I've been working on a small task of converting and loading hive data to HFiles in HBase; framework MapR. Using bulkload I'm loading the data after conversion in HFiles. There isn't any issue with conversion, the conversion is going fine. The only issue I'm facing is MR job failure as and when the size of hive data increases. The job fails because of virtual memory getting filled up. The job breaks if the hive data size limit crosses 10Gigs.
All data is moved into single region server instead getting distributed on multiple region servers; it's a 10 node cluster I'm working on. It seems there is hbase hotspotting.
I've tried splitting the regions in multiples(NUMREGIONS => 256) and distributing the load equally (SPLITALGO => 'UniformSplit') among the regions. But it doesn't resolve the issue.
Anybody got any idea how to resolve this hotspotting issue??
I am having more than 1 TB data in Teradata ,I have to import and process the data in spark code ,I have done all efficient ways in spark submit executor memory,core count and driver memory,core even though It's taking more time in the cluster environment.My cluster data node size is 4 node and more than 500 gb what are all other main consideration are there to improve performance..please help
If you post your code for loading the DataFrame I may be able to help more. In situations like this I usually find the Spark connector is doing something unexpected during the load. If you have a way to inspect the queries that Spark is running on the Teradata cluster you might find that it's loading in an inefficient order.
What are you doing with the data after it's loaded? Is there a reason you need 100% of your dataset in memory in your Spark cluster? Teradata stores data on disk in a more compressed format than it will be in memory on your Spark cluster. You may have more success doing predicate pushdown to limit the amount of data you're pulling into Spark. See Push down a query to the database engine and the following "Push down optimization" for more.
I'm facing an issue with ORC type data in hive. Needed some suggestions if someone faced similar problem.
I've huge data stored in hive table (partitioned & ORCed). The ORC data size is around 4 TB. I'm trying to copy this data to an uncompressed normal hive table (same table structure).
The process is running forever & occupying huge amount of non DFS storage in the pursuit. At present the process is running for 12 hours & has occupied 130 TB of non-DFS. That's very much abnormal for a Hadoop cluster with 20 servers.
Below are my parameters:
Hadoop running: HDP 2.4
Hive: 0.13
No. of servers: 20 (2 NN included)**
I wonder what a simple join or a normal analytics operation on this ORCed table would do. And theory tells that ORC format data increases performance for basic DML queries.
Can someone please let me know if I'm doing something wrong or is this a normal behavior? With ORCed data, this is my first experience.
Well, on a starters I saw that yarn log files are getting created in huge size. Mostly it shows the error logs only in heavy.
I am working on a use case where I have to transfer data from RDBMS to HDFS. We have done the benchmarking of this case using sqoop and found out that we are able to transfer around 20GB data in 6-7 Mins.
Where as when I try the same with Spark SQL, the performance is very low(1 Gb of records is taking 4 min to transfer from netezza to hdfs). I am trying to do some tuning and increase its performance but its unlikely to tune it to the level of sqoop(around 3 Gb of data in 1 Min).
I agree to the fact that spark is primarily a processing engine but my main question is that both spark and sqoop are using JDBC driver internally so why there is so much difference in the performance(or may be I am missing something). I am posting my code here.
object helloWorld {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Netezza_Connection").setMaster("local")
val sc= new SparkContext(conf)
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
sqlContext.read.format("jdbc").option("url","jdbc:netezza://hostname:port/dbname").option("dbtable","POC_TEST").option("user","user").option("password","password").option("driver","org.netezza.Driver").option("numPartitions","14").option("lowerBound","0").option("upperBound","13").option("partitionColumn", "id").option("fetchSize","100000").load().registerTempTable("POC")
val df2 =sqlContext.sql("select * from POC")
val partitioner= new org.apache.spark.HashPartitioner(14)
val rdd=df2.rdd.map(x=>(String.valueOf(x.get(1)),x)).partitionBy(partitioner).values
I have checked many other post but could not get a clear answer for the internal working and tuning of sqoop nor I got sqoop vs spark sql benchmarking .Kindly help in understanding this issue.
You are using the wrong tools for the job.
Sqoop will launch a slew of processes (on the datanodes) that will each make a connections to your database (see num-mapper) and they will each extract a part of the dataset. I don't think you can achieve kind of read parallelism with Spark.
Get the dataset with Sqoop and then process it with Spark.
you can try the following:-
Read data from netezza without any partitions and with increased fetch_size to a million.
repartition the data before writing it to final file.
val df3 = df2.repartition(10) //to reduce the shuffle
ORC formats are more optimized than TEXT. Write the final output to parquet/ORC.
Although marked as an answer, I disagree with it.
Once you give the predicate to partition the data while reading from the jdbc, spark will run separate tasks for each partition. In your case no of tasks should be 14 (u can confirm this using spark UI).
I notice that you are using local as master, which would provide only 1 core for executors. Hence there will be no parallelism. Which is what is happening in your case.
Now to get the same throughput as sqoop you need to make sure that these tasks are running in parallel. Theoretically this can be done either by:
1. Using 14 executors with 1 core each
2. Using 1 executor with 14 cores (other end of the spectrum)
Typically, I would go with 4-5 cores per executor. So I test the performance with 15/5= 3 executors (i added 1 to 14 to consider 1 core for the driver running in clustor mode).
Use: executor.cores, executor.instances in sparkConf.set to play with the configs.
If this does not significantly increase performance, the next thing would be to look at the executor memory.
Finally, I would tweak the application logic to look at mapRDD sizes, partition sizes and shuffle sizes.
I had the same problem because the piece of code you are using it's not working for partition.
sqlContext.read.format("jdbc").option("url","jdbc:netezza://hostname:port/dbname").option("dbtable","POC_TEST").option("user","user").option("password","password").option("driver","org.netezza.Driver").option("numPartitions","14").option("lowerBound","0").option("upperBound","13").option("partitionColumn", "id").option("fetchSize","100000").load().registerTempTable("POC")
You can check number of partitions created in you spark job by
you can use following code to connect db:
To optimize your spark job following are the parameters:
1. # of partitions
2. --num-executors
4. --executor-memory
5. --driver-memory
6. fetch-size
2,3,4 and 5 options are depends on you cluster configurations
you can monitor your spark job on spark ui.
Sqoop and Spark SQL both use JDBC connectivity to fetch the data from RDBMS engines but Sqoop has an edge here since it is specifically made to migrate the data between RDBMS and HDFS.
Every single option available in Sqoop has been fine-tuned to get the best performance while doing the data ingestions.
You can start with discussing the option -m which control the number of mappers.
This is what you need to do to fetch data in parallel from RDBMS. Can I do it in Spark SQL?
Of course yes but the developer would need to take care of "multithreading" that Sqoop has been taking care automatically.
The below solution helped me
var df=spark.read.format("jdbc").option("url","
var dfRepart=spark.sql("select * from tempTable distribute by primary_key") //this will repartition the data evenly
Apache Sqoop is retired now - https://attic.apache.org/projects/sqoop.html
Using Apache Spark is a good option. This link shows how Spark can be used instead of Sqoop - https://medium.com/zaloni-engineering/apache-spark-vs-sqoop-engineering-a-better-data-pipeline-ef2bcb32b745
Else one can choose any cloud services like Azure Data Factory or Amazon Redshift etc.
I am using
Hbase:0.92.1-cdh4.1.2, and
I have a mapreduce program that will load data from HDFS to HBase using HFileOutputFormat in cluster mode.
In that mapreduce program i'm using HFileOutputFormat.configureIncrementalLoad() to bulk load a 800000 record
data set which is of 7.3GB size and it is running fine, but it's not running for 900000 record data set which is of 8.3GB.
In the case of 8.3GB data my mapreduce program have 133 maps and one reducer,all maps completed successfully.My reducer status is always in Pending for a long time. There is nothing wrong with the cluster since other jobs are running fine and this job also running fine upto 7.3GB of data.
What could i be doing wrong?
How do I fix this issue?
I ran into the same problem. Looking at the DataTracker logs, I noticed there was not enough free space for the single reducer to run on any of my nodes:
2013-09-15 16:55:19,385 WARN org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobInProgress: No room for reduce task. Node tracker_slave01.mydomain.com:localhost/ has 503,777,017,856 bytes free; but we expect reduce input to take 978136413988
This 503gb refers to the free space available on one of the hard drives on the particular slave ("tracker_slave01.mydomain.com"), thus the reducer apparently needs to copy all the data to a single drive.
The reason this happens is your table only has one region when it is brand new. As data is inserted into that region, it'll eventually split on its own.
A solution to this is to pre-create your regions when creating your table. The Bulk Loading Chapter in the HBase book discusses this, and presents two options for doing this. This can also be done via the HBase shell (see create's SPLITS argument I think). The challenge though is defining your splits such that the regions get an even distribution of keys. I've yet to solve this problem perfectly, but here's what I'm doing currently:
HTableDescriptor desc = new HTableDescriptor();
desc.addFamily(new HColumnDescriptor("my_col_fam"));
admin.createTable(desc, Bytes.toBytes(0), Bytes.toBytes(2147483647), 100);
An alternative solution would be to not use configureIncrementalLoad, and instead: 1) just generate your HFile's via MapReduce w/ no reducers; 2) use completebulkload feature in hbase.jar to import your records to HBase. Of course, I think this runs into the same problem with regions, so you'll want to create the regions ahead of time too (I think).
Your job is running with single reduces, means 7GB data getting processed on single task.
The main reason of this is HFileOutputFormat starts reducer that sorts and merges data to be loaded in HBase table.
here, Num of Reducer = num of regions in HBase table
Increase the number of regions and you will achieve parallelism in reducers. :)
You can get more details here:
I am getting:
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MapRedTask
While trying to make a copy of a partitioned table using the commands in the hive console:
CREATE TABLE copy_table_name LIKE table_name;
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE copy_table_name PARTITION(day) SELECT * FROM table_name;
I initially got some semantic analysis errors and had to set:
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict
Although I'm not sure what the above properties do?
Full ouput from hive console:
Total MapReduce jobs = 1
Launching Job 1 out of 1
Number of reduce tasks determined at compile time: 1
In order to change the average load for a reducer (in bytes):
set hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer=<number>
In order to limit the maximum number of reducers:
set hive.exec.reducers.max=<number>
In order to set a constant number of reducers:
set mapred.reduce.tasks=<number>
Starting Job = job_201206191101_4557, Tracking URL = http://jobtracker:50030/jobdetails.jsp?jobid=job_201206191101_4557
Kill Command = /usr/lib/hadoop/bin/hadoop job -Dmapred.job.tracker=master:8021 -kill job_201206191101_4557
2012-06-25 09:53:05,826 Stage-1 map = 0%, reduce = 0%
2012-06-25 09:53:53,044 Stage-1 map = 100%, reduce = 100%
Ended Job = job_201206191101_4557 with errors
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MapRedTask
That's not the real error, here's how to find it:
Go to the hadoop jobtracker web-dashboard, find the hive mapreduce jobs that failed and look at the logs of the failed tasks. That will show you the real error.
The console output errors are useless, largely beause it doesn't have a view of the individual jobs/tasks to pull the real errors (there could be errors in multiple tasks)
I know I am 3 years late on this thread, however still providing my 2 cents for similar cases in future.
I recently faced the same issue/error in my cluster.
The JOB would always get to some 80%+ reduction and fail with the same error, with nothing to go on in the execution logs either.
Upon multiple iterations and research I found that among the plethora of files getting loaded some were non-compliant with the structure provided for the base table(table being used to insert data into partitioned table).
Point to be noted here is whenever I executed a select query for a particular value in the partitioning column or created a static partition it worked fine as in that case error records were being skipped.
TL;DR: Check the incoming data/files for inconsistency in the structuring as HIVE follows Schema-On-Read philosophy.
Adding some information here, as it took me awhile to find the hadoop jobtracker web-dashboard in HDInsight (Azure's Hadoop), and a colleague finally showed me where it was. There is a shortcut on the head node called "Hadoop Yarn Status" which is just a link to a local http page (http://headnodehost:9014/cluster in my case). When opened the dashboard looked like this:
In that dashboard you can find your failed application, and then after clicking into it you can look at the logs of the individual map and reduce jobs.
In my case it seemed to still be running out of memory in the reducers, even though I had cranked the memory in the configuration already. For some reason it was not surfacing the "java outofmemory" errors I got earlier though.
The top answer is right, that the error code doesn't give you much info. One of the common causes that we saw in our team for this error code was when the query was not optimized well. A known reason was when we do an inner join with the left side table magnitudes bigger than the table on right side. Swapping these tables would usually do the trick in such cases.
I removed the _SUCCESS file from the EMR output path in S3 and it worked fine.
I was also facing same error when I was inserting the data into HIVE external table which was pointing to Elastic search cluster.
I replaced the older JAR elasticsearch-hadoop-2.0.0.RC1.jar to elasticsearch-hadoop-5.6.0.jar, and everything worked fine.
My Suggestion is please use the specific JAR as per the elastic search version. Don't use older JARs if you are using newer version of elastic search.
Thanks to this post Hive- Elasticsearch Write Operation #409
Received this error when joining two tables. And one table is large in size and another table is small, which could fit into disk memory. In such a case, use
set hive.auto.convert.join = false
This might help to get rid of the above error. For more detail on this issue please refer to the below threads
Hive Map-Join configuration mystery
Hive.auto.convert.join = true what is the significance of this?
Even I faced the same issue - when checked on dashboard I found following Error. As the data was coming through Flume and had interrupted in between due to which may be there was inconsistency in few files.
Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.SerDeException: org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException: Unexpected end-of-input within/between OBJECT entries
Running on fewer files it worked. Format consistency was the reason in my case.
I faced the same issue because I didn't have permission to query the database I was trying to.
In the case you don't have permission to query the table/database, besides the Return Code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MapRedTask error, you will see that in Cloudera Manager is not even registering your query.
In my case, the solution was adding more RAM Memory to the Virtual Machines. Sometimes code 2 means that Map and Reduce nodes do not have enough memory.
Another option could be changing the properties "mapreduce.map.memory.mb" y "mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb" in the mapred-site.xml file.
I got the same error while creating the hive table in beeline and then tried to create through spark-shell which thrown actual error. In my case error was with disk space quota for hdfs directory.
org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException: The DiskSpace quota of /user/hive/warehouse/XXX_XX.db is exceeded: quota = 6597069766656 B = 6 TB but diskspace consumed = 6597493381629 B = 6.00 TB