A script command asks for username. Can I have it stored inside the script? - shell

I have this command inside a script.
sudo openvpn --config ....
When it is executed it asks for a username, and then for a password.
Is it possible to store inside the script the username?
In other words to avoid typing it each time this script is being executed?
(I am using Linux Ubuntu)

Use the configuration directive
auth-user-pass filename
...where filename is a file with username on the first line, and password on the second. (If you don't want the password to ever touch disk, this password can be a socket on which your script passes through user input).
For instance:
# ^- IMPORTANT: use bash, not /bin/sh
# clearing IFS and using read -r makes trailing whitespace, literal backslashes, etc. work.
username="hardcoded value"
IFS= read -r -p "Password: " password
openvpn \
--config file.ovpn \
--auth-user-pass <(printf '%s\n' "$username" "$password")
The use of printf -- a builtin -- is important here: When calling only builtins, arguments aren't placed on the argv (and thus made accessible to anything on the system inspecting the process list).
Alternately, you can use the management-query-passwords directive [or the --management-query-passwords command-line option] to allow username and password to be requested and entered via the management socket (this protocol has its own extensive documentation).

I believe it is possible. You have use the pipe | and pipe the username to the scripts beginning if it is possible. I use a command in C++, which if I remember right changes the password for the user. It looks like:
sprintf(command, "echo -e \"%s\n%s\" | passwd %s",password,password,user);
So, since this is a shell, I would guess you could do something like:
echo -e '<username>\n<password>\n' | YourScript
In your case this may work:
echo -e `<username>\n<password>\n | sudo openvpn --config...
Of course, this assumes that there are no other things it will ask for. This is also untested. Read more on piping here.
As mentioned by Charles Duffy the above will only work with an XSI-extended system and with programs that do not rely on TTY. I'm still not 100% certain but, I ready printf was cross compatible and script -c can be used to pipe tty. Here is the information on the script command. However, trying it in CentOS7, it looks like this would work:
printf '%s\n' "username" "password" | script -c "sudo openvpn --config..."
NOTE: I tried only piping to su and it worked after POSIXLY_CORRECT was set to 1.
Also, I think I may have misunderstood exactly what you wanted to do. If you wanted to store the username and password for the duration of the script you could do something like this:
printf "Input username:"
read username
printf "Input password:"
read -s password
printf '%s\n' "$username" "$password" | script -c "sudo openvpn --config..."


Clear last bash command from history from executing bash script

I have a bash script, which uses expect package to ssh into a remote server.
My script looks like this:
while getopts "p:" option; do
case "${option}" in
/usr/bin/expect -c "
spawn ssh my.login.server.com
expect {
\"Password*\" {
send \"$PASSWORD\r\"
I run it like ./login.sh -p <my-confidential-password>
Now once you run it and log in successfully and exit from the remote server, I can hit up-arrow-key from the keyboard and can still see my command with password in the terminal. Or I simply run history it shows up. Once I exit the terminal, then it also appears in bash_history.
I need something within my script that could clear it from history and leave no trace of the command I ran (or password) anywhere.
I have tried:
Clearing it using history -c && history -r, this doesn't work as the script creates its own session.
Also, echo $HISTCMD returns 1 within script, hence I cannot clear using history -d <tag>.
P.S. I am using macOS
You could disable command history for a command:
set +o history
echo "$PASSWORD"
set -o history
Or, if your HISTCONTROL Bash variable includes ignorespace, you can indent the command with a space and it won't be added to the history:
$ HISTCONTROL=ignorespace
$ echo "Hi"
$ echo "Invisible" # Extra leading space!
$ history | tail -n2
7 echo "Hi"
8 history | tail -n2
Notice that this isn't secure, either: the password would still be visible in any place showing running processes (such as top and friends). Consider reading it from a file with 400 permissions, or use something like pass.
You could also wrap the call into a helper function that prompts for the password, so the call containing the password wouldn't make it into command history:
runwithpw() {
IFS= read -rp 'Password: ' pass
./login.sh -p "$pass"

Can't get bash script to answer prompt with expect

My ssh access is restricted to a Google Authenticator verification code prompt. I'd like to have a script that programmatically answers that prompt.
The variable
($1) passes correctly to the script - it's the verification code.
The sshfs command works in terminal.
The prompt Verification code: comes with space and a key symbol at the end.
[EDIT] Just to make sure we don't switch to security discussions here, please note that of course I also use SSH keys, additionally to this Google Authenticator. As the Authenticator verification code expires every x seconds it does not matter that others could intercept it.
The disk mounts (I can see it with df -h), but is empty... Kind of same behavior as when the Verification code is wrong, or maybe it doesn't have the time to execute?
Shell script:
expect_sh=$(expect -c "
spawn /usr/local/bin/sshfs username# /Users/username/Desktop/RAID1 -o defer_permissions -o volname=RAID1
expect \"Verification code:\"
send \"$1\r\";
echo "$expect_sh"
I'm afraid, I have to answer no.
There are some issues:
Having password has argument could reveal your password to other users with a simple
ps axw
Having password stored into a variable could reveal your password to other users with a simple
ps axeww
Having passord transmited via STDIN could be easy to trace.
For this and a lot of other reason, ssh (and sftp) refuse to trasnsmit secrets via arguments, variables or STDIO.
Before asking for password, there is a lot of verification, then the use of a secured dialog (working with direct TTY or with some boxes on X DISPLAY).
So using expect or passing secret as arguments is not directly possible with ssh.
You could connect ssh server by using secret key:
ssh-keygen -b 4096
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa):
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:q/2fX/Hello/World/Lorem/Ipsum/Dolor/Sit/Amet user#localhst
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 4096]----+
| .=o=E.o|
| .. o= o |
| o+ +=... |
| .o+ o+o. |
| . +.oS.oo |
| . *.= . ... |
| o =. oo. |
| ... +o. |
| .ooo oooo.|
Then now, you have to send your /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to be stored in authorized_keys file in the server you try to connect to (this files is located in $HOME/.ssh/ or in /etc, but could be located elsewhere, depending on sshd.conf in server).
The reason this isn't working is that you are running expect in a subshell inside the command substitution.
This would be a regular harmless useless use of echo if it weren't for the fact that you hope and expect the process to remain alive.
Just take out the variable capture and run expect as a direct descendant of your current script. If you really require your output to be available as a variable when it's done, maybe try something like
t=$(mktemp -t gauthssh.XXXXXXXXXX) || exit
trap 'rm -f "$t"' EXIT ERROR INT HUP TERM # clean up temp file when done
expect -c "
spawn /usr/local/bin/sshfs username# /Users/username/Desktop/RAID1 -o defer_permissions -o volname=RAID1
expect \"Verification code:\"
send \"$1\r\";
" | tee "$t"
You can construct a solution with screen(1)
I tested the script below. It's not especially robust, and
you'll need to make some changes according to your enviroment.
screen -d -m -S sshtest sh -c "ssh -l postgres localhost id > output"
ret="$(printf '\n')"
while true; do
screen -S sshtest -X hardcopy
grep -q 'password:' hardcopy.0 && break
sleep 1
grep -v '^$' hardcopy.0
echo -n "$passenter" | xxd
screen -S sshtest -X stuff "$pass"
screen -S sshtest -X stuff "$(printf '\r')"
sleep 1
cat output
The idea is to set up a screen running your command that redirects
its output to a local file. Then you take screen grabs in a loop and
look for your expected prompt with grep. Once you find it, use the
'stuff' command in screen to push your password into the terminal
input (i.e. screen's pty). Then you wait a bit and collect your
output if needed. This is just proof of concept code, a robust
solution would do more error checking and cleanup, and wait for
the screen to actually exit.

how dangerous is to echo passwords via pipe to passwd

I've seen in more than one discussion that using echo to pipe to passwd is dangerous because one can get arguments provided to echo from process list.
I'm currently working on a tool, that changes passwords remotely via ssh. I do use echo method because I do not have root access to use usermod or chpasswd.
echo -e 'old\nnew\nnew' | passwd
To check how easy it is - I tried. But could not get them.
this was my method:
while true
echo "$(pgrep -af passwd)" >> "$filename"
sleep 0.1
I few times changed password via echo but could not seen anything. I think that sleep 0.1 may be a problem.
How easy it is to get it from process list and therefore how insecure it is to use it this way.
It depends on whether the shell you're using has echo as a builtin, or uses an external binary (/bin/echo). If it's an external binary, it'll be run as a subprocess with the password plainly visible in its argument list (via ps, pgrep, etc). If it's a builtin, an echo command in a pipeline will run as a subprocess, but it'll be a subshell with the same visible argument list as the parent shell (i.e. it's safe).
So it's probably safe, but there are several complications to worry about. First, if you're running this on a remote computer via ssh, you don't necessarily know what its default shell is. If it's bash, you're ok. If it's dash, I think you have a problem. Second, you don't just have to worry about the remote shell and/or echo command, you have to worry about every step along the path from your local script to that remote echo command. For example, if you use:
ssh user#computer "echo -e 'old\nnew\nnew' | passwd"
...then the remote echo is probably safe (depending on the remote shell), but as #thatotherguy pointed out the password will be visible in both the remote shell's (bash -c echo -e 'foo\nbar\nbar' | passwd) and in the local ssh process's argument list.
There's another complication, BTW: echo isn't consistent about how it handles options (like -e) and escapes in the output string (see this question for an example). You're much better off using printf (e.g. printf '%s\n' "$oldpass" "$newpass" "$newpass"), which is also a builtin in bash. Or, if you're sure you're using bash, you can use here-string (<<<string) instead. It doesn't interpret escapes at all, but you can use bash's $' ' construct to interpret them:
passwd <<<"$old"$'\n'"$new"$'\n'"$new"
This doesn't involve a subprocess at all (either /bin/echo or a subshell), so no worries about the process table.
Another possibility to avoid both the problems of uncertain remote shells and the password showing up in ssh's argument list is to pass the passwords via ssh's stdin:
ssh user#computer passwd <<<"$old"$'\n'"$new"$'\n'"$new"
If you were to invoke your echo|passwd command via ssh, e.g.:
client$ ssh example.com "echo -e 'foo\nbar\nbar' | passwd"
then the process you need to look at is not passwd but the user's login shell invoked by sshd on the remote side:
server$ until pgrep -af bash | grep passwd; do true; done
8387 bash -c echo -e 'foo\nbar\nbar' | passwd

how to add ssh key to host via bash script

I've been trying to automate the creation of a user and configuration of the ssh access.
So far I created a script that access the host and creates the new user via expect, as follows:
expect -c '
spawn ssh '$user'#'$ip';
expect "assword: ";
send "'$passwd'\r";
expect "prompt\n";
send "adduser '$new_user'\r";
send "mkdir /home/'$new_user'/.ssh\r";
expect "prompt\n";
send "exit\r";
This works fine, after that I need to add the .pub key file to the authorized keys file in the host, there is where hell started.
I tried:
content=$(cat $ssh_key)
expect -c '
spawn ssh '$user'#'$ip' "echo '$content' >> /home/'$new_user'/.ssh/authorized_keys;
expect "password:";
and got:
missing "
while executing
"spawn ssh root# ""
couldn't read file "<ssh .pub key content> ...
I tried also:
cat $ssh_key | ssh $user#$ip "cat >> /home/$new_user/.ssh/authorized_keys"
Without success, I only get the password query blinking, I can't connect the expect with this last method.
I'm going to ignore the larger problems here and focus specifically on your question. (There are larger problems: Don't use expect here -- if you rely on sshpass instead you can simplify this script immensely).
Right now, when you close your single quotes, you aren't starting any other kind of quotes. That means that when you substitute a variable with whitespace, you end the -c argument passed to expect.
Instead of doing this:
do this:
...so your script will look more like:
expect -c '
spawn ssh '"$user"'#'"$ip"' "echo '"$content"' >> /home/'"$new_user"'/.ssh/authorized_keys;
expect "password:";
In terms of avoiding this altogether, though, consider something more like the following:
# ^^^^- NOT /bin/sh
content=$(<"$ssh_key") # more efficient alternative to $(cat ...)
# generate shell-quoted versions of your variables
# these are safe to substitute into a script
# ...even if the original content contains evil things like $(rm -rf /*)
printf -v content_q '%q' "$content"
printf -v new_user_q '%q' "$new_user"
# use those shell-quoted versions remotely
sshpass -f"$password_file" ssh "$host" bash -s <<EOF
adduser ${new_user_q}
printf '%s\n' ${content_q} >>/home/${new_user_q}/.ssh/authorized_keys

ssh + here document + interactive mode

Can I run a here document script over ssh on remote machine with interactive mode?
Code example is:
ssh -t xijing#ggzshop.com 'bash -s' <<EOF
sudo ls
......Other big scripts......
double -t won't work properly as well.
-----------------------------One possible solution:-------------------
After a lot of tries, I come up with following answers:
Script=`cat <<'EOF'
sudo ls
.....Big scripts.....
ssh -t user#host ${Script}
which will allow user to type password in.
Solution of Xijing appears to work ok for me. However, I did a couple of cosmetic changes. First, for readability I used "dollar-parentheses" instead of backticks. For another thing I don't offer any explanation: Semicolons were needed to separate multiple commands in Script snippet even though commands are written on separate lines. My test:
Script=$( cat <<'HERE'
cat /etc/issue;
sudo id
ssh -t user#host ${Script}
Sudo password will be asked in a normal manner, no need to omit that.
No, I don't think you can run interactive scripts like that.
To achieve what you want, you could create dedicated users for your common admin tasks that can run admin commands with sudo without password. Next, setup ssh key authentication to login as the dedicated users and perform the necessary tasks.
It is not necessary to use semicolons to separate multiple commands in Script if there are quotes around it.
Script="$( cat <<'HERE'
cat /etc/issue;
sudo id
- ssh -t user#host ${Script}
+ ssh -t user#host "${Script}"
# alternative (not recommended)
# set IFS variable to null string to avoid deletion of newlines \n in unquoted variable expansion
export IFS=''
ssh -t user#host ${Script}
