Rethinkdb Scalability - rethinkdb

How scalable is rethinkdb? Can it be used for TB's of data?
I have around 400 GB's of data, which are bound to increase by 10-25 GB's per week. Any suggestions, would be of great help.

Rethinkdb is very scalable and you should be able to use it with TBs of data no problem, that's what its designed for. As for its stability it should be very stable as of version 2.0 and fully production.

Note that a NoSQL-Database does increase the amount of storage required massively, so be sure to have enough disk space on your nodes.
But some terabytes are no issue for RethinkDB, it's designed to handle a nearly infinite amount of data if your nodes have a lot of RAM it also provides nearly Memory-alike performance because the caching algorithms are very good.
You can easily spread out your data on many nodes, by sharding, which also increases the absolute throughput of your cluster, but slightly increases the latency of queries, because of the round trips between the cluster-members.


Influxdb(single node) scaling to ~200 writes per second

What is the maximum number of points that can be written to influxdb (single node) per second? Is it feasible to scale influxdb without going for the paid cluster? And should I consider elasticsearch instead of influxdb for time series data (~3000 bytes/sec/user) if I am expecting around 60 concurrent users?
Depends on hardware.
Limiting factors are
Cardinality of series in the DB (total unique series)
WAL disk throughput (this could be put on tmpfs if you don't have SSD)
Data disk throughput (use SSD for best results)
RAM (more is better)
CPU for ingestion, indexing and queries
How far a single node can go largely depends on these and on the workload.
For write-heavy workloads of low cardinality, CPU generally tends to run out faster than anything else, assuming SSDs are used and disk I/O has been optimised accordingly.
After that, cardinality is the biggest limiting factor. Schema design plays a huge role, much bigger than number of nodes.
From some benchmarks I have done, a single node easily scales to ~70K series per second, with CPU being the limiting factor. This was on an old version though, likely higher than that now. Again, largely depends on data and schema design.
It is feasible to scale it without paid cluster by adding separate nodes, but not if you want to keep a homogeneous view (single source of all your data). Scaling vertically (more CPU, RAM) works only as long as cardinality remains consistent, meaning more data points for roughly same number of series.
InfluxDB suggest up to 250K writes / second with 25 queries per second on up to 1M unique queries is feasible on a single node. See hardware guidelines.
For the amount of data you have single node is more than enough - size of data does not matter, number of series does. Avoid elasticsearch for time series data - needs much more infrastructure to handle same amount of data.

ElasticSearch Analytical queries

I am evaluating a few different options for powering an analytics application using an open-source technology. One of the options is using ElasticSearch, though I haven't been able to find any examples of companies using it for large-scale implementations of analytics, thus my question here.
For datasets of 1B-10B points, what limitations (if any, or would it be possible?) would ElasticSearch have? For example, in having a feature-set like Google Analytics, with it.
Here's one user who seems to do analytics on largeish amounts of data - - plus description of what they do including downsides.
With Elasticsearch there is no black-white answer to a question as open-ended as yours. The amount of records is not everything: how much disk space are we talking about, how many nodes, how many indices, the number of shards for each, what kind of analytics you need, hardware specs etc etc. Two things are certain from the data you mentioned: you need dedicated master nodes and more importantly good client nodes and depending on queries and the concurrent searches count you will need more or less of them.
In Elasticsearch 5 the client node is called coordinating node but it has the same role. One limitation I can think of is the heap/RAM memory of such coordinating node. The heap of an Elasticsearch node shouldn't be set to values larger than ~30GB due to the longer garbage collection cycles of the JVM (larger memory to clean, more time it takes, more unusable the node is). During GC nothing else runs on that JVM. So you could be limited by the size of the memory.
I said that you most likely will need coordinating nodes because heavy aggregations (what will probably be the most used feature in an analytics platform) will use cpu and memory in the final phase of a query where it gathers the results from all shards involved and performs a final sorting and aggregation. Thus it will need more memory than a normal data node would only for aggregations.
I doubt though that a single aggregation will use so many GBs of memory but it could theoretically use it if the query/aggregation being used is built in a reckless way. Depending on how many concurrent searches there are and how much memory they use you might need more or less coordinating nodes so that the GC cycles are not very frequent.
Bottom line: I think this is possible but some common sense is needed (see my comment about reckless aggregations) and some as close to reality as possible estimations regarding the load.
Google Analytics Pros:
Easy to Install
Can be used in multiple environments (e.g. web, mobile, other)
Customized data collection
Google Analytics Cons:
Custom reporting is limited
Upgrading to Premium is expensive
Requires continual traning
Slices data into smaller samples to deal with large sampling issues
ElasticSearch Pros:
Distributed by design
Easier to scale horizontally
Good at full text search
Fast indexing & querying
ElasticSearch Cons:
Not a relational database therefore does not benefit from things like foreign-key constaints
Data consistency can be affected
No built-in authentication or authorization system

Loading PetaBytes of data at scale

I need to load petabytes of text data into a storage (RAM/SSD) within a second.
Below are some of the question to solve the above problem.
1) Is it practically/theoretically possible to load petabytes of data in a second?
2) What will be the best design approach in order to achive fast loading of petabyte scale data in sub seconds.
3) Any benchmark approach available?.
I am okay to implement with any kind of technologies like Hadoop, spark, HPCC etc...
"petabytes .... within a second". seriously? Please check wikipedia Petabyte: it is 1.000.000 GB!
Also check wikipedia Memory bandwidth. Even the fastest RAM cannot handle more than a few 10 GB / s (in practice this is far lower).
Just curious: what is your use-case?
No, it is not technically possible at this time. Not even RAM memory is fast enough (not to mention the obvious capacity constraints). The fastest SSD (M.2 drives) you can get write speed around 1.2GB/s and with raid 0, you might achieve speeds just around 3GB/s at most. There are also economical constraints, as those drives by themselves are quite expensive. So to answer your question, those speeds are technically impossible at current time.
From HPCC perspective...
Thor is designed to load data and support multiple servers. However the biggest cluster I heard about is about 4000 servers. Thor is designed to load a lot of data over long time (even a week).
In the other hand Roxie is designed to serve data quickly but is not what you are asking for...nor it could serve Petabytes under a second.

Fastest nosql option for number crunching?

I had always thought that Mongo had excellent performance with it's mapreduce functionality, but am now reading that it is a slow implementation of it. So if I had to pick an alternative to benchmark against, what should it be?
My software will be such that users will often have millions of records, and often be sorting and crunching through unpredictable subsets that are 10s or 100s of thousands. Most of the analysis of data that uses the full millions of records can be done in summary tables and the like. I'd originally thought Hypertable was a viable alternative, but in doing research I saw in their documents their mention that Mongo would be a more performant option, while Hypertable had other benefits. But for my application speed is my number one initial priority.
First of all, it's important to decide on what is "fast enough". Undoubtedly there are faster solutions than MongoDB's map/reduce but in most cases you may be looking at significantly higher development cost.
That said MongoDB's map/reduce runs, at time of writing, on a single thread which means it will not utilize all the cpu available to it. Also, MongoDB has very little in the way of native aggregation functionality. This will change fixed with version 2.1 onwards that should improve performance though (see and
Now, what MongoDB is good at is scaling up easily, especially when it comes to reads. And this is important because the best solution for number crunching on large datasets is definitely a map/reduce cloud like Augusto suggested. Let such an m/r do the number crunching while MongoDB makes the required data available at high speeds. Database query throughput too low is easily solved by adding more mongo shards. Number crunching/aggregation performance too slow is solved by adding more m/r boxes. Basically performance becomes a function of number of instances you reserve for the problem, and thus cost.

Riak performance - unexpected results

In the last days I played a bit with riak. The initial setup was easier then I thought. Now I have a 3 node cluster, all nodes running on the same vm for the sake of testing.
I admit, the hardware settings of my virtual machine are very much downgraded (1 CPU, 512 MB RAM) but still I am a quite surprised by the slow performance of riak.
Map Reduce
Playing a bit with map reduce I had around 2000 objects in one bucket, each about 1k - 2k in size as json. I used this map function:
function(value, keyData, arg) {
var data = Riak.mapValuesJson(value)[0];
if (data.displayname.indexOf("max") !== -1) return [data];
return [];
And it took over 2 seconds just for performing the http request returning its result, not counting the time it took in my client code to deserialze the results from json. Removing 2 of 3 nodes seemed to slightly improve the performance to just below 2 seconds, but this still seems really slow to me.
Is this to be expected? The objects were not that large in bytesize and 2000 objects in one bucket isnt that much, either.
Batch inserting of around 60.000 objects in the same size as above took rather long and actually didnt really work.
My script which inserted the objects in riak died at around 40.000 or so and said it couldnt connect to the riak node anymore. In the riak logs I found an error message which indicated that the node ran out of memory and died.
This is really my first shot at riak, so there is definately the chance that I screwed something up.
Are there any settings I could tweak?
Are the hardware settings too constrained?
Maybe the PHP client library I used for interacting with riak is the limiting factor here?
Running all nodes on the same physical machine is rather stupid, but if this is a problem - how can i better test the performance of riak?
Is map reduce really that slow? I read about the performance hit that map reduce has on the riak mailing list, but if Map Reduce is slow, how are you supposed to perform "queries" for data needed nearly in realtime? I know that riak is not as fast as redis.
It would really help me a lot if anyone with more experience in riak could help me out with some of these questions.
This answer is a bit late, but I want to point out that Riak's mapreduce implementation is designed primarily to work with links, not entire buckets.
Riak's internal design is actually pretty much optimized against working with entire buckets. That's because buckets are not considered to be sequential tables but a keyspace distributed across a cluster of nodes. This means that random access is very fast — probably O(log n), but don't quote me on that — whereas serial access is very, very, very slow. Serial access, the way Riak is currently designed, necessarily means asking all nodes for their data.
Incidentally, "buckets" in Riak terminology are, confusingly and disappointingly, not implemented the way you probably think. What Riak calls a bucket is in reality just a namespace. Internally, there is only one bucket, and keys are stored with the bucket name as a prefix. This means that no matter how small or large you bucket is, enumerating the keys in a single bucket of size n will take m time, where m is the total number of keys in all buckets.
These limitations are implementation choices by Basho, not necessarily design flaws. Cassandra implements the exact same partitioning model as Riak, but supports efficient sequential range scans and mapreduce across large amounts of keys. Cassandra also implements true buckets.
A recommendation I'd have now that some time has passed and several new versions of Riak have come about is this. Never rely on full bucket map/reduce, that's not an optimized operation, and chances are very good there are other ways to optimize your map/reduce so you don't have to look through so much data to pull out the singlets you need.
Secondary indices now available in newer versions of Riak are definitely the way to go in this regard. Put an index on the objects you want to find (perhaps named 'ismax_int' with a value of 0 or 1). You can map/reduce a secondary index with hundreds of thousands of keys in microseconds which a full bucket scan would have taken multiple seconds to consider.
I don't have direct experience of Riak, but have worked with Cassandra a little, which is similar.
Firstly, performance will probably depend a lot on the number of cores available, and the memory. These systems are usually heavily pipelined and concurrent and benefit from a lot of cores. 4+ cores and 4GB+ of RAM would be a good starting point.
Secondly, MapReduce is designed for batch processing, not realtime queries.
Riak and all similar Key-Value stores are designed for high write performance, high read performance for simple lookups, no complex querying at all.
Just for comparison, Cassandra on a single node (6 core, 6GB) can do 20,000 individual inserts per second.
