maven/apt generated classes in eclipse - maven

Using following configuration in master pom, some classes (metamodel FYI) are generated for all child projects having jpa entities under target/generated-sources, as expected.
This works perfectly from Maven and Netbeans.
Some team members still use Eclipse. There, generated classes aren't found automatically. They can be opened if added manually to the "build path" (whatever it means as this is redundant to pom.xml). However, that's not stable and will be reset whenever they "update the project" (shouldn't even be needed but...) to reflect project's maven configuration.
My question is, how to configure Eclipse to use this project's configuration automatically? I don't want to change the project's pom.xml too much, as they are perfectly legal and work well outside of Eclipse, which I just want to be taught to behave correctly.
UPDATE: M2Eclipse is installed and doesn't solve this, which is basically our problem.

There ist a project/Eclipse-Plugin called M2Eclipse (link).
The plugin includes the following feature:
Dependency management for Eclipse build path based on Maven's pom.xml


Simple Java Mail dependencies not in the jar file

I used simplejavamail in my maven project. The program can send out the email if I run it from Intellij IDE. But when I create a jar file, and run it from the jar file, then I got class not found for all the simplejavamail classes. And I open the jar, I find out that they are not included in the jar. But all the other dependency classes are there. Any one have meet this issue before?
parts of my pom.xml
I'm having the same problem. It appears that the dependencies (Ex. Email, Mailer, EmailBuilder, etc) appear in the org.simplejavamail.api repository. I'll update you if I find a working solution with v6.4.3 but I have a feeling we may need to include additional dependencies.
Edit: To at least patch your problem,
The 5.5.1 version still has the classes in the jar. You can reference this for yourself here:
Then click on the different versions to see what classes exist.
I think something went wrong in their builds since v6.
Let me know if this helps!

JUnit tests fail with Java error when using IntelliJ within maven module after adding Hibernate Metamodel classes

On my project we've used Hibernate's (JPA) Metamodel Generator to make our Criteria queries type safe. It all works great within our app, however, when we run the JUnit tests within that Maven module using our IDE they now fail with the following error:-
Error:java: Annotation processor 'org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor' not found
Which I guess is due to the following in our generated classes:-
#Generated(value = "org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor")
When Maven runs the tests as part of our build process then they run with no problems at all.
I suspect I'm missing something within the set up of my IDE, which is IntelliJ IDEA 14. Any ideas what this might be? Or have I done something wrong within Maven? :-
I had a similar problem after I upgraded to IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.2. For me the following action resolved the problem:
Go to Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Annotation Processors.
On the left of this configuration panel I have an Annotation profile for every maven module in my project. I did not set up these profiles myself: maybe they where inferred by the IDE. I don't know, but in some of these annotation profiles, the enable annotation processing flag was enabled. Moreover, in some cases, the JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor was explicitly listed here as an annotation processor. After removing the annotation processor from the profile and disabling the checkbox, the error disappeared and my test ran successfully.
The answer by #Jeroen Noels disables annotation processing in IDEA.
To keep it enabled I've added
to the Maven dependencies, i.e. to the classpath. Note that the scope is provided!

aspectj-maven-plugin not covered by lifecycle in Kepler

I've just downloaded the OEPE (Kepler) and installed m2e and m2e-wtp connectors.
I found out that under this path: Preferences ->Maven->Lifecycle mappings->Open workspace lifecycle mapping data there is a preconfigured xml file which says that maven should ignore the compile goal for AspectJ and I assume that's why the AspectJ runtime libraries are not added to the project hence the project is not recognized as an AspectJ project by eclipse.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ignore />
I commented out these lines in the xml file and reloaded it once again.
Now the IDE does not ignore AspectJ plugin tag in the lifecycle but pom file is complaining that it cannot recognize the execution tag.
Using indigo the m2e-wtp was able to recognize the <execution> tag for aspectj plugin and able to add the AspectJ runtime libraries
automatically to the project, though this is not the case in Kepler. (I think it is m2e-wtp's job to make an AspectJ project out of the pom but not quite sure.)
Btw. the how can I make things work like in Indigo?
I know I can right click on the project and convert it to aspect project in order to solve the problem but I want the IDE and plugins realize from the pom file that this project needs AspectJ jars. Any idea?
This is how I got it working, first verify you have installed AJDT support by installing "AspectJ Development Tools (AJDT)" and "AspectJ compiler for Eclipse" from the AJDT update site:
You can do this through the "Help / Install new software" menu item.
Then, install the M2E connector manually by installing AJDT M2E using this update site:

Eclipse, WebSphere7.0, Maven: AspectJ does not weave code during hot deployment

My System Information:
IDE: Eclipse Blue 10.0,
Server: Websphere 7.0
Build Management Tool: Maven 3.0
I perform compile time weaving in my Maven project using below configuration:
<!-- <goal>test-compile</goal> -->
During development, I use to add my EAR file in exploded mode in Eclipse itself by following below path:
Windows > Show View > Servers > WebSphere 7 > Right Click > Add Deployment
I am facing one issue that whenever I change my java classes those are compiled and hot deployed in server. But, they are not re-weaved. But if I remove the EAR, build my project from command prompt and re-deploy it then it works properly.
Can somebody please help me to resolve this issue.
I'm not familiar with AspectJ but MyEclipse does not execute maven goals to build and deploy projects (though you can add builders, which may invoke maven externally - note that the Maven Project Builder doesn't execute Maven goals), so processing specified in your pom will not be executed automatically, though, obviously, you can run maven goals from the Run As menu item. So changed Java classes will be recompiled using the configured JRE and redeployed. Any additional processing specified in the pom will not be run. However, you say that removing the deployment and then re-deploying actually works, so I'm not sure how the re-weaving gets done, if you don't execute a maven build before redeployment.

using QueryDSL in osgi

I have been trying to use querydsl in a project which is an osgi bundle.
my pom.xml has the following dependencies:
As well as the plugin
<!-- | the following instructions build a simple set of public/private
classes into an OSGi bundle -->
Still when I try to start the bundle I get:
Error executing command: Unresolved constraint in bundle com.mypackage.package [163]: Unable to resolve 163.0: missing requirement [163.0] package; (&(package=com.mysema.query.jpa)(version>=2.5.0)(!(version>=3.0.0)))
I was using an older version of querydsl but apparently they fixed some stuff about osgi recently so I upgraded. The problem persists.
What I am missing for querydsl to work inside osgi?
Installing each dependency by hand will be a pain, but AFAIK there's nothing that will take a maven artifact and chain back of all dependencies - this would fail as where would it stop?
You could end up with every version of every logging framework (even if you had pax-logging installed), or the wrong implementation.
Alas in maven's case there's currently no way of applying semantic versioning or higher level requirement and capability. (Though BND (maven-bundle-plugin, bndtools) makes some sensible assumptions at a code level)
Karaf features (see the PDF manual in distribution's ${KARAF_HOME}) can do a lot to alleviate this but it can take some work to setup. There's a(t least) couple of ways to generate features files;
Use the features-maven-plugin
Use the maven-build-helper plugin to publish an XML file that you handcraft (laborious but you can maintain versions using resource filtering).
