Unable to run my application on Heroku - heroku

I have my github source here https://github.com/pramadae/Monkey and deployed it on heroku. And https://immense-harbor-7247.herokuapp.com/ is my heroku app link. Unfortunately I could not run my application. Please help me.

You should change your Procfile to:
web: gunicorn run:app


No images to push error when container:push web in docker laravel heroku

I just learned about this problem so there is a bug that has not been fixed yet. For example "No images to push" when running the "heroku container:push web" command. Please help me, thanks you so much!!!
my err:
Heroku provides two different methods for deploying with Docker that you're mixing up:
The container registry uses the heroku container:push command, but not heroku.yml.
If you wish to use this option, you need to rename your web.dockerfile to Dockerfile.web (or simply Dockerfile if it is your only image). You should also delete heroku.yml since it doesn't do anything.
Once your Dockerfile has been renamed, heroku container:push should be able to build and push your container.
Building with heroku.yml doesn't use heroku container:push.
If you wish to use this version, you'll need to follow a different set of instructions:
Make sure your heroku.yml file is committed
Tell Heroku to use the container stack:
heroku stack:set container
Deploy your code, e.g. by running git push heroku main
With this flow, Heroku will build your image from your heroku.yml file server-side.

How to view heroku logs when running an app locally?

I'm running my heroku app locally using heroku local web with this being the only line in my Procfile:
web:node index.js
How can I get it to print live logs while running locally?
I found this answer, but there are some things missing from that explanation, and I'm struggling with it, since I'm new to heroku. Any help is appreciated.

AngularJS - Deploy on Heroku

I created a app for Angular manually, his structure and all stuff.
To run it locally I'm using http-server.
How can I deploy it to Heroku in order to inform what server to run (probably in Procfile)?
Create a Procfile just called Procfile (no extension) in the root of your app. Within that file use web: to tell heroku what to run. For example:
web: coffee server.coffee

Procfile in Heroku

Can somebody help me regarding on how can i solve my problem on Heroku. Im new to Heroku.
This warning always appear. WARNING:No Procfile detected, using the default web server (webrick). Im using Rails 4. Thank in advance
The error itself is pretty self-explanatory. No Procfile is detected, so in your root directory create a file called Procfile.
As you stated in your comment you are using the Unicorn server so inside the Procfile put this code.
web: bundle exec unicorn -p $PORT -c ./config/unicorn.rb
I am assuming you created a unicorn.rb file
push to github, push to heroku and see if that works.
The Procfile holds the command for starting the server, and any options you need to pass to that. Your app was crashing because the command to start the server was not there at all.

Deploy playframework application on heroku

I am trying to deploy a playframework application to Heroku. After deploying, I trying to access the URL Heroku gave me, it only show a welcome page as below :
Heroku | Welcome to your new app!
Refer to the documentation if you need help deploying.
Is any wrong ??
Your app is not recognized by Heroku (Heroku does not know how to start your app).
You need to create a file called Procfile in the top directory of your Play! application:
web: play run --http.port=$PORT $PLAY_OPTS
You will more details in this documentation.
