Visual Studio 2013: IDE tab filename is <SomeFileName.aspx:1>? - visual-studio-2013

Pretty much what the title says... I have a file open and the tab title is SomeFileName.aspx:1
What's that :1 mean?

It's the naming convention for Visual Studio when the window is cloned. Sometimes, however, Visual Studio just gets confused and names it that way.


Is there a way to show "[current] of [tota]" of the search in file in Visual Studio

In Visual Studio Code, when using Ctrl F in a file, the editor shows the "current of total" of the searched string. Is there a way to enable this in Visual Studio 2019?
VS Code:
Visual Studio 2019 Preview:
Instead of Ctrl+F use Ctrl+Shift+F, this will open the Find in Files option, select Current Document and search.
The results will now appear in a new window and you will get the count at the bottom of the window.
I don't think there's an option to show this count in Quick Find, at least not in Visual Studio for Windows. In Visual Studio for Mac this is the default behaviour:

Is there an extension which overlays the file name in the text editor?

I have happened to find out that Web Essentials puts Generated in the text editor in Visual Studio.
Does anyone know of an extension where it would overlay the file name instead, for instance in this case it would say header.component.css?
Do you want something like this?
WhereAmI is a simple extension that adds a layer on the background of your edit code window with a recap of your position in the current project.:
Visual Studio 2012, 2013.
Visual Studio 2015.
Visual Studio 2017.

Visual Studio 2013 - How to turn off auto-indentation in code editor?

There is a post that goes on about Visual Studio with 'intelligent' word wrap in How to make word wrap respect indentation in Visual Studio?
However - its a personal preference and can make code more unreadable in some cases.
In Visual Studio 2013 - this auto-indentation is default behavior.
How do you in Visual Studio 2013 turn this off?, so we get word-wrapping going back to the previous way - all-left aligned?
There doesn't appear to be an option in Visual Studio Options, or maybe I am missing something. If it is missing in Visual Studio Options, does anyone know of an add-in that will reset this auto-indentation?
I have VS2010 but try this:
Options/Text Editor/C#/Tabulations and then at identation block select none.
PS. You have to expand the options, if you select text editor it will show only the general options for text editor.

Highlight all occurrences inside source code of an Identifier in Visual Studio

Unfortunately now I am one of those people who are asking for help to find some individual setting inside Visual Studio but after quite a long time of searching I am simply giving up.
I need the following feature of both Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 turned on:
If you click an identifier in your source code Visual Studio will highlight all other occurrences of this identifier with Grey.
I can't test this out myself, can't tell if it's a MSVS feature or Visual Assist. You might need Intellisense enabled for this.
This extension of Visual Studio will Highlight all occurrences of selected word

What happened to VSFileFinder.Connect.ShowVSFileFinder in Visual Studio 2010?

I wanted to mimic the functionality in Eclipse where you can press CTRL + SHIFT + R to open a file, I read that this is possible but when I opened my own Visual Studio 2010 instance, I noticed that it was not contained in the Show Commands Containing search of the Keyboard options menu.
Has the name of this functionality changed in Visual Studio 2010?
I found Sonic File Finder which does the same thing:
