How should I implement IDownloadProgressChangedCallback using WIN32OLE? - ruby

I'd like to download Windows updates by use of WIN32OLE in Ruby. I'm running into issues knowing which COM object to use in order to get the arguments needed by IUpdateDownloader::BeginDownload . For the time being, I can execute the synchronous version of downloading updates, but I would really like to know how I can go about using the asynchronous method.
Something such as the following works now:
require 'win32ole'
muSession ='Microsoft.Update.Session')
availableUpdates = muSession.CreateUpdateSearcher().Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software'").Updates
muUpdateColl ='Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl')
availableUpdates.each do |update|
updateDownloader ='Microsoft.Update.Session').CreateUpdateDownloader()
updateDownloader.Updates = muUpdateColl
downloadResult = updateDownloader.Download()
However, instead of invoking "Download()", I would like to use "BeginDownload()". How can I instantiate IDownloadProgressChangedCallback (for example). I think doing so may be obvious in C#, but using WIN32OLE, I am not sure how to create the object.


osquery extension in Ruby - create new table

I'm trying to implement an extension for osquery in Ruby.
I found some libs and examples doing the same in Java, Node and Python, but nothing helpful implemented in Ruby language.
According to this documention, it's possible generating the code using Thrift:
The steps I did, so far:
Generated the code using thrift -r --gen rb osquery.thrift
Created a class and some code to connect to the server and register the extension
This is the code of the class
# include thrift-generated code
require 'thrift'
require 'extension_manager'
socket =<path_to_socket>)
transport =
protocol =
client =
info = = "zzz"
info.version = "1.0"
extension = = info
client.registerExtension(extension, {'table' => {'zzz' => [{'name' => 'TEXT'}]}})
To get the <path_to_socket> you can use:
> osqueryi --nodisable_extensions
osquery> select value from osquery_flags where name = 'extensions_socket';
| value |
| /Users/USERNAME/.osquery/shell.em |
When I try to get this table using osqueryi, I don't see the table when I run select * from osquery_registry;.
Have anybody by any chance implemented an osquery extension already? I'm stuck and I don't know how to proceed from here.
I don't think I've seen anyone make a ruby extension, but once you have the thrift side, it should be pretty simple.
As a tool, osquery supports a lot of options. So there's no single way to do this. Generally speaking, extensions run as their own process and the communicate over that thrift socket.
Usually, they're very simple and osquery invokes extensions directly with appropriate command line arguments. This is alluded to in the doc you linked with the example accepting --interval, --socket, and --timeout. If you do this, you'll want to look at osquery's --extensions_autoload and --extensions_require option. (I would recommend this route)
Less common, is to start osquery with a specified socket path using --extensions_socket. And then your extension can use that. This way is more common is the extension cannot be a simple binary, and instead is a large complex system.
I find myself playing around with thrift via ruby. And it seems to work if I used a BufferedTransport:
socket ='/tmp/osq.sock')
transport =
protocol =
client =
client.query("select 1")

Setting path to custom .irbrc using IRB.conf

I want to invoke irb dynamically from my Ruby program, but have it not to load the default ~/.irbrc, but a file ./custom_irbrc instead. I can do it like this:
require 'irb'
ENV['IRBRC'] = './custom_irbrc'
# My configurations follow here
I wonder whether I can set my custom irbrc also via .conf instead of polluting the environment. I didn't find a really comprehensive description of the possible conf-settings, but from what I found, I tried as educated guess:
IRB.conf[:IRB_RC] = './custom_irbrc'
IRB.conf[:RC] = './custom_irbrc'
but neither one seems to have any effect.
The desired effect can be achieved, although by using an undocumented feature, and there is no guarantee that it will be available in future Ruby versions too:
IRB.conf[:RC_NAME_GENERATOR] = proc { './custom_irbrc' }
This has to be done before IRB.setup is called.

Upload to S3 with progress in plain Ruby script

This question is related to this one: Tracking Upload Progress of File to S3 Using Ruby aws-sdk,
However since there is no clear solution to this I was wondering if there's a better/easier way (if one exists) of getting file upload progress with S3 using Ruby in 2018?
In my current setup I'm basically creating a new Resource, fetch my bucket and call upload_file but I haven't yet found any options for passing blocks which would help in yielding some sort of progress.
#connection =
#s3_bucket = #connection.bucket(bucket)
#s3_bucket.object(path).upload_file(data, {acl: 'public-read'})
Is there a way to do this using the newest sdk-for-ruby v3?
Any help (or even better a small example) would be great.
The example Trevor gives in is not hacky from what I can see - just wiring things together. The SDK simply does not provide a feature for passing progress details on all operations. Plus, Trevor is the maintainer of the Ruby SDK at AWS so I trust his judgement.
Expanding on his example
bar = ProgressBar.create(:title => "Uploading action", :starting_at => 0, :total => file.size)
obj = s3.buckets['my-bucket'].objects['object-key']
obj.write(:content_length => file.size) do |writable, n_bytes|
bar.progress += n_bytes
If you want to have a progress block right in the upload_file method I believe you will need to open a PR to the SDK. It is not that strange that is not the case for Ruby (or for any other runtime) because, for example, there could be an optimisation in the HTTP client library that uses IO.copy_stream from your source body argument to the destination socket, which does not relay progress anywhere.

Generate XML with soap4r without invoking the web service?

I have set up a soap4r client for a web service, and it's working fairly well. We're using it to send data from one database to another (don't bother asking about that... I know it's not optimal), but we're not entirely sure the mapping is correct, so it's often very handy to get the XML that a particular record would generate.
Of course, that's possible - if you set $DEBUG, soap4r will supply you with a nice dump of the XML going over the wire. You can even set the "device" (file) that you would like to send it to.
However, I'd like to be able to get the XML that it's going to generate without having to actually call the web service.
Is there a way to do this? Grepping around, I've found a variety of obj2soap and similar methods, but none of them seems to be quite the one I want.
An indirect answer: you might want to look at handsoap. It's faster and tries to be more Ruby-like. It uses builder-style XML generation - but you have to generate everything yourself. It's more like a toolbox to write your client in a clean way. This way you know what was generated (and can inspect it easily).
Another option is to set $DEBUG and restore it afterwards:
$DEBUG = true
# call soap (and have your XML generated)
This could be extracted to a nice function like this:
def with_debug_output
remember = $DEBUG
$DEBUG = true
yield if block_given?
$DEBUG = remember
and then use it:
with_debug_output do
# call soap

Programatically moving through a ListView in Qt (Ruby)

I'm making a small file-browser for my own use, in Ruby, and using Qt for the view. The idea is that it'll end up on my TV, where I can use the remote to move up and down and launch files.
Everything works fine, until I'm going to move the selection using the remote. I managed to set up a D-Bus service, so I'll just call the methods using LIRC.
The code I'm using for setting up the view looks like this:
#dm =
#sm =
#lv =
#lv.model = #dm
#lv.selectionModel = #sm
cwd = #dm.index(#dir)
#lv.rootIndex = cwd
And then I'm unsure how to change the selection. Think I must have tried about every setIndex, setSelection and every method sounding similar, on the DirModel, ItemSelectionModel and ListView, without any luck. I've been googling and reading through the API without finding anything.
Ideally, I would have something like "moveSelectionDown" and "moveSelectionUp" that takes care of it, and making sure it wraps around correctly. But I can't seem to find anything.
Managed to fix it through the ItemSelectionModel every view apparently has.
moving up:
curIndex = #lv.currentIndex
#lv.selectionModel.setCurrentIndex(curIndex.sibling(curIndex.row-1, 0), Qt::ItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect)
or adding one to move down
I think you're forgetting that you have to create the ModelIndex through your model:
#dm.index(3, 0, None)
I'd try this method (Though I'm not really sure, this deselects the other cells.)
#lv.setCurrentIndex(#dm.index(3, 0, None))
I haven't used Ruby for ages, so I'm not exactly sure there's None.
