Program that keeps track of packages with barcode - barcode

I am currently implementing a web app with the goal of keeping track of the location of all the packages in a company I am working for. Our plan is to have a barcode for each package and scan that barcode at the different sectors of the company, indicating where they are. The problem is that I have no idea where to start. I've done some research on Google but haven't found much. My main questions are:
How do barcodes work in the first place?
How do you program with barcodes? Is there a specific language I should use? Do I have to buy anything?
How do you read barcodes and enter them in your program and how do you generate them in the first place?
Any hints on how I should proceed with my implementation?
I look forward to hearing back from you as I need to implement this as soon as possible.

This is a pretty broad question, but I'll do my best to answer:
How do barcodes work in the first place?
Essentially, for this type of project, you can think of the barcodes you're going to be implementing as merely serial numbers. If you really want to know how barcodes work, Wikipedia has a pretty good write up - but essentially, at this level, just think of them as a serial number, encoded in such a way that a machine can read it.
In your web app, you'd be taking a number (say, 42) that has no meaning on its own, and associating with a package and a location.
How do you program with barcodes? Is there a specific language I should use? Do I have to buy anything?
You don't really "program" with barcodes per se... Again, it's just a machine readable implementation of some kind of information. In terms of "specific language", just build your web app as you already are, and add, say, an extra integer field. The integer doesn't mean anything on it's own - it's just going to be what's printed in the barcode. In this use case, you don't even have to have a barcode per se - you could just write it on the box! The usefulness of barcodes comes in speed and accuracy of data entry - you'd be having a computer device scan the barcode and type it in instead of a human.
How do you read barcodes and enter them in your program and how do you generate them in the first place?
It doesn't sound like you're at the point where you're doing any kind of machine vision or anything, so the most common entry method would be to buy a basic USB barcode scanner, like a Symbol LS2208. Use the manual that comes with it (or you can download the manual) to configure it as a keyboard emulation device - that way, your user would just select a field in the web app, scan, and the scanner would type out whatever was stored in the barcode (in the example above, the number 42).
As far as generating, depending on your volume, you have lots of options. For low volumes, you can find a generator online and print them out onto Avery label-type sheets using an inkjet or laser printer. You could also find a barcode font and print right from, say, Word, onto a label sheet. For higher volumes, you could purchase specialized software and use a label printer, or you can even write this yourself. Personally, I have a Zebra LP2844 with a network interface, and I wrote some custom PHP to send commands in the printer's native language (EPL2) over a socket to print onto roll labels.
EDIT: You'd probably want to use either Code128 or Code39. These are two different "symbologies" (types of barcode) that are appropriate for what it sounds like you're doing. They're 1-dimensional (like UPC codes and not like QR codes), so a cheap reader can decode them, and they're pretty flexible and VERY common.
Any hints on how I should proceed with my implementation?
Just think of barcodes, the way that it sounds like you want to use them, as arbitrary serial numbers that don't mean anything on their own. For example, doing this sort of box tracking in a previous warehouse environment, we printed THOUSANDS of unique serial numbered barcode labels. Those labels didn't have ANY value until they were attached to a box and a picker started to put stuff into that box. They were just numbers. Just remember to keep them unique.


mobile barcode readers - where do they draw their information?

I'm pretty much a noob. I've been wondering how mobile barcode readers worked. I've seen several apps on the market that would let you scan a barcode, and then show you corresponding product data.
I was wondering where the product data typically comes from. Is it usually from a built-in database, or do apps tend to connect to a server to access a database?
Thanks for any and all assistance!
Barcode readers/scanners work by using some sort of standard format to communicate data to the device 'reading' the code. There are typically two types of 'barcodes' used today:
The standard Barcode - often referred to as a UPS code
And the QR code - popular for cell-phone apps.
From a developer's standpoint, both work the same way:
A device 'reads' the code, the code is interpreted to represent a set of numbers (typical of the standard Barcode), or numbers and characters (QR code).
The interpreted code is used to seek the related data in a database somewhere - A UPC code would have a database of items referenced with a number (just like the number you would read at the bottom of a UPC label), and a QR code frequently references a URL that can be opened in any web browser.
The information from a barcode comes from the referenced data that the barcode points to - so you don't have to carry around a database of information anytime you want to scan a code - you just have to be able to connect to that source of information.
Hope this helps.

Barcode scan event?

I have a simple USB barcode reader which I intend to use to scan COD 39 barcodes. I know that just scanning the barcode while having a text field on focus will get me the text input of the barcode I'm scanning. However my requirement is a bit different.
I need to create a C# application where upon reading a barcode it will check the read barcode with a list I have to see whether it exists. The problem is I cannot keep a text box on my app in focus all the time as the app does other things as well. Instead what I want is for my program to keep looking for some sort of "event" which will be raised once the bar code scanners scans a code.
So does anyone know if there is such an event which will be raised when the barcode is scanned some code so I can instruct my program to do the rest of the work when the scanners scans a barcode?
Ideally, the scanner would've come with some kind of SDK or library that you could use.
Less ideally, you may have to resort to reading it as if it's a serial port.
Actually, you should probably read the following link instead. as I was looking up how to do that, I ran into a similar post already on StackOverflow with a similar answer.
Reading from an USB barcode scanner

printed registration key guidelines, standards, best practices?

I am looking to implement a simple registration key system. There will be printed codes, and we'd like users to type their code into our system.
This code will be used around the world, and we want to avoid any problems with confusing codes.
We're already doing the following:
using numbers and upper case letters
leaving off 2 and Z, Q and 0 and O, 5 and S, B and 8, U and V, and 7 and 1 and I
breaking up the code into four-digit chunks, so it's easier to digest
Is there better guidance online about common printed registration code pitfalls? I know this can be an annoying process for users and I want to make it as easy as possible in my system.
Put it on a durable, movable medium
Things that annoy me are
weak paper stickers glued permanently to hardware
small labels you don't know where to put
There is no ideal format, really. I'd suggest something similar to a business card - durable paper, in a size for which "containers" (carry boxes, folders, laminating cards) are readily available.
Allow Copy & Paste
Make sure I can copy and paste the key as a whole.
Your input should of course indicate the groups of characters, but when "Paste" only transfers the first group, I am a very unhappy customer.
If you stick to print mostly, consider adding a bar code. Depends on your customer base, but it's a worthwhile option if some of them are already expected to have a barcode scanner, and might be expected to enter such a number more than once.
Unfortunately, they are much longer than the numbers, so that might be a format issue. (If you make it to small, scanners won't recognize it, if you make it to big hand scanners can't read it).
For mobile apps e.g. on a phone with camera, you could use image recognition of one of those fancy "square barcodes". (I'd expect libraries for that to be readily available).
Do you insist on print?
Allow the keys to be stored in a (e.g. text) file, give them a specific file extension that is registered for your program.
This way, you can attach a licence to an e-mail, the user just double clicks the attachment, gets a message box
Do you want to install the following licence:
dnord's GreatApp Pro - Evaluation licence (30 days)
[yes] [no]
We use a modified system to (a) have additional data in a licence file, and (b) bundle multiple licences (for separate modules/apps) into one package that can be installed at once.
At least it's an alternate to entering a key for each purchase, welcomed especially by our larger customers.
We never had support calls because of problems receiving or installing the custom file type, though this might be different if you have a consumer product. At least, no support calls because of mistyped keys :-)
Have a plan how to deal with "lost licences".
There's no recipe here, I guess with pure software solution you might have to show some lenience to not alienate paying users.
(We usually bind to 19" rackmounted hardware that's hard to lose, so we happily create new licences for a customer as often as he likes).

RPG dialogue engine / structure [closed]

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I've always been interested in the data structures involved in an RPG (Role-Playing Game). In particular, I'm curious about dialogue and events based actions.
For example: If I approach an NPC at point x in the game, with items y and quests z, how would I work out what the NPC needs to say? Branching dialogue and responding to player input seems as trivial as having a defined script, and user input causes the script reader to jump to a particular line in the script, which has a corresponding set of response lines (much like a choose your own adventure)
However, tying in logic to work out if the player has certain items, and completed certain quests seems to really ruin this script based model.
I'm looking for ideas (not necessarily programming language examples) of how to approach all of this dialogue and logic, and separate it out so that it's very easy to add new branching content, without delving into too much code.
This is really an open question. I don't believe there's a single solution, but it'd be good to get the ball rolling with some ideas. As more of a designer than a programmer, I'm always interested in ways to separate content and code.
For example: If I approach an NPC at
point x in the game, with items y and
quests z, how would I work out what
the NPC needs to say? Branching
dialogue and responding to player
input seems as trivial as having a
defined script, and user input causes
the script reader to jump to a
particular line in the script, which
has a corresponding set of response
lines (much like a choose your own
However, tying in logic to work out if
the player has certain items, and
completed certain quests seems to
really ruin this script based model.
Not at all. You simply factor the conditionals into the data.
Let's say you have your list of dialogues, numbered 1 to 400 or whatever like the Choose Your Own Adventure book examples. I assume each dialogue may consist of the text spoken by the NPC, followed by a list of responses available to the player.
So the next step is to add the conditionals in there, by simply attaching conditions to each response. The easiest way is to do this with a scripting language, so you have a short and simple piece of code that returns True if this response is available to the player and False if it is not.
eg. (XML format, but could be anything)
<dialogue id='1'>
Couldst thou venture forth and kill me 10 rats, perchance?
<response condition="True" nextDialogue='2'>
Verily! Naught could be better than slaying thy verminous foes. Ten ratty
carcasses shall I bring unto thee.
<response condition="rats_left_in_world() < 10" nextDialogue='3'>
Nay, brother! Had thou but ten rats remaining, my sword would be thine,
but tis not to be.
In your scripting language, you'd need a 'rats_left_in_world' function that you can call to retrieve the value in question.
What if you have no scripting language? Well, you could have the programmer code an individual condition for each situation in your dialogue - a bit tedious, not all that difficult if your dialogue is written up-front. Then just refer to a condition by name in the conversation script.
A more advanced scheme, still not requiring a scripting language, might use a tag for each condition, like so:
<condition type='min_level' value='50'/>
Sadly squire, my time is too valuable for the likes of thee. Get thyself a
farm hand or stable boy to do thy bidding!
You can add as many conditions in there as you need, as long as they can be easily specified with one or two values. If all conditions are met, the response is available.
It's interesting, there's seems to be a core idea being missed here. We're having a discussion that relates to a programmer performing the task. Indeed, the code examples above are coupled to code, not content.
In game development, it's the content developers that we programmers want to empower. They will not (this is very important) look at code. Period. Now and again you get a technical artist or technical designer, and they're wonderful and don't mind it; but, the majority of content authors are not technically inclined.
I understand the question is for your own edification; but, it should be pointed out that, in industry, when we solve these types of problems our end users (the people utilizing the technology we're developing) are not engineers.
A system like this (branching dialogue) requires a representation in a tool that is relatively intuitive to use. For example, Unreal's Kismet visual scripting system could be utilized.
Essentially, the data structures (more than likely a branching tree as it's easy to represent/debug/etc.) would be crafted by a programmer, as would the nodes that represent the object in script. The system with its ability to link to world objects (more than likely also represented by nodes in visual scripting), etc. would then be crafted and the whole kitten caboodle linked together in some glorious bit of elegant code.
After all of that, a designer would actually be able to build a visual representation of the dialogue branching in the visual scripting language. This would be map-encounter specific, more than likely. Of course, you could procedurally generate these; but, that's more of a programmer desire than a designer's.
Just thought I'd add that bit of knowledge and insight.
EDIT: Noticed there's an XML example. I'm not sure what other designers/artists/etc. feel about it; but, the ones I've worked with cringe at the idea of touching a text file.
I'd venture to say that most modern games (be they RPGs, action games, anything above basic card/board games) generally consist of several components: The display engine, the core data structures, and typically a secondary scripting engine. One example which was popular for a time (and may still be; I haven't even spoken to a game developer in years) was Lua.
The decision-making you're talking about (events, conversation branches, etc) is typically handled by the secondary scripting engine, as the scripting languages are more flexible and typically easier to use for the game's designers. Again, most of the real story-driven or game-driving logic will actually happen here, where it can be swapped out and changed relatively easily. (At least, compared to running a full build of all the code!)
The primary game engine combines the data structures related to the world (geometry, etc), the data structures related to the player(s) and other actor(s) needed, and the scripts to drive the encounters, and uses all of that to display the final, integrated environment.
You can certainly use a scripting language to handle dialogue. Basically a script might look like this:
ShowMessage("Hello " + + ", how can I help you?")
choices = { "Open the door for me", "Tell me about yourself", "Nevermind" }
chosen = ShowChoices(choices)
if chosen == 0
if hero.inventory["gold key"] > 0
ShowMessage("You have the key! I'll open the door for you!")
isGateOpen = true
ShowMessage("I'm sorry, but you need the gold key")
end if
else if chosen == 1
if isGateOpen
ShowMessage("I'm the gate keeper, and the gate is open")
ShowMessage("I'm the gate keeper and you need gold key to pass")
end if
ShowMessage("Okay, tell me if you need anything")
end if
This is fine for most games. The scripting language can be simple and you can write more complicated logical branches. Your engine will have some representation of the world that is exposed to the scripting language. In this example, this means the name of the hero and the items in the inventory, but you could expose anything you like. You also define functions that could be called by scripts to do things like show a message or play some sound effect. You need to keep track of some global data that is shared between scripts, such as whether a door is open or a quest is done (perhaps as part of the map and quest classes).
In some games however, scripting could get tedious, especially if the dialogue is more dynamic and depends on many conditions (say, character mood and stats, npc knowledge, weather, items, etc.) Here it is possible to store your dialogue tree in some format that allows easily specifying preconditions and outcomes. I don't know if this is the way to do it, but I've once asked a question about storing game logic in XML files. I've found this approach to be effective for my game (in which dialogue is heavily dependent on many factors). In particular, in the future I could easily make a simple dialogue editor that doesn't require much scripting and allow you to simply define dialogue and branches with a graphical user interface.
I recently had to develop something for this, and opted for a very basic text file structure. You can see the resulting code and text format at:
There is a tradeoff between sophistication of scripting and ease of editing for non-programmers.
I've opted for a very simple solution for the dialogue, and handle triggering of related game events separately in a secondary scripting language.
Eventually I might add some way of adding "stage directions" to the text dialogue format that are used to trigger events in the secondary scripting engine, but again without needing to put anything that looks like code in the dialogue file itself.
That's an excellent questions. I had to solve that a few times for clients. We started with an XML structure quite similar to yours, and now we use JSON. You can see an example here: or (prettify it for readability).
Full disclosure: the link above is generated in BranchTrack, an online editor for branching dialogues, and I am the CEO. Feel free to ask anything.
I recently tackled a problem like this while making Chat Mapper. What I do is graphically plot out the dialogues as nodes in a tree and then each node has a condition and a script associated with them. As you traverse through the tree and hit a node, you check the condition to see whether or not that node is valid, and if it is, you execute the script associated with that node. It's a fairly simple idea but seems to work well from our testing. We are using a .NET Lua interpreter for the scripts.
For my solution I developed a custom text file format consisting of seven lines of text per node. Each line can be a strided list or just a text line. Each node has a position number. The last digit of the number is a type, so there are 10 different types of nodes, such as fresh questions, confirmations, repeating actions based on prior results, etc.
Each dialog activation begins with a select query to the data store whose results can be compared against members of a strided list, to match up with the appropriate node. This is more brutal than an if/then but it makes the text config file smaller since you don't need any syntax besides the stride separator. I use a system of wildcards to allow for select query results to be able to be inserted into the speech of the NPC.
Lastly there are API hooks to allow custom scripts to interface in, in case the easy config file is not enough. I plan to make a web app gui in nodejs to allow people to visually script the config files :D

Gui simulation for smart home application

im looking for suggestion in which GUI tool is most appropriate for me to use in implementing my study. im using java language. i would like the graphics to simulate a house in which graphical changes apply without user inputs from mouse or keyboards. my user input is in the form of sms. thanks in advance guys. im hoping to animate it or simulate a smart home through the conditions i had set in my program. thnaks!
Your questions is very underspecified. I will assume that you are at the early stages of producing a hand-rolled home automation programs, you probably need:
an environment to let you test the core logic of the system (i.e. "If the system is in state X and I issue command Y, what does it actually do, and will I lose the contents of my freezer?")
an environment to let you test the SMS communications module
you may need a demo mode to show prospecitve customers what it does (this is my best guess at what is being requested here)
Now (3) could fill in for (1), but is a lot more programming effort, so from the start you probably want a simple text interface to do (1).
In general, you almost certainly want a modular system: a core logic system supported by at least two input models (SMS and keyboard), three output models (text debug, graphical demo, and control-line/wireless signals for the actual hardware), and various ancillary stuff (configuration reading, saved state handling). Come to think of it, since you probably need a way to probe the current state of the system, you should make the saved state and condition probe code share a single framework as well.
