How to check if dictionary contains a key in bash? - bash

I would like to check if a dictionary contains a key, but i dont know how.
I tried this:
if [ -z "${codeDict["$STR_ARRAY[2]"]+xxx}" ]
echo "codeDict not contains ${STR_ARRAY[2]}"

There's nothing wrong with your approach (using -z), as this example shows:
$ declare -A a
$ a=( [a]=1 [b]=2 [d]=4 )
$ [[ -z ${a[a]} ]] && echo unset
$ [[ -z ${a[c]} ]] && echo unset
However, there are a couple of issues with the code in your question. You're missing the curly braces around your inner array and personally I'd suggest that you use extended tests ([[ instead of [) to avoid having to mess around with quotes:
$ str=( a b c )
$ [[ -z ${a[${str[0]}]} ]] && echo unset
$ [[ -z ${a[${str[2]}]} ]] && echo unset

If you are using bash 4.3, you can use the -v test:
if [[ -v codeDict["${STR_ARRAY[2]}"] ]]; then
# codeDict has ${STR_ARRAY[2]} as a key
# codeDict does not have ${STR_ARRAY[2]} as a key
Otherwise, you need to take care to distinguish between keys that map to an empty string and keys that are not in the array at all.
tmp=codeDict["$key"] # Save a lot of typing
# ${!tmp} expands to the actual value (which may be the empty string),
# or the empty string if the key does not exist
# ${!tmp-foo} expands to the actual value (which may be the empty string),
# or "foo" if the key does not exist
# ${!tmp:-foo} expands to the actual value if it is a non-empty string,
# or "foo" if the key does not exist *or* the key maps
# to the empty string.
if [[ ${!tmp} = ${!tmp-foo} || ${!tmp} = ${!tmp:-foo} ]]; then
# $key is a key
# $key is not a key
In any version of bash that supports associative arrays, you can use a simple one liner if all you want to do is provide a default value for a key that does not exist.
: ${codeDict["${STR_ARRAY[2]}"]="${STR_ARRAY[3]}"}


How is the $# array different from regular array

I wrote a function to check whether argument(s) was passed to script, so I had to create an alias variable for $# because inside function that would be function's arguments.
Here's the code:
is_arg_passed() {
local passed=false
for passed_arg in ${script_args}; do
for arg in "$#"; do
if [[ "${passed_arg}" == "${arg}" ]]; then
[[ "${passed}" == true ]] && break
echo "${passed}"
Though I definitely would like to learn how it can be implemented shorter, that's not the topic of my question (though some advice would be appreciated ;]).
My question is related to the for passed_arg in ${script_args}; do line:
Why does it not work when script_args expanded within string i.e. "${script_args}", when "${#}" or "$#" does.
Only ${script_args} works.
So how is $# different from the regular array (like (a b c)), and how is script_args different from $#?
What is the catch?
$# is not an array, though it is array-like.
The assignment script_args=$# simply creates a regular parameter whose value is the contents of $# concatenated with a space. If you really want an array with the same contents, use
script_args=( "$#" ) # The quotes are critical!
is_arg_passed() {
local passed=false
for passed_arg in "${script_args[#]}"; do # So are these quotes!
for arg in "$#"; do
if [[ "${passed_arg}" == "${arg}" ]]; then
[[ "${passed}" == true ]] && break
echo "${passed}"
This kind of containment check can also be done using an associative array (as long as the arguments are not empty strings).
declare -A script_args
for arg; do
# The value doesn't matter; we'll only be checking
# if the key exists.
is_arg_passed() {
for arg; do
if ! [[ -v "script_args[$arg]" ]]; then
echo false
return 1
echo true
return 0
They're not different based on how you compare them because an array much like the positional parameters is expanded with a quote: "${script_args[#]}"
Also you're storing the arguments wrong. With script_args=$# you store a string value to script_args. The value is a merged form of the values of $# with the space used as a conjunctor.
To store them as an array, use script_name=("$#"). Read the Arrays section of the Bash manual to know more about it.

how to echo out associative part of associative array bash [duplicate]

set -o nounset
Having an indexed array like:
myArray=( "red" "black" "blue" )
What is the shortest way to check if element 1 is set?
I sometimes use the following:
test "${#myArray[#]}" -gt "1" && echo "1 exists" || echo "1 doesn't exist"
I would like to know if there's a preferred one.
How to deal with non-consecutive indexes?
How to quick check that 51 is already set for example?
How to deal with associative arrays?
declare -A myArray
How to quick check that key2 is already used for example?
To check if the element is set (applies to both indexed and associative array)
[ "${array[key]+abc}" ] && echo "exists"
Basically what ${array[key]+abc} does is
if array[key] is set, return abc
if array[key] is not set, return nothing
See Parameter Expansion in Bash manual and the little note
if the colon is omitted, the operator tests only for existence [of parameter]
This answer is actually adapted from the answers for this SO question: How to tell if a string is not defined in a bash shell script?
A wrapper function:
if [ "$2" != in ]; then
echo "Incorrect usage."
echo "Correct usage: exists {key} in {array}"
eval '[ ${'$3'[$1]+muahaha} ]'
For example
if ! exists key in array; then echo "No such array element"; fi
From man bash, conditional expressions:
-v varname
True if the shell variable varname is set (has been assigned a value).
declare -A foo
foo[bar]="this is bar"
if [[ -v "foo[bar]" ]] ; then
echo "foo[bar] is set"
if [[ -v "foo[baz]" ]] ; then
echo "foo[baz] is set"
if [[ -v "foo[quux]" ]] ; then
echo "foo[quux] is set"
This will show that both foo[bar] and foo[baz] are set (even though the latter is set to an empty value) and foo[quux] is not.
New answer
From version 4.2 of bash (and newer), there is a new -v option to built-in test command.
From version 4.3, this test could address element of arrays.
array=([12]="red" [51]="black" [129]="blue")
for i in 10 12 30 {50..52} {128..131};do
if [ -v 'array[i]' ];then
echo "Variable 'array[$i]' is defined"
echo "Variable 'array[$i]' not exist"
Variable 'array[10]' not exist
Variable 'array[12]' is defined
Variable 'array[30]' not exist
Variable 'array[50]' not exist
Variable 'array[51]' is defined
Variable 'array[52]' not exist
Variable 'array[128]' not exist
Variable 'array[129]' is defined
Variable 'array[130]' not exist
Variable 'array[131]' not exist
Note: regarding ssc's comment, I've single quoted 'array[i]' in -v test, in order to satisfy shellcheck's error SC2208. This seem not really required here, because there is no glob character in array[i], anyway...
This work with associative arrays in same way:
declare -A aArray=([foo]="bar" [bar]="baz" [baz]=$'Hello world\041')
for i in alpha bar baz dummy foo test;do
if [ -v 'aArray[$i]' ];then
echo "Variable 'aArray[$i]' is defined"
echo "Variable 'aArray[$i]' not exist"
Variable 'aArray[alpha]' not exist
Variable 'aArray[bar]' is defined
Variable 'aArray[baz]' is defined
Variable 'aArray[dummy]' not exist
Variable 'aArray[foo]' is defined
Variable 'aArray[test]' not exist
With a little difference:In regular arrays, variable between brackets ([i]) is integer, so dollar symbol ($) is not required, but for associative array, as key is a word, $ is required ([$i])!
Old answer for bash prior to V4.2
Unfortunately, bash give no way to make difference betwen empty and undefined variable.
But there is some ways:
$ array=()
$ array[12]="red"
$ array[51]="black"
$ array[129]="blue"
$ echo ${array[#]}
red black blue
$ echo ${!array[#]}
12 51 129
$ echo "${#array[#]}"
$ printf "%s\n" ${!array[#]}|grep -q ^51$ && echo 51 exist
51 exist
$ printf "%s\n" ${!array[#]}|grep -q ^52$ && echo 52 exist
(give no answer)
And for associative array, you could use the same:
$ unset array
$ declare -A array
$ array["key1"]="red"
$ array["key2"]="black"
$ array["key3"]="blue"
$ echo ${array[#]}
blue black red
$ echo ${!array[#]}
key3 key2 key1
$ echo ${#array[#]}
$ set | grep ^array=
array=([key3]="blue" [key2]="black" [key1]="red" )
$ printf "%s\n" ${!array[#]}|grep -q ^key2$ && echo key2 exist || echo key2 not exist
key2 exist
$ printf "%s\n" ${!array[#]}|grep -q ^key5$ && echo key5 exist || echo key5 not exist
key5 not exist
You could do the job without the need of externals tools (no printf|grep as pure bash), and why not, build checkIfExist() as a new bash function:
$ checkIfExist() {
eval 'local keys=${!'$1'[#]}';
eval "case '$2' in
${keys// /|}) return 0 ;;
* ) return 1 ;;
$ checkIfExist array key2 && echo exist || echo don\'t
$ checkIfExist array key5 && echo exist || echo don\'t
or even create a new getIfExist bash function that return the desired value and exit with false result-code if desired value not exist:
$ getIfExist() {
eval 'local keys=${!'$1'[#]}';
eval "case '$2' in
${keys// /|}) echo \${$1[$2]};return 0 ;;
* ) return 1 ;;
$ getIfExist array key1
$ echo $?
$ # now with an empty defined value
$ array["key4"]=""
$ getIfExist array key4
$ echo $?
$ getIfExist array key5
$ echo $?
What about a -n test and the :- operator?
For example, this script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
set -u
declare -A sample
if [[ -n "${sample['ABC']:-}" ]]; then
echo "ABC is set"
if [[ -n "${sample['DEF']:-}" ]]; then
echo "DEF is set"
if [[ -n "${sample['GHI']:-}" ]]; then
echo "GHI is set"
ABC is set
DEF is set
tested in bash 4.3.39(1)-release
declare -A fmap
# should echo foo is set to 'boo'
if [[ -z "${fmap[${key}]}" ]]; then echo "$key is unset in fmap"; else echo "${key} is set to '${fmap[${key}]}'"; fi
# should echo blah is unset in fmap
if [[ -z "${fmap[${key}]}" ]]; then echo "$key is unset in fmap"; else echo "${key} is set to '${fmap[${key}]}'"; fi
Reiterating this from Thamme:
[[ ${array[key]+Y} ]] && echo Y || echo N
This tests if the variable/array element exists, including if it is set to a null value. This works with a wider range of bash versions than -v and doesn't appear sensitive to things like set -u. If you see a "bad array subscript" using this method please post an example.
This is the easiest way I found for scripts.
<search> is the string you want to find, ASSOC_ARRAY the name of the variable holding your associative array.
Dependign on what you want to achieve:
key exists:
if grep -qe "<search>" <(echo "${!ASSOC_ARRAY[#]}"); then echo key is present; fi
key exists not:
if ! grep -qe "<search>" <(echo "${!ASSOC_ARRAY[#]}"); then echo key not present; fi
value exists:
if grep -qe "<search>" <(echo "${ASSOC_ARRAY[#]}"); then echo value is present; fi
value exists not:
if ! grep -qe "<search>" <(echo "${ASSOC_ARRAY[#]}"); then echo value not present; fi
I wrote a function to check if a key exists in an array in Bash:
# Check if array key exists
# Usage: array_key_exists $array_name $key
# Returns: 0 = key exists, 1 = key does NOT exist
function array_key_exists() {
local _array_name="$1"
local _key="$2"
local _cmd='echo ${!'$_array_name'[#]}'
local _array_keys=($(eval $_cmd))
local _key_exists=$(echo " ${_array_keys[#]} " | grep " $_key " &>/dev/null; echo $?)
[[ "$_key_exists" = "0" ]] && return 0 || return 1
declare -A my_array
if [[ "$(array_key_exists 'my_array' 'foo'; echo $?)" = "0" ]]; then
echo "OK"
echo "ERROR"
Tested with GNU bash, version 4.1.5(1)-release (i486-pc-linux-gnu)
For all time people, once and for all.
There's a "clean code" long way, and there is a shorter, more concise, bash centered way.
$1 = The index or key you are looking for.
$2 = The array / map passed in by reference.
function hasKey ()
local -r needle="${1:?}"
local -nr haystack=${2:?}
for key in "${!haystack[#]}"; do
if [[ $key == $needle ]] ;
return 0
return 1
A linear search can be replaced by a binary search, which would perform better with larger data sets. Simply count and sort the keys first, then do a classic binary halving of of the haystack as you get closer and closer to the answer.
Now, for the purist out there that is like "No, I want the more performant version because I may have to deal with large arrays in bash," lets look at a more bash centered solution, but one that maintains clean code and the flexibility to deal with arrays or maps.
function hasKey ()
local -r needle="${1:?}"
local -nr haystack=${2:?}
[ -n ${haystack["$needle"]+found} ]
The line [ -n ${haystack["$needle"]+found} ]uses the ${parameter+word} form of bash variable expansion, not the ${parameter:+word} form, which attempts to test the value of a key, too, which is not the matter at hand.
local -A person=(firstname Anthony lastname Rutledge)
if hasMapKey "firstname" person; then
# Do something
When not performing substring expansion, using the form described
below (e.g., ‘:-’), Bash tests for a parameter that is unset or null.
Omitting the colon results in a test only for a parameter that is
unset. Put another way, if the colon is included, the operator tests
for both parameter’s existence and that its value is not null; if the
colon is omitted, the operator tests only for existence.
If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is substituted. Otherwise, the value of parameter is substituted.
If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is assigned to parameter. The value of parameter is then substituted. Positional
parameters and special parameters may not be assigned to in this way.
If parameter is null or unset, the expansion of word (or a message to that effect if word is not present) is written to the standard
error and the shell, if it is not interactive, exits. Otherwise, the
value of parameter is substituted. ${parameter:+word}
If parameter is null or unset, nothing is substituted, otherwise the expansion of word is substituted.
If $needle does not exist expand to nothing, otherwise expand to the non-zero length string, "found". This will make the -n test succeed if the $needle in fact does exist (as I say "found"), and fail otherwise.
Both in the case of arrays and hash maps I find the easiest and more straightforward solution is to use the matching operator =~.
For arrays:
myArray=("red" "black" "blue")
if [[ " ${myArray[#]} " =~ " blue " ]]; then
echo "blue exists in myArray"
echo "blue does not exist in myArray"
NOTE: The spaces around the array guarantee the first and last element can match. The spaces around the value guarantee an exact match.
For hash maps, it's actually the same solution since printing a hash map as a string gives you a list of its values.
declare -A myMap
if [[ " ${myMap[#]} " =~ " blue " ]]; then
echo "blue exists in myMap"
echo "blue does not exist in myMap"
But what if you would like to check whether a key exists in a hash map? In the case you can use the ! operator which gives you the list of keys in a hash map.
if [[ " ${!myMap[#]} " =~ " key3 " ]]; then
echo "key3 exists in myMap"
echo "key3 does not exist in myMap"
I get bad array subscript error when the key I'm checking is not set. So, I wrote a function that loops over the keys:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
declare -A helpList
function get_help(){
for key in "${!helpList[#]}";do
if [[ "$key" == "$target" ]];then
echo "${helpList["$target"]}"
targetValue="$(get_help command_name)"
if [[ -z "$targetvalue" ]];then
echo "command_name is not set"
It echos the value when it is found & echos nothing when not found. All the other solutions I tried gave me that error.

Testing empty variables

I have a large number of variables in my script, and I want the script to error out if any one of the variables are empty.
I know I can:
if [[ -z "$var_1" ]] || [[ -z "$var_2" ]] || ... [[ -z "$var_n" ]]; then
# failure message
However, I cannot inform the user which variable was empty if I do it in this way. Is there an alternative approach to the above so that I can inform the user about the empty variable?
foo=(var_1 var_2 var_n)
for bar in ${foo[*]}
if [[ ! ${!bar} ]]
echo $bar is empty
Just use ${var:?var is empty or unset} the first time you reference the variable. If empty strings are acceptable and you only care if the variables are set, do ${var?var is unset}. Using ? in the parameter expansion causes the shell to terminate and if the variable is (empty or) unset.

How can I check if a string is in an array without iterating over the elements?

Is there a way of checking if a string exists in an array of strings - without iterating through the array?
For example, given the script below, how I can correctly implement it to test if the value stored in variable $test exists in $array?
array=('hello' 'world' 'my' 'name' 'is' 'perseus')
#pseudo code
if [$array[$test]]
do something
something else
I am using bash 4.1.5
With bash 4, the closest thing you can do is use associative arrays.
declare -A map
for name in hello world my name is perseus; do
...which does the exact same thing as:
declare -A map=( [hello]=1 [my]=1 [name]=1 [is]=1 [perseus]=1 )
...followed by:
if [[ ${map["$tgt"]} ]] ; then
: found
There will always technically be iteration, but it can be relegated to the shell's underlying array code. Shell expansions offer an abstraction that hide the implementation details, and avoid the necessity for an explicit loop within the shell script.
Handling word boundaries for this use case is easier with fgrep, which has a built-in facility for handling whole-word fixed strings. The regular expression match is harder to get right, but the example below works with the provided corpus.
External Grep Process
array=('hello' 'world' 'my' 'name' 'is' 'perseus')
if echo "${array[#]}" | fgrep --word-regexp "$word"; then
: # do something
Bash Regular Expression Test
array=('hello' 'world' 'my' 'name' 'is' 'perseus')
if [[ "${array[*]}" =~ (^|[^[:alpha:]])$word([^[:alpha:]]|$) ]]; then
: # do something
You can use an associative array since you're using Bash 4.
declare -A array=([hello]= [world]= [my]= [name]= [is]= [perseus]=)
if [[ ${array[$test]-X} == ${array[$test]} ]]
do something
something else
The parameter expansion substitutes an "X" if the array element is unset (but doesn't if it's null). By doing that and checking to see if the result is different from the original value, we can tell if the key exists regardless of its value.
array=('hello' 'world' 'my' 'name' 'is' 'perseus')
regex="^($(IFS=\|; echo "${array[*]}"))$"
[[ $test =~ $regex ]] && echo "found" || echo "not found"
Reading your post I take it that you don't just want to know if a string exists in an array (as the title would suggest) but to know if that string actually correspond to an element of that array. If this is the case please read on.
I found a way that seems to work fine .
Useful if you're stack with bash 3.2 like I am (but also tested and working in bash 4.2):
array=('hello' 'world' 'my' 'name' 'is' 'perseus')
IFS=: # We set IFS to a character we are confident our
# elements won't contain (colon in this case)
test=:henry: # We wrap the pattern in the same character
# Then we test it:
# Note the array in the test is double quoted, * is used (# is not good here) AND
# it's wrapped in the boundary character I set IFS to earlier:
[[ ":${array[*]}:" =~ $test ]] && echo "found! :)" || echo "not found :("
not found :( # Great! this is the expected result
test=:perseus: # We do the same for an element that exists
[[ ":${array[*]}:" =~ $test ]] && echo "found! :)" || echo "not found :("
found! :) # Great! this is the expected result
array[5]="perseus smith" # For another test we change the element to an
# element with spaces, containing the original pattern.
[[ ":${array[*]}:" =~ $test ]] && echo "found!" || echo "not found :("
not found :( # Great! this is the expected result
unset IFS # Remember to unset IFS to revert it to its default value
Let me explain this:
This workaround is based on the principle that "${array[*]}" (note the double quotes and the asterisk) expands to the list of elements of array separated by the first character of IFS.
Therefore we have to set IFS to whatever we want to use as boundary (a colon in my case):
Then we wrap the element we are looking for in the same character:
And finally we look for it in the array. Take note of the rules I followed to do the test (they are all mandatory): the array is double quoted, * is used (# is not good) AND it's wrapped in the boundary character I set IFS to earlier:
[[ ":${array[*]}:" =~ $test ]] && echo found || echo "not found :("
not found :(
If we look for an element that exists:
[[ ":${array[*]}:" =~ $test ]] && echo "found! :)" || echo "not found :("
found! :)
For another test we can change the last element 'perseus' for 'perseus smith' (element with spaces), just to check if it's a match (which shouldn't be):
array[5]="perseus smith"
[[ ":${array[*]}:" =~ $test ]] && echo "found!" || echo "not found :("
not found :(
Great!, this is the expected result since "perseus" by itself is not an element anymore.
Important!: Remember to unset IFS to revert it to its default value (unset) once you're done with the tests:
unset IFS
So so far this method seems to work, you just have to be careful and choose a character for IFS that you are sure your elements won't contain.
Hope it helps anyone!
In most cases, the following would work. Certainly it has restrictions and limitations, but easy to read and understand.
if [ "$(echo " ${array[#]} " | grep " $test ")" == "" ]; then
echo notFound
echo found
Instead of iterating over the array elements it is possible to use parameter expansion to delete the specified string as an array item (for further information and examples see Messing with arrays in bash and Modify every element of a Bash array without looping).
set -f
export IFS=""
array1=('hello' 'world' 'my' 'name' 'is' 'perseus')
#array1=('hello' 'world' 'my' 'name' 'is' 'perseusXXX' 'XXXperseus')
# removes empty string as array item due to IFS=""
array2=( ${array1[#]/#${test}/} )
echo "number of array1 items: ${n1}"
echo "number of array2 items: ${n2}"
echo "indices of array1: ${!array1[*]}"
echo "indices of array2: ${!array2[*]}"
echo 'array2:'
for ((i=0; i < ${#array2[#]}; i++)); do
echo "${i}: '${array2[${i}]}'"
if [[ $n1 -ne $n2 ]]; then
echo "${test} is in array at least once! "
echo "${test} is NOT in array! "
q=( 1 2 3 )
[ "${q[*]/1/}" = "${q[*]}" ] && echo not in array || echo in array
#in array
[ "${q[*]/7/}" = "${q[*]}" ] && echo not in array || echo in array
#not in array
array=('hello' 'world' 'my' 'yourname' 'name' 'is' 'perseus')
[[ "${array[0]} " =~ "$test " ]] ||
[[ "${array[#]:1:$((nelem-1))}" =~ " $test " ]] ||
[[ " ${array[$((nelem-1))]}" =~ " $test" ]] &&
echo "found $test" || echo "$test not found"
Just treat the expanded array as a string and check for a substring, but to isolate the first and last element to ensure they are not matched as part of a lesser-included substring, they must be tested separately.
if ! grep -q "$item" <<< "$itemlist" ; then .....
Should work fine.
for simple use cases I use something like this
array=( 'hello' 'world' 'I' 'am' 'Joe' )
[[ " ${array[*]} " =~ " $word " ]] && echo "$word is in array!"
Note the spaces around ". This works as long as there are no spaces in the array values and the input doesn't match more values at once, like word='hello world'. If there are, you'd have to play with $IFS on top of that.

How to parse $QUERY_STRING from a bash CGI script?

I have a bash script that is being used in a CGI. The CGI sets the $QUERY_STRING environment variable by reading everything after the ? in the URL. For example, sets QUERY_STRING=a=123&b=456&c=ok.
Somewhere I found the following ugliness:
b=$(echo "$QUERY_STRING" | sed -n 's/^.*b=\([^&]*\).*$/\1/p' | sed "s/%20/ /g")
which will set $b to whatever was found in $QUERY_STRING for b. However, my script has grown to have over ten input parameters. Is there an easier way to automatically convert the parameters in $QUERY_STRING into environment variables usable by bash?
Maybe I'll just use a for loop of some sort, but it'd be even better if the script was smart enough to automatically detect each parameter and maybe build an array that looks something like this:
How could I write code to do that?
Try this:
Now you have this:
In Bash 4, which has associative arrays, you can do this (using the array created above):
declare -A array
for ((i=0; i<${#parm[#]}; i+=2))
which will give you this:
To use indirection in Bash 2 and later (using the parm array created above):
for ((i=0; i<${#parm[#]}; i+=2))
declare var_${parm[i]}=${parm[i+1]}
Then you will have:
You can access these directly:
echo $var_a
or indirectly:
for p in a b c
echo ${!name}
If possible, it's better to avoid indirection since it can make code messy and be a source of bugs.
you can break $QUERY down using IFS. For example, setting it to &
$ QUERY="a=123&b=456&c=ok"
$ echo $QUERY
$ IFS="&"
$ set -- $QUERY
$ echo $1
$ echo $2
$ echo $3
$ array=($#)
$ for i in "${array[#]}"; do IFS="=" ; set -- $i; echo $1 $2; done
a 123
b 456
c ok
And you can save to a hash/dictionary in Bash 4+
$ declare -A hash
$ for i in "${array[#]}"; do IFS="=" ; set -- $i; hash[$1]=$2; done
$ echo ${hash["b"]}
Please don't use the evil eval junk.
Here's how you can reliably parse the string and get an associative array:
declare -A param
while IFS='=' read -r -d '&' key value && [[ -n "$key" ]]; do
done <<<"${QUERY_STRING}&"
If you don't like the key check, you could do this instead:
declare -A param
while IFS='=' read -r -d '&' key value; do
done <<<"${QUERY_STRING:+"${QUERY_STRING}&"}"
Listing all the keys and values from the array:
for key in "${!param[#]}"; do
echo "$key: ${param[$key]}"
I packaged the sed command up into another script:
echo $QUERY_STRING | sed -n $s | sed "s/%20/ /g"
and I call it from my main cgi as:
id=`./ id`
ds=`./ ds`
dt=`./ dt`
...etc, etc - you get idea.
works for me even with a very basic busybox appliance (my PVR in this case).
To converts the contents of QUERY_STRING into bash variables use the following command:
eval $(echo ${QUERY_STRING//&/;})
The inner step, echo ${QUERY_STRING//&/;}, substitutes all ampersands with semicolons producing a=123;b=456;c=ok which the eval then evaluates into the current shell.
The result can then be used as bash variables.
echo $a
echo $b
echo $c
The assumptions are:
values will never contain '&'
values will never contain ';'
QUERY_STRING will never contain malicious code
While the accepted answer is probably the most beautiful one, there might be cases where security is super-important, and it needs to be also well-visible from your script.
In such a case, first I wouldn't use bash for the task, but if it should be done on some reason, it might be better to avoid these new array - dictionary features, because you can't be sure, how exactly are they escaped.
In this case, the good old primitive solutions might work:
while [ "${QS}" != "" ]
# and here we have $name and $val as names and values
# ...
This iterates on the name-value pairs of the QUERY_STRING, and there is no way to circumvent it with any tricky escape sequence - the " is a very strong thing in bash, except a single variable name substitution, which is fully controlled by us, nothing can be tricked.
Furthermore, you can inject your own processing code into "# ...". This enables you to allow only your own, well-defined (and, ideally, short) list of the allowed variable names. Needless to say, LD_PRELOAD shouldn't be one of them. ;-)
Furthermore, no variable will be exported, and exclusively QS, nameval, name and val is used.
Following the correct answer, I've done myself some changes to support array variables like in this other question. I added also a decode function of which I can not find the author to give some credit.
Code appears somewhat messy, but it works. Changes and other recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
function cgi_decodevar() {
[ $# -ne 1 ] && return
local v t h
# replace all + with whitespace and append %%
t="${1//+/ }%%"
while [ ${#t} -gt 0 -a "${t}" != "%" ]; do
v="${v}${t%%\%*}" # digest up to the first %
t="${t#*%}" # remove digested part
# decode if there is anything to decode and if not at end of string
if [ ${#t} -gt 0 -a "${t}" != "%" ]; then
h=${t:0:2} # save first two chars
t="${t:2}" # remove these
v="${v}"`echo -e \\\\x${h}` # convert hex to special char
# return decoded string
echo "${v}"
for ((i=0; i<${#VARS[#]}; i+=2))
curr="$(cgi_decodevar ${VARS[i]})"
next="$(cgi_decodevar ${VARS[i+2]})"
prev="$(cgi_decodevar ${VARS[i-2]})"
value="$(cgi_decodevar ${VARS[i+1]})"
if [ "$curr" == "$next" ] && [ "$curr" != "$prev" ] ;then
declare var_${array}[$j]="$value"
elif [ $i -gt 1 ] && [ "$curr" == "$prev" ]; then
j=$((j + 1))
declare var_${array}[$j]="$value"
declare var_$curr="$value"
I would simply replace the & to ;. It will become to something like:
So now you need just evaluate and read your vars:
eval `echo "${QUERY_STRING}"|tr '&' ';'`
echo $a
echo $b
echo $c
A nice way to handle CGI query strings is to use Haserl which acts as a wrapper around your Bash cgi script, and offers convenient and secure query string parsing.
To bring this up to date, if you have a recent Bash version then you can achieve this with regular expressions:
declare -A params
while [[ $q =~ $re1 ]]; do
[[ ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} =~ $re2 ]] && params+=([${BASH_REMATCH[1]}]=${BASH_REMATCH[2]})
If you don't want to use associative arrays then just change the penultimate line to do what you want. For each iteration of the loop the parameter is in ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} and its value is in ${BASH_REMATCH[2]}.
Here is the same thing as a function in a short test script that iterates over the array outputs the query string's parameters and their values
get_query_string() {
local q="$QUERY_STRING"
local re1='^(\w+=\w+)&?'
local re2='^(\w+)=(\w+)$'
while [[ $q =~ $re1 ]]; do
[[ ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} =~ $re2 ]] && eval "$1+=([${BASH_REMATCH[1]}]=${BASH_REMATCH[2]})"
declare -A params
get_query_string params
for k in "${!params[#]}"
echo "$k : $v"
Note the parameters end up in the array in reverse order (it's associative so that shouldn't matter).
why not this
$ echo "${QUERY_STRING}"
$ saveIFS=$IFS
$ IFS='&'
$ IFS=$saveIFS
now you have this
name = carlo
last = lanza
city = pfungen-CH
$ echo "name is ${name}"
name is carlo
$ echo "last is ${last}"
last is lanza
$ echo "city is ${city}"
city is pfungen-CH
To include a hiphen in the regex you could change the two lines as such in answer from #starfry.
Change these two lines:
local re1='^(\w+=\w+)&?'
local re2='^(\w+)=(\w+)$'
To these two lines:
local re1='^(\w+=(\w+|-|)+)&?'
local re2='^(\w+)=((\w+|-|)+)$'
For all those who couldn't get it working with the posted answers (like me),
this guy figured it out.
Can't upvote his post unfortunately...
Let me repost the code here real quick:
if [ "$REQUEST_METHOD" = "POST" ]; then
if [ "$CONTENT_LENGTH" -gt 0 ]; then
#echo "$POST_DATA" > data.bin
set -- $POST_DATA
#2- Value1
#4- Value2
#6- Value3
#8- Value4
echo $2 $4 $6 $8
echo "Content-type: text/html"
echo ""
echo "<html><head><title>Saved</title></head><body>"
echo "Data received: $POST_DATA"
echo "</body></html>"
Hope this is of help for anybody.
Actually I liked bolt's answer, so I made a version which works with Busybox as well (ash in Busybox does not support here string).
This code will accept key1 and key2 parameters, all others will be ignored.
while IFS= read -r -d '&' KEYVAL && [[ -n "$KEYVAL" ]]; do
case ${KEYVAL%=*} in
key1) KEY1=${KEYVAL#*=} ;;
key2) KEY2=${KEYVAL#*=} ;;
done <<END
$(echo "${QUERY_STRING}&")
One can use the, which processes :
the query string into the $QUERY_STRING_GET key and value array;
the post request data (x-www-form-urlencoded) into the $QUERY_STRING_POST key and value array;
the cookies data into the $HTTP_COOKIES key and value array.
Demands bash version 4.0 or higher (to define the key and value arrays above).
All processing is made by bash only (i.e. in an one process) without any external dependencies and additional processes invoking.
It has:
the check for max length of data, which can be transferred to it's input,
as well as processed as query string and cookies;
the redirect() procedure to produce redirect to itself with the extension changed to .html (it is useful for an one page's sites);
the http_header_tail() procedure to output the last two strings of the HTTP(S) respond's header;
the $REMOTE_ADDR value sanitizer from possible injections;
the parser and evaluator of the escaped UTF-8 symbols embedded into the values passed to the $QUERY_STRING_GET, $QUERY_STRING_POST and $HTTP_COOKIES;
the sanitizer of the $QUERY_STRING_GET, $QUERY_STRING_POST and $HTTP_COOKIES values against possible SQL injections (the escaping like the mysql_real_escape_string php function does, plus the escaping of # and $).
It is available here:
This works in dash using for in loop
for f in $query_string; do
# if you need environment variable -> eval "qs_$key=$value"
