Sudden unknown magento installations - magento

I just found out that someone has installed "MA2 Slideshow free"on my magento site. I have never heard of it before and it is not me who installed it.
I am not able to install the security patches right now because I do not have SSH access to my web host.
Do you think my site got hacked? How can I remove the installed "MA2 Slideshow free" from the admin panel?

Did you install any custom Magento templates? These usually come packed with different extensions. When you install a template, you might even not notice, that additional modules get installed. You should start there.


blank screen magento configuration after unstalling module

Apologies if this is a duplicate question but I have searched and I cant find anything similar.
OK, I am running Magento
I recently uninstalled raveinfosys order exporter and now I cant access anything under the system menu besides magento connect. I cleared the cache manually but still no luck. Compiler is not enabled.
Attached is what I see [IMG][/IMG]
Any ideas?
Fixed it guys!
restarted the memcached service on the server.

Is XAMPP required when using Joomla and a web host?

I'm extremely new to building websites. I'm attempting to create a website using Joomla (and a Joomla template) and plan to use a webhost, Do I still need to download XAMPP if I'm using bluehost? What's the point or use of XAMPP?
No, you don't need it. The likes of Xampp and Wamp are offline development environments that allow you to develop on your computer/localhost. So rather than making any changes to a live website that might result in the site breaking, you can simply take a backup, set it up on your localhost and testing your changes there. Be sure that you configure your localhost to use the same server settings as your live host as there might be some potential differences that may prevent things from working.
Seeing as you're new to web development, my advice would be to set up a local environment using either Xampp or Wamp, build your site on there, then move it to your live host when you feel ready to.
Just have Bluehost install joomla for you. Install the free Akeeba backup yourself, and then start playing around with the demo content.
Ask specific questions in the joomla forum:
Have fun

Wamp server not rendering Magento install page

Finally after much research when I couldn't get anything, I'm posting here. I'm trying to install magento on wamp server version 2.1. I extracted the Magento CE 1.7.0 to 'magento' folder in c:\wamp\www. I checked the dependencies and they are all compliant. When I try to access magento through
http://localhost/magento/, the url changes to and I get a Connection was reset error.
What am I missing? If any other information is needed, please let me know.
Please check out your error logs (probably in C:\wamp\logs).
Magento itself should not run on windows (it's possible, but requires a lot of work to get all the PHP modules running).
I would suggest you to install it on a linux/unix server with an Apache installed from the packet manager (no preconfigured packages like LAMP, XAMPP, etc...).
If you don't have access to a linux box and don't have a server try a VM (like VirtualBox).
Trust me, running Magento on linux will be way easier then on windows ;-)

Plone 4.1 Windows Installer Changes

I have just installed setup-plone41-4.1.0-5091-win32.exe from There are many changes from Plone 4.0.x Windows installer, including the disappearance of Plone Controller and ZEO automatically installing via buildout.
I understand how to start/stop Plone from the command line, so Plone Controller's disappearance is only a minor inconvenience. But I am flailing around with understanding the ZEO install. I have searched here on Stack Overflow, Google,, the issue tracker and Enfold Systems' website but cannot find any documentation for this new Windows installer. The only documentation provided in the install itself is a commercial for Enfold Proxy (for which I am already a customer).
Where can I find out more information on the new Windows installer and the changes that have been made? Is Plone Controller gone for good? Why is ZEO now part of the default install?
Any assistance is appreciated.
I think you are looking for the new Windows Plone Installer documentation here:
Once you have the services installed you can stop/start them from the services interface under Computer Management (you don't have to run them from the command line).

Installing Moodle using XAMPP on Windows Server 2008 Enterprise edition

I am trying to install Moodle 1.9 using XAMPP on a virtual machine running Windows Server 2008 Enterprise edition.
I can initially access the install.php installer script fine but after I progress past the third page the webpage times out.
If I go to http://localhost/, no webpage is downloaded and the browser just times out.
I have tried to run the install script with IE7 and Chrome to see if it was a browser problem, but the same thing occurs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Windows servers are notorious for causing problems with Moodle installations. Here's a few things to try:
Check the dirroot is set correctly your config.php file. Windows requires complete, absolute file names.
Has the failed install created some/all database tables, and populated them? If only some, look for the last successful table, then check for any corrupted or modified code related to that table that could be causing the install to hang. E.g. is the last successful table is forum, check your mods/forum files. It might be worth downloading a fresh weekly build of Moodle.
Your mysql memory_limit might be set too low (Moodle Docs recommend at least 40mb for Moodle 1.8 and higher).
Is this an upgrade, or a clean install? If it's an upgrade, don't try jumping too many versions, and (if possible) uninstall any third-party modules or activities that might cause trouble whilst updating the tables.
There's lots more info in the Moodle Docs, particularly:
