Magento Contact form error - magento

I am running a multi store magento application enterprise
For one store, the contact form is not working. When submitting the contact us form it says "Unable to submit your request, please try again later".
This issue is not happening for other stores.
Order confirmation emails are also not being sent. Back-end configurations are correctly set.


Magento 2.3 not sending order confirmation Email

i've recently moved my Magento 2.3.5 website to a new provider and since then i have some issues.
The most annoying one is that order confirmation Emails are not sent out.
SMTP configuration is ok, test email works fine.
Mageplaza SMTP is installed and shows many entries (contact form, shipment confirmation) but no order confirmation emails.
I think it's a cron issue but don't know where to look sincerely..
Have you checked the log exception files

PayPal REST API not returning recurring payment information in laraval

I am working on Paypal webhook (subscription) section to insert recurring payment information into the database. I have done coding based on the link "" but Paypal webhook always return “payment_status: Pending” on sandbox image and its not inserting recurring payment information into the database (insert option added in PayPalController - function webhooksPaymentSaleCompleted ).
I think the problems related with routes/api.php file but I can't figure out what exactly is going wrong.
Another URL that I have referred and tried was ""
Laravel version 5.8
paypal/rest-api-sdk-php: "^1.14"
Please suggest a feasible solution to this problem.
Thanks in advance.
Verify that the sandbox account's email is confirmed, by logging into the sandbox business account receiving the payment and navigating to:
Resend the confirmation message. Open the message via , and confirm the sandbox email.
The v1 PayPal-PHP-SDK is deprecated and there is no reason to be using it for a new integration. Use the v2 Checkout-PHP-SDK for payments.
You'll need two routes on your server, one for 'Set Up Transaction' and one for 'Capture Transaction', documented here;
The best approval flow to pair it with is

Customer not receiving the place order and form submission mail with details (Magento)

I'm trying to configure email in my magento website. My website is I just enabled contacts in system->configuration.
Send Emails To : and Email Sender: Custom Email 2.
In store email adress, In Custom email 2, sender name: Tumree admin and sender
When I'm trying to fill out the forms and submit, the msg "Form is submitted successfully". The account receives the email with customer name,email,number,comment.
But the customer who is filled out the form with name,email etc., not receiving the mail.
I enabled in the mail settings for return-path-> yes. But I dint reflect anything. when the order is placed, the customer not receiving the mail too with order details. Pls help me here....enter link description here
To send emails out of your server, you probably need to do it with smtp . Your server sends emails ("Form is submitted successfully")but they are rejected from the target server. Try it with or something related.

Validation error: PayPal IPN response from a different email address

I've used plugins to set up my ticket sales. I'm testing my site in Sandbox mode and I'm receiving this error after going through the Paypal process (which is showing in sandbox mode):
Validation error: PayPal IPN response from a different email address (sarah-facilitator#XXXXX). Order status changed from processing to on-hold.
Paypal created the facilitator email for me and I'm using those details as well as the supplied sandbox API user/password/sig on my website
As I'm in Australia, I've also set up my site to accept USD.
I'm not sure what's happening that I'd get this error.
the PayPal IPN response usually contains a "receiver=" as well as a "business=" paramter.
Depending on the script you're using, there will be a validation of the receiving e-mail address. If it does not match the one configured in your shopping cart / site, some shopping carts will throw this error message.
You can verify the IPN message text through (first login to the sandbox account under see if the receiving / business e-mail address matches the one configured on your site.
Of course, it'd help to extend the logging of your IPN script to contain some meaningful information (e.g. "Receiver e-mail xxxx does not match configured e-mail xxxxx").

Joomla v1.6 - How & Where to set Custom Success Messages in Controller?

In Joomla! 1.6 Contact Form submission, I want to set a custom successful message, so that the front-end user can view that message after he submits the contact form.
There are 2 problems basically:-
I am using the default Contact Form component (com_contact), as provided by the Joomla! v1.6. But I am unable to find the proper area from where the contact form is submitted & the mail is being sent. So I need to know the page name & the method name of this component, firing the mail from the front-end.
How to set the custom messages (just like in the administrator panel) in the particular method of contact form component, to let the front-end user know that he has been able to successfully send the mail to the concerned staff?
Thanks in advance to all who can help.
To show Message
use $this->setMessage(JText::_('COM_YOURCOMPONENT_MESSAGE')); if you are in controller.
or use
And Email is sent through JoomlaRoot / components / com_contact / controllers / contact.php
find the function submit(), the mailing code is written here.
