how do retrieve specific row in Hive? - hadoop

I have a dataset looks like this:
cust | cost | cat | name
1 | 2.5 | apple | pkLady
1 | 3.5 | apple | greenGr
1 | 1.2 | pear | yelloPear
1 | 4.5 | pear | greenPear
my hive query should now compare the cheapest price of each item the customer bought. So I want now to get the 2.5 and 1.2 into one row to get its difference. Since I am new to Hive I don't now how to ignore everything else until I reach next category of item while I still kept the cheapest price in the previous category.

you can use like below:
select cat,min(cost) from table group by cost;

Given your options (brickhouse UDFs, hive windowing functions or a self-join) in Hive, a self-join is the worst way to do this.
select *
, (cost - min(cost) over (partition by cust)) cost_diff
from table

You could create a subquery containing the minimum cost for each customer, and then join it to the original table:
cost - minCost as costDifference
from mytable
inner join
min(cost) as minCost
from mytable
group by cust) minCost
on mytable.cust = minCost.cust
I created an interactive SQLFiddle example using MySQL, but it should work just fine in Hive.

I think this is really a SQL question rather than a Hive question: If you just want the cheapest cost per customer you can do
select cust, min(cost)
group by cust
Otherwise if you want the cheapest cost per customer per category you can do:
select cust, cat, min(cost)
from yourtable
groupby cust, cat


Access Report: How to group on one field, but sort by another?

I've read through similar questions and they don't seem to quite fit my issue or they're in a different environment.
I'm working in MS-Access 2016.
I have a customer complaints report which has fields: year, month, count([complaint #]), complaint_desc.
(complaint # is the literal ID number we assign to each complaint entered into the table)
I grouped the report by year and month and then grouped by complaint_desc and for each desc did a count of complaint number, and then did a count of complaint # to add up total complaints for the month and stuck it in the month footer which gives a result of something like this:
2020 03 <= (this is the month group header)
complaint desc | count of complaints/desc
electrical | 2 {This section is
cosmetic | 6 {in the Complaint_desc
mechanical | 1 {group footer
9 <= (this is month group footer)
repeating the group for each month
This is all good. What I want to do is to sort the records within the complaint desc group in descending order of count(complaint#) so that it looks like:
2020 03
complaint desc | count of complaints/category
cosmetic | 6
electrical | 2
mechanical | 1
However nothing I do seems to work, the desc group's built-in sort "a on top" overrides sorting in the query. adding a sort by complaint# is ignored also. I tried to add a sort by count(complaint#) and access told me I can't have an aggregate function in an order by (but I think it would have been overridden anyway). I also tried to group by count(complaint#) also shot down as aggregate in a group by. Tried moving complaint_desc and count(complaint#) to the complaint# group header and it screwed up the total count in the month footer and also split up the complaint desc's defeating it's original purpose...
I really didn't think this change was going to be a big deal, but a solution has evaded me for a while now. I've read similar questions and tried to follow examples but they didn't lead to my intended result.
Any Idea?
I figured it out! Thank you to #UnhandledException who got me thinking on the right track.
So here's what I did:
The original query the report was based on contained the following:
Design mode:
Field | Year | Month | Complaint_Desc | Complaint# |
Total | Group By | Group By | Group By | Group By |
Sort | | | | |
or in SQL:
SELECT Year, Month, [tbl Failure Mode].[Code description], [Complaint Data Table].[Complaint #]
FROM [tbl Failure Mode] RIGHT JOIN [Complaint Data Table] ON [tbl Failure Mode].[ID code] = [Complaint Data Table].[Failure Mode]
GROUP BY Year, Month, [tbl Failure Mode].[Code description], [Complaint Data Table].[Complaint #];
And then I was using the report's group and sort functions to make it show how I wanted except for the hiccup I mentioned.
I made another query based upon that query:
Design mode:
Field | Year | Month | Complaint_Desc | Complaint# |
Total | Group By | Group By | Group By | Count |
Sort | Descending | Descending | | Descending |
or in SQL:
SELECT [qry FailureMode].Year, [qry FailureMode].Month, [qry FailureMode].[Complaint_description], Count([qry FailureMode].[Complaint #]) AS [CountOfComplaint #], [qry FailureMode].Complaint
FROM [qry FailureMode]
GROUP BY [qry FailureMode].Year, [qry FailureMode].Month, [qry FailureMode].[Code description], [qry FailureMode].Complaint
ORDER BY [qry FailureMode].Year DESC , [qry FailureMode].Month DESC , Count([qry FailureMode].[Complaint #]) DESC;
Then I changed the report structure:
I eliminated the Complaint_Desc group, moved complaint_desc and CountofComplaint# (which is now not a function but it's own calculated field from my new query) to the DETAIL section of the report. Then I deleted my 2nd count(complaint#) that was in the month footer as a total for each month and replaced it with the "AccessTotalsCountOfComplaint #" which is =Sum([CountOfComplaint #]) which I had access auto-create by right-clicking on the CountofComplaint_Desc in details scrolling to "Total" and clicking on "Sum". (I deleted the extra AccessTotalsCountOfComplaint#'s that were outside of the Month Group Footer that I needed it for...)
Et Voila
I hope this helps someone else, and thank you again to Unhandled Exception who pointed me in the right direction.

In hiveql, what is the most elegant/performatic way of calculating an average value if some of the data is implicitly not present?

In Hiveql, what is the most elegant and performatic way of calculating an average value when there are 'gaps' in the data, with implicit repeated values between them? i.e. Considering a table with the following data:
| Employee | Date | Balance |
| John | 20181029 | 1800.2 |
| John | 20181105 | 2937.74 |
| John | 20181106 | 3000 |
| John | 20181110 | 1500 |
| John | 20181119 | -755.5 |
| John | 20181120 | -800 |
| John | 20181121 | 1200 |
| John | 20181122 | -400 |
| John | 20181123 | -900 |
| John | 20181202 | -1300 |
If I try to calculate a simple average of the november rows, it will return ~722.78, but the average should take into account the days that are not shown have the same balance as the previous register. In the above data, John had 1800.2 between 20181101 and 20181104, for example.
Assuming that the table always have exactly one row for each date/balance and given that I cannot change how this data is stored (and probably shouldn't since it would be a waste of storage to write rows for days with unchanged balances), I've been tinkering with getting the average from a select with subqueries for all the days in the queried month, returning a NULL for the absent days, and then using case to get the balance from the previous available date in reverse order. All of this just to avoid writing temporary tables.
Step 1: Original Data
The 1st step is to recreate a table with the original data. Let's say the original table is called daily_employee_balance.
use default;
drop table if exists daily_employee_balance;
create table if not exists daily_employee_balance (
employee_id string,
employee string,
iso_date date,
balance double
Insert Sample Data in original table daily_employee_balance
insert into table daily_employee_balance values
Step 2: Dimension Table
You will need a dimension table where you will have a calendar (table with all the possible dates), call it dimension_date. This is a normal industry standard to have a calendar table, you could probably download this sample data over the internet.
use default;
drop table if exists dimension_date;
create external table dimension_date(
date_id int,
iso_date string,
year string,
month string,
month_desc string,
end_of_month_flg string
Insert some sample data for entire month of Nov 2018:
insert into table dimension_date values
Step 3: Fact Table
Create a fact table from the original table. In normal practice, you ingest the data to hdfs/hive then process the raw data and create a table with historical data where you keep inserting in increment manner. You can look more into data warehousing to get the proper definition but I call this a fact table - f_employee_balance.
This will re-create the original table with missing dates and populate the missing balance with earlier known balance.
--inner query to get all the possible dates
--outer self join query will populate the missing dates and balance
drop table if exists f_employee_balance;
create table f_employee_balance
stored as orc tblproperties ("orc.compress"="SNAPPY") as
select q1.employee_id, q1.iso_date,
nvl(last_value(r.balance, true) --initial dates to be populated with 0 balance
over (partition by q1.employee_id order by q1.iso_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row),0) as balance,
month, year from (
select distinct
d.iso_date as iso_date,
d.month, d.year
from daily_employee_balance r, dimension_date d )q1
left outer join daily_employee_balance r on
(q1.employee_id = r.employee_id) and (q1.iso_date = r.iso_date);
Step 4: Analytics
The query below will give you the true average for by month:
select employee_id, monthly_avg, month, year from (
select employee_id,
row_number() over (partition by employee_id,year,month) as row_num,
avg(balance) over (partition by employee_id,year,month) as monthly_avg, month, year from
where row_num = 1
order by year, month;
Step 5: Conclusion
You could have just combined step 3 and 4 together; this would save you from creating extra table. When you are in the big data world, you don't worry much about wasting extra disk space or development time. You can easily add another disk or node and automate the process using workflows. For more information, please look into data warehousing concept and hive analytical queries.

whats the purpose of using over and rank keywords in hive sql?

What is the meaning/purpose of using over and rank keywords in hive sql?
select rank() over (order by net_worth desc) as rank, name, net_worth from wealth order by rank, name;
| rank | name | net_worth |
| 1 | Solomon | 2000000000.00 |
| 2 | Croesus | 1000000000.00 |
| 2 | Midas | 1000000000.00 |
| 4 | Crassus | 500000000.00 |
| 5 | Scrooge | 80000000.00 |
The OVER clause is powerful in that you can have aggregates over different ranges ("windowing"), whether you use a GROUP BY or not
OVER clause defines a window or user-specified set of rows within a query result set. A window function then computes a value for each row in the window. You can use the OVER clause with functions to compute aggregated values such as moving averages, cumulative aggregates, running totals, or a top N per group results
Over clause can be used in association with aggregate function and ranking function. The over clause determine the partitioning and ordering of the records before associating with aggregate or ranking function.
suppose you use only rank() function then how sql will understand on which bases rank will be calculated. example table have 3 columns name, net_worth and net_profit. Name with highest net_profit will be first rank. so you have to tell the sql that calculate rank on the bases of highest net_profit.
over() works on a "window" of attributes.
In your example, select rank() over (order by net_worth desc), you have instructed to rank the table with net_worth column in descending order. Due to that reason, ranking is done on descending order of net_worth.
over() is powerful it was used along with partition by.
Have a look at this article, which provides good examples to understand the concepts.
If you have sales table with Territory & Sales Amount, you can provide rank on order of Sales Amount Or create a partition for Territory and rank the Sales amount with in a Territory.
Have a look at this article to get understanding on WindowingAndAnalytics. It will explain how to use aggregate functions in HiveQL.

how to group by desc order in hql

I have the following table called questions in HQL Hibernate:
ID | Name
1 | Bread
2 | Bread
3 | Rise
4 | Rise
I want to select each PRODUT only once and if there are multiple PRODUCT with the same name, select the one of the highest id. So, the expected results:
3 | Bread
4 | Rise
I use the following query:
from Product AS E group by E.producto
So it selects the first 'Product' it encounters instead of the last one.
The syntax is almost identical to SQL:
select max(, from Product p group by
Relevant documentation:

nested PLSQL in a tabular form

I am trying to achieve the following result (the first line is header)
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Person
Technicals | Development | Software | Team leader | Eric
Technicals | Development | Software | Team leader | Steven
Technicals | Development | Software | Team leader | Jana
How can I do so? I tried to use the following code. The first part is to create the hierarchy which works fine. The second part is to have the date in the above mentioned table is a pretty painful.
SELECT * FROM ( /* level2 */
SELECT * FROM ( /* level1 */
SELECT * FROM arc.localnode /*create hierarchy */
WHERE tree_id = 2408362
CONNECT BY PRIOR node_id = parent_id
START WITH parent_id IS NULL ) l1node
LEFT JOIN names on l1node.prent_id = names.name_id ) l2node
At this point, I am quite lost. A bit of guidance and suggestion would be a lot of help :-)
There are two tables. The first table has data like this:
1421864 3482917 1421768
3482981 3482917 1421866 1421768
3482911 3060402 3482913 1421768
3482917 1421864 3482981 1421768
This is a complicated because it is in hieraracy. So obviously a PARENT_ID can be the NODE_ID of some other PARENT_ID. Similarly the parent_ID can be the PREV_ID and NEXT_ID.
The names are in seperate table with name_id. The name ID in this table is similar to NODE_ID of the main table in hieraracy.
You can use the Stragg Package mentioned in AskTom in the below link
Your can also refer the below link in oracle forum
Kindly post create and insert statements for your requirement so that we can test it and confirm
