How To Remove Display Rule From a Ribbon Command in CRM Online? - dynamics-crm-online

I have a command for a button defined as follows:
<CommandDefinition Id="new.lead.CreditCheck.Command">
<EnableRule Id="new.lead.CreditCheck.EnableRule" />
<DisplayRule Id="new.lead.CreditCheck.DisplayRule" />
<JavaScriptFunction FunctionName="new.LeadDynamic.creditCheck" Library="$webresource:new_Lead_dyn.js" />
If I go and remove the Display Rule from the command, (but keep the actual Display Rule definition) it looks like this:
<CommandDefinition Id="new.lead.CreditCheck.Command">
<EnableRule Id="new.lead.CreditCheck.EnableRule" />
<DisplayRules />
<JavaScriptFunction FunctionName="new.LeadDynamic.creditCheck" Library="$webresource:new_Lead_dyn.js" />
I get an error when attempting to import (attempted to use the Ribbon Workbench and got the same error as well)
The ribbon item 'new.lead.CreditCheck.Command' is dependent on
I'm attempting to remove the dependency, but apparently I can't remove it since it exists! What am I missing?

I would consider this a bug in CRM, but in order to perform this operation, you have to delete the command, and then publish the solution! Once the command is deleted, you can delete the Display Rule. You can't do this in one step!
If your command is especially complicated, you can export the solution, delete the command, import the solution, remove the Display Rule and add back the command without the display rule and import.

Your solution has a CommandDefinition which depends on a DisplayRule with the ID "new.lead.CreditCheck.DisplayRule". You cannot remove the DisplayRule from the RibbonDiffXml as long there is a published and/or unpublished component depending on it, in this case the CommandDefinition.
Therefore you need to remove all references to the DisplayRule first and then publish these customizations. Having this done, you should be able to remove the DisplayRule itself.
The same procedure must be followed when you need to remove an obsolete attribute from an entity:
Remove the attribute from all forms, views etc.
Publish customizations
Remove the attribute from the entity model
Publish customizations
In this respect the behaviour of Dynamics CRM is i.m.o. 'by design'.


Multiple VCS Trigger with different "Per-checkin Triggering" for different branches

I need two VCS Triggers with different Per-Checkin Triggering rules based on a banch filter.
The reason: For the "release-*" & "master" branch when I merge everything in i don't want a build created per checkin, however i do when using any of the other branches. I though i could do this by adding a second trigger filtering the branches so they looked something like this:
The first VCS Trigger, this will build all of these branches with "Trigger a build on each check-in" checked
The second VCS Trigger, this will build all of these branches with "Trigger a build on each check-in" unchecked
(Please excuse my not so epic paint skills)
Is there another way I can do this?
I couldn't find how to add 2 VCS triggers on a single build configuration, have you tried that?
I'm on TC 10 though, but if that really doesn't work then only way i can think is just to create 2 separate builds. :|
The solution was to modify the build configuration XML. Steps were:
Locate your TeamCity Project folder which is a subdir of the TeamCity Data Directory, mine was C:\ApplicationData\TeamCity\config\projects.
Find the build configuration in which every project subfolder it lives under example: C:\ApplicationData\TeamCity\config\projects\parentProj_Proj\buildTypes\build_config_name.xml
At the bottom of this file was where i found the build triggers section, find in there the current build trigger you have an duplicate it, but remember to change the "id" attribute on the "build-trigger" element. So my final config looks like this:
<build-trigger id="vcsTrigger" type="vcsTrigger">
<param name="branchFilter"><![CDATA[-:*
<param name="groupCheckinsByCommitter" value="true" />
<param name="perCheckinTriggering" value="true" />
<param name="quietPeriodMode" value="DO_NOT_USE" />
<build-trigger id="vcsTrigger1" type="vcsTrigger">
<param name="branchFilter"><![CDATA[-:*
<param name="quietPeriodMode" value="DO_NOT_USE" />
This although probably unsupported seems to work just fine.

How to Implement TFS InvokeProcess to run under other credentials

I'm using TFS (VS 2010) Build Definitions and XAMLs to build apps to different environments. Now, we need to push these builds to Production servers which require different credentials than what the Build Controller has.
I have been working on implementing the steps found at "Customize Team Build 2010 – Part 9: Impersonate activities (run under other credentials)" from but I cannot figure out how to use the credentials within the XAML file.
So, I have implemented the provided solution, and have made build definitions require the credentials, but how do I implement the credentials code (which appears to be in C#) into the XAML (which is XML)?
I have solved my issue here. I wasn't aware that the activities were coded in C#, although organized through the XML.
You can use a TryCatch activity to wrap the impersonation object and dispose it in the Finally.
The XAML should look like:
<Variable x:TypeArguments="bl:Impersonation" Name="Impersonation" />
<mtbwa:WriteBuildMessage Message="Impersonating..." />
<ba:CreateImpersonationContext Credentials="[Credentials]" Result="[Impersonation]" />
<!-- Your activities go here -->
<ba:DisposeImpersonationContext Impersonation="[Impersonation]" />
<mtbwa:WriteBuildMessage Message="Done with impersonation!" />

WIX: persist session data between C# CustomActions and subsequently displayed WIX Dialog

I am new to WIX and have been tasked with creating an installer that does
the following:
*Deploys a build of our application without overwriting the App.Config file
for the application
*Loads the key/values in the App.Config file and prompts the user with the
"defaults" (existing values) and allows them to modify them before finishing
*SAVES the values the user provided (or defaults if the user made no
changes) back to the App.Config file for use with the application.
I've got the WIX dilalogs and custom actions laid out successfully where
after InstallFinalize, my "LoadDefaultOptions" CustomAction is executed,
which successfully takes the installation directory and the app config file
name, loads it in an XML reader, and parses the key/value pairs, setting
them into the session variable in this manner:
session[key.toUpper()] = value;
My custom action(s) are defined as:
<CustomAction Id="LoadDefaultOptions" Return="asyncWait" Execute="immediate" BinaryKey="aeserverDbDialogPackage.dll" DllEntry="LoadDefaultOptions"/>
<CustomAction Id="SetConfigOptions" Return="check" Execute="immediate" BinaryKey="aeserverDbDialogPackage.dll" DllEntry="SetConfigOptions"/>
The LoadDefaultOptions executes as such:
<Custom Action="LoadDefaultOptions" After="InstallFinalize" />
I have the custom dialog edit properties set like this:
<Control Id="CCPDbConnString" Type="Edit" X="20" Y="62" Width="150" Height="18" Property="CCPCONNECTIONSTRING" Indirect="no" />
There's a matching Property tag earlier in the WXS file like this:
<Property Id="CCPCONNECTIONSTRING" Secure="yes" ></Property>
...And the LoadDefaultOptions customAction overwrites the session var like
session["CCPCONNECTIONSTRING"] = <value parsed from file>;
According to session logs, this works as expected, the xml parse works, and
the session vars are set.
My problem is when my custom dialog comes around to prompt the user with
those stored defaults AFTER the LoadDefaultOptions CustomAction has run.
The ORIGINAL property values of the session variables seem to have "stuck"
instead of being overwritten by the custom action that loaded the defaults
via the xml file and stored them in the session. (they are blank as their
original properties are defined, or in the case I define them otherwise,
they show those values instead of the session written values)
How do you get Dialogs to "read" overridden session variables by
Ultimately I want to load those values from the app config, prompt them back
to the user in an optional dialog prompt off the exit screen (which works so
far, aside from not getting updated session vars), and then on command from
that prompt dialog, run another custom action to re-write the App.Config
file with the settings provided from the custom dialog...
I just can't get the session vars to PERSIST!!!
Any ideas? am I completely off base attempting to use the session in this manner? how else could I parse the app.config file, and allow an installation user to change app settings if not by session?
Apparently, part of what I'm trying to do is more or less impossible... You cannot modify the session vars in the InstallExecuteSequence for use in dialogs... this can only be done in the InstallUISequence...
Therefore, I cannot READ AND PROMPT USERS FROM my App.Config on first installs as the file will never have been deployed during the period of time that it would be possible to do.... Seems the only time this would work is during an UPGRADE where the App.Config file exists from a prior install in the same location from which the original install occurred.
I'm going to go at it from this point of view, with NO (or hard-coded) default settings during a fresh installation, with an attempt to parse and use as defaults EXISTING app.config settings during upgrade installations... That should take care of my requirements!
If you schedule your custom action after InstallFinalize it won't run elevated during a managed installation / UAC type story. I also have a question, have you considered moving this configuration data to the application where it's easier to manage it as a first-run pattern?

In WiX how do I test for the existence of a registry key (not value) for Oracle ODP.Net

More specifically I want to test whether Oracle ODP.Net is installed on a machine. I want to do this by testing for the HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\ODP.NET registry key.
The actual values used by ODP.Net are stored in HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\ODP.NET\ however I assume that this lower level key's name will change as updates are released by Oracle.
I have tried the following which fails, possibly because the (Default) value doesn't really exist or possibly because it is null (I'm not sure exactly how it's represented in the registry).
<Property Id="ORACLE_ODPNET">
<RegistrySearch Id="ODPNET_RegKey" Type="raw" Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\ORACLE\ODP.NET" Name="(Default)"/>
<Condition Message="This setup requires ODP.Net to be installed.">
So any of the following would be helpful to me:
A way to search for a registry key
with no values under it.
A way to search for a registry value
using a path containing wildcards
A better way to test for ODP.Net
being installed
OK, so thanks to Sascha's information it seems that the answer is "you can't" using the built-in WiX registry functions.
Now I also wanted this test to happen along with the other launch condition tests which makes it a bit harder. Getting this to work has taken me quite a while although it's fairly simple now I know how, so hopefully this will save someone else the same pain.
First create a property inside your WiX Product:
<Property Id="ODPNETINSTALLED">0</Property>
Next create a custom action to check for the key and set ODPNETINSTALLED to "1" if it exists. I'm not going to go into compiling and adding the custom action to the installer here but it's fairly simple if you use Votive in Visual Studio. The code for my custom action is:
using Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller;
using Microsoft.Win32;
namespace WiXCustomAction
public class CustomActions
public static ActionResult CheckOdpNetInstalled(Session xiSession)
xiSession.Log("Begin CheckOdpNetInstalled");
RegistryKey lKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(#"SOFTWARE\ORACLE\ODP.Net");
xiSession["ODPNETINSTALLED"] = lKey == null ? "0" : "1";
return ActionResult.Success;
Now you need to register and schedule the action, because I wanted the warning to appear along with my other launch conditions I had to add it to the InstallUISequence element:
<Binary Id="WiXCustomAction.dll" SourceFile="$(var.WiXCustomAction.TargetDir)$(var.WiXCustomAction.TargetName).CA.dll" />
<CustomAction Id="CheckOdpNet" BinaryKey="WiXCustomAction.dll" DllEntry="CheckOdpNetInstalled" Execute="immediate" />
<Custom Action="CheckOdpNet" Before="LaunchConditions">NOT Installed</Custom>
Finally add a launch condition to check the property:
<Condition Message="!(loc.OracleOdpCondition)">
Note that I believe that scheduling in InstallUISequence means the custom action won't be fired during non-UI installs. However, my installer must have UI install so it's not an issue for me.
Simply omit RegistrySearch/#Name to get the "(Default)" value. Unfortunately there's no way that I'm aware of to do a recursive search, you're going to need to pick a "known" registry key that will be stable between releases and base your search from that.
<Property Id="ORACLE_ODPNET">
<RegistrySearch Id="ODPNET_RegKey" Type="raw" Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\ORACLE\ODP.NET" />
<Condition Message="This setup requires ODP.Net to be installed.">

Sharepoint List added to Create -> Custom Lists on Feature deployment

I am building a SharePoint Feature to deploy a simple WebPart and a custom list within the "Web" scope.
When the solution is deployed my list is immediately available in Site Actions -> Site Settings -> Custom Lists.
If you try and create an instance of the list I receive "File Not Found"
If you activate the feature a second copy of the list template is added to the Custom Lists heading.
Neither list can be created with the same "File Not Found" error
On deactivating the feature one list template disappears
On retracting the solution the last list template disappears
Files Involved:
schema.xml is 5000 lines long
feature.xml is as follows
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Feature Id="78a8eaad-2160-434c-81c2-6c5f7ce94ade" Title="WeekWidget" Description="Displays A, B or H based upon a configurable SharePoint List." Version="" Creator="Cardinal Newman Catholic School // Richard Slater" Scope="Web" ImageUrl="WeekWidget\WeekWidgetLogo.jpg" xmlns="" DefaultResourceFile="core">
<ElementManifest Location="ListTemplates\WeekCalendar.xml" />
<ElementFile Location="WeekCalendar\Schema.xml" />
WeekCalendar.xml is as follows
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Elements xmlns="">
<ListTemplate Name="WeekCalendar" DisplayName="Week Calendar" Description="List of Weeks." BaseType="0" Type="100" OnQuickLaunch="TRUE" SecurityBits="11" Sequence="410" Image="/_layouts/images/itgen.gif" />
I think the "File Not Found" error is symptomatic of another problem, however the addition of the list template shouldn't happen on solution deployment. What am I doing wrong?
are you wiring up all of the feature files yourself or using a tool? typically, the 404 means one of the 'magic strings' in your configuration files is off. Also, the directory structure specified here looks suspicious:
<ElementManifest Location="ListTemplates\WeekCalendar.xml" />
<ElementFile Location="WeekCalendar\Schema.xml" />
You should try deploying all of your feature support files to the same directory. Have you located the error in the ULS log (<12 hive>/LOGS)? That may provide some clues too.
I think the problem could be related to the separate directory structure--I usually deploy all list files to the same folder (schema.xml and weekcalendar.xml, in your case; keep feature.xml out of the list directory).
Turn on verbose logging and check the 12-hive logs to see what file is not found.
Check schema.xml and ensure the name attribute on the list element matches the name of the folder housing your feature. Also watch out for the Url attribute on this element... VSeWSS will set the URL to the name of the list being reverse engineered so I change it to "pages\viewpage.axp".
On the default view element within schema.xml, try adding SetupPath="pages\viewpage.aspx". Ensure there's a WebPartZoneId="Main" attribute on there as well.
