Encapsulation with React child components - coding-style

How should one access state (just state, not the React State) of child components in React?
I've built a small React UI. In it, at one point, I have a Component displaying a list of selected options and a button to allow them to be edited. Clicking the button opens a Modal with a bunch of checkboxes in, one for each option. The Modal is it's own React component. The top level component showing the selected options and the button to edit them owns the state, the Modal renders with props instead. Once the Modal is dismissed I want to get the state of the checkboxes to update the state of the parent object. I am doing this by using refs to call a function on the child object 'getSelectedOptions' which returns some JSON for me identifying those options selected. So when the Modal is selected it calls a callback function passed in from the parent which then asks the Modal for the new set of options selected.
Here's a simplified version of my code
OptionsChooser = React.createClass({
//function passed to Modal, called when user "OK's" their new selection
optionsSelected: function() {
var optsSelected = this.refs.modal.getOptionsSelected();
//setState locally and save to server...
render: function() {
return (
<UneditableOptions />
<button onClick={this.showModal}>Select options</button>
Modal = React.createClass({
getOptionsSelected: function() {
return $(React.findDOMNode(this.refs.optionsselector))
.find('input[type="checkbox"]:checked').map(function(i, input){
return {
normalisedName: input.value
render: function() {
return (
//Modal with list of checkboxes, dismissing calls optionsSelected function passed in
This keeps the implementation details of the UI of the Modal hidden from the parent, which seems to me to be a good coding practice. I have however been advised that using refs in this manner may be incorrect and I should be passing state around somehow else, or indeed having the parent component access the checkboxes itself. I'm still relatively new to React so was wondering if there is a better approach in this situation?

Yeah, you don't want to use refs like this really. Instead, one way would be to pass a callback to the Modal:
OptionsChooser = React.createClass({
onOptionSelect: function(data) {
render: function() {
return <Modal onClose={this.onOptionSelect} />
Modal = React.createClass({
onClose: function() {
var selectedOptions = this.state.selectedOptions;
render: function() {
return ();
I.e., the child calls a function that is passed in via props. Also the way you're getting the selected options looks over-fussy. Instead you could have a function that runs when the checkboxes are ticked and store the selections in the Modal state.
Another solution to this problem could be to use the Flux pattern, where your child component fires off an action with data and relays it to a store, which your top-level component would listen to. It's a bit out of scope of this question though.


reactJS - Adding an event handler to an element which might, or might not exist at this time

I am not allowed to answer questions yet, but I feel that since this issue has taken me some days to resolve, I should post the solution the only way I can - as a question.
If you have a better solution then please include that in your reply.
Until an element is rendered it is not in the DOM so if you add an event listener to the element in your code you will get an error (element value null).
But you can add a listener to the root element, which is always there. WHen the event is triggered you can then retrieve the className and ID of the element involved in your event-handler.
var rootElement = document.getElementById('root');
rootElement.addEventListener('click', rootElementClicked);
console.log('event listener added to root element');
function rootElementClicked(event) {
const { name, value } = event.target;
console.log("Root element clicked with [" + event.target.className, event.target.id);
So, the event-listener is app-wide, so a click anywhere will call the event-handler function. Then in the code for that function, the element class and ID will tell you what was clicked.
Note the event.preventDefault(); line - it prevents a refresh of the web page, otherwise the target class & ID are returned as "undefined"
In React you shouldn't need to addEventListener manually since you can use onClick. However if you would like to manually attach click handler on an HTML element in React you can use React Ref. If you pass a ref object to React with <div ref={myRef} /> React will set its .current property to the corresponding DOM node whenever that node changes.
Example: https://codesandbox.io/s/react-hooks-useref-xfvlb
const App = () => {
const elementRef = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
elementRef.current.addEventListener('click', handleOnClick);
const handleOnClick = () => {
return (
<div className="App">
<div ref={elementRef}>
click on me

update reactjs context after ajax request finished with flux architecture

I need to update the context after an ajax request has finished. I'm using the flux architecture and everything works to the point that when my component is notified about the updated I need to set the new context.
A simple demostration:
I have a parent component which generates the context by calling a store. The store gets the data after an ajax request is initialized somewhere else. Like this:
Then I have my component which holds the context:
let ParentComponent = React.createClass({
childContextTypes: {
rows: React.PropTypes.object
getChildContext: function() {
return {
rows: RowStore.getAllRows(),
componentDidMount: function() {
componentWillUnmount: function() {
render() {
return (
<ChildComponent />
_onRowsChanged: function() {
//Now we need to update context
Now since we are listening for row changes, we will get an update when our ajax request has finished and put the data into our store. Now we need to get that data and set it as context. That is the problem.
This is my child component that uses the context. I know that I just can pass the rows as a props to my child but this is just an example and in my real scenario I have many children which would need to pass the props.
let ChildComponent = React.createClass({
contextTypes: {
rows: React.PropTypes.object
render() {
return (
<div style={styles.wrapper}>
Thanks in advance!
I would change the getChildContext in ParentComponent to refer to the state instead of a function call to the RowStore.
getChildContext: function() {
return {
rows: this.state.rows,
Then, whenever a row changes, and the _onRowsChanged callback it called, it can set this.state.rows accordingly.
I believe that the issue with the original method of calling RowStore.getAllRows() inside getChildContext is that it is only called once. Nothing is forcing it to call RowStore.getAllRows() on every change.
However, by using a state, you can use Flux concepts to "force" a change in state on every update, and that will be reflected in the context.

Backbone.js - event trigger not work after rendering other views

There's a addPost function in my router. I don't want to re-create the postAddView every time the function is invoked:
addPost: function () {
var that = this;
if (!this.postAddView) {
this.postAddView = new PostAddView({
model: new Post()
this.postAddView.on('back', function () {
that.navigate('#/post/list', { trigger: true });
Here's the PostAddView:
PostAddView = backbone.View.extend({
events: {
'click #post-add-back': 'back'
, back: function (e) {
The first time the postAddView is rendered, the event trigger works well. However, after rendering other views to page-content and render postAddView back, the event trigger won't be trigger anymore. The following version of addPost works well, though.
addPost: function () {
var that = this, view;
view = new PostAddView({
model: new Post()
view.on('back', function () {
delete view;
that.navigate('#/post/list', { trigger: true });
Somewhere you are calling jQuery's remove and that
In addition to the elements themselves, all bound events and jQuery data associated with the elements are removed.
so the delegate call that Backbone uses to bind events to your postAddView.el will be lost. Then, when you re-add your postAddView.el, there are is no delegate attached anymore and no events are triggered. Note that Backbone.View's standard remove method calls jQuery's remove; a few other things in jQuery, just as empty will do similar things to event handlers. So the actual function call that is killing your delegate could be hidden deep inside something else.
You could try calling delegateEvents manually:
or better, just throw the view away and create a new one every time you need it. Your view objects should be pretty light weight so creating new ones should be cheap and a lot less hassle than trying to keep track of the existing views by hand.
If you really want to reuse the current DOM and View you do not need to set again and again the element as you are doing, everything that you call .html() you are destroying the DOM of the View and generating again and losing events. Also I prefer always to add the "el" in the DOM before render the View. I will have your function in this way:
addPost: function () {
if (!this.postAddView) {
this.postAddView = new PostAddView({
model: new Post()
this.postAddView.on('back', this.onBack);
onBack : function () {
this.navigate('#/post/list', { trigger: true });
I'm not fan of the use of local variables to refer to "this". If all of your Views uses _.bindAll(this) in the initialize method you could bind your events to your view and could use this(check how I transformed onBack).
With my code there is not a need to manually call this.delegateEvents()

backbone.js: understanding browser event handling and view removing

I'm fiddling with a view and related model that look like that:
App.Views.Addresses = App.Views.Addresses || {};
App.Views.Addresses.Address = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
"click button#foo" : "clear"
initialize: function(model){
this.address = model.model;
this.address.view = this;
_.extend(this, Backbone.Events);
render: function(){
... rendering stuff
clear: function(){
var Address = Backbone.Model.extend({
url: function() {
... url stuff
clear: function(){
I'm facing two problems here. The first one:
I have a button with id="foo" in my source and would like the view to catch the 'click' event of this very button and fire the 'clear' event. Problem: This does not work.
Anyway calling 'clear' on my model by hand cleanly removes the data on the server but does not remove the view itself. Thats the second problem. Hopefully someone more experienced can enlighten me.
Thx in advance
First problem:
Your button must be inside the element rendered by the view.
backbone scope events to inner elements only
You must render your view within this.el element
backbone use that element for delegation
Second problem:
Use events to destroy your view
You should not store the view in the model. This is kind of a "no no" in MVC. Your model already emits a "remove" event when deleted. Your view should listen to it and behave accordingly.
You must remove your view element from the DOM yourself
This is not handled by backbone.
Other general comments:
Views already are extending Backbone.Events
Use this.model instead of this.address

ASP.NET MVC - How to prevent double click submit with jquery.validate.unobtrusive lib?

I need to avoid the double click submitting behavior. I'm using the client validation with the unobtrusive library. I have the following code for avoiding the double clic:
jQuery.fn.preventDoubleSubmit = function () {
var alreadySubmitted = false;
return jQuery(this).submit(function () {
if (alreadySubmitted)
return false;
else {
alreadySubmitted = true;
Unfortunately, if my form has some validable fields (for example, a required field), the code above is still being fired, hence, even if I correct any mistakes on the form, I won't be able to submit it again.
How can I fire the double click code after the validation has been succesfully done?
You can also use the JQuery One event.
I have found that I could get past most guards against double-clicks by double-clicking fast. Using the one event is the only true way to make sure the event is only fired once. I don't think this technique will work "out of the box" with an input type=submit tag. Instead, you can simply use an input type=button or JQueryUI's .button().
$("#submitButton").one("click", function(event) {
If you need to re-wire the event on a validation error (or other circumstance), I recommend that you create a function for the event handler. The function isn't necessary in this example because all the event handler does is submit the form, but in more complicated scenarios you may want to avoid repeating yourself.
function submitClick(event) {
$("#submitButton").one('click', function(event) {
// This handler will re-wire the event when the form is invalid.
$('#theForm').submit(function(event) {
if (!$(this).valid()) {
$('#submitButton').one('click', function(event) { submitClick(event); });
You could obviously add the disabling code here if you wanted to give feedback to the user that the button doesn't work anymore. One great side-effect of using the One event is that you don't actually have to make the button disabled, you can use a style of your own.
function submitClick(event) {
$("#submitButton").one('click', function(event) {
// This handler will re-wire the event when the form is invalid.
$('#theForm').submit(function(event) {
if (!$(this).valid()) {
$('#submitButton').one('click', function(event) { submitClick(event); });
JQuery One Event: http://api.jquery.com/one/
I solved it with the following code:
var tryNumber = 0;
jQuery('input[type=submit]').click(function (event) {
var self = $(this);
if (self.closest('form').valid()) {
if (tryNumber > 0) {
alert('Your form has been already submited. wait please');
return false;
else {
NOTE: You can also replace the:
return false;
line, for:
self.attr('disabled', true);
BUT, if you use the name of your submit buttons on your controller for extra logic, they will be sent as null. (you can use an additional hidden field to charge them before submitting)
that's it, hope it helps
EDIT: Thanks to these posts:
jquery newbie: combine validate with hidding submit button
Why not just use:
function disableButtons() {
var form = $(this);
var btns = $("input:submit", form);
if (!form.valid()) {
// allow user to correct validation errors and re-submit
} else {
btns.attr("disabled", "disabled");
to disable your buttons and activate it using:
$("form").bind("submit", disableButtons);
Based on Ryan P's popular answer I created the following generic solution that also works with my ajax form.
decorate your custom submit button with the following class:
<button type="button" class="one-click-submit-button">Submit</button>
Add the following to your javascript file:
function OneClickSubmitButton() {
$('.one-click-submit-button').each(function () {
var $theButton = $(this);
var $theForm = $theButton.closest('form');
//hide the button and submit the form
function tieButtonToForm() {
$theButton.one('click', function () {
// This handler will re-wire the event when the form is invalid.
$theForm.submit(function (event) {
if (!$(this).valid()) {
since this is an ajax form we want to reload the handlers if we fail server validation.
function MyForm_OnSuccess() {
if (true if your form passed validation logic) {
//do something since your form submitted successfully
} else { //validation failed on server
OneClickSubmitButton(); //reinitialize the button logic
Obviously if you don't have ajax forms you can omit the whole OneClickSubmitButton function business and run $('.one-click-submit-button').each(... directly.
I have a form that uses MVC3 unobtrusive validation, and a viewmodel with a [RemoteAttribute].
It looks to me like the form's submit event only fires after all validation has passed. I'm currently using this, and it seems to work:
<input type="submit" value="Submit the Form"
data-app-disable-on-submit="true" />
$('form').live('submit', function() {
.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
I set breakpoints on both the remote attribute validation action method and the HttpPost action method. Clicking the submit button the first time hits the breakpoint on the validation action method. At this point, the button is still enabled. I can click it multiple times, and after resuming the validation method, the HttpPost is hit only once. When the HttpPost is hit, the submit button is disabled.
Right you are Alex. So an updated version of the above would look like this:
$('form').on('submit', function() {
.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
$('form').submit(function () {
$('input[type="submit"]', this).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
I use a different approach to this. Not wiring to the click event of the button, but to the submit event of the form. Works like a charm to prevent multiple simultaneous submits of forms.
function initFormsToPreventSimultaneousSubmits(selector) {
if (!selector) {
selector = 'form'; // No selector supplied, apply to all forms on the page
// Make sure all forms that conform to selector are marked as not submitting
var $form = $(this);
$form.data('submitting', false);
// Attach to submit event of all forms that conform to selector
$(selector).off('submit').on('submit', function (e) {
var $form = $(this);
if (!$form.valid || $form.valid()) { // Make sure to only process when the form is valid or jquery validation is not used
if ($form.data('submitting')) {
// form is already submitting. Classic case of double click on one of the submit buttons of the form. Stop the submit
return false;
} else {
// All ok, mark the form as submitting and let the form perform the submit
$form.data('submitting', true);
return true;
On document ready i call initFormsToPreventSimultaneousSubmits() to init all forms on the page.
Only thing to remember is that when u use a ajax form post is to call the initFormsToPreventSimultaneousSubmits('#formId') on the OnComplete event of the AjaxOptions settings. Because otherwise the form will still be marked as submitting when its done. When a 'normal' form post is used this is not an issue.
Extends answers by Alex and Ryan P to accounts for situations where jQuery Validation might be missing and where multiple submit buttons exist in a single form.
oneClickSubmitButton = function () {
$('input[type=submit], button[type=submit], input[type=image]').each(function () {
var $theButton = $(this);
var $theForm = $theButton.closest('form');
//hide the button and submit the form
function tieButtonToForm() {
$theButton.one('click', function () {
$theForm.submit(function (event) {
// Only proceed for the clicked button
if (!$theButton.hasClass("ui-state-disabled"))
// If jQuery Validation is not present or the form is valid, the form is valid
if (!$theForm.valid || $theForm.valid())
// Re-wire the event
I was able to fix a similar issue with a couple of lines of code. I prefer this if you don't want to "alert" to user that they double clicked and just silently ignore the second click.
I just made a global javascript variable that I toggled when my function was executing during a critical section. This kept subsequent function calls from re-executing the same section.
var criticalSection = false;
SomeOnClickEventFired = function () {
if (!criticalSection)
criticalSection = true;
//Ajax Time
criticalSection = false;
