Get Ad Set schedule details - facebook-ads-api

I am currently using:
$output = $adset->read(array("campaign_schedule"));
Which is similar to:
curl -G \
-d "fields=campaign_schedule" \
-d "access_token=___" \
-d "method=get" \
This returns the campaign_schedule array deep within the response object.
How can I get just the campaign schedule as an array/object?
Documentation here:

The campaign schedule will be a member variable of the object returned.


Pass list to the curl command in Shell

How can I pass a list of assignees to the curl command?
issue_response=$(curl \
-u :"$GH_TOKEN" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
-d '{"title": "'"$issue_title"'", "body": "'"$issue_subject"'", "labels":["failure"], "assignees":["'"$assignees"'"]}')
echo "$issue_response"
When I trace this POST request I found the following issue, it is not a valid list.
Ideally, it should be
Can someone point me how can I fix this?
The array assignment assignees=("user1","user2") is creating an array but placing both user1 and user2 into the first place via string concatenation with the , character.
In order to insert both items into the array you should put a space between them.
assignees=("user1" "user2")
Then you can access each item via ${assignees[0]} and ${assignees[1]}
To place the items dynamically into the curl command you have, you would have to build the string in a for loop like this:
assignees=("user1" "user2" "user3")
for i in "${!assignees[#]}"
do outputvar+="\"${assignees[$i]}\"" # Add assignee to variable
if [ $i -lt $(expr ${#assignees[#]} - 1) ] # Add comma unless it's the last item
then outputvar+=","
fi done
echo $outputvar

Replacing IP in curl command with bash variable

I'm currently trying to make a DDNS script that interacts with the Cloudflare API to catch changes in my ip address and automatically fix the ip address change for my web server. Everything is working correctly so far except I can't get $IP to be put properly in the curl statement. I first run a python script from within the bash script to get the ip address, then run the curl statement in the bash script. Here's what the python script looks like (it returns an ip address like "" with quotations included because the curl command requires the quotations)
import subprocess as sp
def main():
command = "dig +short";
ip = sp.check_output(command, shell=True).decode('utf-8').strip('\n');
ip_tmp = ip;
ip_tmp = '"' + ip + '"';
ip = ip_tmp;
if __name__ == "__main__":
And the bash script looks like this:
curl -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Auth-Email:" \
-H "X-Auth-Key: authkey" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"type":"A","name":"","content":$IP,"ttl":120,"proxied":true}'
I've tried to have the python script only return numbers and then added the quotations in the bash script and now vice versa and I can't seem to get it to work. The last line should end up looking like this once the variable replaces with quotations around the ip address:
The single quotes around your json structure prevent the variable from expanding.
You have a few options that are readily available.
Ugly quote escaping inside/around your json.
Having the python write this data to a file and telling curl to use that file for the source of the post data.
curl -X PUT "" \
-H "X-Auth-Email:" \
-H "X-Auth-Key: authkey" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data #file_you_wrote_your_json_to.json
Using the python requests or urllib modules to issue the request to cloud flare.
Update your main() function to return the IP instead of print it.
my_ip = main()
url = ""
myheaders = {
"X-Auth-Email": "",
"X-Auth-Key": "authkey",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
myjson = {
requests.put(url, headers=myheaders, data=myjson)
Better yet, just do it in bash. Cloudflare DDNS on github.
One shot to fetch the dynamic A-record ID:
curl -X GET "**Zone ID** \
/dns_records?type=A&name=dynamic" \
-H "Host:" \
-H "User-Agent: ddclient/3.9.0" \
-H "Connection: close" \
-H "X-Auth-Email:" \
-H "X-Auth-Key: "**Authorization key**" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Cron job (* * * * *) to set the dynamic A-record:
#/usr/bin/env sh
AUTH_KEY=** CF Authorization key **
ZONE_ID=** CF Zone ID **
A_RECORD_ID=** CF A-record ID from **
PUBLIC_IP=$(curl --silent || exit 1
if [ "$PUBLIC_IP" = "$RECORDED_IP" ]; then
exit 0
RECORD=$(cat <<EOF
{ "type": "A",
"name": "$A_RECORD_NAME",
"content": "$PUBLIC_IP",
"ttl": 180,
"proxied": false }
curl "$ZONE_ID \
/dns_records/$A_RECORD_ID" \
-X PUT \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Auth-Email: $AUTH_EMAIL" \
-H "X-Auth-Key: $AUTH_KEY" \
-d "$RECORD"

Calculate OAuth signature for NetSuite restlet using bash

I'm currently trying to generate an OAuth signature for my curl request header. These point to a NetSuite restlet. Resources online are either inconclusive or too high level for my understanding/lacking examples. How do I go about calculating the oauth_signature value for my request?
The following is my request with credentials ommitted:
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'Authorization: OAuth realm="'"$realm"'",oauth_consumer_key="'"$oauth_consumer_key"'",oauth_token="'"$oauth_token"'",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_timestamp="'"$(OAuth_timestamp)"'",oauth_nonce="'"$(OAuth_nonce)"'",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_signature="'"$(OAuth_signature)"'"' \
--header 'cache-control: no-cache' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
| jq
Below is a list of the parameters I'm passing for the sake of readability:
I am generating the timestamp and nonce like so:
OAuth_nonce () {
md5 <<< "$RANDOM-$(date +%s.%N)" | cut -d' ' -f 1
OAuth_timestamp () {
echo "$(date +%s)"
I got most of my resources from but no docs exist, the examples are poor, and the library itself doesn't seem to work when I've tested the functions.
All the values I use in the script (confirmed passing with bash +x) work when ran in Postman, but I can't calculate a oauth_signature value outside of it.
How do I create a OAuth_signature function that I can return a valid signature with? What parameters am I going to have to pass that function to calculate correctly? Is it possible or easier to generate perhaps using perl or python?

adding and querying pointers isn't working with the REST API for

I"m using the following commands which i've copied over from the documentation. Assume that I'm passing in the application id and keys in each curl statement for brevity.
create player
curl -X POST \
-d '{"name":"abhinav", "rank" :"amazing"}' \
Player objectId: HgMZF6H90L
Create game and add pointer relation
curl -X POST \
-d '{"Level" : "TWO"}' \
GameScore objectId: cwYIEwFaq9
curl -X PUT \
-d '{"opponents":{"__op":"AddRelation","objects":[{"__type":"Pointer","className":"Player","objectId":"HgMZF6H90L"}]}}' \
Now I check from the Data browser and the GameScore object has a field with Relation. clicking on the "View Relations" navigates me to the correct list underneath. Working fine except that it says "Relation" and not pointer. Not sure if that is relevant
HOWEVER, I'm not able to query this information from the REST API. A GET results in the relation data but no objectId for the player available.
curl -X GET \
tried with include option but that results in some error
curl -X GET \
--data-urlencode "include=opponents" \
code 107, invalid JSON
What am I doing wrong?
why are you using "Remove" to add a relation? Look at the docs again.
go to Docs section "Creating Roles" again....
"__op": "AddRelation",
"objects": [
"__type": "Pointer",
"className": "_Role",
"objectId": "Ed1nuqPvc"
to get using "include=opponents" you could create with this:
Solved :
The problem is that i needed to create an array of pointers. So instead of the "AddRelation", i simply need to use the "AddUnique" operation to create an entry for the array. So
curl -X POST \
-d '{"Level" : "TWO", "opponents":{"__op":"AddUnique","objects":[{"__type":"Pointer","className":"Player","objectId":"5Q4QsKF8QR"}]}}' \

Create Objects to Return entire row

In, Is it possible to receive entire row in the response after making Create Object call instead of receiving the objectId alone.
For example below command
curl -X POST \
-H "X-Parse-Application-Id: qEXLVybHgoqX79zKIpjA2wIGL5suvbVyZDA9Lt4A" \
-H "X-Parse-REST-API-Key: RSJfkl80UCLC24TYqaUjKqJmtoFtRojNRXTVPxMj" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"score":1337,"playerName":"Sean Plott","cheatMode":false}' \
returns output response as
"createdAt": "2011-08-20T02:06:57.931Z",
"objectId": "Ed1nuqPvcm"
Instead of this is it possible to retrieve entire object in the response?
No, unfortunately the API does not support that (which I have missed on several occasions). You will need to re-fetch the object after it is saved.

