Laravel Image error - image

Hello can anyone help me with this problem in laravel?
In local server when I upload image it is working but in live server it is not working because of this problem:
[2015-05-22 10:38:23] production.ERROR: exception 'Intervention\Image\Exception\NotWritableException'
with message
Can't write image data to path (/var/www/vhosts/domain-name/httpdocs/mainsource/img/courses/1432291103.jpg)
and if i create a folder inside mainsource img/courses image will be saved but doesn't show in the page.
Also i have the same folder img/courses in public from which also my courses page reads images and shows images.


Image not found in laravel

My application is displaying images perfectly as I am displaying them on the other pages.
I need to apply a watermark on all of those images.
Whenever I try to get the image dynamically to manipulate it gives me the error 404 not found.
However, the link is similar to all other images displaying on the website.
I have tried Image intervention It works fine for the images in public/img folder
but id does not work for the images in the storage/app/products folder.
working link obtained by inspecting image:
The link I made using controller and loop:

Laravel 5.7 getting images from storage

I have a little problem with getting an images from storage. Images are stored in storage/app/public/uploads/files directory. In database they are stored as file name image-1.png ... I am getting the files via url generated in Eloquent entity and url looks like src="/uploads/files/image-1.png" But cant see any image. Images are stored manually. Can somebody tell me please where is the problem?
If you generate the symbolic link, then your path will be :

image is save in server but cannot be accessed laravel

I am using laravel file-manager to store image and it was working fine in http but after changing to https the image are not being displayed although they are being stored in public folder. Only image that are added recently have that problem old image are fine.
The error was in storage:link so after unlinking and then linking that it worked.

Displaying an image in Web browser, Ubuntu

I want to display an image on my website.
My website is located in
The image is located in
I am using codeIgniter and Image src I am passing is same as above.
File/directory permissions are proper but still I am unable to display an image.

Force to upload 1 image with the same name in Codeigniter

I have made an image upload page. this all works smooth.
My problem is when i upload an image called filename.jpg and i upload it again the same image uploads but changes the name to filename1.jpg
how can i force this and make a message with something like 'the image you upload was allready uploaded'
the change in filename was initiated by the os of server computer
to produce the promt you have to check the file name for duplicates while you are uploading
using the php script
if you have a database which stores the filenames then it is very easy
