Could not load : can't convert nil into String - ruby

I want to read logs only after a particular date. My approach is to drop all the events previous to that date. I try to achieve it like this:
I am dropping all logs before June 1, 2015:
Logstash config file:
input {
path => [
filter {
grok {
match => ["path", "/var/log/rsyslog/(?<server>[^/]+)/%{YEAR:year}-%{MONTHNUM:month}-%{MONTHDAY:month_day}/(?<logtype>.*).log"]
if [year] < "2015" and [month] < "6" and [month_day] < "1" {
drop { }
My logstash.err file keeps printing this:
Could not load : can't convert nil into String
Any idea why?

One of the three values - year, month or month_day is nil. Because the regex is not matching for some of the lines in the log file.


Elasticsearch/Kibana [ 7.17 ] how to add custom autogenerated field

we got an ES/Kibana [7.17] running, everything works fine so far but we want to autotranslate a field based on a static table how is this possible? I remember it was possible over custom formats in older Kibana versions but I cannot find how to do it in this one.
1 => HR Department
2 => IT Department
3 => Production
Data is:
Max Muster 3
Data should be
Max Muster 3 Production
P.S. I tried adding a runtime field to the template but it always complains that the syntax is wrong
filter {
translate {
source => "[dep]
target => "[department]"
dictionary => {
"1" => "HR Dep"
"2" => "IT Dep"
"3" => "Production"

How to force Elastic to keep more decimals from a float

I have some coordinates that I pass to Elasticsearch from Logstash, but Elastic keeps only 3 decimals, so coordinate wise, I completely lose the location.
When I send the data from Logstash, I can see it got the right value:
"nasistencias" => 1,
"tiempo_demora" => "15",
"path" => "/home/elk/data/visits.csv",
"menor" => "2",
"message" => "5,15,Parets del Vallès,76,0,8150,41.565505,2.234999575,LARINGITIS AGUDA,11/3/17 4:20,1,38,1,2,POINT(2.2349995750000695 41.565505000000044)",
"id_poblacion" => 76,
"#timestamp" => 2017-03-11T04:20:00.000Z,
"poblacion" => "Parets del Vallès",
"edad_valor" => 0,
"patologia" => "LARINGITIS AGUDA",
"host" => "elk",
"#version" => "1",
"Geopoint_corregido" => "POINT(2.2349995750000695 41.565505000000044)",
"id_tipo" => 1,
"estado" => "5",
"cp" => 8150,
"location" => {
"lon" => 2.234999575, <- HERE
"lat" => 41.565505 <- AND HERE
"id_personal" => 38,
"Fecha" => "11/3/17 4:20"
But then, I get it on Kibana as follows:
I do the conversion as follows:
mutate {
convert => { "longitud_corregida" => "float" }
convert => { "latitude_corregida" => "float" }
mutate {
rename => {
"longitud_corregida" => "[location][lon]"
"latitude_corregida" => "[location][lat]"
How can I keep all the decimals? With geolocation, one decimal can return the wrong city.
Another question (related)
I add the data to the csv document as follows:
# echo "5,15,Parets del Vallès,76,0,8150,"41.565505","2.234999575",LARINGITIS AGUDA,11/3/17 4:20,1,38,1,2,POINT(2.2349995750000695 41.565505000000044)" >> data/visits.csv
But in the original document, instead of dots there are comas for the coordinates. like this:
# echo "5,15,Parets del Vallès,76,0,8150,"41,565505","2,234999575",LARINGITIS AGUDA,11/3/17 4:20,1,38,1,2,POINT(2.2349995750000695 41.565505000000044)" >> data/visits.csv
But the problem was that it was getting the coma as field separator, and all the data was being sent to Elasticsearch wrong. Like here:
Here, the latitude was 41,565505, but that coma made it understand 41 as latitude, and 565505 as longitude. I changed the coma by dot, and am not sure if float understands comas and dots, or just comas. My question is, did I do wrong changing the coma by dot? Is there a better way to correct this?
Create a GEO-Point mapping for the lat/lon fields. This will lead to a more precise and internally optimized storage in ES and allow you more sophisticated GEO-Queries.
Please keep in mind, that you'll need to reindex the data as mapping changes are not possible afterwards (if there are already docs present having the fields to change)
Zero downtime approach:
Create a new index with a optimized mapping (derive it from the current, and make your changes manually)
Reindex the data (at least some docs for verification)
Empty the new index again
Change the logstash destination to the new index (consider using aliases)
Reindex the old data into the new index

Converting epoch time to date in logstash using ruby filter

I have a field name "timestamp" in my configuration. It holds an array of data in epoch time (miliseconds). I want to use Ruby filter to convert each epoch time in the array and convert into Date format consumable by Kibana. I am trying to convert each date field and store in a new field as an array. I am getting syntax errors. Can anyone help me out ? I am new to Ruby.
ruby {
code => {'
event.get("timestamp").each do |x| {
event["timestamp1"] =
I don't know about logstash, but the Ruby code you include within quotes is invalid. Try this:
ruby {
code => {'
event.get("timestamp").each { |x| event["timestamp1"] = }
If you intend your timestamp key to increment, then you need to include an index:
ruby {
code => {'
event.get("timestamp").each_with_index { |x, i| event["timestamp#{i}"] = }
//This will take an timestamp array with values in milliseconds from epoch time and create a new field with parsed time. This code is part of ruby filter Note : This does not convert into Date field format
code => '
timestamps =
event.get("timestamp").each_with_index { |x, i|
timestamps.push( / 1000)) }
event.set( "timestamp1" , timestamps)

Aggregation in Logstash-ElasticSearch

I am using logstash with input-elasticsearch and output-elasticsearch.Both Elastic Search have a different instance.
Before the data goes to the output block,I want to aggregate some documents,create a hash of the new document and insert the nested document in the elastic search.
So basically I want to do some processing before nested document is inserted in the elasticsearch.Is this possible?
# something here to get a value of variable stored in a different file
query=>'{--some query---}'
I'm using the "aggregate" plug in.
In my case the input is From UDP and i filter it with "grok" but i believe you can achieve what you want to do by tweaking the code a bit.
Without a sample of you are trying to achieve exactly, the best this i can do is show you a sample of my code:
aggregate {
task_id => “%{action}_%{progress}”
code =>
map[‘avg’] || = 0;
map[‘avg’] += event.get(‘elapsed’);
map[‘my_count’] || = 0;
map[‘my_count’] += 1;
if (map[‘my_count’] == ${LogstashAggregationCount})#Environment variable
event.set(‘elapsedAvg’, (map[‘avg’] / map[‘my_count’]))
event.set(‘Aggregetion’, true)
map[‘avg’] = 0
map[‘my_count’] = 0
if (![Aggregetion]) {
drop {}
Of curse you need to adapt it to your specific case. For more in depth explanation of my code read here: How to Use Logstash Aggregations

Logstash to elasticsearch. Keys with dots

I'm facing a problem with logstash configuration. You can find my logstash configuration below.
Ruby filter removes every dot - "." from my fields. It seems that every works fine - the result of data filtration is correct but elasticsearch magically responds with: "status"=>400, "error"=>{"type"=>"mapper_parsing_exception", "reason"=>"Field name [/ConsumerAdminWebService/] cannot contain '.'"} where is one of my field key.
input {
http_poller {
urls => {
uatBackend1 => {
method => get
url => "http://some-url/"
headers => {
Accept => "application/json"
request_timeout => 60
# Run every 30 seconds
schedule => { cron => "* * * * * UTC"}
codec => "json"
metadata_target => "http_poller_metadata"
filter {
ruby {
init => "
def remove_dots hash
new =
hash.each { |k,v|
if v.is_a? Hash
v = remove_dots(v)
new[ k.gsub('.','_') ] = v
if v.is_a? Array
v.each { |elem|
if elem.is_a? Hash
elem = remove_dots(elem)
new[ k.gsub('.','_') ] = elem
} unless v.nil?
} unless hash.nil?
return new
code => "
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => localhost
I'm afraid that this line of code is not correct: event.instance_variable_set(:#data,remove_dots(event.to_hash)) - result data is somehow pinned to the event but the original data persists unchanged and is delivered to Elasticsearch api.
I suppose some clarifications are required here:
I use ES version > 2.0 so dots are not allowed
Ruby filter should replace dots with "_" and it works great - resulting data is fully correct however ES replies with mentioned error. I suspect that filter does not replace event data but simply adds a new filed to Event object. ES then still reads primal data not the updated one.
To be honest Ruby is a magic to me :)
If you're using the ES version 2.0 it could be a version issue where ES doesn't pick up fields which contains . dots.
According to this response in this thread:
Field names cannot contain the . character in Elasticsearch 2.0.
As a work around you might have to mutate (rename) your field names into something like _ or - instead of using the . dot. This ticket pretty much explains this issue, where as . dots can be used in the ES versions which are after 2.0. Hope it helps!
