ABCPDF with Gecko rendering does not render the same in Firefox? - firefox

Right now I'm using the latest ABC PDF version, and use the Gecko rendering engine. However, I notice that there are small differences between the way Firefox renders the HTML I'm adding to my PDF, and the way ABC PDF interprets the HTML. I was wondering if there is anything that can be done against this?
I'm asking about Firefox specifically because I thought that browser used the same Gecko rendering engine as ABCPDF did, so I thought it would be 100% the same.
Does anyone know about this? Couldn't find much about this on the internet, though I do admit that I find it hard to come up with the correct search terms.

By default ABCpdf will use the 'print' css media type whereas Firefox will be using 'screen', this can be changed by setting the media property.
var doc = new Doc()
doc.HtmlOptions.Media = MediaType.Screen
If the differences are more subtle it may be worth taking a look at engine configuration.
It is important to note the Gecko engine used in ABCpdf is independent from the engine used in any local Firefox installation, it should be assumed that it will be different in both version and configuration.


Firefox pdf form displays a "4" in checkbox (instead of a checkmark); Works fine in IE & Chrome

I am creating a pdf document (via ColdFusion), but when I preview the rendered pdf in Firefox, I get the number "4" where my checkmarks are supposed to be (see photo below). When I preview the exact same pdf in Chrome or IE, I see the checkmark, and it all works perfectly!
I am pre-populating the pdf form fields (via ColdFusion session variables), and then rendering the pdf using the following markup:
<cfpdfform source="82040.pdf" action="populate">
<cfpdfformparam name="org" value="">
Here is the resulting pdf form in Internet Explorer:
Note how the checkmark is rendered properly:
Here is the same form previewed in FireFox:
Note how the the checkbox has a "4" instead of a checkmark:
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
It is a bug with Firefox's PDF Viewer. Currently, there is no fix. As radiovisual's post points out, the bug in the underlying library (pdf.js) was supposedly fixed. However, there is still the issue of Mozilla updating the older version baked into Firefox (which is what most folks are using). Currently, that bug is still outstanding.
Probably the best you can do is to return the pdf as an "attachment", rather than "inline", so the browser prompts them to "open/save" the file. If the user opts to "open" the pdf, it should open with their default program instead. (Adobe Reader is the default for most users).
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment; filename=fileName.pdf">
<cfcontent type="application/pdf" .../>
This bug was apparently addressed already, as pointed out via the project's github repo: the bug was supposedly fixed during this commit. So if you are still experiencing problems, it either means:
You are using an outdated version of the pdf.js library,
Or, the problem has been re-introduced into the library.
So to start things off, you will want to make sure that you are using the most up-to-date version of the pdf.js library. If you are still experiencing problems, even with the most up-to-date version, then the problem is still within the embedded pdf document viewer, and there aren't too many things you can do to fix this until the project maintainer's finally fix the problem.
The issue you are experiencing (the reason why you are seeing a "4" where there should be a checkmark, is because the pdf.js library is using a special symbol font to render the checkmarks, but in problematic versions of firefox's embedded pdf-viewer the symbol font isn't rendering the checkmark correctly, so it shows a "4" instead of a checkmark -- because the checkmark symbol they are using in the custom font just so happens to be mapped to the number "4".
Similarly, for the same reasons cited above, if you assign the checkbox to render squares (instead of checks), the letter "N" will appear in the checkbox instead of a square, because the square shape symbol is mapped to the letter "N".
This problem only exists in the embedded pdf document viewer in Firefox but will look perfectly normal when viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader, or other offline pdf readers (and other browser pdf readers, which is why it looks fine in Chrome and IE), so when users download the form, it will appear like you would expect it to.
Some workarounds / optimizations you could try:
Try one of these, or all of these, they are in no particular order (or guaranteed to work)
Don't rely on the built-in pdf.js browser extension in firefox, instead, make your own updated version based on the latest pdf.js source or target another pdf library and use it's browser-agnostic API to render and display your pdfs.
Create an HTML form for the user to fill and verify all the information, then render the pdf based on the data supplied by the HTML form, for download only (no previewing in the browser). This will force them to open the pdf in their default pdf viewer where the issue is not present, because, again, the problem you describe only happens in Firefox's embedded pdf viewer and not in other pdf viewers like Adobe Acrobat).
Make sure you have the ZapfDingBats Font installed on your server. I haven't confirmed this, but that commit that was supposed to have solved this issue seems to have added support for this font, so it is worth a try to make sure this font is accessible on your ColdFusion server, then try previewing the rendered pdf in Firefox.
Detect that the user is accessing your form via Firefox, and if so, warn the users of the issue, but assure them that downloading the form and viewing in their default pdf viewer will work as expected.
Convert the page to HTML5 (if you aren't already), then add in an HTML5 shiv (so HTML5 features can be used on older browsers), and a CSS normalizer, and test if the problem persists using these optimal settings. It's worth a shot to make sure that the problem is somehow treated differently under the HTML5 standard, since not everyone is having the same issues as you.
Lastly, make sure that your HTML is being rendered as valid markup via your ColdFusion output by using an HTML validator.
Other than that, there isn't a whole lot you can do until the mozilla team updates their embedded pdf viewer. But since the problem is only in the firefox viewer, and not in the pdf itself, it it up to you to decide if this is a deal-breaker or not, and search for alternatives.
Note: PDF.js is built into version 19+ of Firefox.
Update: You can use this pdf (which represents the character mapping of the ZapDingbats symbol font) as a way of testing your browser's interpretation of embedded fonts in the pdf rendered via pdf.js. Note that at the time of this writing, the above pdf does not display the Zapf Dingbats properly in Firefox (via pdf.js), but other browsers render them just fine (notice the "4" next to a20[x2714] in firefox, and the checkmark next to the same entry (a20[x2714]) in Chrome.

MediaElement.js not working in IE8

So I've read other posts and the supposed fixes for IE8 but none have seemed to work. The main player on the site doesn't even work in IE8.
Can anyone point me to a site that they know uses mediaelement.js successfully in IE8?
The plan being to view source and repeat what they've done.
My site seems to work in IE8, here is a page with a video:
I had to set enablePluginSmoothing to true as describe here, since the Flash playback quality was baaaaad out of the box, but didn't do anything else. That I found here: Video quality issues with MediaElement.JS and Flash
I found that I had to put the
last in the body element for it to work in IE8 and other old IE versions. I'd put it in the head, since the instructions say the link to the script has to be in the head if you want to support old versions of IE so I assumed the call would have to go there too.
If you've copied the object tags from the full video example (Option B on the site) then IE will load the Flash player but won't add the mediaelement.js markup that's needed to load the media.
The best example to work from for audio is the demo/mediaelementplayer-audio.html page in the zipped download in the latest version (you'll need to download the media as well, not sure why that's separate but it's here: ). Copy the pieces of it into your page, in the same places, then replace with your own file paths. If that doesn't work, then the problem is likely with your MIME type or CSS visibility properties.
Issue calls after $(document).ready, or when media element has loaded.

CSS Mediaqueries: Defining font-face inside a certain min to max range - is this font loaded outside?

Probably a weird question and after your answers I might be ashamed for asking this.
I have a specific font embedded on my website (via #font-face) this font is used for a section that is only visible on wider resolutions (desktops). On Smartphones for example, this section is not visible (display:none).
The #font-face rule is not defined within a media-query but right at the beginning of my stylesheet.
I wonder now if it would be possible to avoid loading this embedded font-file if I'm viewing the site on a mobile device.
You know. The font-file has a view kb and I want my site to be as fast as possible. Since the font wouldn't even be needed on my mobile version I wonder if
1.) the font is even loaded at the moment? I have no idea how to test this on my iPhone. Since the section where it is used is set to display:none I don't get any feedback.
2.) If it is loaded (and I guess so) would it be possible to set this #font-face declaration inside a media-query with max-width : 640px (e.g. iPhone) and the files wouldn't be loaded in this case?
Any ideas on that matter?
thank you in advance.
1) Images with display:none are loaded in some browsers and in some others not. So i guess it's the same for fonts.
2) There is a bug in FF 3.6, but they probably have fixed it nowadays. As far as i know, browsers supporting both media-queries and #ff should render it correctly.
CSS standards dictate that At-rules inside #media are invalid in CSS2.1, but according to this post you can load an external file with #import and a media-target declaration, i guess this way:
#import url("fonts.css") screen and (min-width:800px);
But you know, #import doesn't work that well. So i just wouldn't care about CSS2 and pretend to be writing CSS3 ;-)
This guy says that it's ok to just move #ff inside a media query.
I believe the best solution is to put it inside a min-width media query (don't forget to use the only keyword, which is intended to hide media queries from older browsers).
Using min-width is definitely more suitable than max-width for a progressive enhancement approach, and if your site is designed for mobile devices too it's probably what you want to use.
But as others said, testing is a must-do ... and sharing the results too ;-)
It seems to work. Didn't test it in older Versions of IE (I'm using modernizr, etc. for media-query support in older brosers) but it might work.
I'm defining the #font-face rule directly inside the mediaquery where it is needed. I tested it with all modern browsers. There is no request if the browser window is very small and the media-query isn't triggered. Once I resize the window to a larger with (where I need the font) it is loaded.
Just what I wanted.

Chrome vs. Firefox rendering differences of unicode characters - MathJax

I'm having troubles figuring out why Chrome and Firefox are rendering some things differently. Below are images of a part of my project as seen in Firefox (top) and Chrome (bottom). MathJax renders everything as the page is loading and once everything has been processed and typeset, it is displayed on the page. So I'm not sure if this is my fault of MathJax's fault. Anyway here are the images...
... if you would notice, the square with black border is different in Chrome, and in a bad way. Any ideas as to why this might be happening? The following is output from Chrome's console...
Resource interpreted as font but transferred with MIME type image/svg+xml. /MathJax/fonts/HTML-CSS/TeX/svg/MathJax_Main-Regular.svg#MathJax_Main-Regular:-1
Resource interpreted as font but transferred with MIME type image/svg+xml. /MathJax/fonts/HTML-CSS/TeX/svg/MathJax_Main-Bold.svg#MathJax_Main-Bold:-1
Resource interpreted as font but transferred with MIME type image/svg+xml. /MathJax/fonts/HTML-CSS/TeX/svg/MathJax_Main-Italic.svg#MathJax_Main-Italic:-1
Resource interpreted as font but transferred with MIME type image/svg+xml. /MathJax/fonts/HTML-CSS/TeX/svg/MathJax_Math-Italic.svg#MathJax_Math-Italic:-1
The code for rendering the square alone, without all the other fancy stuff, is relatively simple...
<div id="square">
<math xmlns="" display="block">
<mo id="tag0" class="expand">◻</mo>
... and then I tell MathJax to render it...
MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, "square"]);
... and MathJax does its thing (I have no control over the rendering MathJax does). So I don't quite know where the problem is.
I know this is a very strange and very specific question but I'm hoping someone in the Stack Overflow community might have some idea or has dealt with MathJax previously. Hopefully some brainstorming will help resolve this issue.
The box you are seeing Chrome is the "missing character" symbol. The MathJax fonts don't include U+25FB, and so Chrome is showing the missing symbol. It looks like Firefox is finding the character in a different font and using that (or perhaps you have STIX fonts on the machine running Firefox but not the one running Chrome, and MathJax is using that). Browsers differ in their ability to find alternative fonts for symbols that aren't in the MathJax fonts.
In any case, try using U+25A1 instead of U+25FB and see if that works better for you.
MathML will come to Chrome natively, WebKit has been working on it for some time now:
I guess this question should be marked as a bug for MathJax. Hopefully soon, there would be a native solution.
I do not have a real answer, however rendering differences among browsers are nothing new. I use Firefox, Chrome, Opera, IE (in that order), quite often one of the browsers renders better than the rest. Firefox has some nice debugging plugins, you may try those (Firebug???). Warning: You may spend a lot of effort on this. If you get into troubleshooting CSS, ouch :).

Jammit, mhtml and the Vista IE7 bug

So I'm going to start using data-uri's and mhtml to embed images in my stylesheets and i'm thinking of using Jammit to help me out there because it claims that it can generate data-uri and mhtml code for you
I know about the IE7 Vista||Win7 bug and that the fix is to close off the buondaries with a two dashes
If you look at the example mhtml file provided in the jammit docs you might notice that they do not use the fix detailed above for the IE7 bug.
Does Jammit handle the IE7 bug for you? I have no way of testing IE7 so I'd just like to be sure of this before I got off and spend hours trying to get it to work
I don't think it's an IE7 bug. the Multipart MIME RFC (1341 and its successors) clearly calls for the extra "--" at the end of the last boundary. I would consider it a Jammit bug.
Update: I checked the source, and it looks like they've fixed that bug. The example was generated before the fix.
