Productsearch with Elasticsearch - elasticsearch

I am relatively new to elasticsearch and I want to perform a search for products with brand and type names.
I already tried a bit but I think I am missing something important to have a solid search algorithm. Here is my approach:
A product looks e.g. like this:
brandName: "Samsung",
typeName: "PS-50Q7HX",
I will have a single input field. The user can search for a brand/type only or for a brand in combination with a type name. E.g.
Samsung | Samsung PS-50Q7HX | PS-50Q7HX
To eliminate misstyping in the typeName field I use an ngram tokenizer which works great when I search for types only. But in combination with the brandName field I get in trouble. Using something like this does not work well (especially when I use an ngram tokenizer on the brandName field too):
"query" : {
"multi_match" : {
"query": "Samsung PS 50Q 7HX",
"type": "cross_fields",
"fields": ["brandName", "typeName"]
Of course I know why this is not working well with two ngram tokenizer and a mixed field but I am not sure how to solve this the best way.
I think the main problem is that I do not know if the user entered a brand name or not and I thought about using a second index filled with all available brands, which I use to perform a "pre-search" for an eventually given brand name in my query string. If I find a match I am able to split the search string into type and brand name and perform a more specific search. Like this one
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{ "match": { "brandName": "Samsung" } },
{ "match": { "typeName": "PS-50Q7HX" } }
Does this sound like a good approach? Or does anyone see a better way?
Any help is appreciated!
Thank you very much and best regards,

To eliminate the typo mistake by the user, you used ngram analyzer which is a costly one. You could use stem analyzer which provide some flexible options to eliminate the typo mistakes
As per my concern, instead of index this in 2 different fields you could index this as a single field.
ex:- "FIELD_NAME": "Samsung|PS-50Q7HX"
Brand name and Product name with some delimiter i used |. analyse this field values with delimiter. so your content data will be index as follows
Then you could search by the following query
"query": {
"query-string": {
"query": "Samsung PS-50Q7HX",
"default_operator": "or",
"fields": [
this will retrieve the document which has the brand name as samsung or product name as PS-50Q7Hx from index. you could use prefix search and if you use default_operator as and then your search will be most accuracy.


Search in two fields on elasticsearch with kibana

Assuming I have an index with two fields: title and loc, I would like to search in this two fields and get the "best" match. So if I have three items:
{"title": "castle", "loc": "something"},
{"title": "something castle something", "loc": "something,pontivy,something"},
{"title": "something else", "loc": "something"}
... I would like to get the second one which has "castle" in its title and "pontivy" in its loc. I tried to simplify the example and the base, it's a bit more complicated. So I tried this query, but it seems not accurate (it's a feeling, not really easy to explain):
GET merimee/_search/?
"query": {
"multi_match" : {
"query": "castle pontivy",
"fields": [ "title", "loc" ]
Is it the right way to search in various field and get the one which match the in all the fields?
Not sure my question is clear enough, I can edit if required.
The story is: the user type "castle pontivy" and I want to get the "best" result for this query, which is the second because it contains "castle" in "title" and "pontivy" in "loc". In other words I want the result that has the best result in both fields.
As the other posted suggested, you could use a bool query but that might not work for your use case since you have a single search box that you want to query against multiple fields with.
I recommend looking at a Simple Query String query as that will likely give you the functionality you're looking for. See:
So you could do something similar to this:
"query": {
"simple_query_string" : {
"query": "castle pontivy",
"fields": ["title", "loc"],
"default_operator": "and"
So this will try to give you the best documents that match both terms in either of those fields. The default operator is set as AND here because otherwise it is OR which might not give you the expected results.
It is worthwhile to experiment with other options available for this query type as well. You might also explore using a Query String query as it gives more flexibility but the Simple Query String term works very well for most cases.
This can be done by using bool type of query and then matching the fields.
GET _search
"bool": {"must": [{"match": {"title": "castle"}},{"match": {"loc": "pontivy"}}]

ElasticSearch: Using match_phrase for all fields

As a user of ElasticSearch 5, I have been using something like this to search for a given phrase in all fields:
GET /my_index/_search
"query": {
"match_phrase": {
"_all": "this is a phrase"
Now, the _all field is going away, and match_phrase does not seem to work like query_string, where you can simply use something like this to run a search for all fields:
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "word"
What is the alternative for a exact phrase search for all fields without using the _all field from version 6.0?
I have many fields per document so specifying all of them in the query is not really a solution for me.
You can find answer in Elasticsearch documentation
It says:
Use a custom field and the mapping copy_to parameter
So, you have to create custom fields in source, and copy all other fields to it.

Elasticsearch wrong explanation validate api

I'm using Elasticsearch 5.2. I'm executing the below query against an index that has only one document
GET test/val/_validate/query?pretty&explain=true
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "alkis stackoverflow",
"fields": [
"type": "most_fields",
"operator": "AND"
PUT test/val/1
"name": "alkis stackoverflow",
"job": "developer"
The explanation of the query is
+(((+job:alkis +job:stackoverflow) (+name:alkis +name:stackoverflow))) #(#_type:val)
I read this as:
Field job must have alkis and stackoverflow
Field name must have alkis and stackoverflow
This is not the case with my document though. The AND between the two fields is actually OR (as it seems from the result I'm getting)
When I change the type to best_fields I get
+(((+job:alkis +job:stackoverflow) | (+name:alkis +name:stackoverflow))) #(#_type:val)
Which is the correct explanation.
Is there a bug with the validate api? Have I misunderstood something? Isn't the scoring the only difference between these two types?
Since you picked the most_fields type with an explicit AND operator, the reasoning is that one match query is going to be generated per field and all terms must be present in a single field for a document to match, which is your case, i.e. both terms alkis and stackoverflow are present in the name field, hence why the document matches.
So in the explanation of the corresponding Lucene query, i.e.
+(((+job:alkis +job:stackoverflow) (+name:alkis +name:stackoverflow)))
when no specific operator is specified between the terms, the default one is an OR
So you need to read this as: Field job must have both alkis and stackoverflow OR field name must have both alkis and stackoverflow.
The AND operator that you apply only concerns all the terms in your query but in regard to a single field, it's not an AND between all fields. Said differently, your query will be executed as a two match queries (one per field) in a bool/should clause, like this:
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
{ "match": { "job": "alkis stackoverflow" }},
{ "match": { "name": "alkis stackoverflow" }}
In summary, the most_fields type is most useful when querying multiple fields that contain the same text analyzed in different ways. This is not your case and you'd probably better be using cross_fields or best_fields depending on your use case, but certainly not most_fields.
When using the best_fields type, ES generates a dis_max query instead of a bool/should and the | (which is not an OR !!) sign separates all sub-queries in a dis_max query.

Document Frequency and Null Values in Elasticsearch

I have an app that uses the following elasticsearch autocomplete query to allow users to search for products based on the product name and it's alternate names.
"query": {
"dis_max": {
"queries": [
"match": {
"name.autocomplete": {
"query": "p",
"analyzer": "autocomplete_search",
"boost": 3
"nested": {
"path": "alternate_names",
"score_mode": "max",
"query": {
"match": {
"": {
"query": "p",
"analyzer": "autocomplete_search"
All products have a name but only about 10% of products have an alternate name (stored as a nested field under products). Even though I am boosting matches on name over matches on alternate name, I noticed that sometimes after typing one letter, it would return a match on alternate name over a match on name.
After doing some digging with the explain API, I discovered that this is happening because the calculation for document frequency for alternate names is using the number of matching documents / the total number of documents (as expected). However, the results are skewed in this case because so many products have a null alternate name. So if 10% of products have that includes a word beginning with 'p', and 10% of alternate names have a word beginning with 'p', the query believes the match on the alternate name to be much more relevant because only 1% of all products have an alternate name beginning with 'p'.
I'm wondering if anyone has run into this issue and knows a way to address it? Ideally, I would like to not count documents with null alternate names for the total doc count in the document frequency calculation for matches on alternate name. Or, I could use the same tf/idf calculation across both fields so that alternate names are just seen as other names in terms of how unique a specific word is. However, I have not been able to figure out how to do either or these things.

Elasticsearch find missing word in phrase

How can i use Elasticsearch to find the missing word in a phrase? For example i want to find all documents which contain this pattern make * great again, i tried using a wildcard query but it returned no results:
"fields": [
"highlight": {
"encoder": "html",
"fields": {
"content.content": {
"number_of_fragments": 5
"order": "score",
"tags_schema": "styled"
"query": {
"wildcard": {
"content.content": "make * great again"
If i put in a word and use a match_phrase query i get results, so i know i have data which matches the pattern.
Which type of query should i use? or do i need to add some type of custom analyzer to the field?
Wildcard queries operate on terms, so if you use it on an analyzed field, it will actually try to match every term in that field separately. In your case, you can create a not_analyzed sub-field (such as content.content.raw) and run the wildcard query on that. Or just map the actual field to not be analyzed, if you don't need to query it in other ways.
