IIS 8.5 - OK button is grey when trying to add port 80 binding w/o hostname - iis-8.5

I need to reassign the default port 80 binding from one site to another. I remove it from site1 but now cannot add it back on site2, the OK button is gray.
Nothing else is sucking on port 80.
And it won't let me add port 80 without a hostname.
I've restarted IIS but it just won't give.

Its a bug in the UI. You need to enter something in the hostname box and then delete it to enable the OK button!


Configure IIS hostname when using DNS

I need to use a host name for my internal tools so I made a request the DNS guy to add the "oneplan.dev.ad.trw.com" in the DNS server configuration.
After received that he did this:
But when I access the "oneplan.dev.ad.trw.com" I get the IIS welcome page:
And if I specify the port: oneplan.dev.ad.trw.com:6202. The page is displayed correctly.
What I need to to in order to make it work without the port in the URL? I can't use the default port 80 because I have multiple application on the same server.
You have two options:
Option 1 - Explicit Host Names
Make sure none of the sites have a wildcard binding on port 80 - ensure they all have a unique Host Name specified. If they look like the following, you must added configure an explicit Host Name (e.g. dev.ad.trw.com or *.dev.ad.trw.com) under bindings:
Once this has been completed, you should be able to change the port of your new site from 6262 to 80 and IIS will route port 80 traffic to the appropriate site based upon Host Name.
Option 2 - Add IP Address to Network Card
In order to host 2 sites on port 80 on the same machine without explicit Host Names as suggested in Option 1, you need a new IP address added to the network interface. I'm not sure what version of windows you're running and whether your server has the windows GUI installed. If it does, just go into the network settings for the card and follow the instructions below. It's a fairly straight forward.
First open the properties for the network connection, highlight the IPv4 option and click properties:
On the properties page write down the IP Address and the Subnet Mask and then click the Advanced button on the bottom right (got cutoff in the screenshot:
On the advanced properties page popup, click Add in the IP address section and enter a new IP address with the same 3 octets, and any number between 20 and 255 for the final octet (eg. based on your screenshot above). For the subnet mask copy the subnet form the other IP address(es) configured on the machine (e.g. and click ok to save the settings...and continue clicking OK until all of the properties dialogs are closed.
Next go into IIS Manager, click on each of the sites on the server and select Bindings from the Actions panel on the right side. Make sure all sites are bound the original IP address like the site in your screenshot. If you see any sites with a wildcard "*" for the IP Address, modify them to the as well. Once that's done, open the site bindings settings for you site (same as your first screenshot) and configure its bindings the new IP address and change port 6202 to port 80.
To test that the configuration is working do the following (do this on the server): (1) launch Notepad with administrate privileges, (2) click open, (3) paste the following path into the "File Name:" textbox C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\host, (4) click ok to open the file, (5) hit enter at the bottom of the text file and paste the following - [IP Address][Tab][DNS Name], and (6) save the file: oneplan.dev.ad.trw.com
If the site loads, you're all set. Delete the line we added to the Host file in the last step, and tell you server guy to modify the DNS record for oneplan.dev.ad.trw.com to point to
open c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts in notepad as administrator, make an entry: oneplan.dev.ad.trw.com
go into a command window (windowskey+R to open run box and enter cmd) and type ipconfig /flushdns
Congrats, you've just overridden the DNS for that domain address and your computer specifically will always point to the new IP that you defined in the hosts file. Remember to clear it out once your domain is done propagating (your dns guy should have put an A record in the DNS handling the server)

Apache not starting in XAMPP in windows 10

On clicking the start button a windows dialog box pops up -:
the dialog box
then the control panel is like this-:
image of control pannel
Change the port 80 to 9000 or 81 or whatever you want in file httpd. conf on the line Listen 80. Change the port on httpd-ssl. conf and change Listen 443 to Listen 441.
Not sure what is the question here exactly, but let's assume you are asking why this popup appears:
When you click "Start", then XAMPP will try to start Apache, a webserver. As can bee seen from the prompt, the command is basically net start Apache2.4 which will try to start a service. However, starting a service needs administrative privileges on Windows (at least for default configurations). That is why there is such a popup for User Account Control (UAC). Furthermore, the server needs to bind to one or more ports, e.g. port 80, 443 or similar ports. Binding to a port also needs administrative privileges on Windows (at least for default configuration). That is another reaseon why there would be such an elevation request from UAC.
TL;DR: Starting a Windows service needs admin powers, therefore UAC pops up.

why xampp is listening on port localhost/dashboard instead on port localhost:8080

I installed xampp on my windows 10. Here the problem is when ever i try to access
it response something like this
site cannot be reached
But if I try directly without like using any port something like this
This is accessible
I want to know what is the problem here why localhost:8080 is not reached.
and How can i solve this problem.
I just learned that if you change your Main Apache Server port from 80 (or default) to 8080, you will also need to change your URL from "localhost/" to "localhost:8080"
After you update your port and once you enter the correct URL you should be able to access your PHP MySQL. If you can, but are unable to access Word Press installation, you may want to check out this helpful link on updating your Port Values in your localhost Database for WordPress.

hosting tomcat on mac os

I'm using mini mac and tomcat 7.0.29,
I want to host it from my computer so other computer outside the network could connect to it.
I have set the port forwarding into 80 both start and end.
set static IP on my mini mac.
however, after getting the router IP address from ip2location.com and access to it from external computer,it display "it works!" screen, not the tomcat home page. this page is also displayed when I use localhost instead localhost:8080. Here is some snap shot that I've taken from both computer
And this one is from external computer
anybody who know how to access directly to the localhost:8080 through router IP, tell me ^^
Well the problem is, that on port 80 the apache is being called for an answer. You will have to configure your NAT a bit different. Either you find an option on your router to forward every call to port 80 to port 8080 on your mac mini or you use ipfw (on linux machines you would use iptables). Try
sudo ipfw add fwd,80 tcp from me to dst-port 8080
I do not have a mac in front of me right now, so this command is untested, but I think it will work.
Ps. Once I get home, I'll test the command and edit this post.

windows server 2008 r2 - can't get apache to run on port 80

I have a rackspace cloud server running windows server 2008 r2. I've uninstalled IIS because I want to install Apache.
I've installed Apache but it fails everytime i try to run it when i listen to port 80.
I've run the command netstat -aon|finderstr "80" and i see the following:
C:\Users\Administrator>netstat -aon|findstr "80"
TCP [::]:80 [::]:0 LISTENING 4
UDP : 4
UDP : 4
So what are these things running on port 80 and why can't i get apache to start? Is there an alternative port for to run apache under that will work just as well as 80?
To enable port 80 on Windows Server 2008 R2:
NOTE: This assumes that IIS is not installed. I added this firewall rule to enable Apache to accept connections on port 80.
Click Start->Control Panel->Windows Firewall
Click "Advanced Settings" in the left panel of Windows Firewall
Click "Inbound rules" in the left panel of Advanced Settings
Click "New Rule..." in right "Actions" panel
Select "Port" and click "Next>"
Select "TCP", then "Specific local ports:" (should already be selected)
Type 80 in the box (just the number) and click "Next>"
Select "Allow the connection" and click "Next>"
Leave all profiles checked and click "Next>"
Enter a name and click "Finish".
Your server should now be able to accept connections on port 80.
On a Windows server running MSSQL, disabling MSSQL ReportServer (display name: SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER)) services and World Wide Web Publishing services, resolved the problem for me. No need to fiddle with firewall settings or changing default port configurations.
I am running a windows 2008 r2 with IIS and sql server. I added an additional IP address to run apache and configured IIS to bind to one of the IP addresses. I ran into the same problem and found suggestions about disabling SQL reporting services and WinRM. These solutions did not work for me.
There are many different services that can use the http server api(http.sys) and will then show up simply as pid 4.
I found the answer at the link below. The essence of the link is to go to a command prompt.
Type netsh press enter.
Type http and press enter.
add iplisten ipaddress=x.x.x.x
There is also a method to disable http.sys in the registry but I do not know what the ramifications of that might be.
I hope this helps someone else so they don't waste as much time as I did trying to find the resolution.
I find that I can successfully add the firewall rules to make my own server run on port 80 within the vshost visual studio debug environment but when running as a service it only works on local host from the machine and not from external hosts.
Very frustrating. Seems that there are possible conditions in the firewall which are not exposed in the Windows Firewall configuration interface very clearly.
With IIS installed you need to change bindings on web sites in IIS so that none uses "all available addresses":80 binding. Either change the ports, or change listening IP addresses.
