Java Card memory leak in for loop? - for-loop

I know that Java Card VM's doesn't have have a garbage collector, but what happens with a for loop:
for(short x=0;x<10;x++)
Does the x variable get utilized after the for loop, or it turns into garbage?
Just in case I have a transient byte array called index from size of 2 (instead of i in for loop) and I use the array in for loops:
But it is a little slower than the first version. If I use a normal variable for the index in a for loop then it gets really slow.
So, what happens with the x variable in the first for loop? Is it safe to use for loops like that, or not?

The x variable does not really exist in byte code. There are operations on a location in the Java stack that represents x (be it Java byte code or the code after conversion by the Java Card converter). Now the Java stack is a virtual stack. This stack is implemented on a CPU that has registers and a non-virtual stack. In general, if there are enough registers available, then the variable x is simply put in a register until it is out of scope. The register may of course be reused. The CPU stack itself is a LIFO (last in first out) queue in transient memory (RAM). The stack continuously grows and shrinks during the execution of the byte code that makes up your Applet. Like registers, the stack memory is reused over and over again. All the local variables (those defined inside code blocks as well as method arguments) are treated this way.
If you put your variable in a transient array then you are putting the variable on a RAM based heap. The Java Card RAM heap will never go out of scope. That means that if you update the value that the change needs to be written to transient memory. That is of course slower than a localized update of a CPU register, as you found by experimentation. Usually the memory in the transient memory is never freed. That said, you can of course reuse the memory for other purposes, as long as you have a reference to the array. Note that the references themselves (the index in index[0]) may be either in persistent memory (EEPROM or flash) or transient memory.
It's unclear what you mean with "normal variable". If this is something that has been created with new or if it is a field in an object instance then it persists in the heap in persistent memory (EEPROM or flash). EEPROM and flash have limited amount of write cycles and writing to EEPROM or flash is much much slower than writing to RAM.
Java Card contains two kinds of transient memory: CLEAR_ON_RESET and CLEAR_ON_DESELECT. The difference between the two is that the CLEAR_ON_RESET allows memory to be shared between Applet instances while the CLEAR_ON_DESELECT allows memory to be reused by different Applets.
Java Card classic doesn't contain a garbage collector that runs during Applet execution, you can usually only request garbage collection during startup using JCSystem.requestObjectDeletion() which will clean up the memory that is not referenced anymore, both on the heap in transient memory as well as in persistent memory. Cleaning up the memory means scanning all the memory, marking all the unreferenced blocks and then compacting the memory. This is similar to defragmenting a hard disk; it can take a uncomfortably long time.
ROM is filled during the manufacturing phase. It may contain the operating system, the Java Card API implementation, byte code (including constants) of pre-loaded applets etc. It only be read in the field, so it isn't of any consequence to the question asked.

Let us have a short introduction about the Memory. In brief, there is 3 types of memories in the Smart cards as below:
ROM (And sometimes FLASH)
The card's OS and Java Card APIs and some factory proprietary packages stored here. The contents of this memory is fixed and you can't modify it. Writing in this memory happens only once in the chip production and the process is named Masking.
This is modifiable memory that your applets load into and it is consist of 4 sections named as below:
Text : also known as code segment contains the machine instructions of the program. The code can be thought of like the text of a novel: It tells the story of what the program does
Data : contains the static data of the program, i.e. the variables that exist throughout program execution. Global variables in a C or C++ program are static, as are variables declared as static in C, C++, or Java.
Heap : is a pool of memory used for dynamically allocated memory, such as with malloc() in C or new in C++ and Java.
Stack : contains the system stack, which is used as temporary storage.
A power-less (Card tearing for example) doesn't have any effect on the contents of this memory.
This is a modifiable type of memory also. There is three main difference between RAM and EEPROM:
RAM is really faster than EEPROM. (1000 times faster)
Contents of RAM will destroyed in the power-loss.
The number of writing in EEPROM is limited (Typically 100.000 times.) while RAM has a really higher number.
And What now?
When you write for(short x=0; x<10; x++), you define x as a local variable. Local variables stores in Stack. The stack pointer will reset on the power loss and the used stack part will reclaim. So the main problem of the absence of Garbage Collector is about Heap.
i.e when you define a local variable using new keyword, you specify that part of Heap to a local variable for ever. When the Runtime Environment finished that method, the object will destroy and become unavailable, while that section of Heap doesn't reclaimed. So you will lose that part of Heap. The case that you used for yourfor loop, seems OK and doesn't make any problem because you didn't use new keyword.
Note that in newer versions of Java Card (2.2.2 and higher) there is a manual Garbage Collector (look JCSystem.requestObjectDeletion documentation). But consider that it is really slow and even dangerous in some situations(Look Java Card power less during garbage collection question).


what is the use of attaching static data along with a program when it is loaded on the main memory?

When the operating system loads Program onto the main memory , it , along with the stack and heap memory , also attaches the static data along with it. I googled about what is present in the static data which said it contained the global variables and static variables. But I am confused as both of these are already present in the text file of the program then why do we add them seperately?
The data in the executable is often referred as the data segment. The CPU doesn't interact with the hard-disk but only with RAM. The data segment must thus be loaded in RAM before the CPU can access it. The file of the executable is not really a text file. It is an executable so it has a different extension. Text files often refer to an actual file with a .txt extension.
With that said, you also asked another question not long ago (If the amount of stack memory provided to a program is fixed then why does it grow downwards in the process architecture? Or am I getting it wrong?) so I will try to give some insight for both of these in this same answer.
I don't know much about caching and low level inner CPU workings but, today mostly, the CPU doesn't even operate on RAM directly. It will load a bunch of RAM chunks into the cache and make operations on them and keep RAM-cache consistency by implementing complex mechanisms. The OS also has its role to play in RAM-cache consistency but, like I said, I am far from an expert here. Other than that, caching is mostly transparent to the OS. The CPU handles it and the OS simply provides instructions to the CPU which executes them.
Today, you have paging used by most OS and implemented on most CPU architectures. With paging, every process sees a full contiguous virtual address space. The virtual address space is accessed contiguously and the hardware MMU translates those addresses to physical ones automatically by crossing the page tables. The OS is responsible to make sure the page tables are consistent and the MMU does the rest of the job (for more info read: What is paging exactly? OSDEV). If you understand paging well, things become much clearer.
For a process, there is mostly 3 types of memory. There is the stack (often called automatic storage), the heap and the static/global data. I will attempt to give precision on all of these to give a global picture.
The stack is given a maximum size when the process begins. The OS handles that and creates the page tables and places the proper address in the stack pointer register so that stack accesses reach the proper region of physical memory. The stack is automatic storage which means that it isn't handled manually by the high level programmer. For example, in C/C++, the stack is managed by the compiler which, at the entry of a function, will create a stack frame and place offsets from the stack base pointer in the instructions. Every local variable (within a function) will be accessed with a relative negative offset from the stack base pointer. What the compiler needs to do is to create a stack frame of the proper size so that there will be enough place for all local variables of a particular function (for more info on the stack see: Each program allocates a fixed stack size? Who defines the amount of stack memory for each application running?).
For the heap, the OS reserves a very big amount of virtual memory. Today, virtual memory is very big (2^48 bytes or more). The amount of heap available for each process is often only limited by the amount of physical memory available to back virtual memory allocations. For example, a process could use malloc() to allocate 4KB of memory in C. The OS will be called with a system call by the libc library which is an implementation of the C standard library. The OS will then reserve a page of the virtual memory available for the heap and change the page tables so that accessing that portion of virtual memory will translate to somewhere in RAM (probably somewhere another process wasn't already using).
The static/global data are simply placed in the executable in the data segment. The data segment is loaded in the virtual memory alongside the text segment. The text segment will thus be able to access this data often using RIP-relative addressing.

Overwriting data in memory

I've written a password manager in Ocaml. In order to make it as secure as possible, I'd like to store a string (an encryption key) in memory in such a way that it can be overwritten. Since Ocaml is pass by value , and there's a garbage collector, this has proven difficult. I encrypt all buffers and variables I can, but I still need a "session key" stored to do this. To prevent this from being detected by automated key searching programs or put into swap, it's assembled from a bunch of random data in a buffer using a random increment. So really, all I need is a single variable that can be overwritten for the assembled key for a few seconds before it's passed into the Nocrypto library... Would a reference work for this?
According to this cornell "Refs and Arrays" page, refs are mutable and work similarly to pointers in C. That being said, I also found a stack overflow answer discussing Ocaml refs, in which the answer mentions "they act like pointers to new allocated memory". Does this mean every time, it just allocates a new thing in memory instead of actually mutating the stuff in memory? If so, you couldn't really "overwrite" a ref.
Other possible solutions I've come across are Bigarrays, and "custom blocks". I'm not entirely sure if "custom blocks" are actually allocated outside of the scope of garbage collection or not. They seem like they're used to access external C code. Are they copied around by the garbage collector? Could they be "overwritten?" There's also this idea of "opaque bytes" and opaque objects in memory. I'm having a pretty hard time wrapping my head around how this all fits together. A useful but confusing (to me) discussion of custom blocks in memory on stack overflow is here: Are custom blocks ever copied in memory? Answer says they can be moved around. Even so, could they be overwritten?
The last possible solution is to store it using a Cstruct like the Nocrypto library seems to do. They discuss it in this github issue: Secret material erasure The asker states:
"Granted, most key material is Cstruct.t, which is a Bigarray.Array1.t, which is allocated outside of the GC heap"
Is this even correct? If so, I can't seem to find a source file that actually does this. I'm pretty new to Ocaml and functional programming in general. If you're curious, my program is located on github here: ocaml-pass
You shall not store any secret information in OCaml heap. Thus you must never copy your secret into any OCaml heap-allocated value, consequently, neither Bytes, nor Strings or Arrays could be used, even temporary.
Introduction to the OCaml Memory Model
OCaml values are uniformly represented as tagged machine words. The least significant bit of a word is used as a tag, that distinguishes between pointers (tag=0) and immediate values (tag=1). Thus a value has always a fixed size, and is a pointer or an immediate.
Immediate values store their data in the most significant part of the word, that is 31-bits in 32 bit systems, and 63 bits in 64-bit systems. Pointers store their data in blocks, that are located in a so-called OCaml Heap. The OCaml Heap is a set of blocks managed by the Garbage Collector (GC). A block is a chunk of data prefixed with a header. The header specifies the size of data, and some other meta information, used by the GC. Block can contain OCaml values (pointers or immediate values) or opaque data.
To summarize. All OCaml values are represented as machine words, that either store data directly in the word or are pointers to heap-allocated blocks. Each pointer points to one and only one block. Several pointers may point to the same block. Such values are considered physically equal. Some blocks are not pointed by any pointers. Such blocks are called dead and are reclaimed by the GC.
Introduction to the OCaml Garbage Collector
The GC manages blocks, by allocating, moving, and deallocating them. The GC itself uses an arena, that is either obtained from the C memory allocator (malloc) or directly from a kernel via the memmap syscall (depends on a particular system and runtime).
The GC is generational, that means that values are first allocated in a special region of a heap called minor heap. The minor heap is a contiguous region of memory of fixed size, represented in the runtime with three pointers: the pointer beg to the beginning of the minor heap, a pointer end to the end of the minor heap, and the pointer cur to the beginning of the free area of the minor heap. When a block is allocated, cur is increased by the size of the block. Then the block is initialized with data. When there is no more free space in the minor heap (i.e., then end - cur is less than the required block size), then a minor GC cycle is triggered. The GC analyzes all blocks stored in the Minor Heap and copies all blocks that are referenced by at least one pointer to the Major Heap. After that, the cur pointer is set to beg.
In the Major Heap, a block may also be copied several times during a process called compaction. The compactor may try to rearrange blocks in its arena in order to achieve more compact representation of the heap.
Security Consequences
As the OCaml GC is a moving GC, it may copy the heap-allocated data arbitrarily. Although it is called moving, it is still in fact just copying. I.e., when a block is moved from the minor heap to the major heap, it is in fact just bit-copied, and thus is duplicated. The block phantom in the minor heap may live for an arbitrary amount of time until it is overwritten by some newly allocated value. When an object is moved during the compaction, it is also copied, and may or may not be overwritten during the process. And, of course, it goes without saying, that once a block becomes dead, it still may survive in a heap for an arbitrary amount of time until reused by the GC.
That all means, that if a secret ends up in the OCaml heap, it will go wild, as the GC can replicate it multiple times in an arbitrary and rather unpredictable ways. Thus, we can only store secrets either in immediate values or in regions that are not controlled by the GC. As it was said before, all OCaml values that are pointers, always point to a block in the OCaml heap. A block may contain data directly, or it could contain a pointer itself, that will point outside the memory heap. The so-called custom blocks, may or may not store their information in the OCaml heap, it depeds on a particular representation of each custom block. For example, the Bigarray library provides custom blocks that store their payload outside of the OCaml heap. Thus a Bigarray is a custom block, that has two fields: a pointer and size. It is an opaque block, i.e., the GC will never treat these two values as OCaml values, and will never follow neither the size nor the pointer. The data pointed by a pointer is located outside of the OCaml heap, and is either allocated by malloc or by memmap (in fact, it could be arbitrary integer, and even point to stack, or static data, it doesn't really matter, as long as we treat bigarrays just as a ptr,len pair).
This all makes Bigarrays ideal for storing secrets. We can be sure, that they are not moved by the GC, we can overwrite them to prevent the information leakage once they are freed.
Further considerations
We should be careful, and never allow a secret to be copied into the OCaml heap from our safe place. That means, that even if our main storage is a safe bigarray the information will still leak if we will copy its contents to an OCaml string. Consequently, if we first read the information into OCaml string, and then copy it into bigarray, the information will still leak. Thus, any interface that uses OCaml heap-allocated values is unsafe and shall not be used. For example, we can't use OCaml channels to read or write secrets (we should rely on memory mapping or unbuffered IO provided by the Unix module). And again, whenever you get a string data type from a Bigarray, you get your data copied, with all the ramifications.
I would use a value of type bytes, essentially a mutable array of bytes:
# let buffer = Bytes.make 16 'x';;
val buffer : bytes = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
# Bytes.set buffer 0 'T';;
- : unit = ()
# buffer;;
- : bytes = "Txxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
# Bytes.fill buffer 0 16 ' ';;
- : unit = ()
# buffer;;
- : bytes = " "
You can overwrite with Bytes.fill after you're done.

How to release memory allocated by gcnew?

After some tests with help of Task Manager, I understood one thing about gcnew — memory allocated for local variables remaines allocated even if control leaves function, and is re-allocated only when control re-enters this function — so I'm in perplexity, how to deallocate memory myself. Here is some example of the problem:
void Foo(void)
System::Text::StringBuilder ^ t = gcnew System::Text::StringBuilder("");
int i = 0;
while(++i < 20000000) t->Append(i);
As I mentioned, memory for variable t remains after leaving Foo(), delete not work as it works for new, and calling Foo() once, only gives me pointless allocated memory.
This is gcnew, which means garbage collected allocation. It will be disposed and deallocated by GC thread
Your function uses memory for code and data. The code is a fixed amount and will be used the entire time the library or program is loaded. The data is only used when the function is executing.
Data used by a program is either static or dynamic. Static data is laid out by the compiler and is basically equivalent to code (except that it might be marked as non-executable and/or read-only to prevent accidents). Dynamic data is temporary and allocated from a stack or heap (or CPU registers).
In a classic program, the stack and heap share the same memory address range with the stack at one end, growing toward the heap and the heap at the other end, trying not to grow into the stack. However, with modern address ranges on the order of 1TB, a heap generally has a lot of room.
Keep in mind that when a program requests an address range, it's just signaling to the operating system that it's okay to use that address for data reading, data writing and/or code execution. Until it actually puts something there, there is no load on the system. Also keep in mind with a virtual memory system, process memory is effectively allocated on the swap file/device (hard drive) with optimizations especially using RAM for caching, copy on write and many other techniques. (Data written to a memory address might never make it to the swap file, but that's up to the operating system.)
The data your function needs is for the two variables: t and i. t is a reference to a garbage collected object. i is an integer. Both are quite small and short-lived. You could think of them as being on the stack. When the function returns, the stack frame is popped and their memory is reused by the next stack operation. If you are looking at memory allocation, there won't be a change because the amount of memory allocated to the stack would not be changed.
Now in the execution of your function, a new object is created and, the way it's filled with data, it takes up quite a bit of memory. You could consider that object to be created in the heap. You don't need to delete it since it is a garbage collection object. When the garbage collector runs by walking all objects reachable from a set of root objects, it will find that the object is not reachable and add its space to a free list. When space for a new object is needed that doesn't fit into any blocks on the free list, more of the heap's address range will be used.
The CLR heap is compactable, which means it can move objects around in order to coalesce free blocks. Using this ability, it can move objects out of areas of allocated memory and give it back to the operating system, thereby freeing up space in the swap file.
So, there are three things that have to happen for you to see a reduction in the amount of memory allocated to the process:
The garbage collection has run to find unreachable objects.
The heap has been compacted.
The heap allocation has been reduced.
None of these things are really necessary until the swap file can't grow anymore. Obviously, the system has been designed for performance and to be a good citizen so it wouldn't take it that far. You can influence when garbage collection runs but this is only very rarely helpful and is generally not done.

What does freeing memory mean? Does it mean setting all bits to zeros?

I directly started with managed languages and have barely any experience with C++, hence this question might be too basic.
In a managed language like .net, GC frees the memory. From what I read, in C++ this is done by calling delete. But what does it do to free memory? Does it it set all the bits at a memory location to zero? Or does it in some other way tell the operating system that the memory is available for reuse?
I have been thru this before and I know what GC does. But thats not my question. I am not trying to ask how GC works. What I am trying to understand is, how do you tell some memory is free?
delete does three different things:
Runs the destructor of the object (or of all objects in the array in the case of delete[]).
Marks the chunk of memory previously used by the object as free.
If possible, informs the operating system that a chunk of memory is free for other programs to use.
Your question is about #2 and #3 together, but they are very different things. To understand how #2 works, remember that the (typically) single "heap" provided by the operating system is segmented into smaller chunks of different sizes. When you allocate a chunk of memory with new, you get a pointer to a previously free part of the heap, and the runtime performs the necessary bookkeeping that marks that region as unavailable for further allocations. delete does the reverse: it performs the bookkeeping that marks the region as available again, optionally coalescing it with adjacent free regions to reduce fragmentation. Subsequent calls to new will consider that region when looking for free memory to return.
In other words, it is wrong to ask what happens with the memory when it is deallocated. The real magic happens in the bookkeeping region! To learn about implementation of generic allocators, google for implementation of malloc.
As for #3, it is an optional step and in many cases impossible to perform. It is only possible to "give back" freed memory that happens to reside at the very end of the allocated heap. A single allocation situated after a large region will remove the possibility of giving back.
In C++, if you allocate memory using "new", that portion of memory will be allocated by the OS to that particular process, until you release that memory or until that process exits.
If some portion of memory allocated for a process means that OS does not allow other process to use that portion of memory until that process release that memory. In C++, you have to use "delete" to release memory.
By releasing memory portion, process just inform the OS that it does not use this portion any more so that OS can allocate that memory portion whenever other processes request memory. In that case content of the memory portion will not be changed.
Garbage collection is just automatic memory management (so you never need to delete anything, the system will take care of it for you). I'm not 100% on whether it sets memory locations to 0, but I would assume it doesnt, since when you delete in c++, thats not what happens, it just allows the space to be used for storage. Writing zeros over everything is much more inefficient and not necessary. Here's some links that might be able to help explain this more thoroughly:
How does garbage collection and scoping work in C#?
Inside each application, dynamic memory are managed by "heaps". When your code asks for a block of memory, it asks the heap manager to allocate a block of memory, when your application frees that block of memory, it returns it back to the heap manager. In a traditional application, you must explicitly return each memory you allocated. Otherwise you will eventually run out of memory.
In languages like C# or Java, the runtime offers a garbage collector. A garbage collector automatically identify "unreachable" memory block and free them. An unreable memory block is a block that is no longer referenced by any variables. For example, if you have a global variable p1 that points to a block of memory, because p1 is global, so it is visible to anywhere in your code, then it is always reachable. Thus it will never be released by garbage collector. On the other hand, if you have local variable p2 in one of your function Foo, vairable p2 is no longer reachable after Foo has returned. The garbage collector is able to identify such variables and free any memory block pointed by them.
As application/garbage collector interact with the heap, the heap may decide to ask for more memory from the OS or return it to the OS. The OS manages all these memory request from different process and it then decide how to allocate the actual physical memory to different process.
No, it does not set the bits to zero. In a very simplified explanation,
First the garbage collector must determine, not what objects are no longer accessible ("not reachable"), but which ones are still accessible or reachable. It does this by simply listing all object roots. A root is a memory location containing a pointer to a reference object (an object on the heap). Then, recursively, it flags as "reachable" every object referenced by a root, or referenced by a field or property of a object already flagged as reachable.
There are four types of roots.
static variables containing reference objects
reference objects on the stack for any currently active thread.
reference types in method parameters
reference objects pointed to by CPU registers.
After determining what reference objects are still accessible (reachable) by any code in the App Domain, it takes all those objects that are still reachable, and if there are any gaps in physical memory between them, it "defragments" them by moving some of them so they are all contiguous, then it sets the pointer which represents the "end" od "used" memory to the end of this new compressed defragmented list. All new memory allocations, for newly instantiated objects, are then allocated from the memory immediately after this pointer location.
If there are no gaps in the memory used by the reachable objects, it just resets the pointer to the end of the last reachable object in the list.
No, deleting a pointer does not set the bytes to zero.
It's not in the standard of course, but it would be a performance overhead and serious implementations don't bother doing it, and it does not even make sense, when the memory is used for complex objects (floats, objects, strings, etc)
You can always try it out.
Declare a pointer to an int, write an integer, delete the pointer.
Then read the content of the deleted pointer again.
Does it have the same content?
int *ptr = new int;
*ptr = 13;
cout << "Before delete: " << *ptr << endl;
delete ptr;
cout << "After delete: " << *ptr << endl;
Yes probably it will, BUT ptr is just a dangling pointer you have there, the memory has been returned to the system and it will be available when you allocate memory again, it's likely that when you allocate another int* it will be pointing where ptr was pointing.

What's the difference between memory allocation and garbage collection, please?

I understand that 'Garbage Collection' is a form of memory management and that it's a way to automatically reclaim unused memory.
But what is 'memory allocation' and the conceptual difference from 'Garbage Collection'?
They are Polar opposites. So yeah, pretty big difference.
Allocating memory is the process of claiming a memory space to store things.
Garbage Collection (or freeing of memory) is the process of releasing that memory back to the pool of available memory.
Many newer languages perform both of these steps in the background for you when variables are declared/initialized, and fall out of scope.
Memory allocation is the act of asking for some memory to the system to use it for something.
Garbage collection is a process to check if some memory that was previously allocated is no longer really in use (i.e. is no longer accessible from the program) to free it automatically.
A subtle point is that the objective of garbage collection is not actually "freeing objects that are no longer used", but to emulate a machine with infinite memory, allowing you to continue to allocate memory and not caring about deallocating it; for this reason, it's not a substitute for the management of other kind resources (e.g. file handles, database connections, ...).
A simple pseudo-code example:
void myFoo()
LinkedList<int> myList = new LinkedList<int>();
This will request enough new space on the heap to store the LinkedList object.
However, when the function body is over, myList dissapears and you do not have anymore anyway of knowing where this LinkedList is stored (the memory address). Hence, there is absolutely no way to tell to the system to free that memory, and make it available to you again later.
The Java Garbage Collector will do that for you automatically, in the cost of some performance, and with also introducing a little non-determinism (you cannot really tell when the GC will be called).
In C++ there is no native garbage collector (yet?). But the correct way of managing memory is by the use of smart_pointers (eg. std::auto_ptr (deprecated in C++11), std::shared_ptr) etc etc.
You want a book. You go to the library and request the book you want. The library checks to see if they have the book (in which case they do) and you gladly take it and know you must return it later.
You go home, sit down, read the book and finish it. You return the book back to the library the next day because you are finished with it.
That is a simple analogy for memory allocation and garbage collection. Computers have limited memory, just like libraries have limited copies of books. When you want to allocate memory you need to make a request and if the computer has sufficient memory (the library has enough copies for you) then what you receive is a chunk of memory. Computers need memory for storing data.
Since computers have limited memory, you need to return the memory otherwise you will run out (just like if no one returned the books to the library then the library would have nothing, the computer will explode and burn furiously before your very eyes if it runs out of memory... not really). Garbage collection is the term for checking whether memory that has been previously allocated is no longer in use so it can be returned and reused for other purposes.
Memory allocation asks the computer for some memory, in order to store data. For example, in C++:
int* myInts = new int[howManyIntsIWant];
tells the computer to allocate me enough memory to store some number of integers.
Another way of doing the same thing would be:
int myInts[6];
The difference here is that in the second example, we know when the code is written and compiled exactly how much space we need - it's 6 * the size of one int. This lets us do static memory allocation (which uses memory on what's called the "stack").
In the first example we don't know how much space is needed when the code is compiled, we only know it when the program is running and we have the value of howManyIntsIWant. This is dynamic memory allocation, which gets memory on the "heap".
Now, with static allocation we don't need to tell the computer when we're finished with the memory. This relates to how the stack works; the short version is that once we've left the function where we created that static array, the memory is swallowed up straight away.
With dynamic allocation, this doesn't happen so the memory has to be cleaned up some other way. In some languages, you have to write the code to deallocate this memory, in other it's done automatically. This is garbage collection - some automatic process built into the language that will sweep through all of the dynamically allocated memory on the heap, work out which bits aren't being used and deallocate them (i.e. free them up for other processes and programs).
So: memory allocation = asking for memory for your program. Garbage collection = where the programming language itself works out what memory isn't being used any more and deallocates it for you.
