transferring joomla from subdomain to main domain - joomla

i have my my website like now i want to transfer it to,
what minimal changes should i do to make it work .
My website is in joomla is there way that i just move folder to main folder and add db setting.
Please guide i am new to joomla

Just Drag and drop your folders from your subdomain folder to root folder through FTP.
Then only changes you need to do is in your 'configuration.php' file located at the root folder. If your DB is not changed then do not change any of its setting. Just change the path of 'LOGS and TMP' folders in config file to the root path that are :
$log_path, $tmp_path
And I hope your site will work perfectly as it was working before.


Hosting Laravel 5.7 project in Godaddy server

What will be my .htaccess code? I want to host my laravel project in godaddy server, my project path will be in public_html/ ? In, i have to keep all my project files and folders. Any idea please someone help me.
You have to keep backend files outside of the public_html folder. The content of the Laravel public folder should be placed inside folder. That is, you index.php, .htaccess and the rest should be placed inside folder.
Then, you need to edit index.php to point to the correct locations of vendor and bootstrap folder.
If, say for example, you placed the Laravel backend files in a folder named laravel at the same level as public_html, it should be /../../laravel/vendor/autoload.php and /../../laravel/bootstrap/app.php.
You do not need to edit the content of the default .htaccess file.
But, shared hosting almost always gives you unforeseen troubles. If you do not have shell access, you might need to ask for technical help from GoDaddy team to fix symlink issues if required.
Normally, there will be no issues with folder permissions, if there is you need to make sure that storage and bootstrap/cache is writable. Never ever give 777 permissions; 755 for folder/directories and 644 for files will be good. For this also, since it's shared hosting, you might want to seek technical assistance from GoDaddy.

Laravel 5.1 upload on host

I have used the Laravel 5.1 php framework to build a web application on my local XAMPP server.
Which files or folders should be uploaded on my shared host server?
Should the .env file at root be uploaded?
In this case, if sensitive information such as database connection passwords are in this file, is there a security risk?
All project files should be uploaded under project root \var\www\project (project = all laravel project folder and files and \var\www\project\public is where your domain pointing.
Storage should have write permission.
.env will be under project root and it is not available for public access.
.env won't be accessible for public, if it is then you have a configuration problem with you web server.
Move All the files on xyz(your folder name for which domain/subdomain is mapped) folder
Then follow these steps
Go to public folder
Copy .htacsses file
Paste it in xyz folder
Change server.php to index.php
Enjoy and happy coding
This is working fine with shared hosting.

How to make higher than "public_html" folder work for cpanel installation?

I currently have a basic cpanel hosting account. It has the setup:
/home/mysite/ --> my home directory
/home/mysite/www --> symlink to the next folder
/home/mysite/public_html --> where all my files live
Problem is, with the latest laravel installation I did, I have a website with structure:
/app/ --> appy stuff
/public/ ---> what needs to be exposed
My problem is, I dont want to chuck everything into /home/mysite as there are other folders in there too. Is there a way that I can make the html directory something like:
This way if people open, it hits the /public folder. And not the /public_html folder. Is there a way to do this on a basic cpanel hosting solution?
I know this isnt the exact answer you want - but this is how I do it.
You rename public to public_html and there is no need to change any server settings.
Then in your bootstrap/paths.php file change
'public' => __DIR__.'/../public',
'public' => __DIR__.'/../public_html',
Then just put the other folders where they need to be. Trying to muck around with cPanel settings, and leaving your Laravel app inside the public_html folder might lead to an issue down the track.

Error when duplicating Joomla setup

I have a Joomla installation set up on my local server. I have duplicated with a new name the top-level Joomla folder so that all the information I have already put into the database can be edited slightly, whilst still keeping the original intact.
I have copied the database files over to a new database and made the relevant changes in Joomla admin. I've opened up configuration.php and changed all the file paths to the new one.
However, now I'm getting a server error when trying to access the web page and admin area. Are there any other files I need to edit with the new path to enable it to work under the new parent folder?
You shouldn't have to edit any files with any paths to make it work other than the tmp and log folders and the root folder line in htaccess if you have SEF URLs turned on. Turn off SEF URLs and see if the site starts working, if it does, then you need to edit htaccess. Since your admin is not working, my guess is that you messed up your configuration.php. Copy over the original unedited version to the copy site, it should work. You can then adjust the tmp and log paths within the admin in the global configuration.

codeigniter : unable to access image inside view folder

am using codeigniter 2.
when i use the below i cant get the image.
folder structure is correct.but the image is not coming there.from view
source option i got the following
403 Forbidden
You don’t have permission to access /application/views/admin/images/image.png
on this server.
am on local server wamp.
if i put the image on root i can get it
but i was uing similar folder structures with codeigniter 1.7.3 those were working for me
i dont know why its not with ci2 or i mde any mistake…..
Only .php view files are supposed to exist within the /application/views directory. You should store images in a directory like /images or /assets in the web root.
there may be .htaccess file in your root what deny write.
Rename .htaccess and try again.
if it works, you may edit .htaccess
