Post Multipart file upload with json (text) and files (binary) as parts in Ruby - ruby

I'm almost done with a multipart file upload but not quite. The API I am using requires two parts: a meta description (Json) and a file (File).
Here some of the Code: do |image|
request =
'metadata' => metadata_as_json_string,
'attachment' =>, "image/jpeg", "image.jpg")
The trouble I am having is with the 'metadata' part (metadata_as_json_string). Without it everything works fine, but the API requires meta information as json. It works if I save the json content in a file and use it as metadata-part. But my content is not coming from a file.
Any ideas how to provide the metadata without previously saving it in a file?
Thank you

I did find a solution myself by using StringIO:
metadata_file = do |image|
request =
'metadata' =>, "application/json"),
'attachment' =>, "image/jpeg", "image.jpg")
Anyway thank you for your time


Trouble downloading csv file laravel (content in response but doesn't download)

I'm trying to generate and then download a csv file in Laravel 9.
The generation is ok at the correcte location (public/files/OUT/) but i'm getting the content in the response and no download occurs.
here is my code :
$path = storage_path('app\public\files\OUT\\');
$f = fopen($path.$filename.'.csv', 'wb');
// => PUT DATAS IN CSV => no problem
// file is generated successfully at path location
$headers = [
'Content-Type' => 'text/csv',
return response()->download($path.'dataTemplate.csv','dataTemplate.csv',$headers);
Thanks in advance

Upload file in S3 using Laravel 5.3

Installation Process
I followed this tutorial to install aws Package in Laravel 5.3
My Code is below
$s3 = \App::make('aws')->createClient('s3');
'Bucket' => 'Bucket_Name',
'SourceFile' => 'http://domainname/sample.txt',
I am trying a txt file with around 50 bytes contents and got below error.
A sha256 checksum could not be calculated for the provided upload
body, because it was not seekable. To prevent this error you can
either 1) include the ContentMD5 or ContentSHA256 parameters with your
request, 2) use a seekable stream for the body, or 3) wrap the
non-seekable stream in a GuzzleHttp\Psr7\CachingStream object. You
should be careful though and remember that the CachingStream utilizes
PHP temp streams. This means that the stream will be temporarily
stored on the local disk.
Am I missing something?
SourceFile must be a local file path. The Body parameter allows stream, so you should be able to do a request with guzzle and pass the body to it.
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->get('http://domainname/sample.txt');
'Bucket' => 'Bucket_Name',
'Body' => $response->getBody(),

Use Fog with Ruby to generate a Pre-signed URL to PUT a file in Amazon S3

I am using the Fog gem to generate presigned urls. I can do this successfully to get read access to the file. Here's what I do:
fog_s3 ={
:provider => 'AWS',
:aws_access_key_id => key,
:aws_secret_access_key => secret
object_path = 'foo.wav'
expiry =,2,1).to_time.to_i
url = => bucket) => object_path).url(expiry,path_style: true)
But this doesn't work when I try to upload the file. Is there a way to specify the http verb so it would be a PUT and not a GET?
EDIT I see a method: put_object_url which might help. I don't know how access it.
EDIT based upon your suggestion:
It helped - it got me a PUT - not GET. However, I'm still having issues. I added content type:
headers = { "Content-Type" => "audio/wav" }
options = { path_style: true }
object_path = 'foo.wav'
expiry =,2,1).to_time.to_i
url = fog_s3.put_object_url(bucket,object_path, expiry, headers, options)
but the url does not contain Content-Type in it. When done from Javascript in HTML I get the Content-Type in the url and that seems to work. Is this an issue with Fog? or is my header incorrect?
I think put_object_url is indeed what you want. If you follow the url method back to where it is defined, you can see it uses a similar method underlying it called get_object_url here ( You should be able to do something similar and can do so by calling this method from the fog_s3 object you already created above. It should end up just looking like this:
headers = {}
options = { path_style: true }
url = fog_s3.put_object_url(bucket, object_path, expires, headers, options)
Note that unlike get_object_url there is an extra headers option snuck in there (which you can use to do stuff like set Content-Type I believe).
Hope that sorts it for you, but just let me know if you have further questions. Thanks!
Hmm, seems there may be a bug related to this after all (I'm wondering now how much this portion of the code has been exercised). I think you should be able to work around it though (but I'm not certain). I suspect you can just duplicate the value in the options as a query param also. Could you try something like this?
headers = query = { 'Content-Type' => 'audio/wav' }
options = { path_style: true, query: query }
url = fog_s3.put_object_url(bucket, object_path, expires, headers, options)
Hopefully that fills in the blanks for you (and if so we can think some more about fixing that behavior within fog if it makes sense to do so). Thanks!
Instead of using the *put_object_url* might I suggest that you try using the bucket.files.create action which take a Fog file Hash attributes and return a Fog::Storage::AWS::File.
I prefer to break it down in a bit more steps, here is an example:
fog_s3 ={
:provider => 'AWS',
:aws_access_key_id => key,
:aws_secret_access_key => secret
# Define the filename
ext = :wav
filename = "foo.#{ext.to_s}"
# Path to your audio file?
path ="/"
# Define your expiry in the amount of seconds
expiry =
#Initialize the bucket to store too
fog_bucket = connection.directories.get(bucket)
file = {
:key => "#{filename}",
:body =>"#{path}#{filename}"),
:content_type => Mime::Type.lookup_by_extension(ext),
:cache_control => "public, max-age=#{expiry}",
:expires => CGI.rfc1123_date( + expiry),
:public => true
# Returns a Fog::Storage::AWS::File
file = fog_bucket.files.create( file )
# Now to retrieve the public_url
url = file.public_url
Note: For subdir's checkout the :prefix option for a AWS bucket.
Fog File Documentation:
Optional attributes... bottom of the page, :)
Hopefully the example will help explain the steps in creating a fog file... Cheers! :)

How can I upload files to Redmine via ActiveResource / REST API?

I am trying to batch-upload images to Redmine and link them each to a certain wiki pages.
The docs (Rest_api, Using the REST API with Ruby) mention some aspects, but the examples fail in various ways. I also tried to derive ideas from the source - without success.
Can anyone provide a short example that shows how to upload and link an image from within Ruby?
This is a bit tricky as both attachments and wiki APIs are relatively new, but I have done something similar in the past. Here is a minimal working example using rest-client:
require 'rest_client'
require 'json'
key = '5daf2e447336bad7ed3993a6ebde8310ffa263bf'
upload_url = "http://localhost:3000/uploads.json?key=#{key}"
wiki_url = "http://localhost:3000/projects/some_project/wiki/some_wiki.json?key=#{key}"
img ='/some/image.png')
# First we upload the image to get attachment token
response =, img, {
:multipart => true,
:content_type => 'application/octet-stream'
token = JSON.parse(response)['upload']['token']
# Redmine will throw validation errors if you do not
# send a wiki content when attaching the image. So
# we just get the current content and send that
wiki_text = JSON.parse(RestClient.get(wiki_url))['wiki_page']['text']
response = RestClient.put(wiki_url, {
:attachments => {
:attachment1 => { # the hash key gets thrown away - name doesn't matter
:token => token,
:filename => 'image.png',
:description => 'Awesome!' # optional
:wiki_page => {
:text => wiki_text # original wiki text

Complex soap_header xml objects for ruby savon gem

Working on a project with this WSDL:
$client = Savon.client(
:wsdl => "",
:endpoint => " Routing=new",
:headers => { "Content-Type" => "application/soap+xml", "SOAPAction" => "AddItemRequest"},
:namespace => "urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents",
:soap_header => { CREDENTIALS GO HERE: SEE BELOW }
What I need is a complex type xml format. Where the first part of soap_header is RequestCredentials and has several child nodes, and one of those (Credentials) has 3 child nodes... I also need to escape the lower camel case and just use camel case.
The final result with the xml output should look something like:
<urn:DevId>DEVID HERE</urn:DevId>
ect..... (two more child nodes (AppId, and AuthCert)
Here is the error I receive:
SOAP Authentication failed due to missing or invalid security header.
Any ideas on how to correctly format the xml with the savon gem?
