CKeditor and our filemanager works very well.
When I use link and image button > explore server, I have my files, so it's OK.
But, in this HTML file, I would like to know if I come from link button or image button.
So, to do this :
how can I send in the URL to my HTML file an another parameter (like the id of a element of the button : cke_xxx_uiElement)?
The flow looks like that:
user is filling the form
form is passed to the server by ajax
form is saved to db, then the pdf with the form data is created and saved in the app folder (probably a bad move here...)
ajax success causes the page to append a button 'Download' with value equal to current pdf's name so button 'Download' appears to the user
If user presses the button the very pdf that was just saved is gonna download.
Refreshing the page makes the button disappear.
I've got stuck on point 5. I have created another ajax (to avoid reloading the page) bound to the Download button. It correctly asks the server to look for the file, creates a django File object: pdf_file = File(open(file_path, 'rb'))
and creates a HttpResponse with file, and content_type='application/pdf' or 'application/download'.
response['Content-Disposition'] is attachment.
Then the ajax returns response - only it does not. Server raises no error but ajax error function is called.
I've read that downloading with ajax is not possible. Could you help me a bit to get it straight? If above snippets are not clear, I shall provide more code.
Python 3.5, Django 1.10
Do like
window.location.href = "/url/to/downloadfile/"
in javascript after success of posting form. OR
<button onclick="myfiledownload()">Download</download>
function myfiledownload(){
window.location.href = "/url/to/downloadfile/"
Instead of using ajax to download the file bind the button to a download link where the file may be hosted
You should at least seperate your file in a media root
Note: in production you will have to use a cdn to host your static files
I am trying to get back to my Home Page when i click on back button of the browser. but i canĀ“t. Beacause of the url has parameters Example:
if i am in the url
How can i get to when i click the back button of the browser?
is It possible? Because what i only get is to get back to : and then :
I try with this:
lockAnchors: true,
It Works.! But my anchors do not work because i locked them.
What you want can not be done.
If anchors work, they will work in all cases, as each anchor will be consider a new URL.
If not, they won't work in ANY case.
I'm using CKEditor and laravel-filemanager, which is a nice package written for Laravel. Anyway, I'm having trouble passing the URL of the selected image from the filemanager browser to the URL field in the plugin dialog in CKEditor. I did everything included in the README file of the laravel-filemanager, but I had no luck.
This link says I should use predefined route for 'filebrowserBrowseUrl=' in the CKEditor and the rest of the params in the query string is auto-generated like:
My problem is that there is no 'CKEditorFuncNum' param in the url. When I click the 'Browse Server' button, pop-up window is opened with url: 'myRoute', with the query string params missing. Anyone familiar with CKEditor and laravel-filemanager knows what's going on when the pop-up window is opened. The 'CKEditorFuncNum' param is retreived by regex and then the function gets executed and the URL is passed to the editor dialog.
Since no URL is set in my case, clearly I'm missing something. If anyone knows something more, please share it with me, 'cause this is very annoying.
Thanks in advance
I have an ajax popup working nicely with Magnific Popup. However the page that I am loading into the popup via the ajax call contains a hyperlink.
The only contents of the page is:
When I click on the "test" link "anotherpage.html" loads in the original parent window.
Is it possible for the page that this link points to to be loaded in the same popup window?
you can achive this effect by following these steps:
download the html page with jQuery into a temporay variable
from the variable get the link address
send Magnific Popup the link you want to display in the first place
for the first part, you can you this great post on stackoverflow: How do I load html into a variable with jquery
for the second task, all you need is to query the first (and only) link in your html page and get it's href attribute:
var target = $('a:eq(0)').attr('href');
now that 'target' variable stores the requested url - send it over to Magnific Popup
include a empty iframe in the popup.
create a function onclick in Test for change the src of iframe and hide or destroy the old thinks in the popup,
I am trying to open a control panel in FANCYBOX.
I have a form in my page which its action and field names are same as another website and once user submit it they will redirect to their control panel in that website in a new window.
What I want is to open it in fancybox. I do not want to user leave my page, I just want them to access to that panel inside my website.
And also I want to all links of the opened frame target be _parent. I mean if they go to different parts of their panel it shows in the same fancybox not open a new window.
You might wanna look at iframe i.e. Add class='iframe' to a link check it on this page.