C++ - need suggestion on 2-d Data structure - size of 1-D is not fixed - data-structures

I wish to have a 2-D data structure to store SAT formulas. What I want is similar to 2-D arrays. But I wish to do dynamic memory allocation.
I was thinking in terms of array of vectors of the following form :-
typedef vector<int> intVector;
intVector *clause;
clause = new intVector [numClause + 1] ;
Thus clause[0] will be one vector, clause[1] will be another and so on. And each vector may have a different size. But I am unsure if this is the right thing to do in terms of memory allocation.
Can an array of vectors be made, so that the vectors have different sizes ? How bad is it on memory management ?

To memory management will be fine using STL (dynamic memory alloc), performance will go down because is dynamic and doesn't do direct access.
If you're in complete dispair you may use a vector of pairs, with the first as an static array and the second, the count of used elements. If some array grows bigger, you may reallocate with more memory and increase the count. This will be a big mess, but may work. You'll lose less memory and make direct acess to the second level of arrays, but is ugly and dirt.


Multiply Eigen::Matrices without transposing first

Say you have Matrix<int, 4, 2> and Matrix<int, 3, 2> which you want to multiply in the natural way that consumes the -1 dimension without first transposing.
Is this possible? Or do we have to transpose first. Which would be silly (unperformative) from a cache perspective, because now the elements we are multiplying and summing aren't contiguous.
Here's a playground. https://godbolt.org/z/Gdj3sfzcb
Pytorch provides torch.inner and torch.tensordot which do this.
Just like in Numpy, transpose() just creates a "view". It doesn't do any expensive memory operations (unless you assign it to a new matrix). Just call a * b.transpose() and let Eigen handle the details of the memory access. A properly optimized BLAS library like Eigen handles the transposition on smaller tiles in temporary memory for optimal performance.
Memory order still matters for fine tuning though. If you can, write your matrix multiplications in the form a.transpose() * b for column-major matrices (like Eigen, Matlab), or a * b.transpose() for row-major matrices like those in Numpy. That saves the BLAS library the trouble of doing that transposition.
Side note: You used auto for your result. Please read the Common Pitfalls chapter in the documentation. Your code didn't compute a matrix multiplication, it stored an expression of one.

Use big.Rat with Go to get Abs() value

I am a beginner with Go and a java developer.
I am currently working with big.Rat.
I need to get the Abs of a Rat n for which I have to write something like
n.Abs(n) or something like big.Rat{}.Abs(n)
Why didn't go provide something like just n.Abs()?
Or am I going wrong somewhere?
Go's big package is concerned with memory allocation when it comes to its function signatures. A big.Rat consists of two big.Ints which each contain an array of uints. Unlike an int (native 32 or 64 bit integer), a big.Int must thus be allocated dynamically, depending on its value. For large values this means more elements in the array.
Your proposed function signature n.Abs() would mean that a new array of the same size as n's would have to be allocated for this operation. In reality we often have the case that the original n is no longer needed, thus we can reuse its existing memory. To allow this, the Abs function takes a pointer to an existing big.Rat which might be n itself. The implementation can now reuse the memory. The caller is now in full control of what memory to use for these operations.
This might not make the nicest API for all use cases, in fact if you just want to do a quick calculation for a few large numbers, on a computer with Gigabytes of RAM, you might have preferred the n.Abs() version, but if you do numerically expensive computations with a lot of large numbers, you must be able to control your memory. Imagine doing some image manipulation on a Raspberry for example, where you are more constraint by the available memory. In this case the existing API allows you to be more efficient.

"cut and paste" the last k elements of std::vector efficiently?

Is it possible in C++11 "cut and paste" the last k elements of an std::vector A to a new std:::vector B in constant time?
One way would be to use B.insert(A.end() - k, A.end()) and then use erase on A but these are both O(k) time operations.
No, vectors own their memory.
This operation is known as splice. forward_list is ridiculously slow otherwise, but it does have an O(1) splice.
Typically, the process of deciding which elements to move is already O(n), so having the splice itself take O(n) time is not a problem. The other operations being faster on vector more than make up for it.
This isn't possible in general, since (at least in the C++03 version -- there it's 23.2.4/1) the C++ standard guarantees that the memory used by a vector<T> is a single contiguous block. Thus the only way to "transfer" more than a fixed number of elements in O(1) time would be if the receiving vector were empty, and you had somehow arranged to have it's allocated block of memory begin at the right place inside the first vector -- in which case the "transfer" could be argued to have taken no time at all. (Deliberately overlapping objects in this way is almost certain to constitute Undefined Behaviour in theory -- and in practice, it's also very fragile, since any operation that invalidates iterators to a vector<T> can also reallocate memory, thus breaking things.)
If you're prepared to sacrifice a whole bunch of portability, I've heard it's possible to play OS-level (or hardware-level) tricks with virtual memory mapping to achieve tricks like no-overhead ring buffers. Maybe these tricks could also be applied here -- but bear in mind that the assumption that the mapping of virtual to physical memory within a single process is one-to-one is very deeply ingrained, so you could be in for some surprises.

How to efficiently store and manipulate sparse binary matrices in Octave?

I'm trying to manipulate sparse binary matrices in GNU Octave, and it's using way more memory than I expect, and relevant sparse-matrix functions don't behave the way I want them to. I see this question about higher-than-expected sparse-matrix storage in MATLAB, which suggests that this matrix should consume even more memory, but helped explain (only) part of this situation.
For a sparse, binary matrix, I can't figure out any way to get Octave to NOT STORE the array of values (they're always implicitly 1, so need not be stored). Can this be done? Octave always seems to consume memory for a values array.
A trimmed-down example demonstrating the situation: create random sparse matrix, turn it into "binary":
mys=spones(sprandn(1024,1024,.03)); nnz(mys), whos mys
Shows the situation. The consumed size is consistent with the storage mechanism outlined in aforementioned SO answer and expanded below, if spones() creates an array of storage-class double and if all indices are 32-bit (i.e., TotalStorageSize - rowIndices - columnIndices == NumNonZero*sizeof(double) -- unnecessarily storing these values (all 1s as doubles) is over half of the total memory consumed by this 3%-sparse object.
After messing with this (for too long) while composing this question, I discovered some partial workarounds, so I'm going to "self-answer" (only) part of the question for continuity (hopefully), but I didn't figure out an adequate answer to main question:
How do I create an efficiently-stored ("no-/implicit-values") binary matrix in Octave?
Additional background on storage format follows...
The Octave docs say the storage format for sparse matrices uses format Compressed Sparse Column (CSC). This seems to imply storing the following arrays (expanding on aforementioned SO answer, with canonical Yale format labels and tweaks for column-major order):
values (A), number-of-nonzeros (NNZ) entries of storage-class size;
row numbers (IA), NNZ entries of index size (hopefully int64 but maybe int32);
start of each column (JA), number-of-columns-plus-1 entries of index size)
In this case, for binary-only storage, I hope there's a way to completely avoid storing array (A), but I can't figure it out.
Full disclosure: As noted above, as I was composing this question, I discovered a workaround to reduce memory usage, so I'm "self-answering" part of this here, but it still isn't fully satisfying, so I'm still listening for a better actual answer to storage of a sparse binary matrix without a trivial, bloated, unnecessary values array...
To get a binary-like value out of a number-like value and reduce the memory usage in this case, use "logical" storage, created by logical(X). For example, building from above,
logicalmys = logical(mys);
creates a sparse bool matrix, that takes up less memory (1-byte logical rather than 8-byte double for the values array).
Adding more information to the whos information using whos_line_format helps illuminate the situation: The default string includes 5 of the 7 properties (see docs for more). I'm using the format string
whos_line_format(" %a:4; %ln:6; %cs:16:6:1; %rb:12; %lc:8; %e:10; %t:20;\n")
to add display of "elements", and "type" (which is distinct from "class").
With that, whos mys logicalmys shows something like
Attr Name Size Bytes Class Elements Type
==== ==== ==== ===== ===== ======== ====
mys 1024x1024 391100 double 32250 sparse matrix
logicalmys 1024x1024 165350 logical 32250 sparse bool matrix
So this shows a distinction between sparse matrix and sparse bool matrix. However, the total memory consumed by logicalmys is consistent with actually storing an array of NNZ booleans (1-byte) -- That is:
totalMemory minus rowIndices minus columnOffsets leaves NNZ bytes left;
in numbers,
165350 - 32250*4 - 1025*4 == 32250.
So we're still storing 32250 elements, all of which are 1. Further, if you set one of the 1-elements to zero, it reduces the reported storage! For a good time, try: pick a nonzero element, e.g., (42,1), then zero it: logicalmys(42,1) = 0; then whos it!
My hope is that this is correct, and that this clarifies some things for those who might be interested. Comments, corrections, or actual answers welcome!

vector --> concurrent_vector migration + OpenGL restriction

I need to speed-up some calculation and result of calculation then used to draw OpenGL model.
Major speed-up archived when I changed std::vector to Concurrency::concurrent_vector and used parallel_for instead of just for loops.
This vector (or concurrent_vector) calculated in for (or parallel_for) loop and contains vertices for OpenGL to visualize.
It is fine using std::vector because OpenGL rendering procedure relies on the fact that std::vector keeps it's items in sequence which is not a case with concurrent_vector. Code runs something like this:
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, &vectorWithVerticesData[0]);
To generate concurrent_vector and copy it to std::vector is too expensive since there are lot of items.
So, the question is: I'd like to use OpenGL arrays, but also like to use concurrent_vector which is incompatible with OpenGL output.
Any suggestions?
You're trying to use a data structure that doesn't store its elements contiguously in an API that requires contiguous storage. Well, one of those has to give, and it's not going to be OpenGL. GL isn't going to walk concurrent_vector's data structure (not if you like performance).
So your option is to not use non-sequential objects.
I can only guess at what you're doing (since you didn't provide example code for the generator), so that limits what I can advise. If your parallel_for iterates for a fixed number of times (by "fixed", I mean a value that is known immediately before parallel_for executes. It doesn't change based on how many times you've iterated), then you can just use a regular vector.
Simply size the vector with vector::size. This will value-initialize the elements, which means that every element exists. You can now perform your parallel_for loop, but instead of using push_back or whatever, you simply copy the element directly into its location in the output. I think parallel_for can iterate over the actual vector iterators, but I'm not positive. Either way, it doesn't matter; you won't get any race conditions unless you try to set the same element from different threads.
