CoreData ArrayControllers in Cocoa Storyboards - macos

I am developing the Mac OS port of an iOS App and do face a problem with NSManagedObjectContexts when using NSArrayControllers in the Storyboard based Cocoa app.
It's kind of a follow-up question to:
Storyboard with TabViewController in OS X Application - Core Data Array Controllers in each scene?
I do have some ViewControllers presented like in a TabBarController, showing the same CoreData Entities. They are loaded through NSArrayControllers, that are hooked up with InterfaceBuilder.
From my existing knowledge, it was no problem to get the data on the screens. Even editing and saving to CoreData works.
But I realized, that every Storyboard scene got it's own instance of the NSArrayControllers and each its own NSManagedObjectContext.
When changing and saving the data on one screen, it is NOT updated on the other screens, that are all bound through the IB bindings and work in all other cases. They are just showing the data, they have loaded initially and are not updating automatically.
I think the problem is, that the changed data from contextA is not merged (or synced) to the other contexts of the other screens.
What is the best way of doing that? Should I use the NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification for this?
That would mean, I would have to write much code, to manually start merging the changes from one context to all the other NSManagedContexts. Does smell really bad to me. I think there must be a much easier way, that I am not aware of and unable to find out about.
If you do have a hint for me, please just stick me in the right direction.
Thanks for that already.

Problem solved, I did a thumb error with Cocoa Bindings: I just dragged an object in the storyboard to every scene and set that to the AppDelegate. I just instantiated several AppDelegates with this, very bad idea! I corrected this, referencing the AppDelegate through properties on my ViewControllers and now it works as it should be. IB just has its little edges, where one has to be totally aware, about what is happening.


Organizing XIBs and storyboards in modern Swift OSX apps

This is a best-practices question.
When one makes a new Swift application for OSX, it builds a Main.storyboard and places that physically in the Base.lproj folder, but logically within the app's main "group".
I decided to separate different parts of the UI into different storyboards, so I added a Document.storyboard and Preferences.storyboard.
In retrospect it's not clear if this was the correct way to do this - for items that consist of a single window or view, should I use storyboards or just use XIBs? I've read the Apple documents but I'm not clear on the practical differences. Are storyboards "replacing" XIBs, are they the new hotness that I should use from now on?
Now I will be expanding the project with additional views, specifically a series of sheets used for editing certain features of the document. Should I put these all in a single storyboard, one XIB, or individual XIBs? Is there any strong reason to select one over the others?
And finally, when I added my storyboards, it placed them in the root of the project folder. Should these really be moved to Base.lprog?
This is something I've been thinking about, too. I've recently gotten into OS X development, so I'll share my amateur view of XIBs vs storyboards. To those of you that are more familiar with this, feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken.
Interface Builder inside Xcode seems to do a pretty good job of allowing you to put a skeleton in place, but doesn't always provide all the necessary customization options for a view. When using storyboards, I frequently end up with projects that are half visually based, and half code. It's like working on a cyborg.
Nibs/Xibs suffer from the same problem, but they don't even try to implement transitions. From what I can tell, they represent single windows, views, or menu items. This makes them simpler and more modular. You get to write the code that handles the wiring of them together, and, at first, it may seem like more trouble, but it actually feels like a benefit to me because of the level of control gained. Storyboards can do a lot of this for you, but I personally tend to prefer having it all together in the code.
The ideal solution, to me, would be for Apple to implement a more abstract form of user interface design: where each window (or iOS view, depending on the platform) was contained in a nib, and a Storyboard was only a transition mapping between the nibs. For example: You create all your windows and menus, and then use the storyboard to connect them all, but the storyboard can't edit any of the views details, only transitions and connections.
That being said, I'm quickly getting to the point where I prefer nibs and do all the other coding myself. If nothing else, I'm becoming a better programmer for it. Hope this helps!

Showing views in interface builder outside viewcontroller hierarchy in xcode5

I often make use of views in interface builder that live outside of the viewcontroller hierarchy (see screen grab below for simple example).
Before upgrading to Xcode5 I could get this view to appear on the storyboard by writing an IBAction outlet and dragging a connection from the code to the view in the storyboard.
If you paused over the button for a moment it would flash and then open up as a view on the storyboard that is then a lot easier to work with.
Since upgrading this function no longer seems available. Has anyone found out how to get these views to appear on the storyboard?
Using the temporary viewcontroller as described in this answer seems one approach, although fiddly since you need to move the UIView stack between viewcontrollers each time you want to edit the layout. Using a separate XIB is starting to seem like the sanest approach.
Finally, we get this back in Xcode 7.

Collection View Not Visible in Simulator

I am extremely new at Xcode. I am building an app that has a collection view in it. It looks great in the storyboard view, but nothing shows up when I run the simulator. I have images and labels in the cells. I have created a subclass for the cells and made my connections for the images and labels into the .h file. For right now I am just making a stub prototype (cells don't link to anything). If anyone can give me an answer or just suggest something to try than that would be great.
You're making a dynamic prototype - to actually show data, you need to read up on datasources and delegates.
If I were you, I would start with trying to make a simple UITableView app first. Google UITableView tutorial to get started.
After you're familiar with the above concepts, then would I suggest to go through a collection view tutorial - it's a relatively simple set of concepts when you get it, but you have to get it first :)

Tabbed application troubles in xcode

I am working with my first tabbed application in xcode. I am just testing with some stuff since I'm relatively new to programming. I am just using the 2 views already put into the template. I am putting a slider into the first view and am going to attach it to a text box with numbers. But that isn't the problem! This is probably really stupid and simple, but when i run the application just to see the stuff on the simulator, it is just showing a black screen. NO CLUE WHY! But its killing me and would love some help!
You are not suppose to make connections in AppDelegate. You should use a ViewController for each class. I.E. FirstViewController, SecondViewController. AppDelegate is usually only used for calling save/restore messages.
You are getting the error because the storyboard view is assuming you are assigning it to the correct view. When you create the storyboard say you named it TestApp. Then, you should have a few classes. TestAppDelegate, TestAppDelegateFirstViewController, TestAppDelegateSecondViewController. Or something along those lines. FirstViewController should connect to the first view on the tab view. The Second should attach to the second.
AppDelegate is almost never used for UI. I would suggest you find a book on the matter. I'll suggest "iOS Programming. The Big Nerd Ranch Guide". It helped me a lot when I started.
Photo Exmaple:
I did end up starting a new project. Weird that the black screen showed up.. not really sure why that error was popping up.. I'm not really that knowledgable about the different errors and bugs that a program can have yet! Getting closer though!

High-Level App Design/Architecture

I've done a fair amount of iOS development in the past couple of years, so I'm pretty familiar with iOS architecture and app design (everything's a ViewController that you either push, pop, or stick into tab bars). I've recently started exploring proper Mac app development and feel a little lost. I'd like to really just have a sanity check and maybe some advice as to what the proper way to build an app like this is:
I'd like to build a library-style, single window app, that will spawn additional windows during its operation, but not as full-blown documents. The main window will be laid out much like OS X Lion's, with a three-wide split view containing:
A source list, or high-level topic selection
A list view of items pertaining to the topic selected in the first pane
A detail view, which shows the details of the object selected in the middle pane
Like I said, really similar to as far as looks go.
My question is really how to glue all this together from inside XCode. Here's where my confusion lies so far:
The default project generated a NIB with a main menu and window. I like to encapsulate functionality, so should I make a window controller for this window and somehow hook it up in Interface Builder, or does window-specific functionality belong somewhere else?
If possible, I'd like each of my three panes to be separate view controllers. I created three NSViewController subclasses (XCode automatically generated NIBs), and added (to the main menu/window NIB) view controller objects with each class specified, hooking up each one's view property to one of the three Custom View generic NSView objects I dropped into the NSSplitView. When I tried to set each view controller's NIB, only the main menu/window NIB appeared in the drop-down, and typing the desired one by hand seemed to have no effect (the view's contents didn't actually appear when running the app). This makes me think I'm doing something wrong.
I'm a little fuzzy on what types of views I should use for each of the first two panes. I'll obviously build a custom one for the final pane, but it seems like the first two should be present in the Cocoa framework already.
Anyway, if I'm doing completely the wrong thing, don't bother addressing my questions; just tell me what I should be doing instead. I think I just need a proper Mac developer to point me in the right direction.
With regard to your first question, you don't need to use the main window that Apple supplies in MainMenu.xib. If you want, you are free to delete that window from the nib and then instantiate an NSWindowController in your applicationDidFinishLaunching: delegate method which then loads and controls the main window.
You are definitely confused about NSViewController, which is not really all that surprising, since you might assume that it works like UIViewController.
In fact, NSViewController is completely different to UIViewController and does not have the same level of Interface Builder support. You can't place a view controller in a window in IB, for example, whereas this is standard practice on iOS. NSViewController is a relatively new class on the Mac and generally you use it to load views programmatically and manage the view content.
The class that most closely maps to UIViewController on the Mac is NSWindowController. This has been around a lot longer than NSViewController and in fact many Mac apps don't use NSViewController at all.
Generally, each window in your app should have a window controller managing it. You can use subclasses of NSWindowController to handle a lot of the functionality for each window.
If you want to use NSViewController, then you should use your window controller to manage those view controller objects. This is generally done programmatically due to the aforesaid lack of Interface Builder support. Each NSViewController instance loads its view from a specific nib file. You generally don't add view controllers in Interface Builder.
For your source list you would generally use an NSOutlineView if you have multiple sections or an NSTableView. These two objects are used whenever you need a list of items. NSOutlineView is hierarchical, whereas NSTableView is flat.
I hope this helps.
