HDFS Block Split - hadoop

My Hadoop knowledge is 4 weeks old. I am using a sandbox with Hadoop.
According to the theory, when a file is copied into the HDFS file system, it will be split into 128 MB blocks. Each block will then be copied into different data nodes and then replicated to data nodes.
When I copy a data file (~500 MB) from local file system into HDFS (put command) entire file is still present in HDFS (-ls command). I was expecting to see 128 MB block. What am I doing wrong here ?
If suppose, I manage to split & distribute data file in HDFS, is there a way to combine and retrieve original file back to local file system ?

You won't see the individual blocks from the -ls command. These are the logical equivalent of blocks on a hard drive not showing up in Linux's ls or Windows Explorer. You can do this on the commandline like hdfs fsck /user/me/someFile.avro -files -blocks -locations, or you can use the NameNode UI to see which hosts have the blocks for a file, and on which hosts each block is replicated.
Sure. You'd just do something like hdfs dfs -get /user/me/someFile.avro or download the file using HUE or the NameNode UI. All these options will stream the appropriate blocks to you to assemble the logical file back together.


How can I append multiple files in HDFS to a single file in HDFS without the help of local file system?

I am learning hadoop. I came across a problem now. I ran the mapreduce job and output was stored in multiple files but not as single file. I want to append all of them into a single file in hdfs. I know about appendToFile and getmerge commands. But they work only for either local file system to hdfsor hdfs to local system but not from HDFS to HDFS. Is there any way to append the output files in HDFS to a single file in HDFS without touching local file system?
The only way to do this would be to force your mapreduce code to use one reducer, for example, by sorting all the results by a single key.
However, this defeats the purpose of having a distributed filesystem and multiple processors. All Hadoop jobs should be able to read a directory of files, not isolated to process a single file
If you need a single file to download from HDFS, then you should use getmerge
There is no easy way to do this directly in HDFS. But the below trick works. Although not a feasible solution, but should work if output is not huge.
hadoop fs -cat source_folder_path/* | hadoop fs -put target_filename

How does cp command work in Hadoop?

I am reading "Hadoop: The Defnitive Guide" and to explain my question let me quote from the book
distcp is implemented as a MapReduce job where the work of copying is done by the
maps that run in parallel across the cluster. There are no reducers. Each file is copied
by a single map, and distcp tries to give each map approximately the same amount of
data by bucketing files into roughly equal allocations. By default, up to 20 maps are used, but this can be changed by specifying the -m argument to distcp.
and in a footnote
Even for a single file copy, the distcp variant is preferred for large files since hadoop fs -cp copies the file
via the client running the command.
I understand why distcp works better for collection of files as different mappers are performing parallelly each on a single file. But when only a single file is to be copied why distcp performs better when the file size is large (according to the footnote). I am only getting started so it would be helpful if how cp command in hadoop works is explained and what is meant by "hadoop fs -cp copies the file via the client running the command.". I understand the write process of Hadoop which is explained in the book where a pipeline of datanodes are formed and each datanode is responsible to write data to the following datanode in the pipeline.
When a file is copied "via the client", the byte content is streamed from HDFS, to the local node running the command, then uploaded back to the destination HDFS location. The file metadata is not simply copied over to a new spot between datanodes directly as you'd expect.
Compare that to distcp, which creates smaller, parallel cp commands spread out over multiple hosts

What is the best way of loading huge size files from local to hdfs

I have dir which contain multiple folder with N number of files in each dir. single file size would be 15 GB. I don't know what is the best way to copy/move the file from local to HDFS.
There are many ways to do this (using traditional methods), like,
hdfs dfs -put /path/to/localdir/ hdfs://path/to/hdfsdir
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /path/to/localdir/ hdfs://path/to/hdfsdir
hdfs dfs -moveFromLocal /path/to/localdir/ hdfs://path/to/hdfsdir
hadoop distcp file:///path/to/localdir/ hdfs://namenode:port/path/to/hdfsdir
Option 1 & 2 are same in your case. There will not be any difference in copy time.
Option 3 might take some more time as it copies the data to HDFS filesystem (same as -put) and then deletes the file from the local filesystem.
Option 4 is a tricky one. It is designed for large inter/intra-cluster copying. But you can use the same command for local files also by providing local file URL with "file://" prefix. It is not the optimal solution w.r.t distcp as the tool is designed to work in parallel (using MapReduce) and as the file is on local, it cannot make use of its strength. (You can try by creating a mount on the cluster nodes which might increase the performance of distcp)

How files or directories are getting stored in hadoop hdfs

I have created a file in hdfs using below command
hdfs dfs -touchz /hadoop/dir1/file1.txt
I could see the created file by using below command
hdfs dfs -ls /hadoop/dir1/
But, I could not find the location itself by using linux commands (using find or locate). I searched on internet and found following link.
How to access files in Hadoop HDFS? . It says, hdfs is virtual storage. In that case, How its taking partition which one or how much it needs to be used, where the meta data being stored
Is it taking datanode location for virtual storage which I have mentioned in hdfs-site.xml to store all the data?
I looked into datanode location and there are files available. But I could not find out anything related to my file or folder which I have created.
(I am using hadoop 2.6.0)
HDFS file system is a distributed storage system wherein the storage location is virtual and created using the disk space from all the DataNodes. While installing hadoop, you must have specified paths for dfs.namenode.name.dir and dfs.datanode.data.dir. These are the locations at which all the HDFS related files are stored on individual nodes.
While storing the data onto HDFS, it is stored as blocks of a specified size (default 128MB in Hadoop 2.X). When you use hdfs dfs commands you will see the complete files but internally HDFS stores these files as blocks. If you check the above mentioned paths on your local file system, you will see a bunch of files which correcpond to files on your HDFS. But again, you will not see them as actual files as they are split into blocks.
Check below mentioned command's output to get more details on how much space from each DataNode is used to create the virtual HDFS storage.
hdfs dfsadmin -report #Or
sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfsadmin -report
As we creating a file in local file system i.e on creating a directory in it
for ex:$/mkdir MITHUN94** it is a directory entering into that(LFS) cd MITHUN90
in that **create a new file as **$nano file1.log .
And now create a directory in** hdfs for ex: hdfs dfs -mkdir /mike90 .Here "mike90"
refers to directory name . After that creating a directory send files from LFS to hdfs. By using this command $hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /home/gopalkrishna/file1.log
Here '/home/gopalkrishna/file1.log' refers to pwd (present working directory)
and '/mike90' refers to directory in hdfs. By clickig $hdfs dfs -ls /mike90
the list of files .

In hadoop is it any way to get the underlying filesystem file name for an hdfs block?

I understand that hdfs stores its files as blocks on datanodes, and each block is actually stored as a file in the local filesystem of each datanode.
So I would like to know if there is a way to get the actual filename in the local filesystem for an hdfs block, given that hdfs filename.
You can use Hadoop's FSCK command on the file you have in mind. This will return the hosts and block names. It however does not provide the full path to the file on the local filesystem.
$ hadoop fsck /path/to/file -files -blocks -locations
Another option would be through the HDFS WebUI. If you browse to each file it will list the block names and hosts.
