Disable application taskbar icon's context menu in Windows 8.0 and 8.1 - windows

In Windows 7, 8 and 8.1, when a user right-clicks on an application's taskbar icon, a context menu appears. Furthermore, a user can right-click on the application's name again (from the context menu) and another context menu appears, as shown in this image for Windows Explorer:
Is there a possible way (through winapi or registry or GPO) to disable all the items in the first context menu except for "Close Window" in Win 8 and 8.1? I know that this is achieved in Windows 7 by setting the prevent pinning on the application window but it doesn't work in Windows 8 and 8.1...
If not, is it possible to show only the "Close Window" and the Application Launcher icon only in the context menu in Windows 8/8.1 without allowing the user to right-click on the application's name and display the Properties context menu?

I found this registry value which does the job well:
NoViewContextMenu: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc960925.aspx


Why are all my Delphi apps missing the taskbar menu on Windows 10 but not Windows 7?

In Windows 7 when I right click on the taskbar icon, all my Delphi apps (5, 2006 and XE) show the full taskbar menu: App name, Pin/Unpin and Close Window. On Windows 10 all these apps show only the Close Window menu item. Why is that and how can I get the full menu in Win10?
Update: If I create a new app in Delphi XE on Win 10 it shows the full menu. If I create a new app on Delphi XE in Win 7 it shows the full menu on Win 7 but not on Win 10.
No, this neither happens to all your apps (it happens to every application with a window), nor can David Heffernan be able to see it: Win10 just don't has that (most likely it was gone with Win8 already).
To make sure what fullerm is talking about: right-click on the task button and see its context menu: for every window you only have "close" plus two more generic entries, and then based on the application even more. But the system menu (right click on a window's top left icon) is not available thru the task button anymore
Task button = taskbar representing each currently displayed window. Pinned apps and shortcuts are not task buttons, neither are those of the task tray (rightmost next to the clock)
System menu = context menu every window owns with basic entries like "minimize", "maximize", "close", "size", "move" and even more. Accessible thru right clicking the topleft icon of a window or pressing ALT+SPACE. Might be inaccessible when the window is owner-drawn.
Window = owned by a running process. Processes neither need to have a window, nor are they restricted to only having one window. Nowadays Windows calls processes "apps" (I guess).

How can I make the taskbar icon for my app move to the same display as the app?

Starting with Windows 8, there is a taskbar settings called Show taskbar buttons on where the user can control where the taskbar buttons are displayed when multiple displays are being used. How can I get my application to obey the Taskbar where window is open setting instead of always displaying on only the main taskbar?
The app in question is written in VB6 but I imagine this question might apply to other older frameworks as well.

Windows taskbar icon event type - WxPython Phoenix

I am trying to find the event type associated with windows taskbar icon of my application. In Windows 8.1 user can close, minimize and restore the application from this icon.
Google is only showing the results for taskbar tray icons, which is a whole different thing. So far I've tried these:
wx.EVT_CLOSE # This event is not generated for taskbar closing
wx.EVT_RESTORE # This event is not generated either
Yet, it does close the application and it also manages to restore an iconized application. I made two separate handlers to check this. They are working when I use the titlebar buttons (close and min/maximize buttons), but not when done from the taskbar.

jumplist not showing up on the pinned icon (c++/cli - windows 7)

When i pin my app to the taskbar, I don't see the jumplist when the app is to running.
Jumplist: recently opened files that show up when you right click on a taskbar icon in windows 7.
When I run the app, a new taskbar icon opens, instead of the same icon. The jumplist shows up on the running icon, but not on the pinned icon.
Here are the things I have done..
added the registry items for the file type.
Jumplist works fine when the app is running. Except that jumplist does not show up on the pinned icon.
My questions are:
how do I show the jumplist when the app is not running? or why is it not working? Is it a different registry entry?
Why is windows creating a new taskbar icon, instead of opening on the same pinned icon. (I don't change the AppUserModelID)?

How do I hide the Windows 7 start button

Is it possible to hide the Windows 7 start button?
I can hide the entire taskbar, but the start button is still visible.
The name of its exe is winlogon.exe in Task Manager.
You might find how to disable Start menu here
