Calling jam from Makefile does not work - makefile

In my makefile I was trying to go into a different directory and invoke jam with something like:
cd <somedirectory> && jam <target>
This did not work, but caused "Unknown target. Please edit 'Jamrules'." even though the exact same command on the command line works perfectly. So I know that jam can find the target.
I also tried
sh -c "cd <somedirectory> && jam <target>"
and variations with the same results. Also this works perfectly from the command line.
Any other command instead of "jam " works as expected (ls, ps, cat, pwd).
Update: Even creating a Makefile in <somedirectory> and running make there gives the same result.
Any ideas to why this happens would be appreciated. And, of course, things to try.
I'm running cygwin with latest gnu make, FT-jam 2.5.2.


Prepending ENVVARs in command line of make target doesn't work consistently on Windows

I have a Makefile with a target that prepends an environment variable to the shell call (with the usual bash syntax). This is the gist of it:
ANSWER=42 echo Hello!
(the real deal is a programme that does something with the ENV ANSWER, but that's irrelevant here)
This works as expected in a linux/bash environment. In windows/cmd.exe environments it works to my surprise in some machines, but fails in others with this error:
> make mytest
MYVAR=42 echo Hello!
'MYVAR' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
make: *** [Makefile:332: mytest] Error 1
Which is what I'd normally expect, since ENVVAR=<value> <command> isn't valid syntax in the windows shell. Apparently Make does some magic that I don't understand.
If I pre-export the ENV this way, it works as expected:
mytest: export ANSWER:=42
echo Hello!
But since it works on some windows environments, I'd like to know why and maybe adapt those instead of changing a lot of Makefiles.
All of the environments are using GNU Make version 4.3.
Running on Windows is complicated because GNU make can be built in different ways there. Sometimes it is built to use Windows cmd.exe as its shell. Sometimes it's built to use an installation of sh.exe as its shell (note, GNU make never comes with a shell: the shell is a separate facility provided on the system). And sometimes it's built to use sh.exe if it can find one, else use cmd.exe.
If you're seeing different behaviors on different systems, then the way make was built is different between those systems, and/or different systems have different extra software installed so that some have sh.exe and some don't.

Makefile Cygwin: mkdir, "The syntax of the command is incorrect."

Running the following Makefile gives an error message
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
This is because the makefile calls mkdir which is a windows command instead of mkdir from Cygwin. Even though I put cygwin path first in the environment variable, it still calls the windows mkdir instead of the Cygwin one. One quick way to fix is to use mkdir.exe. Then the Cygwin one is called. I am looking for a method to call the correct one without changing the Makefile is there any way to tell Makefile which one it should call. Something in the settings?
echo "make started"
mkdir -p test/tmp
echo "make ended"
echo "make started"
"make started"
mkdir -p test/tmp
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
make: *** [all] Error 1
I am looking for a method to call the correct one without changing the Makefile is there any way to tell Makefile which one it should call. Something in the settings?
It's unclear which setting you're referring to, but the root of the issue is the shell the Makefile is using. It looks like it's getting cmd.exe in your case, so unqualified "mkdir" triggers its builtin. No path search is performed.
You could try to work around that by directing make to use a different shell, something like this:
make SHELL=\path\to\cygwin\bash.exe
or you could launch make from a bash shell in the first place.
Be aware, however, that even if that works, this may not be the last issue you encounter. Makefiles not built with Windows specifically in mind -- which is most of them -- cannot often adapt to the quite different Windows environment. I've had more luck with MinGW in this area, and then with Automake-based makefiles, but it has nevertheless required some special accommodation in makefile sources and in programming-language sources.

"which pyside-uic" gives a different file from what bash tries to execute

So i've been trying to undo the braindamage that is my pyside installation, by completely removing all trace of it, and then reinstalling it. Surfice to say it's been a pain.
I'm currently encountering something really quite odd;
$ which pyside-uic
$ pyside-uic -o src/ ui/mainWindow.ui
bash: /home/will/python-modules/bin/pyside-uic: No such file or directory
note that the pyside-uic it's trying to use when i run it is not the same as the one which pyside-uic returns.
What the hell is going on?
In BASH, the command to find what file will be executed isn't which, it's type. The which command may not give you the correct answer. On my system, it's a command in /usr/bin/which.
See if that helps.

Binary fortran file crashes under Make

I have a binary that runs under my default shell.
The binary runs perfectly o.k. with:
./binary input.dat
However, if I put this inside a make file:
./binary input.dat
The code crashes and leaves me quite helpless.
Here is what I tested so far, everything inside my Make file and in the shell:
ulimit -a: identical.
Set the shell to bash as seen above.
diff of the environment variables in SHELL and Make with:
env | sort > vars.1
inside make
env | sort > vars.2
Then run the binary with the extra variables in Make with the following command:
env SHLVL=2 MAKELEVEL=1 MAKEFLAGS= ./binary input.dat
strace in the shell and inside make:
strace -o debug binary input.dat
The code keeps on crashing in Make, and runs in the shell. I am already thinking to dump Make for my test cases and just write shell scripts. But I am curious to know what is the difference.
The Fortran code (a mix of F77, F90 and F95) was compiled with gfortran-4.4 and the following options:
FFLAGS= -g -fbacktrace
So, the concrete question is, what can I do to make this binary run under make in Debian!?
I just tested again in a CentOS machine (v5.8), The code inside Makefile does not crash (GNU Make version 3.81).
I also tested on my Debian Wheezy and openSUSE 11.4, both with GNU Make version 3.82 - It crashes!
I tested on Debian Squeeze with GNU Make version 3.81, and it does crash. So, I think it is not dependent on the GNU Make version.
error when crashing:
enter timeloop
timestep: 1 time: 2.500E-02 days delt: 2.500E-02 days
terminated in routine react_snia
maximum number of iterations exceeded
bye now ...
failure in timeloop
no further time step reduction possible
try reducing min. time step, bye now ...
trying to work around 'GNU Make' using 'waf'
It has been a while since I wanted to test waf, so here is another interesting observation:
I wrote a wscript which contains a function:
import os
def run(ctx):
os.system('./binary input.dat')
And waf run runs!
If I changed the run method to:
import subprocess as sp
def run(ctx):'./binary input.dat', shell=True)
The binary also works as expected.
So, now I am thinking GNU Make forks a new sub-shell in a way that causes may binary to fail (although, under RHEL 5.8 Make did work).
solution: compile make from sources ...
Read to find out more.
OK, so after being pretty much desperate, I did what I simply should have done before blame make for all my troubles.
I thought the problem is Debian specific. But I am guessing the version in CentOS-5.8 is a patched version, although it says it's v.3.81.
So, for those who wonder my solution was:
tar xvzf make-3.82.tar.gz
cd make-3.82
# copy make to the directory with the binary and input and run the local make version
# everything works as expected !!!
I thought let's narrow it down -
tar xvzf make-3.80.tar.gz
cd make-3.80
# copy make to the directory with the binary and input and run the local make version
# everything works as expected !!!
Is it the version 3.81 ?
tar xvzf make-3.81.tar.gz
cd make-3.81
# copy make to the directory with the binary and input and run the local make version
# FAIL! Like with the make version in Debian.
Hence, I think I bumped into some very weird bug in GNU Make v.3.81.

PATH variable when calling make from XCode

For an iPad application I need to transform some CoffeeScript files into JavaScript files before bundling them with the application.
I tried to add a Makefile to my XCode project with the following code:
COFFEE_SOURCES=$(SCRIPTS_ROOT)/*.coffee $(SCRIPTS_ROOT)/guides/*.coffee
all: build
build: coffeescript
clean: clean_coffeescript
coffeescript: $(JAVASCRIPT_TARGETS)
coffee -c $(COFFEE_SOURCES)
Running this Makefile from the shell works without problems. However, after I added the Makefile as a target in XCode, I ran into problems.
The following error was produced by the Makefile:
coffee -c IOS12BSH/manual/scripts/*.coffee IOS12BSH/manual/scripts/guides/*.coffee
/bin/sh: coffee: command not found
make: *** [IOS12BSH/manual/scripts/*.js] Error 127
Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 2
That is strange, as the coffee command is installed on my machine (it is installed under /opt/local/bin/coffee and /opt/local/bin is added to my $PATH in ~/.profile).
So I added an echo $(PATH) to my Makefile and it seems that the $PATH is different, when the Makefile is executed by XCode. XCode does not seem to read the settings from ~/.profile and therefore /opt/local/bin is not in $PATH.
What is the reason for this and how can I fix this, so that the coffee command is found?
Well, it seems that programs started via the Dock or Spotlight do not execute .profile and therefore $PATH is not set correctly.
So one way would be to set the $PATH in ~/.MacOSX/environments.plist. That works then apparently, but you will need a restart before it works.
Another way is to start XCode always from the command line with open projectfile.
This answer explains the problem in detail:
What ended up working best for me is just to launch Xcode from the command line.
I wrote a simple bash script that looks like:
source ~/.bash_profile # This is the trick that gets us our environment variables.
open -a "Xcode"
And then I call it from an Applescript Application just to give it a bundle I could put on the dock:
do shell script "~/xcode_launcher"
Sourcing your profile is necessary in the bash script, because running a script from Applescript doesn't ever source from a profile, so you still wouldn't have your default environment variables.
SAme thing with ant command. It works on terminal, not if Xcode have to do it. Only way to got it work: sudo open project.xcodeproj in terminal.
