Find ratio/algorithm to translate different coordinate systems? - algorithm

So I have two different coordinate systems, one is the incoming data and the other is how i plot points in the app. Is there a formula that, given some aligned up points, will give me an algorithm to calculate future points? Eg:
X = 6.5 & Y = 2 on one system is == X = 3101 & Y = 3441 in the other system.
Another set is 6.45/2.37 = 3211/3414. From these two matchups, how can I calculate a formula to "translate" one system into the other?

You need to solve two equations with two unknowns for X, and then the same for Y.
Let's go through this. First we do X:
3101 = 6.5 * a + b
3211 = 6.45 * a + b
First we isolate b:
3101 - 6.5 * a = b
3211 - 6.45 * a = b
Which gives:
3101 - 6.5 * a = 3211 - 6.45 * a
Now we can solve for a:
3101 - 6.5 * a - 3211 + 6.45 * a = 0
-110 -0.05 * a = 0
-110 = 0.05 * a
-2200 = a
Given this a we can solve for b using either of the original two equations:
3101 - 6.5 * a = b
3101 - 6.5 * -2200 = b
3101 + 14300 = b
17401 = b
b = 17401
So for X we have this formula:
X2 = -2200 * X1 + 17401
Let's try X1 = 6.5 and X1 = 6.45:
X2 = -2200 * 6.5 + 17401
X2 = -14300 + 17401
X2 = 3101
X2 = -2200 * 6.45 + 17401
X2 = -14190 + 17401
X2 = 3211
Doing the exact same math for Y gives me that the relationship follows this formula:
Y2 = Y1 * A + B
3441 = 2 * A + B 3414 = 2.37 * A + B
3441 - 2 * A = B 3414 - 2.37 * A = B
3441 - 2 * A = 3414 - 2.37 * A
3441 - 2 * A - 3414 + 2.37 * A = 0
27 + 0.37 * A = 0
0.37 * A = -27
0.37 * A = -27
A = -72.973
3441 = 2 * A + B
3441 = 2 * -72.973 + B
3441 - 2 * -72.973 = B
3441 + 145.946 = B
3586.946 = B
B = 3586.946
Which gives:
Y2 = Y1 * -72.973 + 3586.946
Let's test:
Y2 = 2 * -72.973 + 3586.946
Y2 = -145.946 + 3586.946
Y2 = 3441
Y2 = 2.37 * -72.973 + 3586.946
Y2 = -172.946 + 3586.946
Y2 = 3414
Your translation formulas are this:
X2 = X1 * -2200 + 17401
Y2 = Y1 * 72.973 + 3586.946

what you want is called linear interpolation, rule of three, etc


why is my double pendulum programm isn't working in p5js?

var angle1 = 45;
var angle2 = 0;
var L1 = 200;var L2 = 200;
var m1 = 1;
var m2 = 1;
var angleV1 = 0;
var angleV2 = 0;
var g = 1;
var angleA1 =
((-g * (2 * m1 + m2) * sin(angle1) -
m2 * g * sin(angle1 - angle2) -
2 *
sin(angle1 - angle2) *
m2 *
(angleV2 * angleV2 * L2 +
angleV1 * angleV1 * L1 * cos(angle1 - angle2))) /
L1) *
(2 * m1 + m2 - m2 * cos(2 * angle1 - 2 * angle2));
var angleA2 =
((2 *
sin(angle1 - angle2) *
(angleV1 * angleV1 * L1 * (m1 + m2) +
g * (m1 + m2) * cos(angle1) +
angle2 * angle2 * L2 * m2 * cos(angle1 - angle2))) /
L2) *
(2 * m1 + m2 - m2 * cos(2 * angle1 - 2 * angle2));
angleV1 += angleA1;
angle1 += angleV1;
angleV2 += angleA2;
angle2 += angleV2;
var x1 = sin(angle1) * L1;
var y1 = cos(angle1) * L1;
var x2 = x1 + sin(angle2) * L2;
var y2 = y1 + cos(angle2) * L2;
line(0, 0, x1, y1);
line(x1, y1, x2, y2);

How can i fix errors with pulp Value Error: too many values to unpack?

I need help with this homework. i just can't find the error. please help me
A company produces five different types of beer and wants to maximise the possible contribution margin by optimising the production quantities. The contribution margin that can be achieved by the different types of beer is shown in the following table:
Variety DB per litre
A 1,9 €
B 1,9 €
C 1,8 €
D 1,4 €
E 1,8 €
The table below shows both the filling time (AD) and the raw material consumption (RV) for one litre of the respective beer varieties:
Variety AD RV1 RV2 RV3
A 2 1,3 1,65 1
B 1,45 1,8 1 1
C 1,2 1,55 1,3 1,4
D 1 1,2 2,1 1,5
E 1,75 1 1 1,55
The filling of the different varieties takes place on the same equipment. Theoretically, a daily bottling quantity of 4000 l of beer type A is possible while maintaining the time capacity, if no other type is produced. The daily supply of raw materials 1, 2 and 3 is as follows:
Raw material units
1 7400
2 7100
3 5900
The maximum daily demand for the products is constant and only differs between the different varieties. The maximum demand for each variety is shown in the table below:
Variety max. demand
A 2100 l
B 950 l
C 1100 l
D 1500 l
E 1550 l
Since the beer types B and C as well as the types A and D each address the same target group, a maximum of 1400 l of B and C or 2700 l of A and D should be produced in total in order to reduce the entrepreneurial risk due to a drop in sales.
Task: Describe the production problem using a linear optimisation model and determine the optimal daily production quantities of the individual beer types.
!pip install pulp
import pulp
solver_list = pulp.listSolvers(onlyAvailable=True)
lp_problem = pulp.LpProblem("LPProblem", pulp.LpMaximize)
x1 = pulp.LpVariable('x1', lowBound=0, cat='Continuous')
x2 = pulp.LpVariable('x2', lowBound=0, cat='Continuous')
x3 = pulp.LpVariable('x3', lowBound=0, cat='Continuous')
x4 = pulp.LpVariable('x4', lowBound=0, cat='Continuous')
x5 = pulp.LpVariable('x5', lowBound=0, cat='Continuous')
lp_problem += 1,9 * x1 + 1,9 * x2 + 1,8 * x3 + 1,4 * x4 + 1,8 * x5, "Z"
lp_problem += 2 * x1 <= 4000
lp_problem += 1,3 * x1 + 1,8 * x2 + 1,55 * x3 + 1,2 * x4 + 1 * x5 <= 7400
lp_problem += 1,65 * x1 + 1 * x2 + 1,3 * x3 + 2,1 * x4 + 1 * x5 <= 7100
lp_problem += 1 * x1 + 1 * x2 + 1,4 * x3 + 1,5 * x4 + 1,55 * x5 <= 5900
lp_problem += x1 <= 2100
lp_problem += x2 <= 950
lp_problem += x3 <= 1100
lp_problem += x4 <= 1500
lp_problem += x5 <= 1550
lp_problem += x1 + x4 <= 2700
lp_problem += x2 + x3 <= 1400
print("Status:", pulp.LpStatus[lp_problem.status])
for variable in lp_problem.variables():
print("{} = {}".format(, variable.varValue))
print("Deckungsbeitrag =",pulp.value(lp_problem.objective))
Error Message:

Local infeasibility in MATLAB

I need help with a dynamic optimization problem that consist in a consumed energy optimization of a UAV with this optimal control problem.
enter image description here
enter image description here
My code is this
#Velocidad de rotores rad/s
#Las condiciones iniciales permiten igualar la acción de la gravedad
#Se tomo 4000rad/s como la velocidad maxima de los rotores
w1 = 912.32, >=0, <=3000
w2 = 912.32, >=0, <=3000
w3 = 912.32, >=0, <=3000
w4 = 912.32, >=0, <=3000
t1 = 0, >=0
t2 = 0, >=0
t3 = 0, >=0
t4 = 0, >=0
!----------------COEFICIENTES DEL MODELO-----------------!
g = 9.81 !m/s^2
pi = 3.14159265359
#Motor Coefficients
J = 4.1904e-5 !kg*m^2
kt = 0.0104e-3 !N*m/A
kv = 96.342 !rad/s/volt
Dv = 0.2e-3 !N*m*s/rad
R = 0.2 !Ohms
#Battery parameters
Q = 1.55 !Ah
Rint = 0.02 !Ohms
E0 = 1.24 !volt
K = 2.92e-3 !volt
A = 0.156
B =2.35
#Quadrotor parameters
l = 0.175 !m
m = 1.3 !kg
Ix = 0.081 !kg*m^2
Iy = 0.081 !kg*m^2
Iz = 0.142 !kg*m^2
kb = 3.8305e-6 !N/rad/s
ktau = 2.2518e-8 !(N*m)/rad/s
#Parametrizacion del polinomio
a1 = -1.72e-5
a2 = 1.95e-5
a3 = -6.98e-6
a4 = 4.09e-7
b1 = 0.014
b2 = -0.0157
b3 = 5.656e-3
b4 = -3.908e-4
c1 = -0.8796
c2 = 0.3385
c3 = 0.2890
c4 = 0.1626
!------------------CONDICONES INICIALES------------------!
x = 0
xp = 0
y = 0
yp = 0
z = 0
zp = 0
pitch = 0, >=-pi/2, <=pi/2 !theta - restricciones
pitchp = 0
roll = 0, >=-pi/2, <=pi/2 !phi - restricciones
rollp = 0
yaw = 0 !psi
yawp = 0%, >=-200/180, <=200/180
#Función objetivo
of = 0 !condición inicial de la función objetivo
#Motor 1
aw1 = a1*w1^2 + b1*w1 + c1
bw1 = a2*w1^2 + b2*w1 + c2
cw1 = a3*w1^2 + b3*w1 + c3
dw1 = a4*w1^2 + b4*w1 + c4
#Motor 2
aw2 = a1*w2^2 + b1*w2 + c1
bw2 = a2*w2^2 + b2*w2 + c2
cw2 = a3*w2^2 + b3*w2 + c3
dw2 = a4*w2^2 + b4*w2 + c4
#Motor 3
aw3 = a1*w3^2 + b1*w3 + c1
bw3 = a2*w3^2 + b2*w3 + c2
cw3 = a3*w3^2 + b3*w3 + c3
dw3 = a4*w3^2 + b4*w3 + c4
#Motor 4
aw4 = a1*w4^2 + b1*w4 + c1
bw4 = a2*w4^2 + b2*w4 + c2
cw4 = a3*w4^2 + b3*w4 + c3
dw4 = a4*w4^2 + b4*w4 + c4
fr1=aw1*t1^3 + bw1*t1^2 + cw1*t1 + dw1
fr2=aw2*t2^3 + bw2*t2^2 + cw2*t2 + dw2
fr3=aw3*t3^3 + bw3*t3^2 + cw3*t3 + dw3
fr4=aw4*t4^3 + bw4*t4^2 + cw4*t4 + dw4
!---------------------CONTROL INPUTS---------------------!
T = kb * (w1^2 + w2^2 + w3^2 + w4^2)
u1 = kb * (w2^2 - w4^2)
u2 = kb * (w3^2 - w1^2)
u3 = ktau * (w1^2 - w2^2 + w3^2 - w4^2)
wline = w1 - w2 + w3 - w4
!-------------------ENERGIA POR ROTOR--------------------!
Ec1 = ((J*$w1 + ktau*w1^2 + Dv*w1)/fr1)*w1
Ec2 = ((J*$w2 + ktau*w2^2 + Dv*w2)/fr2)*w2
Ec3 = ((J*$w3 + ktau*w3^2 + Dv*w3)/fr3)*w3
Ec4 = ((J*$w4 + ktau*w4^2 + Dv*w4)/fr4)*w4
Ectotal = Ec1 + Ec2 + Ec3 + Ec4
!---------------MINIMIZAR FUNCIÓN OBJETIVO---------------!
minimize tf * of
!-----------------RELACION DE VARIABLES------------------!
xp = $x
yp = $y
zp = $z
pitchp = $pitch
rollp = $roll
yawp = $yaw
!-----------------CONDICONES DE FRONTERA-----------------!
#Condiciones finales del modelo
tf * x = 4
tf * y = 5
tf * z = 6
tf * xp = 0
tf * yp = 0
tf * zp = 0
tf * roll = 0
tf * pitch = 0
tf * yaw = 0
!-----------------TORQUE DE LOS MOTORES------------------!
t1 = J*$w1 + ktau*w1^2 + Dv*w1
t2 = J*$w2 + ktau*w2^2 + Dv*w2
t3 = J*$w3 + ktau*w3^2 + Dv*w3
t4 = J*$w4 + ktau*w4^2 + Dv*w4
!------------------------SUJETO A------------------------!
#Modelo aerodinámico del UAV
m*$xp = (cos(roll)*sin(pitch)*cos(yaw) + sin(roll)*sin(yaw))*T
m*$yp = (cos(roll)*sin(pitch)*sin(yaw) - sin(roll)*cos(yaw))*T
m*$zp = (cos(roll)*cos(pitch))*T-m*g
Ix*$rollp = ((Iy - Iz)*pitchp*yawp + J*pitchp*wline + l*u1)
Iy*$pitchp = ((Iz - Ix)*rollp*yawp - J*rollp*wline + l*u2)
Iz*$yawp = ((Ix - Iy)*rollp*pitchp + u3)
!--------------------FUNCIÓN OBJETIVO--------------------!
$of = Ectotal
clear all; close all; clc
server = '';
app = 'traj_optima';
addpath('C:/Program Files/MATLAB/apm_matlab_v0.7.2/apm')
apm(server,app,'clear all');
%Velocidades angulares
% Torques
output = apm(server,app,'solve');
y = apm_sol(server,app);
z = y.x;
Finally the answer obtained is:
enter image description here
I need help with this local infeasibility problem, please.
The infeasible solution is caused by the terminal constraints:
tf * z = 4
tf * z = 5
tf * z = 6
When tf=0, the constraints are evaluated to 0=4, 0=5, 0=6 and the solver reports that these can not be satisfied by the solver. Instead, you can pose the constraints as:
tf * (x-4) = 0
tf * (y-5) = 0
tf * (z-6) = 0
That way, the constraint is valid when tf=0 and when tf=1 at the final time. A potential better way yet is to convert the terminal constraints to objective terms with f=1000 such as:
minimize f*tf*((x-4)^2 + (y-5)^2 + (z-6)^2)
minimize f*tf*(xp^2 + yp^2 + zp^2)
minimize f*tf*(roll^2 + pitch^2 + yaw^2)
That way, the optimizer won't report an infeasible solution if it can't reach the terminal constraints as discussed in the pendulum problem. I made a few other modifications to your model and script to achieve a successful solution. Here is a summary:
Converted terminal constraints to objective function (soft constraints)
Parameters t1-t4 should be variables
Fixed degree of freedom issue by making w1-w4 variables and w1p-w4p variables. w1-w4 are differential states.
Added constraints to w1p-w4p between -10 and 10 to help the solver converge
Added initialization step to simulate the model before optimizing. There are more details on initialization strategies in this paper: Safdarnejad, S.M., Hedengren, J.D., Lewis, N.R., Haseltine, E., Initialization Strategies for Optimization of Dynamic Systems, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2015, Vol. 78, pp. 39-50, DOI: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2015.04.016
w1p = 0 > -10 < 10
w2p = 0 > -10 < 10
w3p = 0 > -10 < 10
w4p = 0 > -10 < 10
!----------------COEFICIENTES DEL MODELO-----------------!
g = 9.81 !m/s^2
pi = 3.14159265359
#Motor Coefficients
J = 4.1904e-5 !kg*m^2
kt = 0.0104e-3 !N*m/A
kv = 96.342 !rad/s/volt
Dv = 0.2e-3 !N*m*s/rad
R = 0.2 !Ohms
#Battery parameters
Q = 1.55 !Ah
Rint = 0.02 !Ohms
E0 = 1.24 !volt
K = 2.92e-3 !volt
A = 0.156
B =2.35
#Quadrotor parameters
l = 0.175 !m
m = 1.3 !kg
Ix = 0.081 !kg*m^2
Iy = 0.081 !kg*m^2
Iz = 0.142 !kg*m^2
kb = 3.8305e-6 !N/rad/s
ktau = 2.2518e-8 !(N*m)/rad/s
#Parametrizacion del polinomio
a1 = -1.72e-5
a2 = 1.95e-5
a3 = -6.98e-6
a4 = 4.09e-7
b1 = 0.014
b2 = -0.0157
b3 = 5.656e-3
b4 = -3.908e-4
c1 = -0.8796
c2 = 0.3385
c3 = 0.2890
c4 = 0.1626
!------------------CONDICONES INICIALES------------------!
x = 0
xp = 0
y = 0
yp = 0
z = 0
zp = 0
pitch = 0, >=-pi/2, <=pi/2 !theta - restricciones
pitchp = 0
roll = 0, >=-pi/2, <=pi/2 !phi - restricciones
rollp = 0
yaw = 0 !psi
yawp = 0 %, >=-200/180, <=200/180
#Velocidad de rotores rad/s
#Las condiciones iniciales permiten igualar la acción de la gravedad
#Se tomo 4000rad/s como la velocidad maxima de los rotores
w1 = 912.32, >=0, <=3000
w2 = 912.32, >=0, <=3000
w3 = 912.32, >=0, <=3000
w4 = 912.32, >=0, <=3000
t1 = 0, >=0
t2 = 0, >=0
t3 = 0, >=0
t4 = 0, >=0
#Función objetivo
of = 0 !condición inicial de la función objetivo
#Motor 1
aw1 = a1*w1^2 + b1*w1 + c1
bw1 = a2*w1^2 + b2*w1 + c2
cw1 = a3*w1^2 + b3*w1 + c3
dw1 = a4*w1^2 + b4*w1 + c4
#Motor 2
aw2 = a1*w2^2 + b1*w2 + c1
bw2 = a2*w2^2 + b2*w2 + c2
cw2 = a3*w2^2 + b3*w2 + c3
dw2 = a4*w2^2 + b4*w2 + c4
#Motor 3
aw3 = a1*w3^2 + b1*w3 + c1
bw3 = a2*w3^2 + b2*w3 + c2
cw3 = a3*w3^2 + b3*w3 + c3
dw3 = a4*w3^2 + b4*w3 + c4
#Motor 4
aw4 = a1*w4^2 + b1*w4 + c1
bw4 = a2*w4^2 + b2*w4 + c2
cw4 = a3*w4^2 + b3*w4 + c3
dw4 = a4*w4^2 + b4*w4 + c4
fr1=aw1*t1^3 + bw1*t1^2 + cw1*t1 + dw1
fr2=aw2*t2^3 + bw2*t2^2 + cw2*t2 + dw2
fr3=aw3*t3^3 + bw3*t3^2 + cw3*t3 + dw3
fr4=aw4*t4^3 + bw4*t4^2 + cw4*t4 + dw4
!---------------------CONTROL INPUTS---------------------!
T = kb * (w1^2 + w2^2 + w3^2 + w4^2)
u1 = kb * (w2^2 - w4^2)
u2 = kb * (w3^2 - w1^2)
u3 = ktau * (w1^2 - w2^2 + w3^2 - w4^2)
wline = w1 - w2 + w3 - w4
!-------------------ENERGIA POR ROTOR--------------------!
Ec1 = ((J*$w1 + ktau*w1^2 + Dv*w1)/fr1)*w1
Ec2 = ((J*$w2 + ktau*w2^2 + Dv*w2)/fr2)*w2
Ec3 = ((J*$w3 + ktau*w3^2 + Dv*w3)/fr3)*w3
Ec4 = ((J*$w4 + ktau*w4^2 + Dv*w4)/fr4)*w4
Ectotal = Ec1 + Ec2 + Ec3 + Ec4
! scaling factor for terminal constraint
f = 1000
!---------------MINIMIZAR FUNCIÓN OBJETIVO---------------!
minimize tf * of
!-----------------RELACION DE VARIABLES------------------!
xp = $x
yp = $y
zp = $z
pitchp = $pitch
rollp = $roll
yawp = $yaw
w1p = $w1
w2p = $w2
w3p = $w3
w4p = $w4
!-----------------CONDICONES DE FRONTERA-----------------!
#Condiciones finales del modelo
#tf * (x-4) = 0
#tf * (y-5) = 0
#tf * (z-6) = 0
#tf * xp = 0
#tf * yp = 0
#tf * zp = 0
#tf * roll = 0
#tf * pitch = 0
#tf * yaw = 0
minimize f*tf*((x-4)^2 + (y-5)^2 + (z-6)^2)
minimize f*tf*(xp^2 + yp^2 + zp^2)
minimize f*tf*(roll^2 + pitch^2 + yaw^2)
!-----------------TORQUE DE LOS MOTORES------------------!
t1 = J*w1p + ktau*w1^2 + Dv*w1
t2 = J*w2p + ktau*w2^2 + Dv*w2
t3 = J*w3p + ktau*w3^2 + Dv*w3
t4 = J*w4p + ktau*w4^2 + Dv*w4
!------------------------SUJETO A------------------------!
#Modelo aerodinámico del UAV
m*$xp = (cos(roll)*sin(pitch)*cos(yaw) + sin(roll)*sin(yaw))*T
m*$yp = (cos(roll)*sin(pitch)*sin(yaw) - sin(roll)*cos(yaw))*T
m*$zp = (cos(roll)*cos(pitch))*T-m*g
Ix*$rollp = ((Iy - Iz)*pitchp*yawp + J*pitchp*wline + l*u1)
Iy*$pitchp = ((Iz - Ix)*rollp*yawp - J*rollp*wline + l*u2)
Iz*$yawp = ((Ix - Iy)*rollp*pitchp + u3)
!--------------------FUNCIÓN OBJETIVO--------------------!
$of = Ectotal
clear all; close all; clc
server = '';
app = 'traj_optima';
apm(server,app,'clear all');
%Velocidades angulares
disp('------------- Initialize ----------------')
output = apm(server,app,'solve');
disp('-------------- Optimize -----------------')
output = apm(server,app,'solve');
y = apm_sol(server,app);
z = y.x;
This gives a successful solution but the terminal constraints are not met. The solver optimizes the use of w1p-w4p to minimize the objective but there is no solution that makes it to the terminal constraints.
The solution was found.
The final value of the objective function is 50477.4537378181
Solver : IPOPT (v3.12)
Solution time : 3.06940000000759 sec
Objective : 50477.4537378181
Successful solution
As a next step, I recommend that you increase the number of time points or allow the final time to change to meet the terminal constraints. You may also want to consider switching to Python Gekko that uses the same underlying engine as APM MATLAB. In this case, the modeling language is fully integrated with Python.

Rotate an image with bicubic interpolation without imrotate

I have implemented a code for image warping using bilinear interpolation:
Matlab image rotation
I would like to improve the code by using bicubic interpolation to rotate the image WITHOUT using the built-in functions like imrotate or imwarp and interp functions in MATLAB.
I successfully managed to implement a full working example.
Code is based on Anna1994's code: Matlab image rotation
Biqubic code is also based on Java (and C++) implementation posted here:
The following code applies image rotation example using biqubic interpolation:
function BicubicInterpolationTest()
close all;
% clear all;
img = 'cameraman.tif';
input_image =double(imread(img))./255;
H=size(input_image,1); % height
W=size(input_image,2); % width
th=120*pi/180; %Rotate 120 degrees
s0 = 2;
s1 = 2;
x0 = -W/2;
x1 = -H/2;
T=[1 0 x0 ; ...
0 1 x1 ; ...
0 0 1];
RST = [ (s0*cos(th)) (-s1*sin(th)) ((s0*x0*cos(th))-(s1*x1*sin(th))); ...
(s0*sin(th)) (s1*cos(th)) ((s0*x0*sin(th))+(s1*x1*cos(th))); ...
0 0 1];
N = inv(M);
for i=1:W
for j=1:H
x = [i ; j ; 1];
y = N * x;
a = y(1)/y(3);
b = y(2)/y(3);
%Nearest neighbor
% a = round(a);
% b = round(b);
%Bilinear interpolation (applies RGB image):
% x1 = floor(a);
% y1 = floor(b);
% x2 = x1 + 1;
% y2 = y1 + 1;
% if ((x1 >= 1) && (y1 >= 1) && (x2 <= W) && (y2 <= H))
% %Load 2x2 pixels
% i11 = input_image(y1, x1, :); %Top left pixel
% i21 = input_image(y2, x1, :); %Bottom left pixel
% i12 = input_image(y1, x2, :); %Top right pixel
% i22 = input_image(y2, x2, :); %Bottom right pixel
% %Interpolation wieghts
% dx = x2 - a;
% dy = y2 - b;
% %Bi-lienar interpolation
% output_image(j, i, :) = i11*dx*dy + i21*dx*(1-dy) + i12*(1-dx)*dy + i22*(1-dx)*(1-dy);
% end
x1 = floor(a);
y1 = floor(b);
%Bicubic interpolation (applies grayscale image)
if ((x1 >= 2) && (y1 >= 2) && (x1 <= W-2) && (y1 <= H-2))
%Load 4x4 pixels
P = input_image(y1-1:y1+2, x1-1:x1+2);
%Interpolation wieghts
dx = a - x1;
dy = b - y1;
%Bi-bicubic interpolation
output_image(j, i) = bicubicInterpolate(P, dx, dy);
%Verify implementation by comparing with Matalb build in function imwarp:
tform = affine2d(M');
ref_image = imwarp(input_image, tform, 'OutputView', imref2d(size(input_image)), 'Interp', 'cubic');
figure;imshow(output_image - ref_image)
max_diff = max(abs(output_image(:) - ref_image(:)));
disp(['Maximum difference from imwarp = ', num2str(max_diff)]);
%double cubicInterpolate (double p[4], double x) {
% return p[1] + 0.5 * x*(p[2] - p[0] + x*(2.0*p[0] - 5.0*p[1] + 4.0*p[2] - p[3] + x*(3.0*(p[1] - p[2]) + p[3] - p[0])));
function q = cubicInterpolate(p, x)
q = p(2) + 0.5 * x*(p(3) - p(1) + x*(2.0*p(1) - 5.0*p(2) + 4.0*p(3) - p(4) + x*(3.0*(p(2) - p(3)) + p(4) - p(1))));
% double bicubicInterpolate (double p[4][4], double x, double y) {
% double arr[4];
% arr[0] = cubicInterpolate(p[0], y);
% arr[1] = cubicInterpolate(p[1], y);
% arr[2] = cubicInterpolate(p[2], y);
% arr[3] = cubicInterpolate(p[3], y);
% return cubicInterpolate(arr, x);
% }
function q = bicubicInterpolate(p, x, y)
q1 = cubicInterpolate(p(1,:), x);
q2 = cubicInterpolate(p(2,:), x);
q3 = cubicInterpolate(p(3,:), x);
q4 = cubicInterpolate(p(4,:), x);
q = cubicInterpolate([q1, q2, q3, q4], y);
I verified implementation by comparing to Matalb build in function imwarp
The following example uses the "CachedBicubicInterpolator" code version, and also supports RGB image:
function BicubicInterpolationTest2()
close all;
% clear all;
img = 'peppers.png';
input_image = double(imread(img))./255;
H=size(input_image,1); % height
W=size(input_image,2); % width
th=120*pi/180; %Rotate 120 degrees
s0 = 0.8;
s1 = 0.8;
x0 = -W/2;
x1 = -H/2;
T=[1 0 x0 ; ...
0 1 x1 ; ...
0 0 1];
RST = [ (s0*cos(th)) (-s1*sin(th)) ((s0*x0*cos(th))-(s1*x1*sin(th))); ...
(s0*sin(th)) (s1*cos(th)) ((s0*x0*sin(th))+(s1*x1*cos(th))); ...
0 0 1];
N = inv(M);
for i=1:W
for j=1:H
x = [i ; j ; 1];
y = N * x;
a = y(1)/y(3);
b = y(2)/y(3);
x1 = floor(a);
y1 = floor(b);
%Bicubic interpolation (applies grayscale image)
if ((x1 >= 2) && (y1 >= 2) && (x1 <= W-2) && (y1 <= H-2))
%Load 4x4 pixels
P = input_image(y1-1:y1+2, x1-1:x1+2, :);
%Interpolation wieghts
dx = a - x1;
dy = b - y1;
%Bi-bicubic interpolation
output_image(j, i, :) = bicubicInterpolate(P, dx, dy);
%Verify implementation by comparing with Matalb build in function imwarp:
tform = affine2d(M');
ref_image = imwarp(input_image, tform, 'OutputView', imref2d(size(input_image)), 'Interp', 'cubic');
figure;imshow(abs(output_image - ref_image), []);impixelinfo
max_diff = max(abs(output_image(:) - ref_image(:)));
disp(['Maximum difference from imwarp = ', num2str(max_diff)]);
function [p0, p1, p2, p3] = list4(P)
P = squeeze(P);
p0 = P(1, :);
p1 = P(2, :);
p2 = P(3, :);
p3 = P(4, :);
% public void updateCoefficients (double[][] p) {
% a00 = p[1][1];
% a01 = -.5*p[1][0] + .5*p[1][2];
% a02 = p[1][0] - 2.5*p[1][1] + 2*p[1][2] - .5*p[1][3];
% a03 = -.5*p[1][0] + 1.5*p[1][1] - 1.5*p[1][2] + .5*p[1][3];
% a10 = -.5*p[0][1] + .5*p[2][1];
% a11 = .25*p[0][0] - .25*p[0][2] - .25*p[2][0] + .25*p[2][2];
% a12 = -.5*p[0][0] + 1.25*p[0][1] - p[0][2] + .25*p[0][3] + .5*p[2][0] - 1.25*p[2][1] + p[2][2] - .25*p[2][3];
% a13 = .25*p[0][0] - .75*p[0][1] + .75*p[0][2] - .25*p[0][3] - .25*p[2][0] + .75*p[2][1] - .75*p[2][2] + .25*p[2][3];
% a20 = p[0][1] - 2.5*p[1][1] + 2*p[2][1] - .5*p[3][1];
% a21 = -.5*p[0][0] + .5*p[0][2] + 1.25*p[1][0] - 1.25*p[1][2] - p[2][0] + p[2][2] + .25*p[3][0] - .25*p[3][2];
% a22 = p[0][0] - 2.5*p[0][1] + 2*p[0][2] - .5*p[0][3] - 2.5*p[1][0] + 6.25*p[1][1] - 5*p[1][2] + 1.25*p[1][3] + 2*p[2][0] - 5*p[2][1] + 4*p[2][2] - p[2][3] - .5*p[3][0] + 1.25*p[3][1] - p[3][2] + .25*p[3][3];
% a23 = -.5*p[0][0] + 1.5*p[0][1] - 1.5*p[0][2] + .5*p[0][3] + 1.25*p[1][0] - 3.75*p[1][1] + 3.75*p[1][2] - 1.25*p[1][3] - p[2][0] + 3*p[2][1] - 3*p[2][2] + p[2][3] + .25*p[3][0] - .75*p[3][1] + .75*p[3][2] - .25*p[3][3];
% a30 = -.5*p[0][1] + 1.5*p[1][1] - 1.5*p[2][1] + .5*p[3][1];
% a31 = .25*p[0][0] - .25*p[0][2] - .75*p[1][0] + .75*p[1][2] + .75*p[2][0] - .75*p[2][2] - .25*p[3][0] + .25*p[3][2];
% a32 = -.5*p[0][0] + 1.25*p[0][1] - p[0][2] + .25*p[0][3] + 1.5*p[1][0] - 3.75*p[1][1] + 3*p[1][2] - .75*p[1][3] - 1.5*p[2][0] + 3.75*p[2][1] - 3*p[2][2] + .75*p[2][3] + .5*p[3][0] - 1.25*p[3][1] + p[3][2] - .25*p[3][3];
% a33 = .25*p[0][0] - .75*p[0][1] + .75*p[0][2] - .25*p[0][3] - .75*p[1][0] + 2.25*p[1][1] - 2.25*p[1][2] + .75*p[1][3] + .75*p[2][0] - 2.25*p[2][1] + 2.25*p[2][2] - .75*p[2][3] - .25*p[3][0] + .75*p[3][1] - .75*p[3][2] + .25*p[3][3];
% }
% public double getValue (double x, double y) {
% double x2 = x * x;
% double x3 = x2 * x;
% double y2 = y * y;
% double y3 = y2 * y;
% return (a00 + a01 * y + a02 * y2 + a03 * y3) +
% (a10 + a11 * y + a12 * y2 + a13 * y3) * x +
% (a20 + a21 * y + a22 * y2 + a23 * y3) * x2 +
% (a30 + a31 * y + a32 * y2 + a33 * y3) * x3;
% }
function q = bicubicInterpolate(P, x, y)
[p00, p01, p02, p03] = list4(P(1, :, :));
[p10, p11, p12, p13] = list4(P(2, :, :));
[p20, p21, p22, p23] = list4(P(3, :, :));
[p30, p31, p32, p33] = list4(P(4, :, :));
a00 = p11;
a01 = -.5*p10 + .5*p12;
a02 = p10 - 2.5*p11 + 2*p12 - .5*p13;
a03 = -.5*p10 + 1.5*p11 - 1.5*p12 + .5*p13;
a10 = -.5*p01 + .5*p21;
a11 = .25*p00 - .25*p02 - .25*p20 + .25*p22;
a12 = -.5*p00 + 1.25*p01 - p02 + .25*p03 + .5*p20 - 1.25*p21 + p22 - .25*p23;
a13 = .25*p00 - .75*p01 + .75*p02 - .25*p03 - .25*p20 + .75*p21 - .75*p22 + .25*p23;
a20 = p01 - 2.5*p11 + 2*p21 - .5*p31;
a21 = -.5*p00 + .5*p02 + 1.25*p10 - 1.25*p12 - p20 + p22 + .25*p30 - .25*p32;
a22 = p00 - 2.5*p01 + 2*p02 - .5*p03 - 2.5*p10 + 6.25*p11 - 5*p12 + 1.25*p13 + 2*p20 - 5*p21 + 4*p22 - p23 - .5*p30 + 1.25*p31 - p32 + .25*p33;
a23 = -.5*p00 + 1.5*p01 - 1.5*p02 + .5*p03 + 1.25*p10 - 3.75*p11 + 3.75*p12 - 1.25*p13 - p20 + 3*p21 - 3*p22 + p23 + .25*p30 - .75*p31 + .75*p32 - .25*p33;
a30 = -.5*p01 + 1.5*p11 - 1.5*p21 + .5*p31;
a31 = .25*p00 - .25*p02 - .75*p10 + .75*p12 + .75*p20 - .75*p22 - .25*p30 + .25*p32;
a32 = -.5*p00 + 1.25*p01 - p02 + .25*p03 + 1.5*p10 - 3.75*p11 + 3*p12 - .75*p13 - 1.5*p20 + 3.75*p21 - 3*p22 + .75*p23 + .5*p30 - 1.25*p31 + p32 - .25*p33;
a33 = .25*p00 - .75*p01 + .75*p02 - .25*p03 - .75*p10 + 2.25*p11 - 2.25*p12 + .75*p13 + .75*p20 - 2.25*p21 + 2.25*p22 - .75*p23 - .25*p30 + .75*p31 - .75*p32 + .25*p33;
x2 = x * x;
x3 = x2 * x;
y2 = y * y;
y3 = y2 * y;
% q = (a00 + a01 * y + a02 * y2 + a03 * y3) +...
% (a10 + a11 * y + a12 * y2 + a13 * y3) * x +...
% (a20 + a21 * y + a22 * y2 + a23 * y3) * x2 +...
% (a30 + a31 * y + a32 * y2 + a33 * y3) * x3;
q = (a00 + a01 * x + a02 * x2 + a03 * x3) +...
(a10 + a11 * x + a12 * x2 + a13 * x3) * y +...
(a20 + a21 * x + a22 * x2 + a23 * x3) * y2 +...
(a30 + a31 * x + a32 * x2 + a33 * x3) * y3;

Can someone explain the mat4.translate function from glMatrix?

Does anyone know why glmatrix ( 1.x ) defines mat4.translate like this:
* Translates a matrix by the given vector
* #param {mat4} mat mat4 to translate
* #param {vec3} vec vec3 specifying the translation
* #param {mat4} [dest] mat4 receiving operation result. If not specified result is written to mat
* #returns {mat4} dest if specified, mat otherwise
mat4.translate = function (mat, vec, dest) {
var x = vec[0], y = vec[1], z = vec[2],
a00, a01, a02, a03,
a10, a11, a12, a13,
a20, a21, a22, a23;
if (!dest || mat === dest) {
mat[12] = mat[0] * x + mat[4] * y + mat[8] * z + mat[12];
mat[13] = mat[1] * x + mat[5] * y + mat[9] * z + mat[13];
mat[14] = mat[2] * x + mat[6] * y + mat[10] * z + mat[14];
mat[15] = mat[3] * x + mat[7] * y + mat[11] * z + mat[15];
return mat;
a00 = mat[0]; a01 = mat[1]; a02 = mat[2]; a03 = mat[3];
a10 = mat[4]; a11 = mat[5]; a12 = mat[6]; a13 = mat[7];
a20 = mat[8]; a21 = mat[9]; a22 = mat[10]; a23 = mat[11];
dest[0] = a00; dest[1] = a01; dest[2] = a02; dest[3] = a03;
dest[4] = a10; dest[5] = a11; dest[6] = a12; dest[7] = a13;
dest[8] = a20; dest[9] = a21; dest[10] = a22; dest[11] = a23;
dest[12] = a00 * x + a10 * y + a20 * z + mat[12];
dest[13] = a01 * x + a11 * y + a21 * z + mat[13];
dest[14] = a02 * x + a12 * y + a22 * z + mat[14];
dest[15] = a03 * x + a13 * y + a23 * z + mat[15];
return dest;
It looks like the vector values are multiplied (scaled) by the directional vectors ( dir, left, up ) of the matrix. But I don't understand why. Also why is mat[15] assigned. I thought it should always be 1...
I am using this most of the time and I am quite happy:
mat4.translate_alt = function (mat, vec, factor) {
factor = factor || 1;
mat[12] += vec[0]*factor;
mat[13] += vec[1]*factor;
mat[14] += vec[2]*factor;
When should I use mat4.translate and when is my mat4.translate_alt enough ?
mat4.translate translates a matrix with a given vector (vec3), which is the same as multiplying with a translation matrix.
Another way to look at it is to say mat4.translate = mat4.multiply(someMatrix, mat4.create_translate_matrix(someVec3)) (pseudo-code).
