your applications will use Composer client to write application data to the ledger, and its production runtime is where the 'chaincode' smart contract/business network is deployed/installed on the peers (just like Go chaincode is similarly deployed). One such provider using Composer is here -> https://ibm-blockchain.github.io/platform-deployment/
Finally also see here -> https://github.com/hyperledger/composer-knowledge-wiki/blob/latest/knowledge.md#production for more info.

CodenameOne plan for the cloud storage API

Since CodenameOne doesn't support "the cloud storage API" any more and the parse.com is going to retire soon as well. Does CodenameOne has any plan to release a new Cloud Storage API or provide suggestions/guidelines to help developers to deal with the parse4cn1 library code, cloud code, database structure and data in parse.com?
That is something you will have to figure out yourself as parse4cn1 was initially contributed by a community member and wasn't developed by Codenameone team.
You can use a simple webservices created in php, python or java, hosted along your content with any ISP.
You may also have a look at amazon aws which is promising, they provide a cloud solution but their SDKs is not yet integrated to Codenameone.
I made the parse4cn1 lib and I'm also wondering what's smartest to do. With the announcement of Parse.com's imminent shutdown, there's been a lot of discussion around alternatives. My feeling is that "the dust is yet to settle" as per what options are best and reliable for the longer term (it would be a pity to migrate to another service only for it to be shut down soon). So I personally plan to wait till sometime in Q2 to do a proper evaluation of the alternatives. Hopefully, there'll be more clarity then.
The option to host one's own Parse server (e.g. on AWS or Heroku) is getting interesting. They recently announced support for push notifications on iOS and Android. If (when?) they open source the Parse.com dashboard code, I think that option would be much more interesting.
At some point in the coming months, I plan to make a parse4cn1 release that exposes an option to set the server path. With that, anyone migrating to the Parse server option should, in principle, be able to continue to use the cn1lib. Of course, for features that are supported by the open source Parse server.
PS: Here are pointers to some of such discussions on Parse alternatives:

ACTOR-platform REST Api?

has anybody tried installing in digital ocean? what is the recommended specification and have they exposed any REST APIs? Their documentation is not yet complete and unable to judge how to close to they are production ready?
It installs on Ubuntu (no matter which cloud provider) easily.
It is production ready, there was a blog post about it.
Documentation has been fulfilled to a 1.0 release too.

Stomp protocol history and owner

I am benchmarking messaging middleware and protocols.
I wanted to write a summary about each protocol I am testing. I found no information about STOMP, except for license. the official website is extremely sparse, the wikipedia term is a stub, and online search also brough up nothing.
Who owns and maintains the protocol?
Who publishes the specs?
nice-to-have would be some historical facts about the evolution of the protocol.
Have you read through the official STOMP website ?
The Spec are located on the site, v1.0, v1.1 and v1.2 (latest)
Releases are done via a vote taken on the mailing list, which is listed on the site, you can go there to view the archive and also ask questions.
The following link might help:
Codehaus was the original home of the spec. Initiated back in 2005 I believe
