Curses - How to insert predefined name of INPUT items? - curses

How to please insert predefined name of INPUT items ?
My efforts: (info: the character "_" is cursor)
def Edit_Item(stdscr, item_name)
stdscr.addstr(1, 2, "Item Name:")
r = stdscr.getstr(2, 16, 15)
return r
Edit_Item(stdscr, 'Foo')
Edit_Item(stdscr, 'Bar')
Item Name: _
Item Name: _
The desired result:
Item Name: Foo_
Item Name: Bar_
Thank you for your help.

#Thomas Dickey:
No :-( I will try to better describe what I need..
- Call function 'Edit_Item' with parameter 'Foo' # OK
- The screen prints 'Item Name: Foo' # OK
- Cursor is now behind the word 'Foo_' # OK
- Press the key arrow left (2x) to change the cursor 'F_o' # Not work
- Edit word 'Foo' to 'Fao'
It's to understand?
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
This is exactly what I need to do in curses.
Demonstration in Bash
read -e -i "Foo" -p "Edit Item Name: " ITEM

The window.getstr function reads new data from the keyboard (and puts it in the screen). Perhaps you meant window.instr, since you seem to assume that you can read back the data added in addstr calls.
The parameter item_name is not used in the sample function. You could have written that to the screen using window.addstr, along with padding underscores (that was not done). You could have done this:
def Edit_Item(stdscr, item_name)
stdscr.addstr(1, 2, "Item Name:" + item_name + "_" )
r = stdscr.getstr(2, 16, 15)
return r
The example which was given will first move the cursor to 2,16 on the screen (which is past the location of item_name — at column 10). The stdscr.getstr call will not return the value of item_name; it will return only the characters which you enter using the keyboard. As noted, window.instr provides a way to combine the value of item_name and the stdscr.getstr call.
However, even that combination is not enough, since stdscr.getstr will return characters from its starting point. So you could not, for instance, start the call at the end of the value written using addstr. If you do this:
def Edit_Item(stdscr, item_name)
stdscr.addstr(1, 2, "Item Name:" + item_name + "_" )
r = stdscr.getstr(2, 10, 15)
r = stdscr.instr(2, 10, 15)
return r
it would be closer to your intent, but (untested) will probably erase the characters past the cursor position when you press enter. If you revised the solution to use getch, you can decide what to echo, as well as handling things such as left/right cursor movement within the edited line. Fancy things like editing a template string are usually built up from simpler functions.

I usually do this:
import curses
screen = curses.initscr()
screen.keypad( 1 )
screen.border( 0 )
curses.curs_set( 2 )
string = "Foo"
max_len = 40 #max len of string
screen.addstr( 3, 1, "Item Name: " )
screen.addstr( 3, 12, string )
position = len( string )
x = screen.getch( 3, 12 + position )
while x != 27:
if (x <= 122 and x >= 97) or x == 32 or (x <= 90 and x >= 65):
if position == len( string ):
if len( string ) < max_len:
string += chr( x )
position = len( string )
string = string[ 0:position ] + chr( x ) + string[ position + 1: ]
if x == 263:
if position == len( string ):
string = string[ 0:len( string ) - 1 ]
position = len( string )
string = string[ 0:position -1 ] + string[ position: ]
if position > 0:
position -= 1
if x == 330:
if position == len( string ) - 1:
string = string[ 0:len( string ) - 1 ]
string = string[ 0:position +1] + string[ position + 2: ]
if x == curses.KEY_RIGHT:
if position < len( string ):
position += 1
if x == curses.KEY_LEFT:
if position > 0:
position -= 1
screen.border( 0 )
screen.addstr( 3, 1, "Item Name: " )
screen.addstr( 3, 12, string )
x = screen.getch( 3, 12 + position )


How to use "column" to center a chart?

I was wondering what the best way to sort a chart using the column command to center each column instead of the default left aligned column was. I have been using the column -t filename command.
Current Output:
Label1 label2
Anotherlabel label2442
label152 label42242
label78765 label373737737
Desired Output: Something like this
Label1 label2
Anotherlabel label2442
label152 label42242
label78765 label373737737
Basically, I want it to be centered instead of left aligned.
Here is an awk solution:
# Collect all lines in "data", keep track of maximum width for each field
data[NR] = $0
for (i = 1; i <= NF; ++i)
max[i] = length($i) > max[i] ? length($i) : max[i]
for (i = 1; i <= NR; ++i) {
# Split record into array "arr"
split(data[i], arr)
# Loop over array
for (j = 1; j <= NF; ++j) {
# Calculate amount of padding required
pad = max[j] - length(arr[j])
# Print field with appropriate padding, see below
printf "%*s%*s%s", length(arr[j]) + int(pad/2), arr[j], \
pad % 2 == 0 ? pad/2 : int(pad/2) + 1, "", \
j == NF ? "" : " "
# Newline at end of record
print ""
Called like this:
$ awk -f centre.awk infile
Label1 label2
Anotherlabel label2442
label152 label42242
label78765 label373737737
The printf statement uses padding with dynamic widths:
The first %*s takes care of left padding and the data itself: arr[j] gets printed and padded to a total width of length(arr[j]) + int(pad/2).
The second %*s prints the empty string, left padded to half of the total padding required. pad % 2 == 0 ? pad/2 : int(pad/2) + 1 checks if the total padding was an even number, and if not, adds an extra space.
The last %s prints j == NF ? "" : " ", i.e., two spaces, unless we're at the last field.
Some older awks don't support the %*s syntax, but the formatting string can be assembled like width = 5; "%" width "s" in that case.
Here's a Python program to do what you want. It's probably too hard to do in bash, so you'll need to use a custom program or awk script. Basic algorithm:
count number of columns
[optional] make sure each line has the same number of columns
figure out the maximum length of data for each column
print each line using the max lengths
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
def column():
# Read file and split each line into fields (by whitespace)
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
lines = [line.split() for line in f]
# Check that each line has the same number of fields
num_fields = len(lines[0])
for n, line in enumerate(lines):
if len(line) != num_fields:
print('Line {} has wrong number of columns: expected {}, got {}'.format(n, num_fields, len(line)))
# Calculate the maximum length of each field
max_column_widths = [0] * num_fields
for line in lines:
line_widths = (len(field) for field in line)
max_column_widths = [max(z) for z in zip(max_column_widths, line_widths)]
# Now print them centered using the max_column_widths
spacing = 4
format_spec = (' ' * spacing).join('{:^' + str(n) + '}' for n in max_column_widths)
for line in lines:
if __name__ == '__main__':

ruby group ranges that are close to each other

I have these ranges:
X = [10..17,21..34,40..117,384..399,407..455,989..1013]
What I need is:
if the first number of the second range minus the last number of the first range is less than 10, then group them together, else include the range.
What I need is the following:
result = [[10..17,21..34,40..117],[384..399,407..455],[989..1013]]
what I've done is this but this does not group more than two together.
Y = []
X.each_cons(2) do |r1,r2|
if (r2.first - r1.last) < 10
Y << ((r1.last - r1.first) + (r2.last - r2.first)
Y << (r1.last - r1.first)
# Y = [[10..17,21..34,40..117],[384..399,407..455],[989..1013]]
I like to also then add up all ranges within each element:
Y = [97, 63, 24]
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
prev = X.first.last
# => 17
X.slice_before{|r| (r.first - prev >= 10).tap{prev = r.last}}.to_a
# => [[10..17, 21..34, 40..117], [384..399, 407..455], [989..1013]]

Organising inconsistent values [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post.
Closed 9 years ago.
Improve this question
No idea if this is ok to ask here since it's not programming but I have no idea where else to go:
I want to organise the following data in a consistent way. At the moment it's a mess, with only the first two columns (comma separated) consistent. The remaining columns can number anywhere from 1-9 and are usually different.
In other words, I want to sort it so the text matches (all of the value columns in a row, all of the recoil columns in a row, etc). Then I can remove the text and add a header, and it will still make sense.
bm_wp_upg_o_t1micro, sight, value = 3, zoom = 3, recoil = 1, spread_moving = -1
bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_rear, sight, value = 3, zoom = 1, recoil = 1, spread = 1
bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_front, extra, value = 1
bm_wp_m4_upper_reciever_edge, upper_reciever, value = 3, recoil = 1
bm_wp_m4_upper_reciever_round, upper_reciever, value = 1
bm_wp_m4_uupg_b_long, barrel, value = 4, damage = 1, spread = 1, spread_moving = -2, concealment = -2
Any suggestions (even on just where the right place is to actually ask this) would be great.
Context is just raw data ripped from a game file that I'm trying to organise.
I'm afraid regex isn't going to help you much here because of the irregular nature of your input (it would be possible to match it, but it would be a bear to get it all arranged one way or another). This could be done pretty easily with any programming language, but for stuff like this, I always go to awk.
Assuming your input is in a file called input.txt, put the following in a program called parse.awk:
FS=" *, *";
formatStr = "%32s,%8s,%8s,%8s,%10s,%16s,%8s,%18s,%10s,%10s,%16s,%16s\n";
printf( formatStr, "id", "sight", "value", "zoom", "recoil", "spread_moving", "extra", "upper_receiver", "barrel", "damage", "spread_moving", "concealment" );
for( i=2; i<=NF; i++ ) {
if( split( $(i), kvp, " *= *" ) == 1 ) {
a[kvp[1]] = "x";
} else {
a[kvp[1]] = gensub( /^\s*|\s*$/, "", "g", kvp[2] );
printf( formatStr, $1, a["sight"], a["value"], a["zoom"], a["recoil"],
a["spread_moving"], a["extra"], a["upper_receiver"],
a["barrel"], a["damage"], a["spread_moving"], a["concealment"] );
Run awk against it:
awk -f parse.awk input.txt
And get your output:
id, sight, value, zoom, recoil, spread_moving, extra, upper_receiver, barrel, damage, spread_moving, concealment
bm_wp_upg_o_t1micro, x, 3, 3, 1, -1, , , , , -1,
bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_rear, x, 3, 1, 1, , , , , , ,
bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_front, , 1, , , , x, , , , ,
bm_wp_m4_upper_reciever_edge, , 3, , 1, , , , , , ,
bm_wp_m4_upper_reciever_round, , 1, , , , , , , , ,
bm_wp_m4_uupg_b_long, , 4, , , -2, , , x, 1, -2, -2
Note that I chose to just use an 'x' for sight, which seems to a present/absent thing. You can use whatever you want there.
If you're using Linux or a Macintosh, you should have awk available. If you're on Windows, you'll have to install it.
I did make another awk version. I think this should a little easier to read.
All value/column are read from the file to make it as dynamic as possible.
awk -F, '
ID[$1]=$2 # use column 1 as index
for (i=3;i<=NF;i++ ) # loop through all fields from #3 to end
gsub(/ +/,"",$i) # remove space from field
split($i,a,"=") # split field in name and value a[1] and a[2]
COLUMN[a[1]]++ # store field name as column name
DATA[$1" "a[1]]=a[2] # store data value in DATA using field #1 and column name as index
printf "%49s ","info" # print info
for (i in COLUMN)
{printf "%15s",i} # print column name
print ""
for (i in ID) # loop through all ID
printf "%32s %16s ",i, ID[i] # print ID and info
for (j in COLUMN)
printf "%14s ",DATA[i" "j]+0 # print value
print ""
}' file
info spread recoil zoom concealment spread_moving damage value
bm_wp_m4_upper_reciever_round upper_reciever 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
bm_wp_m4_uupg_b_long barrel 1 0 0 -2 -2 1 4
bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_rear sight 1 1 1 0 0 0 3
bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_front extra 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
bm_wp_m4_upper_reciever_edge upper_reciever 0 1 0 0 0 0 3
bm_wp_upg_o_t1micro sight 0 1 3 0 -1 0 3
Stick with Ethan's answer — this is just me enjoying myself. (And yes, that makes me pretty weird!)
awk script
awk 'BEGIN {
# f_idx[field] holds the column number c for a field=value item
# f_name[c] holds the names
# f_width[c] holds the width of the widest value (or the field name)
# f_fmt[c] holds the appropriate format
FS = " *, *"; n = 2;
f_name[0] = "id"; f_width[0] = length(f_name[0])
f_name[1] = "type"; f_width[1] = length(f_name[1])
#-#print NR ":" $0
line[NR,0] = $1
len = length($1)
if (len > f_width[0])
f_width[0] = len
line[NR,1] = $2
len = length($2)
if (len > f_width[1])
f_width[1] = len
for (i = 3; i <= NF; i++)
split($i, fv, " = ")
#-#print "1:" fv[1] ", 2:" fv[2]
if (!(fv[1] in f_idx))
f_idx[fv[1]] = n
f_width[n++] = length(fv[1])
c = f_idx[fv[1]]
f_name[c] = fv[1]
gsub(/ /, "", fv[2])
len = length(fv[2])
if (len > f_width[c])
f_width[c] = len
line[NR,c] = fv[2]
#-#print c ":" f_name[c] ":" f_width[c] ":" line[NR,c]
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
f_fmt[i] = "%s%" f_width[i] "s"
#-#for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
#-# printf "%d: (%d) %s %s\n", i, f_width[i], f_name[i], f_fmt[i]
#-# pad = ""
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
printf f_fmt[j], pad, f_name[j]
pad = ","
printf "\n"
for (i = 1; i <= NR; i++)
pad = ""
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
printf f_fmt[j], pad, line[i,j]
pad = ","
printf "\n"
}' data
This script adapts to the data it finds in the file. It assigns the column heading 'id' to column 1 of the input, and 'type' to column 2. For each of the sets of values in columns 3..N, it splits up the data into key (in fv[1]) and value (in fv[2]). If the key has not been seen before, it is assigned a new column number, and the key is stored as the column name, and the width of key as the initial column width. Then the value is stored in the appropriate column within the line.
When all the data's read, the script knows what the column headings are going to be. It can then create a set of format strings. Then it prints the headings and all the rows of data. If you don't want fixed width output, then you can simplify the script considerably. There are some (mostly minor) simplifications that could be made to this script.
Data file
bm_wp_upg_o_t1micro, sight, value = 3, zoom = 3, recoil = 1, spread_moving = -1
bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_rear, sight, value = 3, zoom = 1, recoil = 1, spread = 1
bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_front, extra, value = 1
bm_wp_m4_upper_receiver_edge, upper_receiver, value = 3, recoil = 1
bm_wp_m4_upper_receiver_round, upper_receiver, value = 1
bm_wp_m4_uupg_b_long, barrel, value = 4, damage = 1, spread = 1, spread_moving = -2, concealment = -2
id, type,value,zoom,recoil,spread_moving,spread,damage,concealment
bm_wp_upg_o_t1micro, sight, 3, 3, 1, -1, , ,
bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_rear, sight, 3, 1, 1, , 1, ,
bm_wp_upg_o_marksmansight_front, extra, 1, , , , , ,
bm_wp_m4_upper_receiver_edge,upper_receiver, 3, , 1, , , ,
bm_wp_m4_upper_receiver_round,upper_receiver, 1, , , , , ,
bm_wp_m4_uupg_b_long, barrel, 4, , , -2, 1, 1, -2

Convert Excel Column Number to Column Name in Matlab

I am using Excel 2007 which supports Columns upto 16,384 Columns. I would like to obtain the Column name corresponding Column Number.
Currently, I am using the following code. However this code supports upto 256 Columns. Any idea how to obtain Column Name if the column number is greater than 256.
function loc = xlcolumn(column)
if isnumeric(column)
if column>256
error('Excel is limited to 256 columns! Enter an integer number <256');
letters = {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'};
count = 0;
if column-26<=0
loc = char(letters(column));
while column-26>0
count = count + 1;
column = column - 26;
loc = [char(letters(count)) char(letters(column))];
letters = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'];
if size(column,2)==1
loc =findstr(column,letters);
elseif size(column,2)==2
loc1 =findstr(column(1),letters);
loc2 =findstr(column(2),letters);
loc = (26 + 26*loc1)-(26-loc2);
As a diversion, here is an all function handle example, with (almost) no file-based functions required. This is based on the dec2base function, since Excel column names are (almost) base 26 numbers, with the frustrating difference that there are no "0" characters.
Note: this is probably a terrible idea overall, but it works. Better solutions are probably found elsewhere in the file exchange.
First, the one file based function that I couldn't get around, to perform arbitrary depth function composition.
function result = compose( fnHandles )
%COMPOSE Compose a set of functions
% COMPOSE({fnHandles}) returns a function handle consisting of the
% composition of the cell array of input function handles.
% For example, if F, G, and H are function handles with one input and
% one output, then:
% y = FNCOMPOSED(x);
% is equivalent to
% y = F(G(H(x)));
if isempty(fnHandles)
result = #(x)x;
elseif length(fnHandles)==1
result = fnHandles{1};
fnOuter = fnHandles{1};
fnRemainder = compose(fnHandles(2:end));
result = #(x)fnOuter(fnRemainder(x));
Then, the bizarre, contrived path to convert base26 values into the correct string
%Functions leading to "getNumeric", which creates a numeric, base26 array
remapUpper = #(rawBase)(rawBase + (rawBase>='A')*(-55)); %Map the letters 'A-P' to [10:26]
reMapLower = #(rawBase)(rawBase + (rawBase<'A')*(-48)); %Map characters '0123456789' to [0:9]
getRawBase = #(x)dec2base(x, 26);
getNumeric = #(x)remapUpper(reMapLower(getRawBase(x)));
%Functions leading to "correctNumeric"
% This replaces zeros with 26, and reduces the high values entry by 1.
% Similar to "borrowing" as we learned in longhand subtraction
borrowDownFrom = #(x, fromIndex) [x(1:(fromIndex-1)) (x(fromIndex)-1) (x(fromIndex+1)+26) (x((fromIndex+2):end))];
borrowToIfNeeded = #(x, toIndex) (x(toIndex)<=0)*borrowDownFrom(x,toIndex-1) + (x(toIndex)>0)*(x); %Ugly numeric switch
getAllConditionalBorrowFunctions = #(numeric)arrayfun(#(index)#(numeric)borrowToIfNeeded(numeric, index),(2:length(numeric)),'uniformoutput',false);
getComposedBorrowFunction = #(x)compose(getAllConditionalBorrowFunctions(x));
correctNumeric = #(x)feval(getComposedBorrowFunction(x),x);
%Function to replace numerics with letters, and remove leading '#' (leading
numeric2alpha = #(x)regexprep(char(x+'A'-1),'^#','');
%Compose complete function
num2ExcelName = #(x)arrayfun(#(x)numeric2alpha(correctNumeric(getNumeric(x))), x, 'uniformoutput',false)';
Now test using some stressing transitions:
>> num2ExcelName([1:5 23:28 700:704 727:729 1024:1026 1351:1355 16382:16384])
ans =
This function I wrote works for any number of columns (until Excel runs out of columns). It just requires a column number input (e.g. 16368 will return a string 'XEN').
If the application of this concept is different than my function, it's important to note that a column of x number of A's begins every 26^(x-1) + 26^(x-2) + ... + 26^2 + 26 + 1. (e.g. 'AAA' begins on 26^2 + 26 + 1 = 703)
function [col_str] = let_loc(num_loc)
test = 2;
old = 0;
x = 0;
while test >= 1
old = 26^x + old;
test = num_loc/old;
x = x + 1;
num_letters = x - 1;
str_array = zeros(1,num_letters);
for i = 1:num_letters
loc = floor(num_loc/(26^(num_letters-i)));
num_loc = num_loc - (loc*26^(num_letters-i));
str_array(i) = char(65 + (loc - 1));
col_str = strcat(str_array(1:length(str_array)));
Hope this saves someone some time!

I want a function in VB SCRIPT to calculate numerology

I want a function to calculate numerology.For example if i enter "XYZ" then my output should be 3 .
Here is how it became 3:
X = 24
Y = 25
Z = 26
on adding it becomes 75 which again adds up to 12 (7+5) which again adds up to 3(1+2) . Similarly whatever names i should pass,my output should be a single digit score.
Here you are:
Function Numerology(Str)
Dim sum, i, char
' Convert the string to upper case, so that 'X' = 'x'
Str = UCase(Str)
sum = 0
' For each character, ...
For i = 1 To Len(Str)
' Check if it's a letter and raise an exception otherwise
char = Mid(Str, i , 1)
If char < "A" Or char > "Z" Then Err.Raise 5 ' Invalid procedure call or argument
' Add the letter's index number to the sum
sum = sum + Asc(char) - 64
' Calculate the result using the digital root formula (
Numerology = 1 + (sum - 1) Mod 9
End Function
In vbscript:
Function numerology(literal)
result = 0
for i = 1 to Len(literal)
'' // for each letter, take its ASCII value and substract 64,
'' so "A" becomes 1 and "Z" becomes 26
result = result + Asc(Mid(literal, i, 1)) - 64
'' // while result is bigger than 10, let's sum it's digits
while(result > 10)
partial = 0
for i = 1 to Len(CStr(result))
partial = partial + CInt(Mid(CStr(result), i, 1))
result = partial
numerology = result
End Function
I have no idea what this could possible be used for but it was fun to write anyway.
Private Function CalcStupidNumber(ByVal s As String) As Integer
s = s.ToLower
If (s.Length = 1) Then 'End condition
Return Integer.Parse(s)
Catch ex As Exception
Return 0
End Try
End If
'cover to Values
Dim x As Int32
Dim tot As Int32 = 0
For x = 0 To s.Length - 1 Step 1
Dim Val As Integer = ConvertToVal(s(x))
tot += Val
Return CalcStupidNumber(tot.ToString())
End Function
Private Function ConvertToVal(ByVal c As Char) As Integer
If (Char.IsDigit(c)) Then
Return Integer.Parse(c)
End If
Return System.Convert.ToInt32(c) - 96 ' offest of a
End Function
