How to search for a substring (WHERE column LIKE '%foo%') - parse-platform

I'm reading parse API documentation at and can't find how to search by a substring. SQL equivalent would be:
... WHERE column_name LIKE "%foo%"
There's a bunch of options such as &gt, &lt, &in, and similar, but there's no option for LIKE. It's pretty common use case... What am I missing?

We've found something that looks like an undocumented feature.
There's a $regex lookup it's not mentioned in the official API reference. It allows for matching by regular expressions which solved the problem for us.
We believe it should be documented here:
But apparently it isn't.

In your case, I think you should follow Parse's tutorial here:
It is very helpful in terms of search. The main ideas are:
Separate the texts into single words and store as in array
Then perform search on the new field using containedIn(or $in as in REST API) query.
There's also a question regarding this too: How to make a "like" query in
EDIT: New blog link:


Correct way to search videos with multiple keywords with OR condition for youtube search API

I'm trying to use youtube data search and video API in my web application to display top view-counted videos related with several keywords. I'm planing to use totally two calls: the first call get id list with search API, and the second call get details for the ids hit on the first call, with video API.
My question is with regard to search API. Based on my trial and error, If I input multiple keyword with space separation in the parameter q for search API, it's looks behaves as AND condition it's not same as common behavior such as google. To search with multiple keywords with OR condition, As far as I tried, it's looks working if I Include the OR between keywords, but I would like to confirm my assumption correct, officially if possible.
I should be able to find this kind of specification in the official documentation, but finally I have no luck. It's very helpful if you could share these links if exists or give me the official answer.
By the way, it is my first post to stackoverflow. If there is missing point of my question, please kindly advice.

Google plus api query parameters documentation

I can't seem to find an official google plus query parameters documentation. on the official page ( there is only the ambivalent saying: "Specify a query string for full text search of public text in all profiles.".
But how? what about using some 'Geo', some 'by_name', a bit of 'gender'?
sorry if it's appear as a newbie question
Unfortunately, you currently cannot search by specifying metadata and scope to type on results. You can carefully craft your queries to find strings that match your target, however, and I don't recommend doing this. Please file an issue request on the Google+ issue tracker.

How to do SQL IN like query in hibernate search

A simulating scenario is:
Search for books whose content contains "success" AND author is in a list of passed names(could be thousands of).
I looked into filter:
Seams like hibernate search has no native support of this.
What is recommended approach for this problem? I think I am not alone.
Thanks for any inputs.
Let me post my current solution.
Get the search results with minimal projections for the keywords, and loop through the results to get only matching ones from the IN list.
I am not using filter.
Open to other alternatives once convinced.
If you look here (at the end "Field Grouping"), you can write a query with something like :
content:success AND author:("firstname" "secondname" "thirdname" ...)

Searching a datastore for related topics by keyword

For example, how does StackOverflow decide other questions are similar?
When I typed in the question above and then tabbed to this memo control I saw a list of existing questions which might be the same as the one I am asking.
What technique is used to find similar questions?
I got an email from on Mar 20 that mentions how it works:
the "ask a question" search is
exclusively on title and will not
match anything in the body. It is a
mystery to me why people think it's
The last sentence refers to the search bar, which I've found is less useful when I'm trying to find a specific question I've already seen.
I think it's plain old word matching. However, I might add that this feature does not work as well as I would like it to. It's much better to do google search with prefix than to rely on SO to provide the relevant suggestions.
Poorly -- using MS SQL Full Text Search, I believe. You'll have better luck using Lucene, IMO. For more background on the topic see the Wikipedia article on Lucene or the general topic of information retrieval.
The matching program would store an index of all questions. When you ask a question, all keywords in your question are matched against the index. This is similar to Google Search. Lucene open source search can be (and with high probability has been) used for this. Since the results are not quite accurate, I presume they index just the headlines of the questions, as an approximation.
The other related keyword is collaborative filtering, the algorithm popularized by Amazon to recommend products based on behavior of other similar customers. In the current case, an alternative algorithm based on collaborative filtering is: keywords are extracted from the question, then tags associated (in the history) with the keywords are found. Questions which have those tags are returned. Well, experiments are needed to see whether it works well at all.

How to Google for --depend?

The latest makefiles we've received from a third party vendor contain rules with --depend on the end of build rules, so I thought I would look it up on Google, but try as I might, I can't persuade it to display any pages with exactly the characters --depend
I've tried surrounding it with quotes "--depend": I've tried the Advanced Search: I've tried backslashes "\-\-depend" in the (vain) hope that there is some sort of unpublished regular expression search available.
Am I missing something blindingly obvious?
Please note that this is NOT a question about what --depend does, I know that, it's a question about how you Google for very precise, programmer oriented, text.
You can specifiy literal symbols in a Google Code Search but not Google Web Search.
Google Code Search for +"--depend"
Google Web Search for +"--depend"
I had the same issue searching for 'syntax-rules'. You would think they would have solved this by now.
I remember to have read somewhere that google's web search does not index non alphanumeric characters, treating them as word separators, so that's not possible.
Reason for this problem is that a minus sign at the start of a token indicates that you want to EXCLUDE it from the search.
This is how you can filter out really popular results that really have nothing to do with you want.
For example, try searching for "wow". Then try searching for "wow -warcraft".
