Search multiple lists by indirective ids - performance

There are x (x=3 in this example) unsorted lists with identificators:
list1 list2 list3
array1[id3], array2[id4,id4a], array3[id1a,id1b]
array1[id4], array2[id3,id3a], array3[id4a,id4b]
array1[id1], array2[id2,id2a], array3[id3a,id3b]
array1[id2], array2[id1,id1a], array3[id2a,id2b]
array1[idn], array2[idn,idna], array3[idn,idnb]
I want to make pairs: {id1,id1b}, {id2,id2b} and so on. Sadly, i cannot do it directly. That's how it works: take id3 from list1 then find id3 in list2 then take id3a from list2 then find id3a in list3 and finally we got id3b.
It could be done with nested loops but what if there were more lists? Seems to be inefficient. Is there a better solution?

The only better solutions algorithmically would require a different representation. For example, if the lists can be sorted, then searches to get from key1->key2->key3->value could all be binary searches. That's probably the easiest and least intrusive solution to implement if you can just slightly change the data representation to be sorted.
If you use a different data structure outright like multiple hash tables, then each search could be constant-time (assuming no collisions). You could even consolidate this all to a single hash table with a 3-part key that maps to a single hash index storing the value.
You could also use BSTs, possibly tries, etc., but all of these algorithmic improvements will hinge on a different data representation.
Any search through an unsorted list is generally going to have to be O(N), since we cannot make any assumptions and are helpless but to potentially search the entire list. With three lists and 3 nested searches, we end up looking at a cubic complexity O(N^3) algorithm (doesn't scale very well).
Without changing the data representation, I think linear-time searches for each unsorted list is as good as you can get (and yes, that could be quite horrible), and you're probably looking at micro-optimizations like multithreading or SIMD.

I forgot to mention that after each iteration i'll get a new set of lists.
For example, in the first iteration:
array1[id1], array2[id2,id2a], array3[id3a,id3b]
array1[id2], array2[id1,id1a], array3[id2a,id2b]`
In the second one:
array1[id3], array2[id4,id4a], array3[id1a,id1b]
array1[id4], array2[id3,id3a], array3[id4a,id4b]
etc. So if I touch the keys to link them together in one iteration I will have to do the same in next one with the new set. It looks like each auxiliary structure has to be rebuilt. is it worthwhile then? No doubt, it depends. But more or less?


Data Structure for tuple indexing

I need a data structure that stores tuples and would allow me to do a query like: given tuple (x,y,z) of integers, find the next one (an upped bound for it). By that I mean considering the natural ordering (a,b,c)<=(d,e,f) <=> a<=d and b<=e and c<=f. I have tried MSD radix sort, which splits items into buckets and sorts them (and does this recursively for all positions in the tuples). Does anybody have any other suggestion? Ideally I would like the abouve query to happen within O(log n) where n is the number of tuples.
Two options.
Use binary search on a sorted array. If you build the keys ( assuming 32bit int)' with (a<<64)|(b<<32)|c and hold them in a simple array, packed one beside the other, you can use binary search to locate the value you are searching for ( if using C, there is even a library function to do this), and the next one is simply one position along. Worst case Performance is O(logN), and if you can do then you might even approach O(log log N)
Problem with binary keys is might be tricky to add new values, might need gyrations if you will exceed available memory. But it is fast, only a few random memory accesses on average.
Alternatively, you could build a hash table by generating a key with a|b|c in some form, and then have the hash data pointing to a structure that contains the next value, whatever that might be. Possibly a little harder to create in the first place as when generating the table you need to know the next value already.
Problems with hash approach are it will likely use more memory than binary search method, performance is great if you don't get hash collisions, but then starts to drop off, although there a variations around this algorithm to help in some cases. Hash approach is possibly much easier to insert new values.
I also see you had a similar question along these lines, so I guess the guts of what I am saying is combine A,b,c to produce a single long key, and use that with binary search, hash or even b-tree. If the length of the key is your problem (what language), could you treat it as a string?
If this answer is completely off base, let me know and I will see if I can delete this answer, so you questions remains unanswered rather than a useless answer.

How to remove duplicates from a file?

How to remove duplicates from a large file of large numbers ? This is an interview question about algorithms and data structures rather than sort -u and stuff like that.
I assume there that the file does not fit in memory and the numbers range is large enough so I cannot use in-memory count/bucket sort.
The only option is see is to sort the file (e.g. merge sort) and pass the sorted file again to filter out duplicates.
Does it make sense. Are there other options?
You won't even need separate pass over sorted data if you use a duplicates-removing variant of "merge" (a.k.a. "union") in your mergesort. Hash table should be empty-ish to perform well, i.e. be even bigger than the file itself - and we're told that the file itself is big.
Look up multi-way merge (e.g. here) and external sorting.
Yes, the solution makes sense.
An alternative is build a file-system-based hash table, and maintain it as a set. First iterate on all elements and insert them to your set, and later - in a second iteration, print all elements in the set.
It is implementation and data dependent which will perform better, in terms of big-O complexity, the hash offers O(n) time average case and O(n^2) worst case, while the merge sort option offers more stable O(nlogn) solution.
Mergesort or Timsort (which is an improved mergesort) is a good idea. EG:
You might also be able to get some mileage out of a bloom filter. It's a probabilistic datastructure that has low memory requirements. You can adjust the error probability with bloom filters. EG: You could use one to toss out values that are definitely unique, and then scrutinize the values that are probably not unique more closely via some other method. This would be especially valuable if your input dataset has a lot of duplicates. It doesn't require comparing elements directly, it just hashes the elements using a potentially-large number of hash functions.
You could also use an on-disk BTree or 2-3 Tree or similar. These are often stored on disk, and keep key/value pairs in key order.

What is a good way to find pairs of numbers, each stored in a different array, such that the difference between the first and second number is 1?

Suppose you have several arrays of integers. What is a good way to find pairs of integers, not both from the same list, such that the difference between the first and second integer is 1?
Naturally I could write a naive algorithm that just looks through each other list until it finds such a number or hits one bigger. Is there a more elegant solution?
I only mention the condition that the difference be 1 because I'm guessing there might be some use to that knowledge to speed up the computation. I imagine that if the condition for a 'hit' were something else, the algorithm would work just the same.
Some background: I'm engaged in a bit of research mathematics and I seek to find examples of a certain construction. Any help would be much appreciated.
I'd start by sorting each array. Preferably with an algorithm that runs in O( n log(n) ) time.
When you've got a bunch of sorted arrays, you can set a pointer to the start of each array, check for any +/- 1 differences in the values of the pointers, and increment the value of the smallest-valued pointer, repeating until you've reached the max length of all but one of the arrays.
To further optimize, you could keep the pointers-values in a sorted linked list, and build the check function into an insertion sort. For each increment, you could remove the previous value from the list, and step through the list checking for +/- 1 comparison until you get to a term that is larger than a possible match. That way, if you're searching a bazillion arrays, you needn't check all bazillion pointer-values - you only need to check until you find a value that is too big, and ignore all larger values.
If you've got any more information about the arrays (such as the range of the terms or number of arrays), I can see how you could take advantage of that to make much faster algorithms for this through clever uses of array properties.
This sounds like a good candidate for the classic merge sort where the final stage is not a unification but comparison.
And the magnitude of the difference wouldn't affect this, but thanks for adding the information.
Even though you state the second list is in an array, if you could put it in a hashmap of some sort then you could make it faster than just the naive approach.
Loop through the first array.
Look to see if there exists an object in the hashmap that is one larger than the current array value.
That way you can build up pairs of numbers that meet your requirements.
I don't know if it would be as flexible as you would like though.
Basically, you may want to consider other data structures, to help you find a better solution.
You have o(n log n) from the sorting.
You can also the the search in o(log n) for each element, if you have some dynamic queryset. You can sort the arrays and then for each element in the first array binary search his upper_bound and lower_bound in the second array and check the difference.

Grouping items in an array?

Hey guys, if I have an array that looks like [A,B,C,A,B,C,A,C,B] (random order), and I wish to arrange it into [A,A,A,B,B,B,C,C,C] (each group is together), and the only operations allowed are:
1)query the i-th item of the array
2)swap two items in the array.
How to design an algorithm that does the job in O(n)?
Sort algorithms aren't something you design fresh (i.e. first step of your development process) anymore; you should research known sort algorithms and see what meets your needs.
(It is of course possible you might really require your own new sort algorithm, but usually that has different—and highly-specific—requirements.)
If this isn't your first step (but I don't think that's the case), it would be helpful to know what you've already tried and how it failed you.
This is actually just counting sort.
Scan the array once, count the number of As, Bs, Cs—that should give you an idea. This becomes like bucket sort—not quite but along those lines. The count of As Bs and Cs should give you an idea about where the string of As, Bs and Cs belongs.

Self-sorted data structure with random access

I need to implement self-sorted data structure with random access. Any ideas?
A self sorted data structure can be binary search trees. If you want a self sorted data structure and a self balanced one. AVL tree is the way to go. Retrieval time will be O(lgn) for random access.
Maintaining a sorted list and accessing it arbitrarily requires at least O(lgN) / operation. So, look for AVL, red-black trees, treaps or any other similar data structure and enrich them to support random indexing. I suggest treaps since they are the easiest to understand/implement.
One way to enrich the treap tree is to keep in each node the count of nodes in the subtree rooted at that node. You'll have to update the count when you modify the tree (eg: insertion/deletion).
I'm not too much involved lately with data structures implementation. Probably this answer is not an answer at all... you should see "Introduction to algorithms" written by Thomas Cormen. That book has many "recipes" with explanations about the inner workings of many data structures.
On the other hand you have to take into account how much time do you want to spend writing an algorithm, the size of the input and the if there is an actual necessity of an special kind of datastructure.
I see one thing missing from the answers here, the Skiplist
You get order automatically, there is a probabilistic element to search and creation.
Fits the question no worse than binary trees.
Self sorting is a little bit to ambigious. First of all
What kind of data structure?
There are a lot of different data structures out there, such as:
Linked list
Double linked list
Binary tree
Hash set / map
And many more and each of them behave differently than others and have their benefits of course.
Now, not all of them could or should be self-sorting, such as the Stack, it would be weird if that one were self-sorting.
However, the Linked List and the Binary Tree could be self sorting, and for this you could sort it in different ways and on different times.
For Linked Lists
I would preffere Insertion sort for this, you can read various good articles about this on both wikis and other places. I like the pasted link though. Look at it and try to understand the concept.
If you want to sort after it is inserted, i.e. on random times, well then you can just implement a sorting algororithm different than insertion sort maybe, bubblesort or maybe quicksort, I would avoid bubblesort though, it's a lot slower! But easier to gasp the mind around.
Random Access
Random is always something thats being discusses around so have a read about how to perform good randomization and you will be on your way, if you have a linked list and have a "getAt"-method, you could just randomize an index between 0 and n and get the item at that index.
