'file.txt') vs.'file.txt').readlines - ruby

I checked using'file.txt').class and'file.txt').readlines.class and the former one returns File and the latter returns Array.
I understand this difference, but if I do something like:'file.txt').collect {|l| l.upcase}
==='file.txt').readlines.collect {|l| l.upcase}
it returns true. So are there any differences between the two objects when each item in the object is being passed to a block as an argument?
And also, I was assuming that the arguments that are passed to the block in both expressions are both a line in the file as a string which makes the comparison return true, is that correct? If so, how do I know what kind of argument will be passed to the block when I write the code? Do I have to check something like the documentation or the source code?
For example, I know how
['a','b','c'].each_with_index { |num, index| puts "#{index + 1}: #{num}" }
works and take this for granted. But how do I know the first argument should be each item in the array and the second the index, instead of the reverse?
Hope that makes sense, thanks!

Get comfortable doing some Ruby introspection in irb.
irb(main):001:0> puts File.ancestors.inspect
[File, IO, File::Constants, Enumerable, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
This result shows us classes the File class inherits from and that includes the methods of class Enumerable. So what object is returned from File.readlines? An Array I think, let's check.
ri File.readlines
IO.readlines(name, sep=$/ [, open_args]) -> array
IO.readlines(name, limit [, open_args]) -> array
IO.readlines(name, sep, limit [, open_args]) -> array
This may be overkill, but we can verify Enumerable methods exists within an Array.
irb(main):003:0> puts Array.ancestors.inspect
[Array, Enumerable, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

I'll try to make this response as compact as possible.
The second question - if you operate on objects which come from standard library you may always refer to their documentation in order to be 100% sure what arguments to expect when passing a block. For instance, multiple times you will be using methods like each, select, map (etc ...), on different data structures (Array, Hash, ...). Before you get used to them you may find all information about them in docs for example:
If you are operating on non core data structures (for example a class which comes from gem you include, you should always browse it's documentation or sources on Github).
The first question. Result may be the same, when using different methods, but on deeper level there may be some differences. As far as your case is based on files. Reading file content may be processed in two ways. First - read everything into memory and operate on array of string, and the second - read file lines sequentially which may last longer but will not reserve as much memory.

In Enumerable#each_with_index the arguments are in the same order as they are in the method name itself, first the element, then the index. Same thing with each_with_object.


How enum#feed works in ruby?

Sets the value to be returned by the next yield inside e.If
the value is not set, the yield returns nil.This value is cleared after
being yielded.
I tried one example but it is not the one I think to understand the
#feed method.
a = [1,2,3,4].to_enum
p #=> 1
a.feed 'foo'
p #=> 2 , I expected here 'foo'
Can anyone give me a good example to understand how the #feed method
Based on the documentation you linked to, it's up to the Enumerable object in question to decide what to do with your feed call. In this case, the default behavior is to ignore it. If you write your own custom Enumerable class, you could accept that and treat it as you will.
I have never seen feed used, but then again, it's the sort of thing that's put there for those occasions when you might need it. I can't think of a use for this thing at all, to be honest.
You'll have to test various things for support, but I'd be surprised if you find any objects that use it as you presume.

Why return an enumerator?

I''m curious about why ruby returns an Enumerator instead of an Array for something that seems like Array is an obvious choice. For example:
# => String
Most people think of a String as an array of chars.
# => Enumerator
So why does String#chars return an Enumerable instead of an Array? I'm assuming somebody put a lot of thought into this and decided that Enumerator is more appropriate but I don't understand why.
If you want an Array, call #to_a. The difference between Enumerable and Array is that one is lazy and the other eager. It's the good old memory (lazy) vs. cpu (eager) optimization. Apparently they chose lazy, also because
str = "foobar"
chrs = str.chars
chrs.to_a # => ["f", "o", "o", "b", "a", "r"]
str.sub!('r', 'z')
chrs.to_a # => ["f", "o", "o", "b", "a", "z"]
Abstraction - the fact that something may be an Array is an implementation detail you don't care about for many use cases. For those where you do, you can always call .to_a on the Enumerable to get one.
Efficiency - Enumerators are lazy, in that Ruby doesn't have to build the entire list of elements all at once, but can do so one at a time as needed. So only the number you need is actually computed. Of course, this leads to more overhead per item, so it's a trade-off.
Extensibility - the reason chars returns an Enumerable is because it is itself implemented as an enumerator; if you pass a block to it, that block will be executed once per character. That means there's no need for e.g. .chars.each do ... end; you can just do .chars do ... end. This makes it easy to construct operation chains on the characters of the string.
This completely in accordance with the spirit of 1.9: to return enumerators whenever possible. String#bytes, String#lines, String#codepoints, but also methods like Array#permutation all return an enumerator.
In ruby 1.8 String#to_a resulted in an array of lines, but the method is gone in 1.9.
'Most people think of a String as an array of chars' ... only if you think like C or other languages. IMHO, Ruby's object orientation is much more advanced than that. Most Array operations tend to be more Enumerable like, so it probably makes more sense that way.
An array is great for random access to different indexes, but strings are rarely accessed by a particular index. (and if you are trying to to access a particular index, I suspect you are probably doing school work)
If you are trying to inspect each character, Enumerable works. With Enumberable, you have access to map, each, inject, among others. Also for substitution, there are string functions and regular expressions.
Frankly, I can't think of a real world need for an array of chars.
Maybe a string in ruby is mutable? Then having an Array isn't really an obvious choice - the length could change, for instance. But you will still want to enumerate the characters...
Also, you don't really want to be passing around the actual storage for the characters of a string, right? I mean, I don't remember much ruby (it's been a while), but if I were designing the interface, I'd only hand out "copies" for the .chars method/attribute/whatever. Now... Do you want to allocate a new array each time? Or just return a little object that knows how to enumerate the characters in the string? Thus, keeping the implementation hidden.
So, no. Most people don't think of a string as an array of chars. Most people think of a string as a string. With a behavior defined by the library/language/runtime. With an implementation you only need to know when you want to get nasty and all private with stuff below the abstraction belt.
Actually 'foo'.chars passes each character in str to the given block, or returns an enumerator if no block is given.
Check it :
irb(main):017:0> 'foo'.chars
=> #<Enumerable::Enumerator:0xc8ab35 #__args__=[], #__object__="foo", #__method__=:chars>
irb(main):018:0> 'foo'.chars.each {|p| puts p}
=> "foo"

Why is :key.hash != 'key'.hash in Ruby?

I'm learning Ruby right now for the Rhodes mobile application framework and came across this problem: Rhodes' HTTP client parses JSON responses into Ruby data structures, e.g.
puts #params # prints {"body"=>{"results"=>[]}}
Since the key "body" is a string here, my first attempt #params[:body] failed (is nil) and instead it must be #params['body']. I find this most unfortunate.
Can somebody explain the rationale why strings and symbols have different hashes, i.e. :body.hash != 'body'.hash in this case?
Symbols and strings serve two different purposes.
Strings are your good old familiar friends: mutable and garbage-collectable. Every time you use a string literal or #to_s method, a new string is created. You use strings to build HTML markup, output text to screen and whatnot.
Symbols, on the other hand, are different. Each symbol exists only in one instance and it exists always (i.e, it is not garbage-collected). Because of that you should make new symbols very carefully (String#to_sym and :'' literal). These properties make them a good candidate for naming things. For example, it's idiomatic to use symbols in macros like attr_reader :foo.
If you got your hash from an external source (you deserialized a JSON response, for example) and you want to use symbols to access its elements, then you can either use HashWithIndifferentAccess (as others pointed out), or call helper methods from ActiveSupport:
require 'active_support/core_ext'
h = {"body"=>{"results"=>[]}}
h.symbolize_keys # => {:body=>{"results"=>[]}}
h.stringify_keys # => {"body"=>{"results"=>[]}}
Note that it'll only touch top level and will not go into child hashes.
Symbols and Strings are never ==:
:foo == 'foo' # => false
That's a (very reasonable) design decision. After all, they have different classes, methods, one is mutable the other isn't, etc...
Because of that, it is mandatory that they are never eql?:
:foo.eql? 'foo' # => false
Two objects that are not eql? typically don't have the same hash, but even if they did, the Hash lookup uses hash and then eql?. So your question really was "why are symbols and strings not eql?".
Rails uses HashWithIndifferentAccess that accesses indifferently with strings or symbols.
In Rails, the params hash is actually a HashWithIndifferentAccess rather than a standard ruby Hash object. This allows you to use either strings like 'action' or symbols like :action to access the contents.
You will get the same results regardless of what you use, but keep in mind this only works on HashWithIndifferentAccess objects.
Copied from : Params hash keys as symbols vs strings

Why were ruby loops designed that way?

As is stated in the title, I was curious to know why Ruby decided to go away from classical for loops and instead use the array.each do ...
I personally find it a little less readable, but that's just my personal opinion. No need to argue about that. On the other hand, I suppose they designed it that way on purpose, there should be a good reason behind.
So, what are the advantages of putting loops that way? What is the "raison d'etre" of this design decision?
This design decision is a perfect example of how Ruby combines the object oriented and functional programming paradigms. It is a very powerful feature that can produce simple readable code.
It helps to understand what is going on. When you run:
array.each do |el|
#some code
you are calling the each method of the array object, which, if you believe the variable name, is an instance of the Array class. You are passing in a block of code to this method (a block is equivalent to a function). The method can then evaluate this block and pass in arguments either by using or yield args. each simply iterates through the array and for each element it calls the block you passed in with that element as the argument.
If each was the only method to use blocks, this wouldn't be that useful but many other methods and you can even create your own. Arrays, for example have a few iterator methods including map, which does the same as each but returns a new array containing the return values of the block and select which returns a new array that only contains the elements of the old array for which the block returns a true value. These sorts of things would be tedious to do using traditional looping methods.
Here's an example of how you can create your own method with a block. Let's create an every method that acts a bit like map but only for every n items in the array.
class Array #extending the built in Array class
def every n, &block #&block causes the block that is passed in to be stored in the 'block' variable. If no block is passed in, block is set to nil
i = 0
arr = []
while i < self.length
arr << ( block.nil? ? self[i] :[i]) )#use the plain value if no block is given
i += n
This code would allow us to run the following:
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8].every(2) #= [1,3,5,7] #called without a block
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].every(3) {|el| el + 1 } #= [2,5,8,11] #called with a block
Blocks allow for expressive syntax (often called internal DSLs), for example, the Sinatra web microframework.
Sinatra uses methods with blocks to succinctly define http interaction.
get '/account/:account' do |account|
#code to serve of a page for this account
This sort of simplicity would be hard to achieve without Ruby's blocks.
I hope this has allowed you to see how powerful this language feature is.
I think it was mostly because Matz was interested in exploring what a fully object oriented scripting language would look like when he built it; this feature is based heavily on the CLU programming language's iterators.
It has turned out to provide some interesting benefits; a class that provides an each method can 'mix in' the Enumerable module to provide a huge variety of pre-made iteration routines to clients, which reduces the amount of tedious boiler-plate array/list/hash/etc iteration code that must be written. (Ever see java 4 and earlier iterators?)
I think you are kind of biased when you ask that question. Another might ask "why were C for loops designed that way?". Think about it - why would I need to introduce counter variable if I only want to iterate through array's elements? Say, compare these two (both in pseudocode):
for (i = 0; i < len(array); i++) {
elem = array[i];
for (elem in array) {
Why would the first feel more natural than the second, except for historical (almost sociological) reasons?
And Ruby, highly object-oriented as is, takes this even further, making it an array method:
array.each do |elem|
puts elem
By making that decision, Matz just made the language lighter for superfluous syntax construct (foreach loop), delegating its use to ordinary methods and blocks (closures). I appreciate Ruby the most just for this very reason - being really rational and economical with language features, but retaining expressiveness.
I know, I know, we have for in Ruby, but most of the people consider it unneccessary.
The do ... end blocks (or { ... }) form a so-called block (almost a closure, IIRC). Think of a block as an anonymous method, that you can pass as argument to another method. Blocks are used a lot in Ruby, and thus this form of iteration is natural for it: the do ... end block is passed as an argument to the method each. Now you can write various variations to each, for example to iterate in reverse or whatnot.
There's also the syntactic sugar form:
for element in array
# Do stuff
Blocks are also used for example to filter an array:
array = (1..10).to_a
even = do |element|
element % 2 == 0
# "even" now contains [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
I think it's because it emphasizes the "everything is an object" philosophy behind Ruby: the each method is called on the object.
Then switching to another iterator is much smoother than changing the logic of, for example, a for loop.
Ruby was designed to be expressive, to read as if it was being spoken... Then I think it just evolved from there.
This comes from Smalltalk, that implements control structures as methods, thus reducing the number of keywords and simplifying the parser. Thus allowing controll strucures to serve as proff of concept for the language definition.
In ST, even if conditions are methods, in the fashion:
boolean.ifTrue ->{executeIfBody()}, :else=>-> {executeElseBody()}
In the end, If you ignore your cultural bias, what will be easier to parse for the machine will also be easier to parse by yourself.

Ruby's yield feature in relation to computer science

I recently discovered Ruby's blocks and yielding features, and I was wondering: where does this fit in terms of computer science theory? Is it a functional programming technique, or something more specific?
Ruby's yield is not an iterator like in C# and Python. yield itself is actually a really simple concept once you understand how blocks work in Ruby.
Yes, blocks are a functional programming feature, even though Ruby is not properly a functional language. In fact, Ruby uses the method lambda to create block objects, which is borrowed from Lisp's syntax for creating anonymous functions — which is what blocks are. From a computer science standpoint, Ruby's blocks (and Lisp's lambda functions) are closures. In Ruby, methods usually take only one block. (You can pass more, but it's awkward.)
The yield keyword in Ruby is just a way of calling a block that's been given to a method. These two examples are equivalent:
def with_log
output = yield # We're calling our block here with yield
puts "Returned value is #{output}"
def with_log(&stuff_to_do) # the & tells Ruby to convert into
# an object without calling lambda
output = # We're explicitly calling the block here
puts "Returned value is #{output}"
In the first case, we're just assuming there's a block and say to call it. In the other, Ruby wraps the block in an object and passes it as an argument. The first is more efficient and readable, but they're effectively the same. You'd call either one like this:
with_log do
a = 5
other_num = gets.to_i
#my_var = a + other_num
And it would print the value that wound up getting assigned to #my_var. (OK, so that's a completely stupid function, but I think you get the idea.)
Blocks are used for a lot of things in Ruby. Almost every place you'd use a loop in a language like Java, it's replaced in Ruby with methods that take blocks. For example,
[1,2,3].each {|value| print value} # prints "123"
[1,2,3].map {|value| 2**value} # returns [2, 4, 8]
[1,2,3].reject {|value| value % 2 == 0} # returns [1, 3]
As Andrew noted, it's also commonly used for opening files and many other places. Basically anytime you have a standard function that could use some custom logic (like sorting an array or processing a file), you'll use a block. There are other uses too, but this answer is already so long I'm afraid it will cause heart attacks in readers with weaker constitutions. Hopefully this clears up the confusion on this topic.
There's more to yield and blocks than mere looping.
The series Enumerating enumerable has a series of things you can do with enumerations, such as asking if a statement is true for any member of a group, or if it's true for all the members, or searching for any or all members meeting a certain condition.
Blocks are also useful for variable scope. Rather than merely being convenient, it can help with good design. For example, the code"filename", "w") do |f|
f.puts "text"
ensures that the file stream is closed when you're finished with it, even if an exception occurs, and that the variable is out of scope once you're finished with it.
A casual google didn't come up with a good blog post about blocks and yields in ruby. I don't know why.
Response to comment:
I suspect it gets closed because of the block ending, not because the variable goes out of scope.
My understanding is that nothing special happens when the last variable pointing to an object goes out of scope, apart from that object being eligible for garbage collection. I don't know how to confirm this, though.
I can show that the file object gets closed before it gets garbage collected, which usually doesn't happen immediately. In the following example, you can see that a file object is closed in the second puts statement, but it hasn't been garbage collected.
g = nil"/dev/null") do |f|
puts f.inspect # #<File:/dev/null>
puts f.object_id # Some number like 70233884832420
g = f
puts g.inspect # #<File:/dev/null (closed)>
puts g.object_id # The exact same number as the one printed out above,
# indicating that g points to the exact same object that f pointed to
I think the yield statement originated from the CLU language. I always wonder if the character from Tron was named after CLU too....
I think 'coroutine' is the keyword you're looking for.
Yield in computing and information science:
in computer science, a point of return (and re-entry) of a coroutine
