i´m trying to configure bundle minifications on/off depending on if is a release or debug configuration.
After a while, when the build is pointed to release i still got unminified field.
I just added
BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = false;
BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true;
But I would like if is possible has this configuration in the Web.Debug.config/Web.Release.config respectively instead of use a compiler directive.
Whether to optimize or not is not directly dependent on the build configuration but rather on the following flag:
And the above is read from your Web.Config:
<compilation debug="true" />
So, if your solution is configured to remove this debug flag as part of your RELEASE build transformation then you'll have optimization turned on without the need to explicitly call BundleTable.EnableOptimizations.
So, make sure your RELEASE build transformation is indeed removing the debug flag.
More on Bundling & Minification
Right-click on the solution title in the Solution Explorer window, then go to Configuration Properties -> Configuration. The table appears, showing check-boxes, allowing to turn off/on a build of particular projects for certain configurations.
My solution and projects are generated with CMake.
Is it possible to turn off a particular project for Debug build configuration from CMakeLists.txt?
Background of a problem is failing build of Cython project for Debug config.
Release builds fine. CMake module was taken from this example on Github.
Debug config wants debug Python library python27_d.lib, that is forced by pyconfig.h. I use Anaconda python, which is missing this library.
Moreover, I don't need debug build of that project. I've unsuccessfully spent several hours, modifying CMakeLists.txt in various ways, trying to remove definition of _DEBUG macro from compiler command line. CLI parameter /D_DEBUG was absent in all dialogs with properties and "complete command line" listings, that Visual Studio has shown me. Nevertheless, something has always appended it.
So, I'd like to simply disable this project in Debug build for now.
This sets that check-box from the first part of the question to unchecked state:
set_property(TARGET <my Cython module>
Now I wonder, where did compiler command line come from, because /D_DEBUG was absent in all dialogs with properties, that Visual Studio has shown me (second part of the question).
I am building this project in VS2013. Initially, that string /D_DEBUG was present in Project properties -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor definitions for the Debug configuration. Then I've added
to my CMakeLists.txt file, building the Cython code, and that macro has disappeared from the Project properties.
Nevertheless, the project was still requiring python27_d.dll.
I've also added
#define _DEBUG
in one of files, and have got the following compiler warning
C:\projects\project\file.cpp(9): warning C4005: '_DEBUG' : macro redefinition
command-line arguments : see previous definition of '_DEBUG'
Running FxCop using SonarQube results in an assembly resolve issue as I have an assembly binding redirect which is not recognized by FxCop.
Is there a setting in SonarQube to call FxCopCmd with option /assemblyCompareMode:StrongNameIgnoringVersion to solve this problem? I could not find anything in the documentation.
The current version of the SonarQube runner plugin for FxCop does not seem to support either this command line parameter or a setting for specifying ad-hoc parameters. If you don't feel like adding this support yourself, one workaround would be to change your fxcopcmd.exe.config file to add an appropriate AssemblyReferenceResolveMode setting. e.g.:
<add key="AssemblyReferenceResolveMode" value="StrongNameIgnoringVersion" />
This may be a noobish question but here I go anyway.
So in VS I have a project whose build configuration I changed from Debug|AnyCpu to Release|AnyCpu.
Now this all works good and fine and when I build the project via VS this configuration is also used in the build process.
however I am also using the msbuild.exe in order to build the project via command sometimes and the problem is no matter what I do I can not change the
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
element of the project via VS. So setting the build configuration does only seem to work for VS and I bascially have to manually add this in the project file so that the msbuild.exe uses the correct build configuration.
Any Idea how I can change it in VS so the change also alters the project file ?
You don't need to change it explicitly. This string is "default configuration" for msbuild and VS - if no $(Configuration) value specified - set it to Debug.
If you want to build release configuration using msbuild you may want to specify configuration property or platform architecture in command line explicitly:
msbuild.exe myProject.csproj /p:Configuration="Release" /p:Platform="Any CPU"
I have a visual C++ project for a DLL and a setup project for it. In the installer i've added the content files of my project.
Is there a way to add a file as a content file depending on if you are compiling debug or release? I want to include boost_date_time-vc100-mt-gd-1_51.dll if I compile under debug and boost_date_time-vc100-mt-1_51.dll if I compile under release.
My additional deps looks like this
Under additional library directories i've added the path to all these .lib files which also contains their respective .dll files
I've tried the following with no success...
Added a Custom build step to run before build that copies the correct dll files to the OutDir and set the Output of this custom build step to be the dll files.
Conditionally include a content file by manually editing the vcxproj file. If configuration was release mode I would set the non-debug version as deployment content and the debug version to false and vice versa for Debug mode. This looked something like this,
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Release'">
<None Include="boost_date_time-vc100-mt-1_51.dll ">
Neither of these worked however. The second option seemed to always default to debug mode no matter how I built my project.
When you add a dependency, you can add it to one configuration or all configurations:
[This picture is of VS 2012, but 2010 and 2008 look pretty much the same.]
So, you pick the configuration you want to modify at the top-left, then add the library to the additional dependencies. Note that what you add here will be the .lib file associated with a DLL, not the dll itself (the compiler will make the executable depend on the DLL because you link with its .lib file).
Has anyone had any success with running StyleCop from TeamCity?
I know StyleCop supports a command line mode, however i am not sure how this will integrate into the report output by TeamCity.
I've checked out this plugin found here: https://bitbucket.org/metaman/teamcitydotnetcontrib/src/753712db5df7/stylecop/
However could not get it running.
I am using TeamCity 6.5.1 (latest).
I don't know how familiar you are with MSBuild, but you should be able to add a new Build Step in TC 6 and above, and set MSBuild as the build runner, and point it to a .proj file which does something similar to the following:
<Target Name="StyleCop">
<!-- Create a collection of files to scan -->
<CreateItem Include="$(SourceFolder)\**\*.cs">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="StyleCopFiles" />
CacheResults="true" />
<Xslt Inputs="StyleCopReport.xml"
Output="StyleCopReport.html" />
<XmlRead XPath="count(//Violation)" XmlFileName="StyleCopReport.xml">
<Output TaskParameter="Value" PropertyName="StyleCopViolations" />
<Error Condition="$(StyleCopViolations) > 0" Text="StyleCop found $(StyleCopViolations) broken rules!" />
If you don't want to fail the build on a StyleCop error, then set the Error task to be Warning instead.
You'll also need to add the following to your .proj file:
<UsingTask TaskName="StyleCopTask" AssemblyFile="$(StyleCopTasksPath)\Microsoft.StyleCop.dll" />
Microsoft.StyleCop.dll is included in the StyleCop installation, and you'll need to set your paths appropriately.
To see the outputted StyleCop results in TeamCity, you will need to transform the .xml StyleCop report to HTML using an appropriate .xsl file (called StyleCopReport.xsl in the script above).
To display the HTML file in TeamCity, you'll need to create an artifact from this .html output, and then include that artifact in the build results.
The Continuous Integration in .NET book is a great resource.
Did you know that teamcity provides specific properties just from msbuild?
No need for the service messages, see:
So you dont have to add a custom report page.
Use the build stats e.g.
<TeamCitySetStatus Status="$(AllPassed)" Text="Violations: $(StyleCopViolations)" />
you can then log the statistic too:
<TeamCityReportStatsValue Key="StyleCopViolations" Value="$(StyleCopViolations)" />
And then create a custom graph to display, and you already have the violations in your msbuild output.
edit main-config.xml and add:
<graph title="Style Violations" seriesTitle="Warning">
<valueType key="StyleCopViolations" title="Violations" buildTypeId="bt20"/>
Where buildTypeId="bt20" bt20 is your style build.
I'm late to the show here but a very easy way to achieve this is to install the StyleCop.MSBuild NuGet package in any project which you want to analyse with StyleCop.
After installing the package, StyleCop analysis will run on every build you do, regardless of where or how it is invoked, e.g VS, command line, msbuild, psake, rake, fake, bake, nant, build server, etc. No special actions are required.
If you want the build to fail when StyleCop rules are broken you just need to add the following element to your project file under each appropriate build configuration, E.g.
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
Again, this will work on every build, regardless of where and how it is invoked.
There's a (new?) third-party TeamCity plugin for StyleCop here, (though I haven't tried it yet).
UPDATE: as far as I can tell, the latest version only works with TeamCity 7 (or I did something wrong). Also, I have a very slow (virtual) build server, so even after the services were restarted, it took a while for the StyleCop runner to appear in the web interface.
Another stupid thing I did was not read the readme properly: you have to unzip the downloaded zip, and use the zip inside.
I also originally started with just a list of .cs files in the "Include" option (for the build step), but that didn't work; links to sln or csproj files do work though.