Integrating sonarqube with Jenkins - maven

I am trying to run sonar sonar:sonar by integrating sonarqube and jenkins. While doing, am getting the below error.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:2.6:sonar (default-cli) on project iwm_common: Can not execute SonarQube analysis: org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLoggerFactory cannot be cast to ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext -> [Help 1]
Jenkins version - 1.612
Sonarqube version - 3.6
Maven - 3.1.1
Jenkins WAR is deployed in server A and sonarqube is deployed in server B. I have not installed sonar-jenkins plugin in Jenkins.
Can anyone let me know whether sonar-jenkins plugin is mandatory to be installed in jenkins to integrate jenkins with any sonar server (eg:sonarqube).
If the answer is YES, then after installation of the required plugin, will adding the sonar server (eg:sonarqube) information under Manage Jenkins -> Configure system -> sonar resolve the above error ?
The error is related to sonar-maven-plugin and this plugin is not used in any of the project's pom.xml. Can anyone please explain whether this plugin gets referred as a part of sonar:sonar goal. Thanks.

The versions you specified are not compatible for running sonar analysis.
Please upgrade SonarQube version (current is 5.1.1) which requires
Java 1.7-1.8
SonarQube 5.0 or 5.1.1
Sonar-runner 2.4

Using latest version of sonarqube resolved the issue mentioned.


SonarQube compatibility with Jenkins

We are using sonarqube(5.1.2) and jenkins(2.51) to run code analysis. Now we are planning to upgrade sonarqube to version 5.6.4.
Do we also need to upgrade Jenkins ?
No you don't have to.
Sonar is an independent tool, Jenkins is responsible only for running maven/gradle script, that will 'feed' sonar with data. Just make sure you have same credentials for new sonar and it should be fine.
You could consider upgrading Sonar plugin version also.
Just check whether the sonar plugin installed in Jenkins will support the new Sonarqube version else you will have to upgrade the plugin.

SonarQube: File is not a plugin. Please delete it and restart: sonar-maven-plugin-3.0.2.jar

I am trying to upgrade my SonarQube from SN4.0 to SN5.5. I would like to use the maven scanner(sonar-maven-plugin-3.0.2.jar) so I can make use of the PDF report. Unfortunately, I am hitting "File is not a plugin. Please delete it and restart: sonar-maven-plugin-3.0.2.jar".
I downloaded sonar-maven-plugin-3.0.2.jar at Anything I missed on the SN5.5 setup?
The SonarQube Scanner for Maven is not a plugin, it's a scanner. That's why you don't need to deploy it in extensions/plugins, as per the File is not a plugin. Please delete it and restart.. error.
Your other error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute...: An API incompatibility was encountered while executing org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar -maven-plugin:3.0.2:sonar: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.sonar.api.resources. Project.getConfiguration()Lorg/apache/commons/configuration/Configuration
This is most likely due to a plugin which is not compatible with SonarQube 5.5. Review the plugins installed in our SonarQube server and cross-check their versions against the Plugin Version Matrix.

SonarQube 5.1.2 and maven 3.3 integration

I am trying to integrate SonarQube 5.1.2 with Maven 3.3. But I think it's only supported till SonarQube version 5.1.
When I run mvn sonar:Sonar
Embedded error: Unable to build project for plugin 'org.codehaus.sonar:Sonar-mav
en-plugin': POM 'org.codehaus.sonar:Sonar-maven-plugin' not found in repository:
Unable to download the artifact from any repository
from the specified remote repositories:
central (,
Any thoughts?
The correct command-line is mvn org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:sonar (see the difference of groupId). It is supported by all versions of Maven 3 and SonarQube.
sonar:Sonar != sonar:sonar beware of the spelling.

How to use SCM Activity plugin in sonar for clearcase

Changed my sonar for scm activity from 3.7 to sonarqube 5.1.1 as it has in built in scm plugin.
Not getting what are the configurations needed to run that and what to pass in
setting->genral setting->scm->sonar.scm.provider
I found this link
and created a
URL:- scm:clearcase:baxi_view_4:clinical
org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: SCM provider was set to "scm:clearcase:baxi_view_4:clinical" but no SCM provider found for this key. Supported SCM providers are git,svn
and what other changes or configuration needed in my code or is there anything i have to specify in pom.xml.
I am using jenkins and sonar Integration for CI and reports
You have to install ClearCase plugin for SonarQube. Since there is no official release download a SNAPSHOT from:
Plugin documentation is here:
Make sure to add sonar.scm.provider=clearcase into and re-run SonarQube analysis.
N.B.: We are waiting for positive feedback (on SonarQube Google group) before doing an official release since we do not have Clearcase instance for testing.
Install ClearCase plugin for SonarQube. Download and compile it from:
Make sure to add sonar.scm.provider=clearcase into and re-run Sonar analysis.
The machine which runs Jenkins should have ClearCase. And make sure Jenkins can run cleartool command from console.
Thanks #Julien H. - SonarSource Team
For running SonarQube with JRE 7:
From SonarQube page:
The SonarQube Java analyser is able to analyse any kind of java source files whatever is the version of Java they comply to. But SonarQube analysis and SonarQube server require some specific versions of the JVM to be executed.
We can install many JRE versions on our machine. For SonarQube, just set the JRE variable before run it.
Example on Linux
export JRE_1.7=/opt/jre_1.7
export PATH=$JRE_1.7/bin:$PATH
java -version
/opt/sonar/sonarqube-5.1.1/bin/ start

Maven with sonar authentication

I am running maven with sonar. Since I activated authentication on sonar for security purposes, since then I got the following error:
[ERROR] Can´t access to Sonar or project doesn't exist on Sonar instance. HTTP KO to http://localhost:9000/api/resources?resource=com.myproject.soft:soft&depth=0&format=xml Can´t access to Sonar or project doesn't exist on Sonar instance.
according to I should use the following parameters:
-Dsonar.login=login -Dsonar.password=password
Those settings are not working for me.
The full command I am using is:
mvn install sonar:sonar -Dsonar.login=login -Dsonar.password=password
This is a limitation of the PDF Report Plugin that is developed by Klicap:
If you remove this plugin, then everything should be back to normal.
We have the same problem and resolved it by adding some credentials. Tested on Sonar 3.7 and Sonar PDF Plugin 1.3
In eclipse put this as your maven Goals:
org.codehaus.sonar-plugins.pdf-report:maven-pdfreport-plugin:1.3:generate -Dreport.type=executive -Dsonar.pdf.username=admin -Dsonar.pdf.password=admin
