app inventor webviewer can't upload files from a html form - app-inventor

I have made a html/php form that allows me to upload files. And when I open it in my pc browser works perfectly. It also works when I open this website wiht my mobile's browser and when I click on select file I can chose which app I want to use to get the file I want to upload.
But when I open this website with webviewer from my app, When I click the button to upload the sound, nothing happens. The whole line is selected and clicking the button does nothing.
Thanks for your help.

The webviewer is no full browser, this does not work therefore.
But you can use the activity starter instead, see the documentation about Using the Activity Starter
Open the browser to a Web page
Use these activity starter properties
to open a specific web page:
Action: android.intent.action.VIEW
Alternatively use the web component together with the PostFile block, see an example here


Show an adaptive card in popup (using tabs configuration url) while bot is installed in msteams

I want to show a task module (not url) while bot installs (with tab) in the teams. Something like Text does, but a bit more interactive with drop downs and all.
I have referred to the link to create deep link for tab and paste the link here, in app-studio manifest editor:
But this doesn't seem to work. Only an empty pop up shows following this procedure.
Can someone correct me, where I am going wrong! TIA!
This "Text" screen is not showing a Task module, it's showing a custom Configuration page for the app's Tab installation. When you create an App that includes a Tab, you have the option of creating such a "Configuration" popup that gives the user the chance to configure how your tab will actually work. See here for more:
Within that configuration page, you can show whatever web content you'd like. Showing an Adaptive Card is a bit of a strange scenario considering it's a web page, but you could conceivably do this using the adaptive cards js library inside the page (

IThit Ajax browser 2.0

It states on the ItHit site that applet is optional for Ajax browser, is this true? can we use the Ajax browser without using the applet, will I just be able to browse the server files immaterial of MS or non-MS doc types? Can a client use a local windows explorer and just drag and drop files into the ajax browser window?
The applet is optionnal, it serve to browse your webdav directory with your current Operation system and also edit a file using available software.
You can customize your menu to hide those two options.

i want to select file from CKeditor from browse server button

I have browae server button
I am working in c#.
I want to select image from my imagefolder
it means when i click on Browse Server button, my imagefolder must open and when i click any of the image. it must be selected and selected image path mustbe copied on url textbox..
If I understood correctly your question, basically you need two things:
make sure that the filebrowser plugin is available in your CKEditor package - this plugin makes it possible to attach external file managers to CKEditor
...and you need some file manager.
There is an official ajax file manager for CKEditor created by CKSource and it is called CKFinder. If you decide to give it a try make sure to check the documentation

View or Open in Browser vs. Download

I am using HTML and CSS, and willing to use a very simple JavaScript code if necessary.
I uploaded ResumeWord.doc and ResumePDF.pdf to the FTP. I created links for "View" "Download" and "Print" for each. ResumeWord.doc only seems to give me a pop-up with options to Open or Save instead of opening in the browser, while I was able to open ResumePDF.pdf in the browser but not create a clickable link to download it without viewing. I have tried the HTML target_blank and JavaScript for the "View", unsuccessfully. I am self-taught and an amatuer.
How can I make the "View" link open ResumeWord.pdf in the browser without a pop-up?
How can I get ResumePDF.pdf to download when the user clicks "Download"?
Without some help, the browser won't assume that a user has Microsoft Word installed on their computer. That is why you only get the option to save it, rather than it opening.
The PDF, however, is something that can be viewed in-browser, and the browser can check if the right files are installed to make this happen. So if they are, the browser goes ahead and opens the file.
As for forcing the browser to open a word file, see this SO question.
And as for forcing a download of a PDF, see this SO question. It may not be possible, in your case, as the solution involves sending different server-side headers.

Is there a way to use watir to open a link in a new tab or window in firefox

I have a web application I am automating with watir. The application has a browsing page which shows thumbnails for a set of templates. Each thumbnail is a link to the template. I need to open each template in a new tab or window and take a screen shot or print a pdf of the template to verify that it opens correctly and looks correct. Then close that tab or window and return to the template browser to open the next template. I need to do this on firefox/safari chrome and IE mac and windows.
Why not open it in the same tab, take the sreenshot, then go back?
I haven't used Watir, only Selenium, but it looks like Watir has a back method as well. If not, you can probably store the URL of the page with the thumbnails and then open it directly by URL.
You can read the url of the link, store it in an variable, open a new browser window and then with ie.goto(url) you can open the link in a new browser.
