How to add directories to Cygwin gcc default search path - windows

I'm a bit of a noob at working with compilers. I want to add an arbitrary directory on my win 8 C:\ drive to the Cygwin gcc default search path.
Here is what I have tried so far. Using gcc --help I found the commands -print-search-dirs and -B <directory> ("add directory to the compiler's search path").
Using the former command output this:
install: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/4.9.2/
programs: =/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/4.9.2/:/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/4.
libraries: =/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/4.9.2/:/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/4
The full path to /usr is C:\cygwin64\usr. The directory I want to add is c:\directory So I tried gcc -B /../directory and other variations, but I get error
gcc: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated
Seems like it thinks I'm trying to compile something. I want to permanently add a directory to the list of default search paths.

There are two issues at play here.
The first problem has to do with the fact that Cygwin views the top of its directory tree / to be within the Windows directory C:\cygwin64. As a result, you are unable to move above that point in the filesystem. The solution is to go through Cygwin's directory /cygdrive, which is the access point where all Windows disk drives are mounted. You can access the top-level Windows directory C:\ from Cygwin as /cygdrive/c. So for the problem above, instead of using gcc -B /../directory, try using gcc -B /cygdrive/c/directory.
The second issue is that of adding directories to the search path, versus telling it to compile a specific source file. Given the date of this question, I assume you've solved that part of the problem at this point?


I compiled a program in fortran using GCC but the executable outputs files to the user path of my system instead of where the program is located

The program is placing the files to the path Users/gavinpaull/ instead of the Oil and Cells folder. Can I fix this issue with the compiling command?
I used gfortran -o Planar_Surfactant Planar_Surfactant.f while inside of the Oil and Cells folder to compile the executable.
gavinpaull#Gavins-MacBook-Pro-2 ~ % /Users/gavinpaull/Documents/BMEN\ Research/Oil\ And\ Cells/Planar_Surfactant ; exit;
this is what shows up when I run the program along with some information about the base values.
I'm pretty new to fortran coding so I'm not quite sure what to try or how to resolve this issue.
Paths in the program are relative to the current working directory, which starts off as the directory where the program is launched, not where the program binary happens to be located.
(This is per se not specific to Fortran.)

showip: command not found

I am trying to run one of the example from Beej's Guide to Network Programming (, specifically showip.c (The link to the program is here: Using gcc, I've typed in
gcc -o showip showip.c
Then ran the program
and I get an error showip: command not found on the same directory where the code and the program is compiled at. I'm not sure why this is the case. I've even cloned the code from his GitHub and used makefile to compile the program and yet I'm getting the same error. What exactly am I doing it wrong here?
This is actually problem with how you're running the program.
On Linux systems (unlike Windows systems) an executable in the current directory is not by default searched by the shell for programs to run. If the given program does not contain a path element (i.e. there are no / characters in the name) then only the directories listed in the PATH environment variable are searched.
Since the current directory is not part of your PATH, prefix the command with the directory:
Is the working directory on your path? Likely not.
Try ./showip
Since the program showip is not in your $PATH you have to tell
your shell that it's in the current directory:
Or add the current directory to your $PATH but it's a less secure
and run it as you're trying now:

Error fatal - No such file or directory

I have installed the cds library with command ./ -b 64 -z '-std=c++0x' -l '-L /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' --with-boost /usr/include/boost --amd64-use-128bit at build folder.
After I tried to compile the example init.cpp of src folder, I typed this in terminal: g++ init.cpp -o init, and terminal showed: fatal error: cds/init.h: No such file or directory.
What should I do for compilation command in this case?
For general troubleshooting in cases like this, i would recommend finding where on the system the file got installed (if your actually installed the file). You would be able to find the missing header file using
find / -path '*/cds/init.h' 2>/dev/null
Then you need to supply two parameters to g++:
First one gets the compiler to know about the include files from the install directory
-I path_to_folder_one_step_above_cds_folder
Second one gets the linker to know about the librarys location. If the library file is called, you can find it by running
find / -name 2>/dev/null
So for linking, you supply the flag
In your case you might not need the -L flag, since most of your library supposedly is header only.
UPDATE: the script is printing out important information at the top, starting with "Building with the following options:". The important bits will be "Compile options:" and "Link options:". Those should be enough to solve your specific option.
UPDATE2: also exports some flags which might include more options. You can print them out directly after running by running
you are likely to need to pass all these options to g++ when compiling and linking against that library. LDFLAGS are specific to the linker only. Both the other ones are needed for compiling c++ files.

How to get NDK toolchain utilities to list symbols (function names) of NDK-built library on Mac OS X?

I have a couple of libraries built by the NDK for which I am trying to view the exported symbols, the available function names to be precise. One is a .so file and the other a .a file. I was helped in this question (How to obtain readelf and objdump binaries for OS X?) to find the utilities that I think I need. They are specific to the NDK installation. I am on OS X fyi.
In my NDK installation I found nm and objdump in prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/arm-linux-androideabi/bin. Their file type is "Alias". When I ran nm -g nothing happened -- at all. When I ran objdump -TC I got: "objdump: command not found". Then I found the arm-linux-androideabi-nm and arm-linux-androideabi-objdump files (file type listed as "Unix Executable File" in Finder) in the prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin dir. The attempt to use both of them resulted in "command not found". In all these attempts I placed right in the very folder with the utility I'm trying to run.
I think this is basically a general issue about how to call binaries in unix; even if you are in the same directory when you run nm -g, since . normally isn't part of your $PATH. To run the right one, do ./nm -g, or without using cd to enter this directory first, just do path/to/your/NDK/android-ndk-r10e/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-nm -g, or add this directory to your path first:
export PATH=path/to/your/NDK/android-ndk-r10e/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin:$PATH
arm-linux-androideabi-nm -g
(It's preferrable to add this directory to the path instead of the arm-linux-androideabi directory, since it is clear which tool you want to invoke when you call when you do arm-linux-androideabi-nm, while if you add the other directory and call nm, it is up to the order of the directories in $PATH.)
See e.g. Why do you need ./ (dot-slash) before script name to run it in bash? for more explanations about $PATH.

Makefile not working with cygwin

I just installed cygwin with C++ compiler and Perl on my windows machine. Whenever
trying to compile the C++ files with the makefile I get the following error:
Cant find C:\Program on PATH
Not sure what path is exactly missing and where I can change it...
You should install cygwin in C:\, not in C:\Program Files\ - the latter often causes problems because of the space, as is the case here.
You've got a space in your PATH environment variable. Wherever you set the path, you might use an 8.3 filename instead of an extended filename, or you might encapsulate the section with spaces in quotes. For example: PATH=c:\windows;"c:\program files\foo"
