Open connection difference in Comet and Websockets - websocket

I was trying to understand the difference in Websocket and Comet model. As per my understanding,
In comet model, the connection remains opened until the server has something to push to the client. Once server pushes the data to client, the connection is closed and new connection is established for the next request. It is not considered a good approach as the connection may remain open for long time (causing intensive use of server resources) or may timeout.
On the other hand, websockets start with a handshake connection and once both the client and server agree to exchange data, the connection remains open.
So in both the case the connection remains open for long time (especially websocket). So isnt't this a drawback of websocket to keep the connection open. I would like to take the reference of SignalR in to discuss about this concept.

First, let's clarify that Comet comes in two flavors: HTTP Streaming and HTTP Long Polling. You were referring to Long Polling. (See this other answer for terminology).
In all three cases (WebSocket, HTTP Streaming, and HTTP Long Polling) the underlying TCP socket is kept open. That's actually the main feature of this kind of techniques and not a side effect. You want the socket to stay permanently open (I'm oversimplifying now), so that data can be pushed asynchronously and with low latency.
As you correctly said, this implies that the server must be able to handle a large number of open sockets without wasting resources. And that's one of the key elements in the choice of a good Comet/WebSocket server.


Long-polling vs websocket when expecting one-time response from server-side

I have read many articles on real-time push notifications. And the resume is that websocket is generally the preferred technique as long as you are not concerned about 100% browser compatibility. And yet, one article states that
Long polling - potentially when you are exchanging single call with
server, and server is doing some work in background.
This is exactly my case. The user presses a button which initiates some complex calculations on server-side, and as soon as the answer is ready, the server sends a push-notification to the client. The question is, can we say that for the case of one-time responses, long-polling is better choice than websockets?
Or unless we are concerned about obsolete browsers support and if I am going to start the project from scratch, websockets should ALWAYS be preferred to long-polling when it comes to push-protocol ?
The question is, can we say that for the case of one-time responses,
long-polling is better choice than websockets?
Not really. Long polling is inefficient (multiple incoming requests, multiple times your server has to check on the state of the long running job), particularly if the usual time period is long enough that you're going to have to poll many times.
If a given client page is only likely to do this operation once, then you can really go either way. There are some advantages and disadvantages to each mechanism.
At a response time of 5-10 minutes you cannot assume that a single http request will stay alive that long awaiting a response, even if you make sure the server side will stay open that long. Clients or intermediate network equipment (proxies, etc...) just make not keep the initial http connection open that long. That would have been the most efficient mechanism if you could have done that. But, I don't think you can count on that for a random network configuration and client configuration that you do not control.
So, that leaves you with several options which I think you already know, but I will describe here for completeness for others.
Option 1:
Establish websocket connection to the server by which you can receive push response.
Make http request to initiate the long running operation. Return response that the operation has been successfully initiated.
Receive websocket push response some time later.
Close webSocket (assuming this page won't be doing this again).
Option 2:
Make http request to initiate the long running operation. Return response that the operation has been successfully initiated and probably some sort of taskID that can be used for future querying.
Using http "long polling" to "wait" for the answer. Since these requests will likely "time out" before the response is received, you will have to regularly long poll until the response is received.
Option 3:
Establish webSocket connection.
Send message over webSocket connection to initiate the operation.
Receive response some time later that the operation is complete.
Close webSocket connection (assuming this page won't be using it any more).
Option 4:
Same as option 3, but using instead of plain webSocket to give you heartbeat and auto-reconnect logic to make sure the webSocket connection stays alive.
If you're looking at things purely from the networking and server efficiency point of view, then options 3 or 4 are likely to be the most efficient. You only have the overhead of one TCP connection between client and server and that one connection is used for all traffic and the traffic on that one connection is pretty efficient and supports actual push so the client gets notified as soon as possible.
From an architecture point of view, I'm not a fan of option 1 because it just seems a bit convoluted when you initiate the request using one technology and then send the response via another and it requires you to create a correlation between the client that initiated an incoming http request and a connected webSocket. That can be done, but it's extra bookkeeping on the server. Option 2 is simple architecturally, but inefficient (regularly polling the server) so it's not my favorite either.
There is an alterternative that don't require polling or having an open socket connection all the time.
It's called web push.
The Push API gives web applications the ability to receive messages pushed to them from a server, whether or not the web app is in the foreground, or even currently loaded, on a user agent. This lets developers deliver asynchronous notifications and updates to users that opt in, resulting in better engagement with timely new content.
Some perks are
You need to ask for notification permission
Your site needs to have a service worker running in foreground
having a service worker also means you need to have SSL / HTTPS

Why does SIgnalR prefer Forever Frames over polling?

I am learning to use SignalR and so far I had success in doing so. I can implement Hubs, I can implement business logic, I can invoke client-side functions from server for whom I want, I can invoke server-side methods from client-side, this stuff is great. The thing puzzling me is the theory.
In fact, I gathered info from this video. SignalR is using WebSockets, which provide a full duplex channel over a single TCP connection. If no WebSockets are available, then the fallback protocol will be EventSource. If that is unavailable, then a Forever Frame will be used. If that is unavailable, then Long Polling will be used. It is rather strange for me that a very hacky solution, like a forever frame is preferred over the older convention and I am interested about the rationale behind SignalR's decision to have forever frames as the third option and polling as fourth option.
I have tried to find out the answer to this question and I found out that it is rumored that there is a 3x max latency time in the case of long polling compared to forever frames. Is this a fact and if so, is it a fact for all browsers, or for a subset?
foreverFrame works a bit like serverSentEvents - there is one long running http request which the server never terminates but uses to push data to the client. longPolling works differently - there is a poll http request which is being closed by the server each time there is data for the client to read (or a timeout expires). If the client wants to read more data it needs to open a new http request which again will be closed by the server as soon as there is any data for the client. In other words, in case of foreverFrame the server is pushing data to the client using an already established channel while in case of longPolling the client is continuously creating http requests to get the data from the server.

How to make http2 requests with persistent connection ? (Any language)

How connect to using http2 with persistent connection ?
Persistent connection is to avoid rapid connection and disconnection:
APNs treats rapid connection and disconnection as a denial-of-service attack
Is writing a client in c using the only solution?
(If that question should be ask in another StackExchange website, please do tell me)
Non-persistent connections are a relic of the past. They were used in HTTP/1.0, but HTTP/1.1 already moved to a model where the connections were persistent by default, and HTTP/2 (also being multiplexed) continues on that model of connections being persistent by default.
Independently on the language you are using to develop your applications, any HTTP/2 compliant client will, by default, use persistent connections.
You only need to use the HTTP/2 client library in a way that you don't explicitly close the connection after every request you make.
Typically these libraries employ a connection pool that keeps the connections open, typically until an idle timeout fires.
When your application makes HTTP requests, the library will pick an open connection and send the request. When the response arrives the library will not close the connection but instead put it back into the pool for the next usage.
Just study how the library you want to use allows you to make multiple requests without closing the connection.
I also met this question!
If the connection be idle for a long time (about 1 hour), then function poll catches no socket status changed. It always returns 0 even as on_frame_send_callback was invoked.
Is there anyone can figure out the problem?

SockJS multiple sockets

I have spring + SockJS application, that is using ActiveMQ as message broker.
Can I have two sockets on same JSP page, one with sending and receiving ,and the other one only for receiving stomp messages(with lot of traffic).Is it guaranteed taht all messages will be delivered and received from both of sockets?
While connected, yes. If you lose the connection at any point, you will lose everything between disconnecting and reconnecting. A related discussion of this issue comes to this conclusion.
Keep in mind that SockJS may result in different connections types on different clients, such as websocket, xhr, xdr, etc. On any connection SockJS will still use TCP and will still guarantee in-order delivery. However, non-websocket connections can take longer to trigger the close event, so you'll have longer black-out periods at the client. Almost any service needs to worry about this, because SockJS will sometimes fail to connect a websocket and "downgrade" to xhr (in my experience under high instantaneous load).
A good pattern is to add a reconnect in the close event handler. The close even is fired even when a connection fails to be established, which means you'll want a back-off latency on the reconnect to prevent a self-inflicted DDoS on your server. Separately, I add sequential packet numbers, and treat any client that detects a missing packet as a late joiner. (See this related ZMQ discussion on late joiners.) Your application needs may vary.

Does CometD long polling use a persistent connection?

I've not been able to find a clear answer as to whether or not CometD's long polling mechanism uses a persistent connection, or disconnects and then reconnects after a message is pushed to it.
The reason this is important to me is that I am currently using a long polling push client which disconnects and reconnects after every message (or batch of messages) is sent from the server, and the reconnect time introduces random latency which I am looking to get rid of. I am assuming it does this for compatibility's sake, as it makes every "push" just look like a really long request/response, which should work on any and every browser.
So, does CometD's long polling use a persistent, long-lived http connection? If the answer is yes, is it conditional? That is, are there cases/browsers where it falls back to a "request/response/reconnect" per message sent?
CometD long polling is using HTTP 1.1, and therefore persistent connections.
When CometD is used from a browser, the browser manages the connection pool and the HTTP protocol version, and CometD does not add any Connection header to close the connection after every message: all it is left to the browser, and my experience is that the long poll always stays on the same connection.
When the CometD Java client library is used, the same applies: Jetty's HTTP client manages the connection pool, defaults to HTTP 1.1 and keeps the connections open.
The main difference with browsers is that Jetty HTTP client allows more than few (usually 6) connections per domain, so it is appropriate for load testing simulations.
Check out the CometD performance report.
The updated CometD documentation can be found at
It is wrong to say that "Long polling by definition does not use a persistent connection but reconnects". HTTP 1.1 is perfectly capable to send multiple long pollings over the same connection, and CometD does exactly that.
I am not aware of cases where clients like browsers fallback to open/request/response/close behaviour when using HTTP 1.1, unless this is explicitly requested by the application adding a Connection: close header to HTTP requests or responses (CometD does not do this).
With WebSocket, CometD opens 1 connection only, persistent, and all the messages are exchanged over that connection, until the application decides to close the connection by disconnecting the CometD client.
