Unable to locate file through winscp - putty

I logined as root to one machine through winscp and create a directory at some location "/home/user/testdata/" but When i logined to same machine through putty and try to locate that location using locate command, I am unable to locate and also i can locate some files through putty but when i login through winscp, I am unable to find those file, I tried refresh and relogin.


Unable to execute file in the temporary directory Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified

I am trying to download GIT to a computer that does not have access to internet. In the process, I am getting this error message:
"Unable to execute file in the temporary directory Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified"
I have downloaded the installation file, Git-2.23.0-64-bit.exe, from Git website. I have then copied it to a shared drive. After that, I remotely connected to the computer (the one I want to download Git to) using VNC. I have copied the installation file to the Desktop of the remote computer. Then, when I double click on it to open it, I get this error message:
"Unable to execute file in the temporary directory Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified."
I know I do have administrators rights with the user I am working with. I have tried to log in with other users, administrators and not, but cannot get the file to open.

Downloading a file created from console output in PuTTY

So my class Project3 prints a load of data to the console of PuTTY when I run it, and I've used "java Project3 > variance.data" to create the file variance.data in the pwd.
I think this has worked because when i use "ls" variance.data is there.
However I want to save this file onto my computer, how do I do this?
You can use PuTTy Secure Copy to download the file.
Open CMD on your Windows machine and use the following command:
pscp <user>#<Remote Server IP>:/path/to/file .
You will then be prompted for the password of the user you are trying to connect as.
You can use FileZilla to connect to the server with your credential (the one you use with PuTTY) and then download the file you need only double-clicking on it. In the image you'll fine it in the 5th rectangle. At the same way, you can easily upload a file double-clicking on in the 4th rectangle.

Invalid UNC path into shortcut - Windows

I have to create a shortcut for someone to point and launch an application remotely from a server.
The original shortcut has a UNC path in the target and start in boxes, I need to change the UNC path but it keeps saying the path is invalid and it won't allow me to save it.
I do not have permissions to open the application myself so I cannot right click the target file location and create shortcut.
example of the path I need to change to:
Start in:
I can manually go as far \\server.com.au\application but not any further due to permission restrictions
Do I need to get permissions to this server and file or is there another way I can put the path in the shortcut? even if its through powershell or command prompt?
I was able to fix it
I did actually require permissions to the file and server to be able to update the shortcut

Getting Ruby to chdir to remote server on Windows

I am stuck with changing a directory to "\\D$\some_dir"
do not work in Ruby 1.9.3! It worked in Ruby 1.8.7
Any ideas how to change dir to a remote box dir?
OK that was a problem in windows, it could not access the specified folder on remote box because the credentials were not specified for accessing that folder, all i haqve done is go to win explorer and in address line put the path to that folder on remote box "\\D$\some_dir" - the credentials is prompted after that , just enter them and put "remember credentials" after you access the folder via explorer the script runs ok

Mount an FTP server locally

I do a lot of work with files hosted on an FTP server. Currently to edit a file on the server I have to open the server in Cyberduck, navigate with the mouse to the folder I want and then click "Edit," which opens a temporary file. Anyway, editing files on the server would be way easier if I could use the terminal to navigate through the file directory and edit files. Is there a way to create a symbolic link in my home directory to an FTP server?
edit: I'm on a Mac
If your using linux you can mount an ftp site with curlftpfs. Check out this tutorial: Ubuntu Geeks Curlftpfs
If you are on windows you can use NetDrive:
With either of these you can create links/shortcuts to your hearts content.
