Handling the IE ActiveX Popup window using Watir - ruby

Is there any way to programmatically click on the Yes button in the IE ActiveX Popup window using Watir.

Per the documentation, this is not possible:
Watir will drive web applications that are served up as HTML pages in a web browser. Watir will not work with ActiveX plugin components, Java Applets, Macromedia Flash, or other plugin applications. To determine whether Watir can be used to automate a part of a web application, right click on the object and see if the View Source menu option is available. If you can view the HTML source, that object can be automated using Watir


how to crawl web page with ajax elements

I want to crawl some web pages, like the following
but there is a 'load more' button, it is related to an ajax request
I want to crawl the whole page.
Manually, I have click on the button repeatedly until there is no more to load,
by automation, how can I crawl the whole page? thanks!
Yes, you can use Selenium IDE, or use other program/library with browser core to do click action. Like webkit, activex of IE.
And you can try FMiner http://www.fminer.com/, it can record and play human actions on browser to scrape data, but it's not free.
I recently faced same problem with other website I wanted to scrap. I use Java and after some research on the web I used Selenium IDE for firefox in which u can write Java Junit test cases which will automatically open the webpage and click buttons, fill up forms, etc.
It also supports C#,Python,Ruby,etc
I used it to click on Load More button and when the page was loaded completely after all clicks I saved it Manually.
You can download Selenium from their website and I found this youtube video useful too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twdDfDOrHC4

How to detect flash content using selenium-wedriver?

I'm automating a web site; entire website is in html except few 'Copy' buttons are in flash. As there is no element for that button, I couldn't verify it's functionality (I have to check whether it's clickable & clicking on it results into coping contents in clipboard). Is there any way, we can automate that button's functionality by adding java script snippet or something?
I'm using ruby api's for automating the site.

How to add a Firebug Lite extension to Internet Explorer 7/8?

I've been trying to figure out how BrowserStack has added Firebug Lite as an extension to IE 7/8 but cannot seem to find anything that does this. See the image below and note how Firebug icon appears as button in the toolbar.
Can anyone tell me how to do this? I know how to add it to my Favorites, but I want the icon to appear in the toolbar along with the other buttons (by going to Tools -> Customize Toolbar)
It's a Browser Helper Object. The development steps are to add the icon, bind the click event to the browser, and inject the script content.
Mozilla ActiveX Control
Chrome Frame ActiveX Control
Browsium Catalyst FAQ
Measure Page Load Time BHO
Button Demo BHO
Building Browser Helper Objects with Visual Studio 2005
Customizing Internet Explorer with User Stylesheets

Does Chrome Frame work in the legacy IE browser ActiveX control?

We have a legacy VB6 app that makes use of the IE browser ActiveX control (Shdocvw.dll). Will Chrome Frame work correctly when a web page is requested via the ActiveX control as opposed to a full stand-alone IE instance?

window application to webapplication

In my window application when I login I open a new window there I want to display the webapplication that is like xxx.aspx in the same window. How can i write the code in window?
I think you are looking for
WebBrowser Class
Enables the user to navigate Web pages
inside your form.
The WebBrowser control lets you host
Web pages and other browser-enabled
documents in your Windows Forms
applications. You can use the
WebBrowser control, for example, to
provide integrated HTML-based user
assistance or Web browsing
capabilities in your application.
Additionally, you can use the
WebBrowser control to add your
existing Web-based controls to your
Windows Forms client applications.
Add a webbrowser control from your tool box to the form in which you need to show the web page.
and you can use the Navigate method
