go for range slice and goroutine method invocation,the logic behind - go

The code is like the following:
package main
import (
type field struct {
name string
func (p *field) print() {
func main() {
data := []field{{"one"},{"two"},{"three"}}
for _,v := range data {
go v.print()
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
I know that the code is wrong,because the for loop variable is reused in the for-range loop.
When the goroutine has got the chance to launch,the value of v might has been modified. so the print result will be "three,three,three".
But when we modify the data variable into another declaration as:
data := []*field{{"one"},{"two"},{"three"}}
the print result will be "one ,two,three".
I didn't get the point of why. Does the pointer make any difference or any different mechanism is on this?
I read this from this article. But the poster didn't not tell why. Or it's just a incident the output is right.

In the first loop, v is the value of a field item. Because v is addressable, it is automatically referenced as the pointer receiver for the print() method. So v.print() is using the address of v itself, and the contents of that address is overwritten each iteration of the loop.
When you change the declaration to use a *field, v is now a pointer to a field value. When you call v.print() in this case, you are operating on the value that v points to, which is stored in data, and the overwriting of v has no effect.


GO - Pointer or Variable in WaitGroups reference

According the following function declarations from sync package:
Add -------> func (wg *WaitGroup) Add(delta int)
Done ------> func (wg *WaitGroup) Done()
Wait ------> func (wg *WaitGroup) Wait()
I understand that all 3 of them are called by a pointer to a WaitGroup, right?
If this is correct, I don't understand in the next pice of code, why Done function is called using a pointer variable, but Add and Wait functions are called using a variable (not a pointer):
package main
import (
func worker(id int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
fmt.Printf("Worker %d starting\n", id)
fmt.Printf("Worker %d done\n", id)
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ {
go worker(i, &wg)
Thanks a lot for your help.
Done, Add and Wait are called on pointer. All functions refer to a pointer receiver *WaitGroup. The fact that you declare variable as value of WaitGroup doesn't mean much as all those methods will all access and modify the variable. The only problem happens when you want to pass your variable to worker - if you try to pass it as value you will make a copy and then Done will be referring to different pointer than Add and Wait - that's why you pass it's address with &.
I think here is best explanation I so far seen on the topic: https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/MethodSets#variables
In general, when you have a variable of a type, you can pretty much call whatever you want on it. When you combine the two rules above together, the following is valid:
type List []int
func (l List) Len() int { return len(l) }
func (l *List) Append(val int) { *l = append(*l, val) }
func main() {
// A bare value
var lst List
fmt.Printf("%v (len: %d)\n", lst, lst.Len())
// A pointer value
plst := new(List)
fmt.Printf("%v (len: %d)\n", plst, plst.Len())
Note that both pointer and value methods can both be called on both pointer and non-pointer values. To understand why, let's examine the method sets of both types, directly from the spec:
- Len() int
- Len() int
- Append(int)
Notice that the method set for List does not actually contain Append(int) even though you can see from the above program that you can call the method without a problem. This is a result of the second spec section above. It implicitly translates the first line below into the second:
Now that the value before the dot is a *List, its method set includes Append, and the call is legal.
To make it easier to remember these rules, it may be helpful to simply consider the pointer- and value-receiver methods separately from the method set. It is legal to call a pointer-valued method on anything that is already a pointer or whose address can be taken (as is the case in the above example). It is legal to call a value method on anything which is a value or whose value can be dereferenced (as is the case with any pointer; this case is specified explicitly in the spec).

Why is value changing after function execution?

I'm currently teaching myself Go, and I'm having trouble understanding a certain behavior:
package main
import (
type List struct {
n int
func (l List) Increment() {
l.n += 1
l.LogState() // size: 1
func (l List) LogState() {
fmt.Printf("size: %v\n", l.n)
func main() {
list := List{}
list.LogState() // size: 0
LogState is executed twice. The initial time, during the Increment call, it prints size: 1 but after Increment has returned it prints size: 0. Why are those values different?
The reason your nodes are not added to the original linkedList because you are not using pointer to the struct. So even if the Increment function in your example code changes the value. The copy of the struct is changed not the actual struct.
You can declare methods with pointer receivers. This means the
receiver type has the literal syntax *T for some type T. (Also, T
cannot itself be a pointer such as *int.)
If you want to change the linkedlistNode struct counter to show the nodes added to the list you should be using a pointer type receiver on both methdos working to modify the linked list as:
func (l *LinkedList) AddInitialValue(v interface{})
func (l *LinkedList) LogState()
And Inside the main pass an address to the linkedList to use those pointer type receivers as:
func main() {
list := &LinkedList{}
list.LogState() // size: 0
Working Code Go playground
There are two reasons to use a pointer receiver.
To modify the value that its receiver points to.
To avoid copying the value on each method call. This can be more efficient if the receiver is a large struct
For more information go through Method Sets
With Increment and LogState defined the way you've defined them, you are working only with the copy of the value of List. This means that if you make some changes inside Increment function, they are visible only inside Increment's function scope and only for the remainder of that particular scope's existence. To confirm you are always working with a copy of of the initial List value, you can log &list before executing Increment function and &l inside the same function.
If you want to make changes permanent, you should work with a pointer to a memory address. That means your your function should be defined like this:
func (l *List) Increment()
func (l *List) LogState()
This way, you are passing a memory reference (pointer to an address in memory) and every time you change a value of l, you are changing it on the passed memory reference and it reflects everywhere.

Using reflect to update value by reference when argument is not a pointer in go

I've had difficulty learning the basics of reflect, pointers and interface in go, so here's another entry level question I can't seem to figure out.
This code does what I want it to do - I'm using reflect to add another record to a slice that's typed as an interface.
package main
import (
type Person struct {
Name string
func Add(slice interface{}) {
s := reflect.ValueOf(slice).Elem()
// in my actual code, p is declared via the use of reflect.New([Type])
p := Person{Name:"Sam"}
func main() {
p := []Person{}
If I changed the Add and main function to this, things don't work the way I want it to.
func Add(slice interface{}) {
s := reflect.ValueOf(&slice).Elem()
p := Person{Name:"Sam"}
func main() {
p := []Person{}
That is, the log.Println(p) at the end doesn't show a slice with the record Sam in it like the way I had hoped. So my question is whether it's possible for me to have Add() receive a slice that is not a pointer, and for me to still write some code in Add() that will produce the outcome shown in my first scenario?
A lot of my recent questions dance around this kind of subject, so it's still taking me a while to figure out how to use the reflect package effectively.
No, it's not possible to append to a slice in a function without passing in a pointer to the slice. This isn't related to reflection, but to how variables are passed in to functions. Here's the same code, modified to not use reflection:
package main
import (
type Person struct {
Name string
func AddWithPtr(slicep interface{}) {
sp := slicep.(*[]Person)
// This modifies p1 itself, since *sp IS p1
*sp = append(*sp, Person{"Sam"})
func Add(slice interface{}) {
// s is now a copy of p2
s := slice.([]Person)
sp := &s
// This modifies a copy of p2 (i.e. s), not p2 itself
*sp = append(*sp, Person{"Sam"})
func main() {
p1 := []Person{}
// This passes a reference to p1
log.Println("Add with pointer: ", p1)
p2 := []Person{}
// This passes a copy of p2
log.Println("Add without pointer:", p2)
(Above, when it says 'copy' of the slice, it doesn't mean the copy of the underlying data - just the slice)
When you pass in a slice, the function effectively gets a new slice that refers to the same data as the original. Appending to the slice in the function increases the length of the new slice, but doesn't change the length of the original slice that was passed in. That's why the original slice remains unchanged.

How to understand this behavior of goroutine?

package main
import (
type field struct {
name string
func (p *field) print() {
func main() {
data := []field{ {"one"},{"two"},{"three"} }
for _,v := range data {
go v.print()
<-time.After(1 * time.Second)
why does this code print 3 "three" instead of "one" "two" "three" in any order?
There is a data race.
The code implicitly takes address of variable v when evaluating arguments to the goroutine function. Note that the call v.print() is shorthand for the call (&v).print().
The loop changes the value of variable v.
When goroutines execute, it so happens that v has the last value of the loop. That's not guaranteed. It could execute as you expected.
It's helpful and easy to run programs with the race detector. This data race is detected and reported by the detector.
One fix is to create another variable scoped to the inside of the loop:
for _, v := range data {
v := v // short variable declaration of new variable `v`.
go v.print()
With this change, the address of the inner variable v is taken when evaluating the arguments to the goroutine. There is a unique inner variable v for each iteration of the loop.
Yet another way to fix the problem is use a slice of pointers:
data := []*field{ {"one"},{"two"},{"three"} } // note '*'
for _, v := range data {
go v.print()
With this change, the individual pointers in the slice are passed to the goroutine, not the address of the range variable v.
Another fix is to use the address of the slice element:
data := []field{ {"one"},{"two"},{"three"} } // note '*'
for i:= range data {
v := &data[i]
go v.print()
Because pointer values are typically used with types having a pointer receiver, this subtle issue does not come up often in practice. Because field has a pointer receiver, it would be typical to use []*field instead of []field for the type of data in the question.
If the goroutine function is in an anonymous function, then a common approach for avoiding the issue is to pass the range variables as an argument to the anonymous function:
for _, v := range data {
go func(v field) {
v.print() // take address of argument v, not range variable v.
Because the code in the question does not already use an anonymous function for the goroutine, the first approach used in this answer is simpler.
As stated above there’s a race condition it’s result depends on delays on different processes and not well defined and predictable.
For example if you add time.Sleep(1*time.Seconds) you likely to get a correct result. Because usually goroutine prints faster than 1second and will have correct variable v but it’s a very bad way.
Golang has a special race detector tool which helps to find such situations. I recommend read about it while reading testing. Definitely it’s worth it.
There’s another way - explicitly pass variable value at goroutine start:
for _, v := range data {
go func(iv field) {
Here v will be copied to iv (“internal v”) on every iteration and each goroutine will use correct value.

What's happening with these pointers?

I wrote some odd code, but I'm not sure why it works and what I can learn from it. I have a slice type build from another struct. I made a function on the slice type to modify itself. To do this, I seem to have to throw around *'s a little much.
I'm trying to learn about pointers in Go and would like a little help. Here's an example (http://play.golang.org/p/roU3MEeT3q):
var ClientNames = []string {"Client A", "Client B", "ClientC"}
type InvoiceSummaries []InvoiceSummary
type InvoiceSummary struct {
Client string
Amt int
func (summaries *InvoiceSummaries) BuildFromAbove() {
for _, name := range ClientNames {
*summaries = append(*summaries, InvoiceSummary{name, 100})
My question is: What is the purpose for each of these * and why am I not using any &?
What is the purpose for each of these * ?
By making the method receiver as pointer, you could easily change the property of the object. I think that's one of the benefit. This example below will prove it.
package main
import "fmt"
type someStruct struct {
someVar int
func (s someStruct) changeVal1(newVal int) {
s.someVar = newVal
func (s *someStruct) changeVal2(newVal int) {
s.someVar = newVal
func main() {
s := someStruct{0}
fmt.Println(s) // {0}
fmt.Println(s) // {0}
fmt.Println(s) // {4}
fmt.Println(s) // {5}
and why am I not using any &?
Pointer method receiver is quite special, it can also be called from non-pointer struct object. Both of s.changeVal2(4) and (&s).changeVal2(5) are valid & will affect the value of someVar.
Example http://play.golang.org/p/sxCnCD2D6d
You have to use a pointer for the receiver - (summaries *InvoiceSummaries) - because otherwise the argument is passed by value, having a pointer means you pass a reference to the value instead. If not for that, then you couldn't modify the collection at all.
Inside of the methods body you have use * because it is the dereferncing operator and returns the value at the address. Ampersand (&) is the opposite, it gives the address of a value.
Nothing wrong with your code but normally addresses to slices aren't used. A slice is a small struct that gophers are normally happy to pass by value. If a method or function is creating a new slice, the gopher is happy to return the new slice, by value again, as the return value.
Of course passing a slice by value doesn't guarantee anything about the backing store remaining unchanged when the method/function returns. So it can't be used as a way of guaranteeing the data elements of the slice haven't mutated.
