Jmeter 2.13 Backend Listener - jmeter

i have working with Jmeter 2.13 and try a new listener Backend listener, I'm using windows.
I have installed grafana/graphite in windows and run it from the web page
http:/localhost:8080 and run smoothly. Grafana shows standard dashboard "shared dashboards" and 'dashboards'.
In jmeter a listener Backend listers was added and configured as default
as in picture
In grafana i add a new data source:
url= http://localhost:2003
access:proxy/direct ( i tested both)
Basic auth: (no)
When i run test in jmeter with Backend listener nothing is shown in grafana.
What did i miss, that jmeter results are not displaing
Thank you for help,

Assuming that you are using InfluxDB as your backend time series database, use the below configuration in Grafana's config.js file.
datasources: {
influxdb: {
type: 'influxdb',
url: "http://localhost:8086/db/jmeter",
username: 'root',
password: 'root',
grafana: {
type: 'influxdb',
url: "http://localhost:8086/db/grafana",
username: 'root',
password: 'root',
grafanaDB: true
Also make sure that your InfluxDB server is up and running by checking "http://localhost:8086". It should show you the login page to connect to the influxdb's web console.
Lastly, enable "DEBUG" logging in JMeter in the file(log_level.jmeter=DEBUG) and share more info about the errors you see in the log if the issue still persists.


How to setup ArangoDB replication via the ArangoDB Go driver

I need to set up a simple replication schema with a secondary database. I figured out that using arangosh I can set it up with the following commands:
endpoint: "tcp://main-server:8529",
username: "user",
password: "pass",
verbose: false,
includeSystem: false,
incremental: true,
autoResync: false,
autoStart: true,
restrictType: "include",
restrictCollections: [ "Products" ]
This setup, however does not seem to persist. Connection going down, or server restarts make it disappear.
So, I would like to set up some monitoring and re-establishment of the replication in my Go program.
I searched both the ArangoDB website Manual pages, and Go driver documentation but I could not find anything that would allow me to run the above setup in Go using the driver.
Additionally, I didn't find how I could interface with arangosh, and possibly run the JS code above and get the results. Is that possible somehow using the Go driver?
I accidentally found a solution to this.
The Golang driver does not provide this functionality. But Arango has a pretty simple HTTP based API which allows access to all functions and features of the database engine.
Here's the link to the documentation I used:
(I'm using version 3.8 because after that the type of replication I needed was no longer part of the community edition).
Setting up a replication requires just two steps:
PUT request to the /_db/yourDBname/_api/replication/applier-config with a JSON payload:
"autoResync": true,
And another PUT request to get the replication actually started, to /_db/yourDBname/_api/replication/applier-start . This one doesn't need any payload
And to see how things are going you can do a GET request to /_db/yourDBname/_api/replication/applier-state
All these requests need a JWT token that you can get with a POST request to /_open/auth with a payload of:
"username": "user",
"password": "passwd"
The token you receive will need to be included in the HTTP header as a bearer token. Pretty simple.

Proxy Heroku App Running Next.js and Prisma Client

I am trying to use QuotaGuard Static IPs to host a Next.js application. The Next API routes are running Prisma which, in turn is making direct db requests to a protected Microsoft SQL Server.
The client has whitelisted my IP for local development and the app works fine. But on Heroku you can't get a static IP without the QuotaGard.
I don't believe I have set up the QuotaGuard correctly or the server.js file. The rest of the app is working fine. Here are those files:
Expected Behavior:
The server proxies its url to one provided by the QuotaGuard
The MS Sql Server can whitelist the IP
Next.js server.js uses the 'http-proxy-middleware' to proxy requests
Actual Behavior:
The app homepage just shows 'this is a proxy server'
The QuotaGuard dashboard does not show any requests
The prisma client cannot connect (connection refused)
// server.js
// -
// -
const express = require('express')
const { parse } = require('url')
const next = require('next')
const { createProxyMiddleware } = require('http-proxy-middleware')
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
const app = next({ dev })
const handle = app.getRequestHandler()
// proxy middleware options
const options = {
target: process.env.QUOTAGUARDSTATIC_URL, // target host
changeOrigin: true, // needed for virtual hosted sites
ws: true, // proxy websockets
.then(() => {
const server = express()
if (!dev) {
server.use('*', createProxyMiddleware({ ...options }))
server.all('*', (req, res) => {
const parsedUrl = parse(req.url, true)
return handle(req, res, parsedUrl)
server.listen(process.env.PORT, (err) => {
if (err) throw err
console.log(`> Ready on http://localhost:${process.env.PORT}`)
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Error:::::', err)
You can see the live app at
In this case, based on what you shared, you are close, but you need to go with the SOCKS proxy using the QuotaGuard QGTunnel software.
Steps to set that up are :
Download QGTunnel into the root of your project
curl | tar xz
Log in to the QuotaGuard dashboard and setup the tunnel
Since you are using Heroku, you can use the Heroku CLI to log into the dashboard with the following command:
heroku addons:open quotaguardstatic
Or if you prefer, you can login from the Heroku dashboard by clicking on QuotaGuard Static on the resources tab of your application.
Once you are logged into the dashboard, in the top right menu, go to Setup (Gear Icon), click on QGTunnel Configuration, then Create Tunnel.
Remote Destination: tcp://
Local Port: 1433
Transparent: true
Encrypted: false
This setup assumes that the remote mssql server is located at and is listening on port 1433. This is usually the default port.
The Local Port is the port number that QGTunnel will listen on.
In this example we set it to 5432, but if you have another process using 1433, you may have to change it (ie: 1434).
Transparent mode allows QGTunnel to override the DNS for to, which redirects traffic to the QGTunnel software. This means you can connect to either or to connect through the tunnel.
Encrypted mode can be used to encrypt data end-to-end, but if your protocol is already encrypted then you don't need to spend time setting it up.
Change your code to connect through the tunnel
With transparent mode and matching Local and Remote ports you should not need to change your code. You can also connect to
Without transparent mode, you will want to connect to
Change your startup code
Change the code that starts up your application. In Heroku, this is done with a Procfile. Basically you just need to prepend your startup code with "bin/qgtunnel".
So for a Procfile that was previously:
web: your-application your arguments
you would now want:
web: bin/qgtunnel your-application your arguments
If you do not have a Procfile, then Heroku is using a default setup in place of the Procfile based on the framework or language you are using. You can usually find this information on the Overview tab of the application in Heroku's dashboard. It is usually under the heading "Dyno information".
Commit and push your code
Be sure that the file bin/qgtunnel is added to your repository.
If you are using transparent mode, be sure that vendor/nss_wrapper/ is also added to your repository.
If you are not using transparent mode, you will want to set the environment variable QGTUNNEL_DNSMODE to DISABLED to avoid seeing an error message in your logs.
If you have problems...
Enable the environment variable QGTUNNEL_DEBUG=true and then restart your application while watching the logs.
After you get everything working
Download your QGTunnel configuration from the dashboard as a .qgtunnel file and put that in the root of your project. This prevents your project from relying on the QG website during startup.
Alternatively you can put the contents of the downloaded configuration file in a QGTUNNEL_CONFIG environment variable.

Need help to add url path as an endpoint point for minio

I have deployed standalone Minio in a server. I also have my backend running in it. So the enpoints would be something like this:
Minio URL:
Backend URL:
When I tried to setup Minio configuration in my node project, I get error. Can you help me in setting this up?
Here is my code:
let client = new Minio.Client({
endPoint: '',
useSSL: true,
accessKey: 'xxxxx',
secretKey: 'xxxxx'
There are two ways we can do this:
Add a subdomain like in the endpoint
We can configure a particular port in MINIO_OPTS and we can redirect to the port when we have "/minio"

Using SpringBoot, NodeJS and Vue-CLI - not saved session

I have been using SpringBoot for web development before, which needs to manage session, database, HTML and other functions.
Recently, I am going to use VUE, replacing the HTML part of SpringBoot.
Now I use the following two methods for development, but I am troubled by problems such as cross domain and session cannot be keeped.
Use nodejs as the enter of the website and use vue.config to configure the agent. In this way, the URL located is correct, but the login status cannot be saved.For example, if submit a form for login, the background returns to the successful message for login, but if refresh the page, it will show 'not login'. The 'devServer' configuration is as follows
devServer: {
open: false,
host: 'localhost',
port: 8080,
proxy: {
'/ API: {
Target: '',
ChangeOrigin: true,
ws: true,
PathRewrite: {
'^ / API' : ' '
cookieDomainRewrite: 'localhost',
Use Nginx as gateway, and then forward the HTML request to NodeJS, and the data request (such as JSON data) to SpringBoot.I haven't had time to experiment with this idea, because it may still occur session saving issues.Nginx is forwarding HTTP requests to Nodejs and SpringBoot, so this saved session is from Nodejs or SpringBoot?
So ask if anyone has done a similar project and if you can share your experience.

How to hide server descriptions in Swagger UI?

I have an OpenAPI 3.0 definition with multiple servers:
- url:
description: Development server
- url:
description: Staging server
- url:
description: Production server
When this definition is rendered in Swagger UI, the "Servers" dropdown shows the description of each server:
Is it possible to hide the server descriptions from this dropdown?
Swagger UI always displays the server description if it's provided, this is hard-coded:
As a workaround you can modify the API definition dynamically after it's loaded and remove server descriptions. To do that, edit your Swagger UI's swagger-initializer.js or index.html file and add the following onComplete function to the SwaggerUIBundle initialization code:
const ui = SwaggerUIBundle({
url: "https://path/to/your/openapi.json",
onComplete: function() {
let spec = ui.specSelectors.specJson().toJS();
let servers = spec.servers || [];
for (let i in servers) {
servers[i].description = ""
They haven't provided any option to replace this server's description in another place, but they have mentioned the description is optional in swagger specification of object representing a Server.
Swagger UI have not provided any rendering option for this.
The best use of description is define in a single word, like production, development, api, staging, etc..
If you really don't want in dropdown then you can remove it from your server list.
- url:
- url:
- url:
This part i am writing for your information, about how to use oas-servers,
I observed your server urls, these can be easily define in single url, how? using server variables.
- url: https://{environment}{version}
- 'development'
- 'staging'
- 'api'
- 'v1'
Hope this help.
