Is these algorithms equivalent? - algorithm

E is a logic variable (T/F), P and Q are programs
If E then R
bool c = E
bool d = not E
While c do
c = d
While d do
d = c
We knew that, the same input mean the same output, so they are weak-equivalency, but what about the execute time numbers (R)? I am not sure R is for (R,S) or E?

As it is now, both variants are equivalent in the sense that R and S are fulfilled or not in both variants according to the same start conditions.
But the second variant also sets two variables c and d, and obviously they will be used somehow later, for otherwards there is no use in their setting inside while cycles. So, the second variant has additional and independent consequences (c and d are defined and set to false).
If the S and R can cancel the whole algorithm, that additional part becomes NOT independent.


Is this Haskell Tower of Hanoi solution more efficient or simply redundant?

This Haskell solution has been described as recursive, but not quite efficient according to a few claims, so I have tried to rewrite it with that in mind. The problem is described in a course that is available online and whose homework was the Tower of Hanoi.
A new solution of mine:
type Peg = String
type Move = (Peg, Peg)
hanoi :: Integer -> Peg -> Peg -> Peg -> [Move]
hanoi n a b c = hanoiToList n a b c []
hanoiToList 0 _ _ _ l = l
-- hanoiToList 1 a b _ l = (a, b) : l
hanoiToList n a b c l = hanoiToList (n-1) a c b ((a, b) : hanoiToList (n-1) c b a l)
Let me explain the reasoning: if the function is going to end up as a list, then you had better compare it to another that takes an empty one as an argument, otherwise append it after it has been solved, which I believe to be the cause of inefficiency, thus leading to the same function being called in its place. The result has been checked and it's correct, but I wanted to know whether this is more efficient or simply redundant, considering the previous solution that I linked to.
EDIT: I commented a line that was unnecessary.
Yep, that gets rid of the inefficient copying of (:) constructors. It's a slightly non-idiomatic way to write it, but the more idiomatic way should have identical performance when compiled with optimizations.
hanoi n a b c = hanoiToList n a b c []
hanoiToList 0 _ _ _ = id
hanoiToList n a b c = hanoiToList (n-1) a c b . ((a, b) :) . hanoiToList (n-1) c b a
That's the slightly more idiomatic approach. It's all about emphasizing the viewpoint that you're building up a transformation of a value. In practice it's identical as long as function composition is being inlined and simplified as expected.

Functional programming with OCAML

I'm new to functional programming and I'm trying to implement a basic algorithm using OCAML for course that I'm following currently.
I'm trying to implement the following algorithm :
Entries :
- E : a non-empty set of integers
- s : an integer
- d : a positive float different of 0
Output :
- T : a set of integers included into E
m <- min(E)
T <- {m}
FOR EACH e ∈ sort_ascending(E \ {m}) DO
IF e > (1+d)m AND e <= s THEN
T <- T U {e}
m <- e
let f = fun (l: int list) (s: int) (d: float) ->
List.fold_left (fun acc x -> if ... then (list_union acc [x]) else acc)
[(list_min l)] (list_sort_ascending l) ;;
So far, this is what I have, but I don't know how to handle the modification of the "m" variable mentioned in the algorithm... So I need help to understand what is the best way to implement the algorithm, maybe I'm not gone in the right direction.
Thanks by advance to anyone who will take time to help me !
The basic trick of functional programming is that although you can't modify the values of any variables, you can call a function with different arguments. In the initial stages of switching away from imperative ways of thinking, you can imagine making every variable you want to modify into the parameters of your function. To modify the variables, you call the function recursively with the desired new values.
This technique will work for "modifying" the variable m. Think of m as a function parameter instead.
You are already using this technique with acc. Each call inside the fold gets the old value of acc and returns the new value, which is then passed to the function again. You might imagine having both acc and m as parameters of this inner function.
Assuming list_min is defined you should think the problem methodically. Let's say you represent a set with a list. Your function takes this set and some arguments and returns a subset of the original set, given the elements meet certain conditions.
Now, when I read this for the first time, List.filter automatically came to my mind.
List.filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
But you wanted to modify the m so this wouldn't be useful. It's important to know when you can use library functions and when you really need to create your own functions from scratch. You could clearly use filter while handling m as a reference but it wouldn't be the functional way.
First let's focus on your predicate:
fun s d m e -> (float e) > (1. +. d)*.(float m) && (e <= s)
Note that +. and *. are the plus and product functions for floats, and float is a function that casts an int to float.
Let's say the function predicate is that predicate I just mentioned.
Now, this is also a matter of opinion. In my experience I wouldn't use fold_left just because it's just complicated and not necessary.
So let's begin with my idea of the code:
let m = list_min l;;
So this is the initial m
Then I will define an auxiliary function that reads the m as an argument, with l as your original set, and s, d and m the variables you used in your original imperative code.
let rec f' l s d m =
match l with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs -> if (predicate s d m x) then begin
x :: (f' xs s d x)
f' xs s d m in
f' l s d m
Then for each element of your set, you check if it satisfies the predicate, and if it does, you call the function again but you replace the value of m with x.
Finally you could just call f' from a function f:
let f (l: int list) (s: int) (d: float) =
let m = list_min l in
f' l s d m
Be careful when creating a function like your list_min, what would happen if the list was empty? Normally you would use the Option type to handle those cases but you assumed you're dealing with a non-empty set so that's great.
When doing functional programming it's important to think functional. Pattern matching is super recommended, while pointers/references should be minimal. I hope this is useful. Contact me if you any other doubt or recommendation.

Cleaner way to represent languages accepted by DFAs?

I am given 2 DFAs. * denotes final states and -> denotes the initial state, defined over the alphabet {a, b}.
1) ->A with a goes to A. -> A with b goes to *B. *B with a goes to *B. *B with b goes to ->A.
The regular expression for this is clearly:
E = a* b(a* + (a* ba* ba*)*)
And the language that it accepts is L1= {w over {a,b} | w is b preceeded by any number of a's followed by any number of a's or w is b preceeded by any number of a's followed by any number of bb with any number of a's in middle of(middle of bb), end or beginning.}
2) ->* A with b goes to ->* A. ->*A with a goes to *B. B with b goes to -> A. *B with a goes to C. C with a goes to C. C with b goes to C.
Note: A is both final and initial state. B is final state.
Now the regular expression that I get for this is:
E = b* ((ab) * + a(b b* a)*)
Finally the language that this DFA accepts is:
L2 = {w over {a, b} | w is n 1's followed by either k 01's or a followed by m 11^r0' s where n,km,r >= 0}
Now the question is, is there a cleaner way to represent the languages L1 and L2 because it does seem ugly. Thanks in advance.
E = a* b(a* + (a* ba* ba*)*)
= a*ba* + a*b(a* ba* ba*)*
= a*ba* + a*b(a*ba*ba*)*a*
= a*b(a*ba*ba*)*a*
= a*b(a*ba*b)*a*
This is the language of all strings of a and b containing an odd number of bs. This might be most compactly denoted symbolically as {w in {a,b}* | #b(w) = 1 (mod 2)}.
For the second one: the only way to get to state B is to see an a in A, and the only way to get to C from outside C is to see an a in B. C is a dead state and the only way to get to it is to see aa starting in A. That is: if you ever see two as in a row, the string is not in the language; the language is the set of all strings over a and b not containing the substring aa. This might be most compactly denoted symbolically as {(a+b)*aa(a+b)*}^c where ^c means "complement".

Odd DFA for Language

Can somebody please help me draw a NFA that accepts this language:
{ w | the length of w is 6k + 1 for some k ≥ 0 }
I have been stuck on this problem for several hours now. I do not understand where the k comes into play and how it is used in the diagram...
{ w | the length of w is 6k + 1 for some k ≥ 0 }
We can use the Myhill-Nerode theorem to constructively produce a provably minimal DFA for this language. This is a useful exercise. First, a definition:
Two strings w and x are indistinguishable with respect to a language L iff: (1) for every string y such that wy is in L, xy is in L; (2) for every string z such that xz is in L, wz is in L.
The insight in Myhill-Nerode is that if two strings are indistinguishable w.r.t. a regular language, then a minimal DFA for that language will see to it that the machine ends up in the same state for either string. Indistinguishability is reflexive, symmetric and transitive so we can define equivalence classes on it. Those equivalence classes correspond directly to the set of states in the minimal DFA. Now, to find the equivalence classes for our language. We consider strings of increasing length and see for each one whether it's indistinguishable from any of the strings before it:
e, the empty string, has no strings before it. We need a state q0 to correspond to the equivalence class this string belongs to. The set of strings that can come after e to reach a string in L is L itself; also written c(c^6)*
c, any string of length one, has only e before it. These are not, however, indistinguishable; we can add e to c to get ce = c, a string in L, but we cannot add e to e to get a string in L, since e is not in L. We therefore need a new state q1 for the equivalence class to which c belongs. The set of strings that can come after c to reach a string in L is (c^6)*.
It turns out we need a new state q2 here; the set of strings that take cc to a string in L is ccccc(c^6)*. Show this.
It turns out we need a new state q3 here; the set of strings that take ccc to a string in L is cccc(c^6)*. Show this.
It turns out we need a new state q4 here; the set of strings that take cccc to a string in L is ccc(c^6)*. Show this.
It turns out we need a new state q5 here; the set of strings that take ccccc to a string in L is cc(c^6)*. Show this.
Consider the string cccccc. What strings take us to a string in L? Well, c does. So does c followed by any string of length 6. Interestingly, this is the same as L itself. And we already have an equivalence class for that: e could also be followed by any string in L to get a string in L. cccccc and e are indistinguishable. What's more: since all strings of length 6 are indistinguishable from shorter strings, we no longer need to keep checking longer strings. Our DFA is guaranteed to have one the states q0 - q5 we have already identified. What's more, the work we've done above defines the transitions we need in our DFA, the initial state and the accepting states as well:
The DFA will have a transition on symbol c from state q to state q' if x is a string in the equivalence class corresponding to q and xc is a string in the equivalence class corresponding to q';
The initial state will be the state corresponding to the equivalence class to which e, the empty string, belongs;
A state q is accepting if any string (hence all strings) belonging to the equivalence class corresponding to the language is in the language; alternatively, if the set of strings that take strings in the equivalence class to a string in L includes e, the empty string.
We may use the notes above to write the DFA in tabular form:
q x q'
-- -- --
q0 c q1 // e + c = c
q1 c q2 // c + c = cc
q2 c q3 // cc + c = ccc
q3 c q4 // ccc + c = cccc
q4 c q5 // cccc + c = ccccc
q5 c q0 // ccccc + c = cccccc ~ e
We have q0 as the initial state and the only accepting state is q1.
Here's a NFA which goes 6 states forward then if there is one more character it stops on the final state. Otherwise it loops back non-deterministcally to the start and past the final state.
(Start) S1 -> S2 -> S3 -> S5 -> S6 -> S7 (Final State) -> S8 - (loop forever)
^ |
^ v |_|
|________________________| (non deterministically)

Conditions with common logic: question of style, readability, efficiency,

I have conditional logic that requires pre-processing that is common to each of the conditions (instantiating objects, database lookups etc). I can think of 3 possible ways to do this, but each has a flaw:
Option 1
if A
prepare processing
do A logic
else if B
prepare processing
do B logic
else if C
prepare processing
do C logic
// else do nothing
The flaw with option 1 is that the expensive code is redundant.
Option 2
prepare processing // not necessary unless A, B, or C
if A
do A logic
else if B
do B logic
else if C
do C logic
// else do nothing
The flaw with option 2 is that the expensive code runs even when neither A, B or C is true
Option 3
if (A, B, or C)
prepare processing
if A
do A logic
else if B
do B logic
else if C
do C logic
The flaw with option 3 is that the conditions for A, B, C are being evaluated twice. The evaluation is also costly.
Now that I think about it, there is a variant of option 3 that I call option 4:
Option 4
if (A, B, or C)
prepare processing
if A
set D
else if B
set E
else if C
set F
if D
do A logic
else if E
do B logic
else if F
do C logic
While this does address the costly evaluations of A, B, and C, it makes the whole thing more ugly and I don't like it.
How would you rank the options, and are there any others that I am not seeing?
Can't you do
if (A, B, or C)
prepare processing
if A
do A logic
else if B
do B logic
else if C
do C logic
? Maybe I misunderstood.
Edit: zzz, your edits messed me up. If you don't want it to evaluate A,B,C twice then do
x = func returnCase() //returns a,b, or c
if x != None
prepare processing
do Case
Doesn't this solve the redundancy:
if A
do A logic
else if B
do B logic
else if C
do C logic
// else do nothing
prepareprocessingfunction() {
prepare processing
