I updated the RichText commands.js file under /sitecore/shell/controls/rich text editor.
I have copied it to the production environment, but my change isn't being applied. I am guessing JS is cached - how do I clear the cache? Site doesn't require a publish since content items weren't updated. Cleared the cache at /sitecore/admin/cache.aspx too.
Browser caching cleared. Recycled the app pool and restarted the website as well.
Sitecore 7.2
The javascript is cached in your browser not in Sitecore. Depending on your browser you can clear it from the toolbox (all of them have a clear cache option) or use the following shortcuts:
Firefox, Chrome, IE: Ctrl+Shift+Delete
Safari: Ctrl+Alt+E
This is a browser caching.
A common solution is to add a ? to the script's src link.
For instance:
you can modify
Website\sitecore\shell\Controls\Rich Text Editor\Default.aspx
\Website\sitecore\shell\Controls\Rich Text Editor\EditorPage.aspx
to have:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="/sitecore/shell/Controls/Rich Text Editor/RichText Commands.js?v=152605"></script>
Also you can open your browser in incognito mode or to delete browser cache
I have a weird problem, javascript files are cached in IIS,
What I have done till now
Disabled caching on my website in IIS
Disable cache on chrome dev tools
Adding timespan at url in page to prevent any chaching
Doubled check to see if the files on disk are updated and they were updated
But my scripts and css not updating from latest version on disk, until I do IISReset
Your attempt to break the cache is short circuited by the fact you are getting the cached version of the content page with the old timestamp, meaning you never request the JavaScript page with the new timestamp until something else forces the content page to reload.
You can check this by using the same cache breaking scheme on the content page itself in addition to the JavaScript page.
This is not a recommended solution as you will bypass cache altogether for the content page.
Every answer I've seen for this problem has worked sometimes and other times not. If I get a solution, I'll post it.
I am looking for a firefox plugin that can store entire page in cache and load it when ever that address is typed, and only load content from server if we press reload cache or similar functionality.
My usecase is, I use documentation of Laravel, Bootstrap, Jquery etc on regularly based but each time I am accessing it from the internet, these pages do not have any changes for many days. I dont want to store the webpage as file and access it, I would love to do it in comfort of your web browser than opening files.
I think firefox already does this. Load a page in a tab, then go to top left firefox menu > developer > work offline.
Reload that page in tab its from cache.
If you ever go work offline it loads from cache.
I have implemented combres in my website (MVC3). The problem is everytime I change something in javascript I need to clear the browser cache to reflect my changes.
If any changes are there in js and css, the browser should automatically refresh the changes. (I don't want the cache to be disabled). Is there any way of doing it?
This is basically identical to this SO questions which has not been answered: Offline Web App not caching on Firefox but ok on Chrome
I'm experiencing the same problem and I'll provide a bit more information because it might help someone trying to figure out the arcane mysteries and traps of trying to implement cache manifest.
The problem: hit page reload/refresh and the page should reload from the offline cache, but it doesn't.
It works fine in Chrome 23: when I disconnect from the internet and refresh the page, it loads fine and the console shows Application Cache NoUpdate event.
However, Firefox 15.0.1 shows me my 404 page.
Troubleshooting (Firefox): Go to Firebug and click on DOM, then applicationCache. The status shows 0, which means uncached (the page has not been stored offline).
Troubleshooting (Firefox): Go to Firefox Options -> Advanced and look at Offline Web Content and User Data. It shows that my domain is using 1.4MB of data for offline use. (This is a good place to check for whether your page has been cached).
Troubleshooting (Firefox): Open a new tab and go to about:cache. Here you should see a heading for Offline cache device. Here you can see the Cache Directory, which is where your offline cache files are saved. If you click on List Cache Entries you'll see the files in your offline cache manifest.
There are 2 things that I find strange here: 1) is that when I click on any of the files on the list it goes to a blank page that says "Cache entry information The cache entry you selected is not available." However, the files do exist and are not blank in the Cache Directory 2) Although all of the files from the cache manifest are listed, the page that I'm calling is not listed here (in Chrome DevTools it shows up in the manifest as Master: it is cached automatically even though it's not explicitly listed in the cache manifest file).
Here's what I see when I'm online: With a cold (empty) cache, when I load the page the console shows the checking, downloading, progress, and cached events, but the cache status is uncached. Basically, the cache files are downloaded, but they cannot be accessed. Firebug DOM applicationCache says: 0 items in offline cache (this contradicts what is shown in about:cache and Options -> Advanced). The status is 1, which means idle. When I look at the Net tab in Firebug when online, it shows a GET request for the page with a 200 OK response. The Expires setting shows Wed Dec 31 1969, which I think means that the page will always be fetched. The other files show a 304 Not Modified response, which means they are being loaded from the browser cache, not the offline cache (the analogous response from Chrome for these files is 200 OK (from cache), which means they are loaded from the offline cache, not the browser cache).
When I'm offline: With the "uncached" cache the GET request fails and it loads the offline fallback 404 page with a 200 OK (BFCache) response.
It seems the offline cache is downloaded because it physically exists on disk and progress events are shown in the console, but Firefox never fires the cached event, so some of the resources have not downloaded successfully. The files are all png, js, or php format, so no crazy file formats. Chrome downloads the exact same files into the cache without a problem. I've also tried mobile Safari and it successfully reloads the page from the offline cache.
Are there any known issues with Firefox not caching certain file types? I use the .html.php extension on some of my files. I also generate the manifest dynamically using a php file, so it is only getting files that exist and it hashes them to detect changes and update the manifest.
Next Steps: I will try a bare-bones manifest to see if I can get it to work, then add files one by one to see which file triggers the error. Perhaps Firefox doesn't like the fact that I'm dynamically generating the cache manifest instead of manually updating a static file?
I've learned a lot about the arcane intricacies of cache manifest, but I'm more of a hacker than a computer expert. Has anyone else experienced this quirkiness with Firefox?
The beginning of the page:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html manifest="/directory/manifest.php">
and then the manifest.php is just
header('Content-Type: text/cache-manifest');
etc. etc. It uses RecursiveDirectoryIterator to get all the files in the directory (except the cache itself, which is included by default).
I'm using IE8 and the jstorage library to store data in place of cookies. This is all good until i want to clear the stored values. In chrome this is possible by navigating to the content settings page. However in IE8 it only provides an option to clear cookies which doesn't clear the values I've stored in local storage.
Any ideas how i can clear this data? I don't want to display a "clear cache" button
Try localStorage.clear() in Console panel of IE Developer toolbar. It returns an "undefined" but seems to clear local storage.
It is worth mentioning that this function only clears the localStorage of the domain of the current window, not all localStorage values for the browser.
Example: (IE8 issue) If you're website is loading external content within an iFrame, localStorage.clear() won't clear that domain inside of the iFrame unfortunately.
This was an issue with local storage support in IE8. The cache does not remove local storage so instead need to call the following from the developer tools console